Thursday, October 19, 2017

Personal Update, 18.10.2017

Dear friends,

there will be no new message in the next week or more, as I am moving to a more benign and beautiful location. I have been living for more than 3 years  in a place with lots of criminality and strange people and heavy energies. Very hard to live with!
So I am quite busy with organizing, packing and so on.

Change and loss comes to me on many levels:  my only 2 years old computer broke suddenly to the point of no repair (and hopefully I am able to retrieve all data!). For a new one I must wait to get one. So I am writing on an old and  amazingly slow laptop that takes about 5 seconds to type a short word online. And so it takes ages to write this message.
In addition  my wallet has been stolen with all identity cards, bank card etc. Not to mention with the cash that I need for living.
So I am even more busy on top of moving, because, as you know, to get lost documents back requires a lot of time and energy (and money too).  

Nevertheless, I am practicing equanimity and happiness, because things are only on the surface of BE-ING. I don´t believe these things happen because of bad karma.
I rather feel that there are (hidden) forces that try to harm  in all kinds of ways increasingly those who are of the light. 
This happens to quite a number of us in these strange times.

I´d like to add a beautiful image for you to enjoy to this post, but don´t have any, all my art is stored on the broken laptop. And I don´t have access to  photoshop or other similar programs.

Take care and be happy!
With all my love and many blessings!

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
Please donate or subscribe on a monthly basis
  To support my work. Thank you! 


for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 


Tuesday, October 3, 2017


VIDEO (Recommended)

Dearest friends!

What could I write about Love which has not been written already!  But still I feel moved to paint the picture of my experience.

In these times of great uncertainty and seemingly increasing darkness taking over large numbers of humanity, - although Supreme Light has come to here, - there is a Free Island. This Island exists in the midst of, but is not attached to, the artificial matrix of the false gods, and is vividly in Unity with the All-That-Is,  existing as pleasure and ecstasy within the Current of Living Divine Light-Energy, rushing as Love through the body and expanding beyond thought into Radiant Pure Be-ingness.

Such the Heart is Free, un-chained from the worlds of un-necessary distractions that would usually occupy the mind.
This Freedom IS Love's Ecstasy, the literally stepping out of the illusions of the un-natural existence that the mind, by false teachers well misinformed, believes to be rock-solidly true and un-deniably necessary for daily survival.

The Free Heart pulsates in the cosmic rhythm that is Love as felt by sentient beings. It is most vulnerable and the living Mechanism of Divine Life, perfectly synchronized with its powerful Current Itself and a Mystery. It brings tears to my eyes, touched by the tender presence of Divine Reality.

In this state no matrix exists. The matrix is the status quo of endless futile attempts to repeat ugly and art-less, dead replicas of the living Truth. How come so many are captured by it, confusing death with living life.

Love does not happen within the matrix, because it is empty of life. If one speaks of love while bound to the matrix, it is a phantom of the mind, a Platonic image and not real.

Real Love is like a living Giant Tree, reaching high above, and deep down below and far and wide in all directions, Free and impossible to be contained by any means by the suffocating dusty net of the alien foul polyp that is the matrix.

It is the Freshness of the Pure Breath of Eternity, not an idea, beloveds, but a  happening, fully alive in the otherwise dead landscape that now must come to an end - if more and more of us are breathing living life and light within the Divine Heart into supreme Freedom.

There you know that the matrix is just a strange dream, drowning now in its ever more own decadent excesses, so absurd so that we MUST wake up, if we are human, MUST shake off our chains, because the scenario has become too grotesque and - yes - too ridiculous for everybody to see - if they don't wear blinders !

It is this ludicrous situation that opens our eyes and opens our heart because the impossible absurdity of the fake reality is the leverage that can set us free! Being aware of the absurdity, we cannot take it serious to suffer it, but rather use it to fall deep down into the Heart of Divine Truth, where we stand again upright instead of hanging upside down!

Not ascribing even a iota of truth to what we see in the frozen world our heart does not freeze. So get yourself off the seeming bondage. You are bewitched, beloveds, if you believe you are bound!

We have always been free! Therefore in an instant we free ourselves from the dark magic of the false dream. Being Alive as the One We Are. Living and Breathing Love, Breathing the Reality of God Who We Are. Untying ourselves from untruth, because suffering is not our nature. Bondage is not of our nature. And neither falsehood is. Unwinding all twisted-ness, un-tangle all lies and open the knot that creates darkness.

We are Free and Empowered as such, and as the Current of Love untouched by the pale-weakish entanglements in the merely assumed power of those who play the enemy. They have no power by themselves. Only the one we give to them.

The luminous Winds of Divine Breath shall set us free, sweeping the law of Existence through our heart to make it One with The One Divine Heart of Love.

Be Blessed, beloveds, by being Who You Are and not less.

With Love,
Ute Posegga-Rudel

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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  To support my work. Thank you! 


for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 
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