Friday, July 5, 2024



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Deutsche Version

My dear friends,

today I would like to tell you more about my light-frequency coaching work so that you understand what it is about.  It is unique in that sense that YOU are unique which is why I do not have a "program" for you, simply, because your evolutionary process does not fit in any program.  But the limit in this process is the limit your mind chooses.

What is the foundation of my work? It is based on  my God-Self-messages that I have been publishing here on my blog for many years now. So especially,  if you feel inspired by my messages, please consider coaching work with me to fill mental understanding with the process of actual experience, discovering more and more your innate Freedom and Happiness.

My work is - although multi-layered - very simple and at the same time completely focused on your personal needs. Each person needs different guidance and processes that serve you best, right
where you are now. 

So I invite you to my

utilizing light-frequencies of the New Time and so much more.

 What is this about?

Know your True Nature in these challenging times! Be an Anchor and Beacon for others!
Do you know that your Supreme Self-Nature is Love-Bliss?

 The matrix consciousness that 99.9% of people are more or less programmed and identified with is everything you are NOT. They are the programs of your never happy, and therefore false identities and grave errors about the Truth of Existence and the Nature of God.

When we work together, it is precisely these false programs and self-images that we recognize and transform together until the Truth of what you REALLY are reveals itself to you: love-bliss consciousness. It exists on a much deeper level than all chakra systems.
It's about peeling the onion, not adding New Age programs!

Only there where your true essence is you are you truly at home. Only there you are truly safe. It is the blank, deeply radiant screen before the world- movie is projected onto it.
On this journey you release all your hidden treasures so that you can fully shine.

It is my great honor to guide you through a multidimensional and light-frequency process that unlocks the fullness of your original gifts, power, love and joy to share with the world.
Because that is what you are here for. The world needs you more than ever before.

Are you ready to begin the adventure of a lifetime? You can't afford any longer to delay!

Then make an appointment now for a free initial consultation with me. 

Just send me an e-mail with "Freedom Coaching" in the subject line. Or use the contact form on my blog. 

Places are limited!

I would also be very happy when you share this invitation with your friends, family and acquaintances, who are waiting for this opportunity.

With love and gratitude,


Please subscribe to my brand new TG channel


Client testimonial: "I would highly recommend Shanamaa as your guide. Her penetrating wisdom, high consciousness and light is a true Blessing and Grace."  - R.R.

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