You are all close to my heart.
My Divine Love-Light is now reaching you stronger than ever
before, as it is supported by the new conscious light which is satiating Gaia’s
Body more and more, and is descending into your space of heart, radiating and
opening your feeling-awareness as a spiritual being.
Do not doubt that this is so. My light, the light of the
Christ in which many ascended masters and galactic civilizations are
participating, is expanding now
dramatically in your universe and in other universes which are your
sister universes in the consciousness of Christ.
What is Christ Consciousness? Dear Ones, it is the Light of
the Highest Will of the Creator Who is an Aspect of the All-That-Is,
carrying most Sacred Information and Which therefore is Anointing Its Own
Creations with the Love and the Joy of Himself.
Therefore, when you accept My Light into your own heart you
will participate directly in the Joy and Love of the Creator. How will this
allow you to become a conscious co-creator of New Earth?
It is not “you” who creates, you must know, it is not your
3dimesional “I” or “heart-chacra”, that participates in Divine Creation.
It is the Creator Himself, whose glorious Creations will
emerge in your heart shaped by “your”
intention, you, as a part of His Multidimensionality and All-Embracing Existence of
the Multitude of all Universes, and Knowing your oneness with That One.
You cannot truly create a New World
from the point of view of separateness. Because from there your creations will be those of separation.
Creating the New World will
always be a world of unity, and therefore, you yourself must surrender to that
Divine Unity in order to create What is True.
Your heart-surrender to my Radiant Love-Light, which is not
just “My” Light, but the Light of the Highest Divine Aspect of this Universe,
and which I have brought to humanity, is a way to participate in the new world.
And this is not a question of religion or Christianity, dear ones. It is a
Universal Event, in which the many beings who are attracted to this Love-Light,
are a part of.
Christianity has made a gesture of separation in the midst
of that Love-Light and has therefore used the true divine Light for separate
purposes, but which does not allow It to transform your being as the Divine
Consciousness That it Is. It has become a divided and manipulated truth which
has nothing to do with what I teach and What I Am and What the Divine Creator
It is not your brain, the perceiver of the currents of
the many thoughts, floating through your earthly sphere, but your heart which
is the true recipient of my Love-Light. It is surrendered to it, it does not
“make” anything out of It, by categorizing it and making it the slave of your
My very dear Ones, let this Light and Love, this Radiance
guide you, by my intervention and service to you, so that you may be changed
and elevated into higher dimensional light, and to leave behind your separation
in the realm of 3dimensional duality.
It is this Love-Light which initiates you to open your heart
and tight definition of persona, to radiant consciousness that will be your
Divine quality in the New World.
You can call upon Me, to receive this Love-Light, or to any
other Truly Blessed Being of the Universal Christ Consciousness To Whom your
loving heart is attracted to the most. We all have different “sub-qualities”,
as you know and which you can recognize by our names. But you will notice that
We All Share together this Unique Love-Bliss Light, which is the Sign of All of
You soon will be sitting with us, ready to receive further
initiations into the endless expansion of Divine Revelations, requiring of you
ever growing surrender and therefore service to those who are still in the greater
densities and desire to know the True Divinity.
Beloved Ones, Our Offer to you has been never so available
as now, if you only open your heart and firmly have faith that it is so. This
faith will be the beginning of your truly Divine Creations.
We Are One in the Heart of God’s Love.
And you find Me in the forever expanded Radiant Silence of
your heart.
This is your true Healing, my dear Ones.
I Am With You.
I Am Sananda from the Highest Dimension, at the Threshold of the Galactic CenterMessage received by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.