Thursday, August 8, 2024



 Deutsche Version

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My Beloveds,
It must Be Me, Who moves your heart. How else you can participate in a Divinely Restored World?

If you believe that you only need to implement new programs, New Age techniques and smart inventions, even believing in the creation of new paradigms, but without your heart truly founded in Me, you will duplicate merely your old world even though with a different masque on your face

A New Society must consent to be united with Me, must commune with Me on all levels,  because I AM the True Nature of Mankind and the Essence of your Renewal.

There must be Intimacy with Me Present, for a New Mankind to arise because without Me there will no True Divine Mankind.
It is your distance from Me that is responsible for your suffering in your world.
Fear, darkness, scarcity,  slavery and unhappiness are the signs of neglecting Me, of not including Me.

I AM the Very Principle and Foundation of Life Itself. Where I am not allowed there is no True and Full life, there is rather destruction of life, as you suffer it now, ever more revealing the secular structure of your world – an inhumane, destructive and life-hostile world.

So if you think you can „ascend“ building a New World from the effort of a god-less, merely self-centered disposition, it cannot happen. And mere goodness is not enough. I AM so much more than mere goodness. 

It is MY Transcendental Divine Consciousness, My Divine Power and Happiness, My Divine Love, The Radiant Light I AM - you need as foundation of a New World. Otherwise everything stays as is. Perhaps a bit more pleasant though.

Therefore you need to be Pervaded by My Divine Qualities, allowing Me to do My Work through you in order to move into a Truly New World that is Mine.

Understand that my Divine Power is Pure Divine Intelligence. Without Primordial Intelligence no Divine World can exist. And I Alone Am That Intelligence, the Basis on which the fertility and diversity of Life on all levels is supported and nourished. It grants Happiness and True Freedom to all beings so that you can grow fully into My Eternal Me.

My Beloveds, I AM not a separate Godhood,  piously to be believed, worshipped by an obedience demanding religion. 

I AM Free and Life must arise in the Mighty Fullness of Divine Source Who I Am, the Love-Power behind all that exists.

Without My Divine Intelligence insanity, stupidity and idiocy takes over your society as you all notice. It is the god-less world that decays in untruth, missing the Radiant Intelligence of My Transcendental Light.

When I arise in the heart of men again, all of this will make place for Truth and True God-inspired Power and Happiness. Men will shake off their chains and rise to what they have been orginally created for: you will become the true Gods who truly serve Me.

With the Intelligence of My Infinity, Divine Love and Ultimate Happiness you will create a Real Divine World! Only then your True Creator Power will emerge within the Power of surrender to Me, the Ultimate.

And when you open your eyes, a Divine World is arisen, and when you close your eyes, there is no world but Me! Pure Love-Essence of All There Is. World-less.

But when you open your eyes and your world-foundation is not Me in My God-Power, your world will still be a place of suffering. 

Because I Am the only Way not to suffer, and to enjoy a Beauty and a Freedom beyond your any possible imagination! 

I AM your God-Self, the Very Substance of All Worlds and Beings

Message conveyed by Shan'A'Maa



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