Sunday, February 2, 2025


Deutsche Fassung

Video (recommended)


My Beloved Ones, 

the body-mind, initially fixed on 3D, is only a tiny aspect of the True Human Being. For your True Nature is Transcendental Divine Consciousness. It is called transcendental because it transcends even cosmic consciousness!

But humanity in general only wants to change and polish this tiny aspect, the body-mind a little. But is that enough? 

In order to reawaken to your Original Divine Consciousness, which precedes all creation, you must not add anything from the outside, i.e. from the realm of creation, but remove the obstructive and limiting layers that obscure the nature of your Original, Pure God-Consciousness.

These layers are the attachments and delusions of beliefs, actions and misidentifications that exist in the 3D or 4D/5D (or higher) realms.

If you have forgotten Who you Are, you are like in a vicious circle. The endless loops of repetition and solidification of the creations of your false identities will automatically spiral downwards unless growth and re-awakening occurs.

The law is: where there is no progress, there is regression. Stagnation does not exist in reality. Holding on to a status quo therefore does not work.

And variations within a spiral frequency are being mistaken for progress and evolution. But as long as you do not move up the spiral, and even beyond the spiral itself, not only does everything get stuck, but you move backwards. You can observe this in the symptoms of these times.

The rays of hope that appear here and there remain therefore only rays of hope. They don't really achieve anything.

The effort to actually move to true  God-Consciousness has not yet been made by My humanity. And as long as evolution is still stuck in the mind, it has not taken place. No belief in light-filled messages will help which are being channelled from the higher dimensions, even if they are genuine. For belief must be replaced by actual experience and realization.

The body-mind itself needs to be imbued and transformed with the Living Light and Power of My Divine Primordial Consciousness Itself, not just  with your mental image of it.  

But even when you are travelling with cosmic forces up the cosmic spiral, you are still trapped in the dream. Even if the dream seems beautiful, it is still a dream, and therefore an illusion. It has nothing to do with My True Divine Reality. For That you have to transcend the spiral itself completely, 

Therefore, the higher dimensions alone are not enough. It is My Radiant, Love-Bliss-Consciousness beyond all dimensions that is your True Nature.

So why get stuck in the dimensions. Because You Are ultimately the Radiance of this Absolute Consciousness, not the programmes of the body-mind that are  changing because of the opportunity to upgrade the DNA in these times. Why limit yourself to this degree?

You limit yourselves because it seems to be easier for you. And because you can avoid challenges that way. The Cosmos is unfolding, yes, it is evolving. But My God- Consciousness, your True Nature, has always Existed, entirely untouched by evolution.

My humanity is still dependent on nature. Nature is supported and permeated by the Highest Consciousness, as all universes are. It is one thing to seek the Highest Consciousness in nature, but it is quite something else to go beyond it. You must go beyond nature itself to find the Truth.

For the highest inspiration comes from beyond the so-called creator god, who is in reality you, i.e. the very own divine creative nature of My humanity, which you project outwards onto a from you seemingly separated creator god. But how could God ever be separate from you? You have been talked into the madness of separation. For you are deliberately kept small and have allowed your original divine power to be taken away from you. That is why it is called blasphemy if you want to assert your true power and confess it.

Your dilemma stems from the fact that you have not yet understood that your true nature cannot be an ego-power based on identification with your separately experienced body-mind. Rather your true power requires the transcending of the ego (the identification with the body-mind).

It is then the Divine Power of the One and All, Who Is You, and This I, your God Self, is then not based on the body-mind that you are so identified and enmeshed with, but this true I-Power is the Radiant All-ness of Being, prior the body-mind.

The Divine I therefore  IS the Allness that implies all creations and Is Prior to it. And so the Divine HEART IS always the Whole, without separation, without particularities, no I against others, no I and you, - no others.

You Are Everything. This is Your True Divine Power. And this is the Unity of Love and Bliss. It cannot be cut into pieces.

So how much longer will you limit yourselves to a bit of DNA development of your body-mind, forgetting God or your True God-Nature, and glorifying this process exclusively as the only blissful process?

Know that it is a self-imposed limitation that negates your True Nature, Real God.  And of course you are free to limit yourself in this way. But be aware that it is a limitation!

My Beloveds, you may ask how to go beyond your chosen self- limitation. You may believe that this is possible with exercises of the mind. But Truth or God Exists prior to mind and beyond all imagination. True God, or your True Nature is not a thought, It Is Reality. Your finite, separate body-mind must surrender to Me, to find Me. 

Will you surrender for the sake of Undying Love-Bliss and Happiness?


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