Sunday, December 3, 2023


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Deutsches Video

Deutscher Blogeintrag


My dear friends,

this text "My conversation with the spirit of the sun" (see link below) was written in February 2012. I publish it today again, because it is right now of great importance.

Shortly after this conversation, at the beginning of March 2012, there were extreme solar flares that put my body and my entire being under massive fire, as my contact with the sun was very close at that time.

This shows what solar flares actually mean for us humans (and all beings in the solar system): Not just earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other so-called earth disasters.  They actually trigger evolution in our solar system. This is of course not new. But I experienced it in a quite dramatic way, so I could deeply feel the sun's role in our evolutionary process. I described this in this video back then:

This morning when I woke up, I had a another profound experience in regard to the experience in 2012. And I believe it is important for all of us to share. Because I know that this experience is directly related to the increasingly strong eruptions on the sun that are now reaching our earth:

I saw paradisiacal, white-radiant domed buildings with golden roofs, paradisiacal festivities and jubilant celebrations, celebrations so beautiful, high vibrating and divinely energetic that I can hardly describe them in words! Radiance of supreme joy, of indescribably heightened consciousness, a glorious celebration of the enlightenment of humanity. Carried by high divine power. 

The atmosphere was deeply permeated with mantra chantings: it was an initiation into the high God-consciousness of humanity.  I experienced it as clear rooms of radiant light happening in my body, purifying  everything, dissolving everything, burning everything that does not belong to the divine world. 

It is the mantric chants that once created the cosmos, and now it is the mantric chants that are now dissolving the old, godless patterns on this planet and putting everything back into the divine origin, giving birth to a new cosmos. For in the chants of the Infinite, new fields of glorious consciousness are rising, in which the song of all beings is being heard, blissfully, released from that which binds consciousness to limitations and stagnant holes of unhappiness.

From now on, the magnificent light- currents of God flow freely again, in glory and majesty, beauty and perfection.

May you open yourself to this Miracle!  

With love,



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with love, Shan'A'Maa

Monday, November 6, 2023


Image Credit to Tommyvideo, Pixabay

Video (recommended)

Deutsche Version 




Opinions are divided. Some say terrible catastrophes are coming, others: Everything will become better, peace will come.
1. Can both come true on the one earth at the same time, and if so, how should we imagine it?
2. How do you see the earth, flat or as a sphere?
Thank you for your teaching.

First of all, the earth is flat and a sphere, depending on how you look at it. And neither is better. But these ways of looking at it are merely different. A person is not more evolved if they see the earth flat, nor less evolved if they see the earth as a sphere. Both views have their advantages, and perhaps also their disadvantages.

Basically you know that the reality of the earth is psycho-physical. And that there is no matter in truth, that form is only an imagination. And that form can always change. Therefore this question and this argument, whether the earth is flat or a sphere, is actually irrelevant.

As for the separation of the worlds, the answer to this question is based on the same principle as the question of whether the earth is flat or round.
It is all a process in consciousness, and the more spiritual a person is, the less they will be bound to materiality, and this will show on the outside. So the cognition, depending on the consciousness, is different, and what is called: "the chaff separates from the wheat", that is the light from the matter, means nothing else than that the denser vibration and the lighter vibration crystallize quite clearly.

And in this respect your earth is not solid, but your earth is a band of energy that happens on different frequencies. On lighter frequencies and on darker frequencies. And depending on which frequency someone stands on the energy band, - according to their consciousness, - then also the reality of it will be reflected in the outside.

That is, the so-called ascent of mankind takes place in consciousness, it cannot be pushed from the outside, it develops from within. And depending on the frequency then also the world presents itself accordingly, which is, as most of you know, a projection of inner consciousness to the outside.

The higher the frequency band vibrates, the stronger is also the manifestation of the creative power. Darkness and solidity has a hard time manifesting. Therefore, everything always remains the same there for eons. But the brighter the frequencies become, the lighter they are, and the lighter the world becomes, which subsequently appears on the outside.

So you can't look at this question as if it were about something material. This question of the separation of the worlds is absolutely an immaterial matter. And the lighter and higher the frequencies of consciousness are, the less it will be possible to look back into the so-called material worlds. Because they will simply no longer exist or be perceived.

And so each living being and each person, each community of people creates the world according to their consciousness.

Your present understanding of the cosmos and the cosmic worlds and the galaxy, is based for most of you on a still very material view. But when this is overcome, when the spirit is freed from the dense vibrations, your universe will also appear completely different. The great masters perceive this other world in this way, to which so far the largest part of the people had no access.

But this will change. So, in the course of evolution, the wheat will indeed be separated from the chaff. The heavy falls down, the light rises up. And he who rises with the light does not look back. And he who falls into darkness and clings to heaviness will not be able to perceive the worlds of light. That is simply the nature of things. Therefore, everything is a matter of consciousness. There is no value hidden in it, but there are simply, if you like, quantum physical laws at work.

Message conveyed by 

Ute Shan'A'Maa


My dear friend, if you feel the heart-impulse to go deeper to who you really are, please contact me. I offer you spiritual inspiration, healing, guidance and support on your journey to Your Self.


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Ute  Shan'A'Maa
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Ute Shan'A'Maa
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Friday, October 27, 2023


VIDEO (recommended)

Deutsche Version


My Beloveds,

I Am. I Am. I Am.

When I Replace you with My "I Am", there Is no thinking, therefore I do not Think It, as you would do. Most of you are profoundly immersed in thinking, often confusing it even with feeling, by thinking and imagining that you are feeling. 

Know the difference!  

So you cannot think „I Am“.

I Am Is Pure Awareness.

I Am Is Infinite. 

I Am Infinite. No form, no attention.

Only Beingness.

Feel It.

Be It.

You cannot speak It, describe It.

It is unfathomable Beingness, Eternally.

That Is What I Am.

And What I Am Is Your own Divine Self. Never two, but Only One. 


The ego cannot feel Me, because the ego does not feel. It thinks.

And "I Am" Is not a sensation within your body-mind either.

I Am Is That in Which your body-mind thoughtless exists.

And so even your body-mind merely IS at its root.

Come to this conclusion. You have forgotten that Your True Self Is Eternal,  and not your ego-I. But many try to figure out how to make the body-mind eternal.

How could your thinking mind have a clue what Eternity Is. Exercise Awareness instead.

Pure Consciousnesss Is What You Are.

You Are not an object, a thing, that can be viewed from outside by somebody else. You cannot be viewed.

"I Am" Is the Ocean you all participate in as Your True Self.

Do not separate yourself from It by thinking up yourself.

This is insanity.

Be at Home In and As Me.

And go deeper. Feel the Bliss.

Be Real.

To Be Real allows you to Be the Untouched Eye in the storm that sweeps over the earth right now.

Stay away from the fires and waters of untamed emotions.

Do not objectify yourself.

Stay As One. Now. Eternally

I Am Your God-Self.

Message conveyed by

Ute Shan'A'Maa

My dear friend, if you feel the heart-impulse to go deeper to who you really are, please contact me. I offer you spiritual inspiration, healing, guidance and support on your journey to Your Self.

Ute  Shan'A'Maa
© 2023. All rights reserved.

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Ute Shan'A'Maa
Holistic Consciousness- and Spiritual Life-Teacher
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Transcend Suffering!

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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Saturday, September 16, 2023


VIDEO (Recommended!)

Deutsche Ăśbersetzung

Bitte benutze meine deutsche Ăśbersetzung und ĂĽbersetze nicht selbst. Es passieren ständig Ăśbersetzungs. und Verständnisfehler! 

Please use my German translation and do not translate yourself! Because there are happening always mistakes in right understanding and in translation


My Beloveds!

The mind is a self-runner that sometimes rages like crazy. It does its own thing. But that doesn't matter, as long as the power of the Self that Is Me, simply stands there. Like a pillar, that finally becomes your body, your mind, as you allow It.

Become strong in Me, Be the Self, the Divine Self. It is not a phantom of the mind, an idea. It is Reality. A Force. THE Force! Presence, Being. It is Transcendental Energy, Primordial Shakti. This cannot be created by the mind. Do not try to understand My Divine Paradox.

And so My Divine Presence stands in the body, if you let It, Radiant, Powerful, without a thought. While the separate island of your mind may still be running riot. Claiming its right to desire, experience and fulfillment, in relation to all its illusions.

In relation to My Supreme Divine Reality, the mind is illusion. It can create all sorts of states that you might call Divine. But the world confuses the mind, even the subtle mind, with God. But the experience of God happens on the other shore, THE Real Reality. Not a God as another, a deity separate from you, but God as the Original Light of Consciousness that Exists beyond the brain. Formless. Love-Bliss. All-pervading. Only Me, Who Is He and She, Shakti. Parama Shakti, the Goddess Who is also Radiant Consciousness. Me, The He and She as One.

So this One Appears right now as the Only One, That Exists as all worlds all at once. And so there is only ONE Play, One God/Goddess. Consciousness and Energy as One.

Your suffering is inevitable, if you are bound to the small separate identity, limited, full of endings and changes, pretending not to depend on the One that is not divided. The One that always Shines and never changes. The Ultimate Fulfillment of all and every desire, longing, experience.  

And likewise you suffer if you prefer uninspired by My Divine Greatness to occupy yourself only with the small incidental things of life, in order to consume them.

If you knew about the Unity of all things, really experienced and not only as the mere idea of It, you would not have to digest and consume anything. Your essence would be free of it, because Essence does nothing for Itself. It is already Everything. By merely Being, It Is Eternal Satisfaction Itself.

But as this is commonly avoided,  it even seems to be obscene to remind you of these things, to remind you of the Truth, to demonstrate It, to Be It.

So  to merely be busy is common sense, because business is a sacred cow for society. Why doesn't anybody realize that? Why is herd consciousness so popular, even among  My "spiritual" people? Why are most of My spiritual people not interested in Me, the True God?
Because they worship themselves. They worship their separate ego. They fear to surrender, as it means death of social limitations.

And that is why this My Message is received by very few of you. Because it is not socially accepted. At least not in the western materialistic way of thinking. Because My Truth was never really invited there. And even the true teachings of Christ have been corrupted.

But Me, True God - the Ultimate Shakti - is not a social matter. She Exists outside and beyond any church, any dogma, any religion. She is not a religion. She Is the Reality.

As such the Power of My Truth penetrates the body-mind, if you allow it and purify it. The body-mind is permeated by Me, Its own and indwelling Divine Nature. And not by anything or anyone "else."

There is only Truth in and of Itself, Appropriating what belongs to It. It is as simple as that. And so you could be perfectly happy. Instead, common, ordinary mind imposes the path of separation,
via imagination and you get lost on a lost path without knowing it, and therefore suffer the ordinary fate of the body-mind. For how many more incarnations? Millions? Billions? Until the ultimate goal of liberation will finally be fulfilled by the law of the universe.

Although this unimaginable long time can be significantly shortened, the trend is toward so much suffering and endings and loss. Instead of opening to My Now-Bliss, Ultimate Love, Freedom and Beauty, Unheard and Unseen by the usual body-mind splitted off from the Divine. So the body-mind is all alone in and by itself, -  it believes. Doesn't know the error. Doesn't want to know it. Forgetting the All and the Eternal, That you are in Truth.

Become strong in Me, Be the Self, the Divine Self.

I Am your God-Self, I Am Mahashakti, I Am Parashakti, the Great Power of Ultimate Reality.

 Message conveyed by Ute Shan'A'Maa


Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
© 2023. All rights reserved.

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Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach
Transcend Suffering!

-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Saturday, August 19, 2023



Bitte benutze meine Ăśbersetzung und ĂĽbersetze nicht selbst ins Deutsche. Es passieren ständig Ăśbersetzungs. und Verständnisfehler! 

Please use my German translation and do not translate yourself! Because there are happening always mistakes in right understanding and in translation

 VIDEO (recomended)

My dear friends,

the God-Timeline is the timeline of Truth.

It is the Timeline of a New Era That Stands There in the Infinite Divine Space.

At this moment also other several time-lines are coming into the play, depending on the level of consciousness of groups of people of similar frequencies.

They are fluctuating because people in their process of change and growth towards a higher consciousness are not suddenly permanently on a higher frequency. It is for many a time of trial and error, of new understanding and then for periods of time the forgetting of that new understanding or level of consciousness and the frequency and light-quotient
connected with it.  Nothing is learned in a moment. It takes time until a certain level is firmly stabilized so that an individual can maintain a newly gained and often also liberating state of being.

What is the God-Timeline in the midst of the varieties of these different time-lines?

In my awareness it is a very powerful energy-band or area that is being brought to us, that is very bright and firm, radiant and loving, deep and rather unmoving and unchanging. it exists above all other timelines.

Being aware of it since several years I has become now more prdominant. It has been emerged from the Primordial Force of God-Mind That has its Origin directly in the Supreme Divine Source Condition.

It is given to us by Grace in order to being supported and energized  in this chaotic endtime world, that changes every moment and that is unforseeable. A world in which nothing can be predicted
any longer, because great new cosmic energies are coming in, trying to establish themselves here. For them to be established here however it is also up to us, to welcome them full-heartedly and to allow them to incarnate through us, so to speak, to invite them, to acknowledge them and to allow them to change profoundly our body-mind.

Yes, this change does not only, as we know, change our spirit, our mind and emotions but also our physical body.
That is why anybody holding on to old and limiting patterns is being serverely challenged to let go what no longer serves the growth of humanity.

The God-Timeline is being given to us, to be more undisturbed in a safe and protected field within which we can allow to be nurtured,  purify and grow into a new human race, a deified humanity that has healed the luciferic mental light and the weakening impact on our once divine DNA.

Now how do we find that God-Timeline above so many timelines that are unfolding around us as we experiment with new traces of consciousness?

Firstly, unsheakable trust in the Source of Existence is needed, a kind of knowingness that It Exists! An intuition at least of it, seated in the deeper heart.
And also we need the love of the Divine Presence in our heart and the longing to serve and to surrender to the Ultimate DIvine Consicous Radiance, the True Divine Reality above all changing realities of the many worlds and universes.

My beloved friends, to bear these values in our heart, will help us to become aware of the God-Timeline.
It will grant us Divine Protection and a safe place to grow and to become what our heart is longing for according to our highest aspirations.

So it is up to us to locate and to draw this Grand Field of the God-Timeline towards us. To experience It and how real and empowering It Is. And to establish our life within It and with It and thereby fel It even expanding and deepening. And the more of us will participate in It, the stronger a new humanity will arise and inspire others who are ready for it, to do the same.

Beloved friends, there is indeed much Greatness directly Standing before us to touch It, to use It and to enjoy It with deep gratitude for the Divine Help That is Revealed to us. Because we are destined to something much greater than any New Age philosophy or teaching could ever imagine.

The Power of the True Divine is Unfathomable and Unspeakable. Truth or Divine Reality does not need any doctrine or technique, learned on a weekend and added to one's personality.

In fact, Divine Reality cannot be achieved or manufactured. It is Revealed to us by Grace. If we Love and Participate in What Is Truly Great, Knowing It in our heart by our Deep Trust in It.

With so much love,
Ute Shan'A'Maa


Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
© 2023. All rights reserved.

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Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach
Transcend Suffering!

-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Sunday, July 30, 2023


VIDEO (recommended)


My Beloveds.
The time is running towards goals.
I AM no goal. I just AM. I AM HERE. Always.
So you cannot run to Me as if I were a goal.

There is no distance between Me and you.
There is no time between Me and you.
"We" are simultaneously, As I am You.
However you do not realize this.
Because your mind acts in between.

Your mind measures.
I Do Not Measure.

I AM the Now above your now.
I Am Always, but you have separated yourself from Me.
And then you wonder whether and where I Am.
Like the woman whose seemingly lost necklace sits around her neck, but she is looking everywhere else for it.

It is you who contracts away from Me.
If you contract away from Me I seem to be lost or not existent.
It is your own doing of from Me separation.
And you do it compulsively.
Without knowing though, not being aware.
Because you do not know your body-mind for real.

And so you start to seek Me as another Person or Being, away from you.

Or you polish your body-mind with spiritual garlands to look divine.
But it is your identification with that body-mind, even if with garlands, that is the acitivity that keeps you away from Me.

I Am the Unity of all of your body-mind, and above and beyond it and everything altogether.
My Presence is You, Is your body-mind, around and through it and everything. And without it.

I do not need a body-mind and neither do you.
I do not need a universe and neither do you.

The Secret of My Oneness: YOU cannot force Me or fabricate that Unity with Me, that Oneness, That is Me.
My ONENESS must overwhelm you as my Gift.

You cannot come to Me.
I Must Come to you, it is My Revelation. 

It is My Radiant Blessing-Grace only, that Sets you Free.

I Set  you Free if you allow  Me to purify you first:
All your bodies, low and high, all your mind, low and high,
all your ideas, low or high,
all your presumptions, low or high,
all your beliefs, low or high.

And even everything that is dear to  if you are attached to it.
I Set you free of all your body-minds and universes, galaxies  planets and higher-dimensional personalities, all holy figures.

I AM not a holy One. I Am Divine Reality.   

I AM YOUR GOD-SELF, The Very Self of all Beings and Worlds.

Message conveyed by
Ute Shan'A'Maa


Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
© 2023. All rights reserved.

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-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --
Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach
Transcend Suffering!

-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Saturday, June 24, 2023


 Video (recommended)

 Deutsche Version


My Beloveds!

Today and every day I Am before and beyond time. Time seems to structure your day. Some of you think that I Am the „Now“. But that „Now“ is in fact a mere thought. It is a kind of measurement because you tell yourself and imagine to be in the „Now“. So this such defined „Now“ Is not Me. I Am beyond any measure and definition.

The True „Now“ in the sense of „I Am“ exists perfectly before your mind is arising. And you cannot think what Is prior to the mind. You cannot even stop the mind at will. Even the „mindless“ gap between your inhale and exhale belongs to the phenomenon of the mind. Even if it appears to be still. This is because mind has many and countless forms. And many of you think mind is all about your conditional life only.

But there is also a higher mind, it belongs to the higher intelligence and the heart and more subtle, invisible phenomena and to even the most subtle worlds and dimensions, so subtle that you could imagine it is pure and ultimate divine light. Whereas it is still an appearance of the mind you could describe as an extremely subtle veil within the most high worlds of creation.

Wherever you focus your attention and whatever you perceive belongs therefore to the domain of the mind. It comprises all beings and the total creation, light and dark. And within it there is also the „Now“, of which some of you claim to be the exit door from creation. But this is an illusion, my Beloveds. It is a hopeful imagination that you, as a presumed separate being, can transcend by your own personal thinking power, all cosmic domains to unite with Me.

But that's how you deceive yourself, imagining that just by manufacturing the notion of a kind of „Now“ that your are enlightened and how easy it is to be free. Whereas you are just trapped within a further limitation or prison that is nothing but another room in your mind, even if somehow peaceful.

The mind has many forms: it can for example appear as a flat motionless line or a room (like when you manufacture a „Now“) or a wave in any kind of motion. Creating a motionless room with your imagination does not mean you have transcended the mind.

The real transcendance of the mind happens only in My True Divine Infinite Room. Only Here the mind is Truly transcended! Only Here it exists no more. That Room is at „the other side“ of your total mind-based life and what you comprehend altogether as creation!

The True Now of My Room is empty of what you call the creator mind. It Is Clear and Radiant, Above all and every veil of your worlds. It is Pure Exstasy. And you know when you are There, because it is Me Alone Who Reveals to you the True Now beyond all worlds.

It is NOT you, who just goes there, because you are so clever-minded. I Am the One to Draw you there to Me into the Room of My Radiant Divine Presence, ever Widening, ever Expanding Being Itself.

But nowadays you think God is at your demand and it is up to you to fabricate a God of your imagination.

So what is it that you want, what is it that you truly desire?

A phantom God or Real God?

I Am Real God. I Am beyond and prior to all the gods of religions. Only I Exist for Real and you exist in Me, without knowing It. Therefore you invent a god outside of you, another being whom you bestow with all possible powers. However whatever you can imagine is part of your human consciousness. Therefore you are a creator god.

I Am Existing un-Known in the hidden of your subconsciousness. Allow Me to Reveal Myself as Your Own Divine True and Very Divine Nature. Without separation, undivided. Now. 

I Am your God-Self,  beyond your higher divine separate self.

Message conveyed by Ute Shan'A'Maa


Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
© 2023. All rights reserved.

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-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --
Ute Shan'A'Maa Posegga
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach
Transcend Suffering!

-- Sessions worldwide via Zoom --

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria