Saturday, October 25, 2014


Aries Fullmoon in October 2014 on the Canary Islands, by Ute Posegga-Rudel


finally I was able to access my blog account again! Login was not possible for whatever reasons for quite some time. So this is a great relieve paired with gratefulness!
Still I have no internet yet. I am writing from my mobile phone, but which creates some technical problems. E.g. the image is disappearing again and again and it does not paragraphs, etc..
But I wanted to let you all now that I still exist and that I am well :), eagerly waiting for having internet back in my life. (I thought I never would survive without it :):):))
This requires some major financial investment however - hence the long waiting time. (generous donations are very welcome!:) Although the world doesn't seem to change or even appears to get worse, there is an incredible download of Divine Light going on so that it feels to me that we are already in the heaven of a higher dimension.
It depends on what we allow us to touch, what we focus on and what we meditate on. Each one of us who turns to this Divine Power so present here on and with Beloved Earth Mother is inviting and creating already the Golden Age!
I just wanted to remind you of this, to affirm this truth and inspire you, my dear friends, in case you joined the doubt mind of those who feel hopeless.
But we have every  reason to be and live JOY. I am sure your heart knows LOVE. But live it as joy. Now. Because it is that Fullness that is being poured down on us.
While I am sitting outside in the late dawn after sunset there is powerful silence and you can hear the heartbeat of Divine Presence, One with us.
Just listen, Beautiful Soul, wherever you are and whenever you have the opportunity.
Much much love and all the blessings you desire!

 ---------------------- - copyright 2014, Ute Posegga-Rudel