Friday, November 24, 2017


Video (Recommended)

Dear friends,
very slowly I am getting back to normal, - at least "normal" seems to appear on the horizon now in some ways - after many unexpected incidents, that came and still come along with the move to the new place. It requires adaptation on many levels to an entirely new life, which does not mean it is "heaven", because heaven does not exist in a place of duality like this. But it is beautiful. 

The following message is from a "conversation" with my Arcturian friends,  the first since I am here, finding some quiet in the midst of a very busy time. The first part was personal.

As my internet connection is still extremely slow (this will change hopefully soon!) I might have problems with uploading the video. 

I hope you enjoy! 
Much love,


Regarding the destiny of humanity as a whole, the majority will be tested profoundly as to whether they are able and willing to grow their consciousness and remember their Divinity. Each one will be given exactly the testing they need to enable them to step forward if this is possible for them in any way. So in that sense all is perfect, even if this might not always be obvious as most people don't welcome  difficulties as an opportunity to grow.

Growth is the sole responsibility of each individual. We, as mentors of humanity, can only provide spiritual inspiration and the space of conscious light. Then it is the choice of everyone to use that, to enter this space and learn to love and ultimately to Be Love.

There are no mistakes in the universe, only consequences of actions performed by individual will. Also to give up one's own will and surrender it to other forces is being done as an act of will. But there are always given new opportunities to learn from  experience and each time new choices are possible.

Many of you incarnated on planet earth to help raise consciousness of humanity. It seems you have not been very successful yet. But this will change.

Inertia is the greatest enemy of humanity because it is easier to step down rather to make an effort to step up. To transcend the darkness of inertia and to enter the higher frequencies of light requires conscious effort and the higher will to make that choice. 

You will make that choice if you are sick and tired of suffering! And when you realize that there is literally no-thing that can make you truly happy – in spite of all the glittering seductions of a subhuman life - you will have sharpened your higher will and strength to change your life profoundly, to return to what you Truly Are and always have been, even while you slumbered in a dark dream.

Who has decided to walk the path of Divine Light and Love, the path of Happiness, must know that they will encounter many challenges until they are able to maintain a higher light frequency to enter more and more into the Divine Consciousness of undying Joy and Bliss. This is the path of Universal Love, because Love Is Surrender to the Infinite Divine.

We stand by the side of humanity, providing help and support to those who rise their head and are willing to open their heart to show them the path of True Light.

On this path it is important to stand up each time you fall back. Otherwise inertia pulls you down to a point from where it becomes more difficult to find the light again. So if you want your path to be as "easy" as possible, do not allow yourself resting in darkness of thought and emotion. Rather stand up always immediately to gain momentum in higher frequency back into the Light of your Native Divine Freedom.

We are here to give you this vision of freedom, of light and of love.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute
Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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  To support my work. Thank you! 


for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 
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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Personal Update, 18.10.2017

Dear friends,

there will be no new message in the next week or more, as I am moving to a more benign and beautiful location. I have been living for more than 3 years  in a place with lots of criminality and strange people and heavy energies. Very hard to live with!
So I am quite busy with organizing, packing and so on.

Change and loss comes to me on many levels:  my only 2 years old computer broke suddenly to the point of no repair (and hopefully I am able to retrieve all data!). For a new one I must wait to get one. So I am writing on an old and  amazingly slow laptop that takes about 5 seconds to type a short word online. And so it takes ages to write this message.
In addition  my wallet has been stolen with all identity cards, bank card etc. Not to mention with the cash that I need for living.
So I am even more busy on top of moving, because, as you know, to get lost documents back requires a lot of time and energy (and money too).  

Nevertheless, I am practicing equanimity and happiness, because things are only on the surface of BE-ING. I don´t believe these things happen because of bad karma.
I rather feel that there are (hidden) forces that try to harm  in all kinds of ways increasingly those who are of the light. 
This happens to quite a number of us in these strange times.

I´d like to add a beautiful image for you to enjoy to this post, but don´t have any, all my art is stored on the broken laptop. And I don´t have access to  photoshop or other similar programs.

Take care and be happy!
With all my love and many blessings!

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
Please donate or subscribe on a monthly basis
  To support my work. Thank you! 


for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 
