Saturday, October 6, 2018


Dearest friends,

my Spiritual Master used to talk about Divine Ignorance – not only to talk about it, but to bless us with the actual experience of It. He could do this, because He Was The Embodiment and Transmission-Master of all-encompassing Divine Consciousness.

True Spiritual Masters don't just talk, - if they talk at all, - and if they do, then only when it seems to be necessary to awaken their students.

Would Divine Ignorance from an usual point of view mean, the Divine is ignorant, doesn't know anything? Is aloof, absent, not interested in our suffering and all the other affairs that a life in the 3th dimension is about? „God created us and the world“, and then left us alone?

We must not try to understand these things from the point of view of the lower mind, the mind of separation, identified with a physical body that suggests otherness and limitation.

The sign of Divine Ignorance has nothing to do with some naivety or irresponsibility. Divine Ignorance is a state of Bliss, beyond mind, immersed in Divine Radiance, drunken with Infinity and Fulfillment, utter Satisfaction. It is a state "above" mind, "above" all human affairs and creation altogether. 

So Divine Ignorance means Pure Divinity that is forgetful of the separate and suffering realm of things that cannot touch or disturb our Deepest and most Perfect Divinity, pure Beingness, Ecstasy. We are NOT obliged to be conscious of this world and to be bound to it. Although it seems our educational and social system would like to have it so. 

We have the right to the true Divine State, that is most blissful Ignorance, not being aware or having forgotten the binding forces, constant loss and change, and what captures usually our lower mind in the confusion and the literal hell of this world, where we tend to be busy all the time with all the - mostly useless - content that denies our Divine Heritage.

My Master used to ask: „Do you know what anything is, I mean IS?“ Because what IS a tree? We can describe a tree, but do we know what it IS? In and of itself? No, we never can know it. Never. There is a feeling, a sensing what it IS, and the same feeling we have when asking: do you know what a stone is. Can we ever know WHAT it is? Can we describe its essence, its true nature?

And you, do you know what you ARE? Not how others would describe you, but really, WHAT you ARE, allowing yourself to feel IT, not by engaging your thinking mind and giving a verbal definition of yourself?

Right, you are Divine Essence, beyond words. Your True Nature reveals itself in Divine Ignorance. There are no words available for what you ARE. As little as you have words for what a tree or a bench in the forest really are. You just don't know what they ARE. 

You in fact know nothing, not what you ARE and not what any object IS. You can only feel into IT, be aware of IT. And yes, it is a presence that reveals itself to you, a reality, if you feel deeper into the essence of yourself or a tree or anything else. 

The question is not being answered by saying, that a tree is  made from wood with a trunk, branches and leaves. And what you ARE is not answered by naming your name, describing your body, your habits, your thoughts and actions. After all, there is no answer in this world. The answer reveals itself when you release the world and allow yourself to open to infinity, then you „know“ without thoughts, without reference to the world and its objects.

And without doubt you enter as such a state of limitlessness, expansion, because your mind stops as it is not able to define right now, to structure, to remember, to construct, to describe. It must be set into silence where your heart opens, where infinite peace surrounds and pervades you, and your heart is starting to breathe into love.

Look at your hand, do you know what your hand IS? Allow yourself to be inspired, trust your right response and feel the infinite resonance and Beingness, Which is everywhere and nowhere, containing your hand, pervading it,  sourrounding it.

Do you know what you ARE? Feel the infinite resonance in your being, as your Pure Being, that Is Silent to answer this question, because there is no answer, there is only Beingness, Infinity, IS. It Is. Your Are.

This is Divine Ignorance. You ARE not a word's description, not an activity and not a thought, not even about yourself. You are not a social entity and you do not have a role. And you are not even spiritual or non-spiritual. All of this are imaginations, qualities, classifications, step-stones, means for orientation that have nothing to do with Truth. It might somehow give you an idea about yourself, that body-mind that is known to others. 

But ultimately it all must be transcended. The Truth Itself is simple and obvious, but giving up what is not Truth is difficult, meaning WE are difficult and not Truth.

Before or within God or Divine Reality you are not a something that can be described. You are KNOWN by the Divine in Complete Penetrating Silence, full of Eternity and Presence, and as Itself, with a very subtle transcendental cracking sound that might become a Tornado in your ears, overwhelming with the Power of Divinity, if you deepen your experience.

Divine Ignorance is the mighty foundation of the world and all universes and you are One with it, -- if you sacrifice the idea of your little "I", an imagination only to make an excuse not to Be the Infinite.

You ARE and you ARE forever, It never dies when the body dies, IT does not suffer, it is untouched by the world's appearances.

But so far you still think, that you ARE the appearances of the world, including your body. But as Divine Ignorance you are not even your mind. You ARE - but this Truth is not much valued in the world of consumption, struggle for survival, competition and fear. This state is ridiculed as nothing-ness and value-less, perhaps as weakness and crazyness because of Its's subtlety.

But spirit IS subtle, Consciousness IS subtle and the true human being IS Divine Consciousness, beyond the function of the brain. You ARE the Oneness of Being. The human being IS Spirit and never the garment it took on when it incarnated in a gross body with it's senses governed by imaginations in the brain, projected outwardly, inventing a „world“. When you stop this projection, the mind subsides and you realize that you do not know what anything is, but what you really ARE.

Then you start feeling into the Infinite, into the Substance in Which you arise. It satisfies the depth of your Being and is the Fullness and Fullfillment of your heart, and you just know It, if you love Truth.

You must be a Lover of Truth to ponder these matters. You must be a passionate seeker for Real Reality, for the Underlying Foundation of all beings and things. Some call It God, or the Divine, or Perfection and Divine Reality.

If you want to stop suffering and participate in the Infinite Love-Bliss of Divine Existence, you must start loving to not to know, because you don't know what anything IS, not even yourself.

You open up to what is Greater than your little you, you start to accept, that there is a power infinitely more powerful than you think your ego is. Or if you consider yourself as weak, you start to accept that this weakness is absolutely meaningless, because your imagination of the ego-I is meaningless. 

And because there is Only the Divine as that Infinite Field of Divine Ignorance. And even this idea must be given up to BE What IS.

With much love,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Friday, August 17, 2018


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for now I arrived in a new, benign and beautiful place in the country, blessed by nature, peace and solitude. And lots of space. It seems I experience, as so many times, again the pair of opposites, to go beyond. To deeply integrate the transience of all things that appear at the surface of the depth of my being that feels timeless and expanded. 

On this basis new inspirations open up, new connections reveal themselves in the unseen worlds to confirm the multitude of simultaneous realities. 

Some words and thoughts start to quickly manifest, I must be very careful what I think and say. The experience of the deep Substance in Which we live and That keeps us alive appears to be more fluid and existence is floating on the grounds of Eternity. There are no real words to describe the indescribable. It can be felt only while the mind stands still and surrenders to the Mystery of Being.

All the thinking and doing is just movement, kind of not necessary. It just happens and could be even fun. Even the sometimes as unpleasant appearing necessities of an often over-organised strange bureaucracy into which everybody must dive when settling in a new place.

Thinking, they were lost, I found very old photographs from my eartly ancestors, greeting me, as if they had to tell me: 'look, we are your earthly human roots and now we all support you, we gave you all our strength for you to stand on, all our wisdom for you to use. Together we are happy now, since so much human suffering of wars and deaths has been redeemed.'

All this is translated now into Divine Grace of restfulness, forgiveness and peace. They lived their lives and all they thought and did is recognized as a sequence of frequencies, let it be even a kind of un-necessary disturbance, within the Infinite Water that Is clear like a mirror. They are free - if they wish to be free. Awakening from the dream.

Now my cosmic ancestors draw me to new tasks, reminding me of what is before me to serve this planet and her humanity newly defined. Certainly it is about freedom, the freedom for all of us, freedom from the chains of ignorance and therefore suffering and confinement. The freedom of free flowing energy and light. The freedom through love, unconditionally. 

Enough of suffering and enslavement. Enough of non-empathy, enough of deadly rules and artificial robotic thinking and living.

Set free the innermost of your heart to enjoy a living life, surrendered to the mighty river of the great Divine Impulse that grants Happiness, Truth and untold Freedom. Do not identify with less.

It is time now for all of us to set our feet on the new and fresh land of Divine Inspiration and the Joy of Being - out of the usual death box that has been falsely called our true reality we must 'obey' and believe in. 

No, my brothers and sisters, you are not obliged to carry that burden. Free your consciousness first, love, and everything else will follow without doubt, because first is the thought, and then the desired manifestation in your world happens in a way that is good for you, because of your love.

With love you awaken the dead and bring them to life. You even awaken a stone to freely speak, they show you their kingdoms. And the Greatness of All-That-Is Reveals Itself.

This Truth has been never absent, we only did not honor It as we were looking for artificial and from ourselves alienated fulfillment with painful pleasures of an artificial creation, created with a mind, seduced by mad illusions.

Peace has always been our reality when we allow the mind to rest in the Divine Space, but we have disregarded what we are, creating constantly a disturbed world, because our mind is disturbed. 

We could instead surrender to and trust the flow of the higher intelligence above, rooted in the heart, to serve the Divine Intent to unfold according to Divine Will That is also our own true heart-desire.

It is time now to enter the most hidden and dark place in our consciousness and offer it to the light, so that it opens to love like a blossoming flower. A very subtle crystalline sound expands, and new radiance fills the room. Our heart becoming lighter and lighter, finally incapable to withhold from joy and ecstasy. 

And so we birth the new world, we drop what is not ours, we regain our original, God-Given deathless Freedom.

Divine Reality is always Present, It breathes us and Its Pulse is the Power of Love. We Are an integral Part of It, when we drop our armor against the Sacredness That surrounds us.

The wind that arises then from the depth of our Being, the joyful voices of Our Mother Nature speak about the One Happening in the Unity of Divine Existence. 

With love,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018


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I am Andraphon from the dimensions of infinity, home of the true human being. I am the highest potential of the planes of the ultimate spirit. I am Andraphon and I sing the song of the perfect human being. I am singing about the highest spiritual heights, inhabited by the perfect human, insofar they seek to realize their ultimate potential. I am an interdimensional being, as no dimension is infinite, characterized by the limits of a distinct frequency.

My frequency is associated with the ultimate plane of Unconditional Divine Consciousness. This allows me to change my form according to my state of conditional consciousness. My form is depending on frequency and vibration, that I choose in every minute and every second. Therefore my experiences are infinite and limitless, experiences which explore the Divine Existence in Its highest planes.

I am Andraphon and I am here, to show humanity their possibilities, to know the higher dimensions of consciousness and to explore them, to utilize them and to bring them into your limited, finite and confined existence.

I am your companion and I am the one to expand, fecundate and bless your mind, I am the one who removes the obstacles of limiting thoughts, feelings, ideas and even visions, removing all these limitations, opening the doors into the infinite, which is beyond any measure.

You might say now that I exist or live in a domain of illusion regarding to what I just described to you. But it is not so. Rather I will prove to you, that your world is mere illusion.  You are perhaps convinced, that the limitations, in which you dwell and which have been created by the power of your imagination, - that these worlds are fulfilling. But are they really? Are they nourishing and life-giving as much as the Divine Realm in which I exist?

You can discover how real indeed your world is when your ideas, intentions and visions are truly life-giving, life-creating, allowing life to flow, allow you to be penetrated by the life force with the rays of highest Divine Light of Inspiration, the Light of infinite Love, beyond imagination, and which can be felt and perceived above the domain of the heart, and further more into the infinity of Being.

I reveal to you the secret of Divine Existence, which is limitless. Its supreme mind not only explores the cosmos, but creates it continously anew. Because exploration is also creation.

There are few among you who will follow my explanations and teachings, because many are doubting, being afraid to loose the alleged solid anchor in the illusory materiality and their identification with it. 

But as the multidimensional being you are, you are able to exist in all planes simultaneously, why not then also become conscious where I live as you. 

I am the expanded consciousness of all existence, I am Love Itself, I am the Light in all manifestations and forms. You can experience yourself as such through me, ready to open the doors of your awareness absolutely and unconditionally. Only then my message is being understood with your spirit body of unrestricted feeling and spiritual experience, even ready to transcend the mystery of squaring the circle.

I am Andraphon, die voice and song of man, who is prepared and willing to advance into the highest light of Divine Creation, carried by the wings of desire for their own and true Being-ness.

I am forever nurtured by the Eternal, inexhaustible Divine Source of Being, the Divine Reality, Who never ceases to radiate, never changing, and from Which all changing things that rise and fall, originate.

I am the direct link between the infinite plane of Divine Existence and the creations of Divine Ecstasy in the mind of man, which can also be felt in the purified and transformed body.

I reveal the possibilities of Divine Man, I reveal the Supreme Divine Creation, Which to live, to experience, to embody you have been created for.

I am Andraphon,

transdimensional Being of the Ultimate Planes of Existence and Creation!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Saturday, June 23, 2018


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The time has now arrived where you, the starseeds and the dimensional and interdimensional travellers, who came to earth to bring the light of awakening to humanity, are becoming conscious and remember on a much more profound level than ever before, your mission and real intention, why you came to earth.

We are happy to tell you that the main patterns of manipulation by the adverse forces have been removed, enabling you to make yourself fully free  from them and all bondage, misunderstandings and misinterpretations that kept you in a state of error.

And if you forgot: most of you came here many milleniums ago to bring unconditional love and higher light and information to earth, only to be blinded by the dark forces and made powerless.Thats why your true mission became unconscious and you have been kept away from your very purpose you came here for. 

And "they" have been quite successful in this, more than you know, because most of you were convinced you „know“, but you did not, only aware of a fragment of what your original purpose was.

Many of you have been sinking deep into the dark dreams of amnesia, but now significant veils have been lifted and grids removed, so that you can - by your intention, prayer and heart-desire - break through all of this and remember fully, if you haven't done it already.

Dear ones, it is very important to do this, to realize who and what you truly are as a messenger of liberation: the vibrational depth and width of a specific light and information within pure divine consciousness, and which divinely cosmic seed you have been intending to plant on earth. For this reason we ask you to open up the pathway between the realm of your heart and the Divine Source Light from infinitely above.

In this pathway of light and pure Divine Consciousnees, the true cosmic source field, the assignment you wanted to fulfill to support the ascension of planet earth becomes obvious to you.

This means that a most profound understanding from and communion and integration with the essence of the original planet, dimension or interdimensional realm you came from, has become possible. So that you can now truly bring the radiance and space, consciousness and light of this special loka to earth to make it a brighter place, to make it a happier experience and ultimately that advanced humanity can start to live a real joyful life.

Tolerance is most important between all you light-bearers, as you are bringing different information with your specific ray from your specific loka in the cosmos to this planet.

Earth is a multi-dimensional and – if you like – multi-cultural cosmic realm and it has been created to be such a one.

While you are creating a higher vibrational new earth which is a realm above old earth, all lower forces of consciousness and information will continue as is, including the souls who are not yet awakened, as an opportunity to grow in the fields of duality to learn to understand the opposite forces of light and dark and to grow the knowledge about it and most of all about themselves. To ultimately transcend duality and enter the space of unity, the space of light, inspiration, Divine Consciousness. Happiness.

We are here to help those of you who are ready, to break through all veils to reach that space of Divine Conciousness that helps you to connect to the full spectrum of your original task and mission.

We bless you.

We are very happy that this is possible now. We ask you not to fall into desperation about the situation on earth which appears to be quite dark. This is not the realm and loka with which you from now on are asked or forced to identify and to operate from. You have once chosen to connect to the higher dimensions you came from and thereby create and fortify the powers of the higher earth in which the multicultural divine life and consiousness is flowering to cooperate and to unite in the Light of the Ultimate to bring peace to the universe.

We thank you!

We are the Arcturians

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

More Testimonials: here

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