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Dearest Ones, Lovers of the Divine,
This is Sananda.
I Am here with you today to help you to understand that
there is a difference between thinking and being - which many of you are not clearly aware of.
You can think light, but it does not necessarily mean that you
ARE Light.
You can think love, but it does not necessarily mean that
you ARE Love.
Mankind has been trapped so much in the mind - that earth
humans have forgotten the true space in the heart where there is mere Being. It
is the undivided place of eternity where the Divinity, the Source of Existence
can Shine trough so that you ultimately can become One with It.
As you have forgotten this place, you have separated
yourself from your origin over the course of millenniums by thinking. Thinking
is the great separator from Source. Thinking is a process that can only occur
when you allow the idea of duality to emerge. With thinking you create a copy
of Reality, of All-That-Is. With
thinking you put a veil upon what is alive, what is Sacred, and it flattens the force and dynamic of true feeling into something artificial, a surrogate of living life as an expression of the Divine Itself.
It is not that you should not use the faculty of thinking,
dear Ones, but in the true Divine spiritual process it is necessary to
understand it’s rightful place and where
it has to surrender to what is Greater.
Dearest Ones, having yourself forgotten so much, forgetful
of your true nature which is living in the All-That-Is, many of you cannot any
more feel the difference between thinking and feeling, because you cannot
truly feel. You cannot feel the Divine. You might “think” that you feel IT, but
you do not feel it.
The nature of the mind is that it can deceive you, as it can
operate as many frequencies and densities and can appear in many shapes and
many forms. You know this from your experience, when you “think” something
wonderful and when you “think” something which does not make you happy which tells you that thought
waves can be light or heavy.
When you have understood this, then you are perhaps able
to understand that you can create very
“light” thought waves, very subtle and transparent ones, and you think with
your head that it is feeling. You think with your head that your “Are” Light,
that you “Are” Love. But still, it is a thought and not a Being Light, a Being
Being Light and Being Love is only your experience when you
truly rest in the space of your heart, ultimately unified with the space above
your head. Once there, you will not talk anymore light, you will not talk
anymore love. Because you ARE IT.
There is a proverb, saying that one only speaks of things
which one does not have. And there is great truth about it.
Dearest Ones, I desire you to understand the difference.
Because if not, you continue to dwell in illusions about yourself and what you
think you have become spiritually.
To truly Become Light and Love requires the process of
consciously facing everything which is not of this nature and which therefore
does not allow you to Become. As long as you think to be light and love, you
separate yourself from that very Light and that very Love.
It is important that you recognize the difference between
the thin veil of subtle thought waves which can appear very light though and can appear to be Light, and Divine Light itself.
The real light process — and the real love process too, is a very
very tangible one and is experienced in your whole body, and not just in your
thinking. When this happens you allow the Living Force of Divine Light and the
Force of Love to enter you and replace what is in their way of Becoming your
body AND your mind.
When this happens you don’t think enlightenment, you don’t
congratulate yourself, thinking who you are and what you have “achieved”. And
neither is there wishful thinking. You just Are. And you Know It. You don’t
think it.
Take this as a sign and honest measure of where you stand.
Thinking Light and avoiding to go through the true process of facing your
subconsciousness, where you have put all the things you did not love, is the
path of the hypocrite. It requires courage and the force of your higher will
and the love of the Deep of your heart to shine through and to let yourself be guided on the true
journey, dear Ones.
This true journey is the most heroic one which cannot be
thought or imagined, you have to do the real thing. To go to the other shore
you must welcome, bless and release all that which you are not, including your
thought waves. Your true humanness is that of the heart and there is a space in
your heart in which Divine Creation occurs and One through which you unite with
All-That-Is. It is Conscious - not not just a field of energy.
It is not in the head, it is beyond the brain. All your thinking with doubt
about being worth of the Divine, all your fears you would not be able to “make”
it as Being Love, Being Light, all fears of being overwhelmed perhaps in the
face of what it takes to merely BE, it is all but a creation in your head,
another thought about what “you” are, what "you" are not, and what “you” can
achieve. All of this let go .
Your true nature does not think these thoughts, it does not
achieve, it merely Is and participates simply in the Divine Process of
Being. It does not take a thought to
“invent” a secondary world of enlightenment. It is Enlightenment Itself, It is
Love Itself. What is impatient, is your thinking about it. To step into your
true nature is nothing superior either. Because it is a state of greatest inherent simplicity, before you create duality.
Would you accept this? The ego never accepts this, so if you
have problems with this simplicity, you have problems with your ego. And you
cannot “think” to be of simplicity either. This is another trick of your ego,
that wants to be special. You have to get down and do the work.
No honors. And you cannot even think that you do not want honors!
I, Sananda, Am pointing this out to you so that you can
recognize the many traps on your way to true happiness. True Happiness arises
when you no longer confuse thinking with feeling. Because your true nature is
feeling and not thinking. Love is there to feel, God is there to feel, Light is
there to feel, even beauty can truly only be felt.
Dearest Ones, be well and be happy!
I Am Sananda at the treshold of the Galactic Center
Message received by Ute
Message received by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
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Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.