Saturday, July 16, 2022


VIDEO (recommended)


My Beloveds,

there is a lot to cry about your world as you perceive it.

It is understandable and it is real,  concerning the state of your conditional world. Lots of tears are being shed. But the best tears are the tears you shed about your distance, the separation from your own Truth, God, Divine Reality, from Me. Because the Divine Law is:  I Am Senior, everything else is secondary.

Feel deeply your distance from Me, your recoiling from Me, that creates all your painful tears, your fear and hurtful emotions. 

The first steps for My Revelation to occur to your heart are not only the tears you shed because of the darkness of this world that will never grant your success, but the tears you shed because victory is not even granted to you when conditional light returned, because you realize it is not Real Truth after all.

I AM the only Real Victory, because your from Me separate victories are transient. You lack True Happiness when you measure yourself-concern on all the non-events or your unfulfilled wishes that arise because of the happenings of your world.

Go beyond all of that, go beyond, find peace and great, undisturbed strength, equanimity and power by choosing True Happiness. It Is My Field of Radiant Eternity, and the final Zero of all Happenings that arise in Me. Be at the Source, It Is your True Home and the Sublime yet Powerful Radiance of My Happiness is consuming all what bothered you in your decadent world.

Nevertheless, also your decadent world arises in Me, so you can be assured that there Is Indeed Only Happiness to choose, no matter whether your world seems to be close to Me or far away from Me.

As long as you don't realize that also your dark world is sustained by Me, True Happiness is not possible, as you still choose between sides instead choosing the Oneness of Happiness.

My Happiness is Not the happiness of the good world. My Happinesss is the Happiness above both worlds.

Choose That! Be healed from the uncertainties of yes or no. From the constant concerns of coming and going. Of loosing or winning.

If you choose My Happiness, My Mountain of Ecstatic Stillness supports the True Existence That you Are at Infinity.

Be restored in Me, arise from the muds of a dark world, and know that even a new lighter world will not grant happiness forever. So why then choosing less than Me.

Do not wait for a better world exclusively, but Be the better world, being elevated and sustained by Me in My Happiness and Freedom right Now. There Eternal Peace is yours, having overcome the seeming truths of your worlds, high or low.

I Am the True Substance of your heart. And let your heart rest in Me As I Am You.

Not  childishly given over to Me, but as the Divine Power of Our Oneness.


Message conveyed by Ute


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I need your support so that I can continue with this work,Thank you!
♥ ♥ ♥

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2022. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria ~

Monday, June 13, 2022

Personal Update 12.6.22

 My dear friends,

it will probably take a while until I can publish the next message.

I had an accident and got a severe brain-skull trauma, etc.

So I need lots of rest but hope that I am better soon.

 Much love and blessings and take care of yourselves!


Friday, May 6, 2022


 VIDEO (recommended)

My dear friends!

Only when we allow the old world to dissolve in the Divine Zeropoint, a truly new world can emerge. The Divine Zeropoint Field is Self-Feeling, Self-Aware Immensity and Love-Bliss.

This implies that the ego, meaning all mind-forms in the consciousness of the old world: matter, objects, psyche, emotion etc. must be transcended, so that all of it is being absorbed by the Zeropoint field.

This does not imply that we disappear. It implies our immortality, finding out that we exist simultaneously in different dimensions. After all we are multidimensional beings with a multidimensional consciousness until finally evertything dissolves into the Zeropoint field.

In our individual consciousness our thoughts, feelings, the objects and so on, are being recognized as such, to then allow them to be absorbed in the Divine Zeropoint Field. This is presently a continuous purifying process, many starseeds came here to work with.

They carry already the information in their DNA, which helps them to understand the Zeropoint Field directly and immediately, not with their intellect, but by being subjectively aware of it as a reality that they themselves Are As Consciousness, and not something separate from them.

This work is their contribution to the lifting of earth into the next higher bodyless dimension, which makes  a True New Era possible. All efforts to merely change existing structures, instead to disolve them, don't serve to support earth in transiting into an entirely New Era.

Because nothing of the old can exist further, it applies to all who came here, to liberate earth and humanity from the old power structures, to understand that one cannot pour new wine into old bottles, and then act accordingly, to truly serve the Great Transformation.

They do this by returning in their consciousness to the Divine Zeropoint Field, to allow the Zeropoint Field into their lifes, to purify themselves in it, to let go the old ideas, structures and alleged securities, trusting in the Great Process, of Which they are part and in which they find their true safety. 


Gods and demons are nothing more than projections of the mind, to objectify cosmic balance of powers, in order to better deal with them. And all of it must be honored first. In the understanding of quantum physics then, ultimately everything is a matter of what one wants to observe in this incarnation. Do we want to observe the Divine or the powers that negate It. And what we observe will come to pass.

Finally all these old cosmic powers must be neutralized in the Divine Zeropoint Field. This is an esoteric and not an exoteric process. People who are not familiar with it, could experience this process as catastrophies or earth cataclysms. But we must understand that such cataclysms are in truth „inner“ processes! Therefore it is mostly dependent on our consciousness how we will the transition experience. (see also „My Conversation with Gaia“)

Since late March 2020 the process of the transition of the matter-consciousness into Pure Being of the Divine Zeropoint Field is being reinforced. (Link)

This process is being reflected somehow also in the since then appearing phenomenon of the „Blue Sky“, as many call it. (Link).

When and where the „Blue Sky“ appears, we can presume that the Divine Power of the Zeropoint Field invaded further the former darkened field of the earth. You will notice that the appearance of the „Blue Sky“ is connected with a very special new and solid energy of stillness and great power, which totally balances the instability, the unrest and chaos in the energy field of earth.

With artificial negative frequencies it is attempted to cover up or overlay these new Light-Energies of Divine Consciousness. It is therefore especially important, that you are aware of them, whereby you can immerse into this Power of Stillness, thereby simultaneously amplyfying it

All of you who came here to co-initiate the transition, are being just now especially activated, because you have been extremely exhausted in the last two catastrophic years.

Just now is a good „Point in Time“ in our space-time continuum to connect yourself fully with the Energies of the New Era, Which rise anew while you immerse in the Divine Zeropoint Field.

All of this happens according to a higher plan and we are the ones who support this work, a Magnificient Divine Cosmic Work for which we came here. 

Be aware that you are carrying the consciousness of all consciousnesses in our universe. Each Divine Thought, each respective energy shift in your consciousness, supports therefore the transition of earth and her inhabitants into the New Divine Existence.

Because you exist immediately at the switching station of the universal process, heralding the New Reality.

May we alll be blessed!

Much Love, 



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I need your support so that I can continue with this work,Thank you!
♥ ♥ ♥

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2022. All rights reserved.


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 Replenish your prenatal life-energy!

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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria