Tuesday, March 18, 2025



VIDEO (recommended)

Deutsche Version

My Word Is the Power of Reality. It does not change, but reveals What Is.

Reality Is That Which does not change. That which does not change is the Source of changeability.
Reality is Truth, but what changes cannot be Truth.

Humanity does not live in Truth because it lives in the realm of change in all their affairs, including what you call spirituality. 

And although everything in this realm is always changing, even over great periods of time, you believe that you are observing Reality. 

You have degraded yourselves by denying the Truth of your own being. You have made yourselves small by treating your lives as fragments. You consider everything to be separate parts. That is why there are wars, while at the root of your Being you are absolutely Only One, the Transcendental Consciousness in which all things and worlds appear like in a mirror. 

You also see yourselves as patchworks instead of understanding that things such as the mind, emotions and body with all its senses are merely tools to help you navigate through the dimensions.
Not only in a material world, but also in the subtle worlds.
At best, you identify with consciousness and energy there.

But Reality does not differentiate between consciousness and energy. In Reality, both are absolutely One, beyond your subject-object projection when you are identified with the body-mind. 

When you understand Ultimate God-Consciousness or Reality not as something other from you, you know that there is Only Oneness, and that all ‘otherness’ only appears as phenomena on the surface of Consciousness.

The Ocean is always One. And of course you can put jars in there that automatically are filled with the water of the Ocean. But you would not perceive the water in the jars as separate manifestations of of the water.
Likewise, you are all One, as the Water is One. And So Reality Is.
And so My Word stands for  the As-Is Condition, like Water never changes in itself, even though it may present itself differently. 

How is it represented differently? With the power of the mind. So if you identify with the mind, which you all do, you can no longer perceive the Truth of the Source, you can no longer perceive Reality, the Actual Condition, Which, if not obscured by the separating mind, Reveals the Self- Radiant, Blissful Fullness of Existence itself. 

It is therefore the mind that changes and that moulds the Radiance of the  Absolute Reality into forms of all kinds and qualities.

When you identify with this shaping power of the mind, you are on the level of the creator gods. And you consider this plain to be the highest. But you have forgotten Me, Who Is your Real and True Nature.

That is why I remind you to transcend the mind itself in order to recognise Me again. Only then will you know what Absolute Freedom, Supreme Bliss, and Immortal Love is.

Only then will you know Me, you will know Yourself, and not before. Before that, you wander around helplessly and ultimately unsatisfied between partial aspects and identifications with what you think you are. Always searching. For the depth of your soul only ever seeks Me, searches for Truth. If you do not seek Me, ‘satisfied’ with partial solutions, you have already made yourselves slaves to your mind, which imprisons you in all your partial aspects of yourselves.

Feel the pain when this happens, for only then will you rediscover the impulse to rediscover Me.

Eternally I Draw you to Myself, for all things are already within Me.
Allow yourselves to be drawn to Me. Allow yourselves to feel the pain of imperfection and separation from Me and follow this trace.

The currents of life will lead you to Me if you open the doors wide and let the resistance wash away.

I Am Infinite Freedom. And I Am Freedom in the midst of your ordinary life, for I Am no ‘other’ and all things are Mine.

There is only One Water, One Only, there is Only Me, the Divine Reality. Can you sense Me?

I Am your God-Self, I Am One with you, I Am your True Self-Nature.

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