Showing posts with label The Arcturians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Arcturians. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2015


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We are your Arcturian friends, closely watching the evolving processes on Gaia.

As high level frequencies arrived from your Galactic Center, and now penetrating the surface of your planet, many veils are lifting on the astral and ethereal level around earth and also around yourself. 

This is the reason why we are now coming closer together. Now it is easier for us to make a conscious connection with you, as it is also easier for you to connect with the level of our higher frequency of light.

This supports you in dealing better with the intense negative emotions that surface on many places on your planet, because Divine Light is Shining on it; especially in the regions of war and accumulations of people who are escaping their devastated countries or who feel sorrow and discontent in the countries where they arrive.

This is the time, dearest friends, you have been preparing for, to stand in this planetary increasing tourmoil upright and energetically strong. To provide centers of equanimity and emotional strength to break the waves of negativity.

You have been preparing for this by first releasing and healing your own  karmas (personal, ancestral, regional or global). Without the suffering you have been going through and without going beyond it, you would not have the stamina to support the lifting of the present chaos that is all around you.

If you have established already happiness and equanimity in your daily life, wondering about a new rising darkness, do not take it personally!

It does not matter whether you live directly in a region of war or social conflict, or far from it. Many of you light workers and - warriors are sensitized to be aware of the disturbed and distorted fields of your planet wherever you are. Because this is the work you voted to be here for.

As tremendous fields of darkness are being released into the consciousness of humanity and planet earth, content, that has been unconsciously suppressed for so long, accumulated by millenniums of  incredible suffering, these dense vibrations are now slowly dissolving into Divine Light, with the help of the high frequencies  from your Galactic Center, channelled through your Sun.

This is not always an easy experience for you as you consciously participate in this global transformation. It might be for many of you a challenge for your physical and energy body.

However, if you are just  aware of the cause of it, and by connecting with your own higher consciousness and also our joyful presence, low and dense energies can be transformed and lifted  in an instant into  Divine Light. It requires actually  your constant conscious work of release, again and again. And we are here to support you if you connect with us and ask for our help.

It is also of great importance that you join forces with your human family of light, because united you are invincible! This must be a joint venture to overcome in this moment the vast negative heritage of mankind.

The immense Light is here, yes, but the transformational work must be done now. It does not happen by itself, but by the conscious participation of those of you who are dedicated to the light.

We are here to encourage you with Divine Love and Vision! Nurture yourself with Essential Light of your Being and the Power of Love.

You are the Hope and Promise for the Victory of the Light on Earth, that Is the Reality of your Life. You live the Fulfillment of what has been prophesied since ancient times.

We thank you, the whole Universe celebrates in gratitude your spiritual strength and your unwavering  intrepidity!

With Love and Blessings!
We are the Arcturians! 

Conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, February 16, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Today’s message is quite simple, but most important: we come to remind you to rise your frequency at all time, and let this be your constant intention!

Many of you are struggling because you  feel overwhelmed by the vanishing stability of your life, the uncertainty of your future and the surfacing of the accumulation of your suppressed content from your unconscious mind, of which most is not pleasant.

As these  old contents are coming into your awareness, you might feel burdened and confused  and not knowing what to do with it. You might even believe it to be true of you and struggle with it. You might want to examine it. But while you are doing this, you give it importance and weight. And soon it will cloud your clear sight fully.

But we tell you, the old times where such states took perhaps weeks and sometimes months to process, now you can let it go in the blink of an eye, if you understand that it is coming up merely to be released!

The most important issue here is that in the moment, when you start to face old content, you perhaps forget the clarity of your soul, how it feels when your heart is open. As if you never would have been the Light that you Are.

But if you are working from this knowledge of Self, it is easy to release what is merely a memory and tries to repeat itself.

So if you indeed have forgotten for a moment who you are, don’t worry. As long as you focus on your Divine Essence, even if hidden in that moment, and call upon your light, not allowing the past to blinden you, you can indeed re-awaken yourself in an instant! You can do this! It is THE important part of your free will, dear ones! And in this instant you recognize what your memory really is: nothing of true importance, compared with the light of your soul, so that you can let it go very easily.

In that moment your frequency rises again, to be even higher than ever before, as you have released forever what has burdened you unconsciously until now. Because this is the time of no return. It is the time of great purification, of great release. 

Such blinding memories have no way to remain in the New Light that is already fully alive on your earth, if you let them go. And when you do, you will notice each time a new empowerment of your heart, a new strength that is shining forth, paving  further the path of your liberation from bondage and that of humanity.

While you read this message, dear Ones, please accept our Blessings that enable you to remember your Light and the Radiance of your heart!

Thank you for your love and your service, to help rising humanity’s consciousness!

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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   Dearest brothers and sisters!

We are here to share our joy with you! From our perspective, in the higher dimensions, we can see that more and more human beings are awakening to Unity Consciousness.

To  you we speak and to those who desire to enter Unity Consciousness, as you  are tired of the fear and suffering that the illusion of separation creates. Your heart is awakening already to the intuition of unity although you are not yet experiencing it.

Unity Consciousness is naturally awakening with the implementation of higher frequency in your holographic body-mind which allows the dormant human DNA and the ascension codes to be activated. As a result, Truth becomes naturally obvious while the heart opens up to higher consciousness and to the depth of the integration of Divine Principles.

These Divine Principles are the building blocks of a Divine Creation, in Which Unity Consciousness is a prior condition to everything that arises.

Please understand that Unity Consciousness is a matter of higher intelligence inherently present in all evolved Beings who accept the laws of light and love as the basis of existence.

So do not judge others. Your brothers and sisters who still live in separation have not yet understood this, because due to the evolutionary state of their heart and the functionality of their brain they are not yet able to feel and know their own true Divine condition. They rather live in a state of being locked up in themselves, perceiving everything that is not their own body-mind as other and entirely different from themselves.

They have not yet access to their deeper Self and State of Unity, prior to their body – mind. So they are functioning on a level of consciousness that is limited by the sole identification with it. And this is the very basis  for suffering,  destruction, war and misery. Because the separate self lives in  the ill illusion that it needs to make 'others’ their enemies, in order to survive.

Therefore it is the goal and sign of evolution to transcend the false sense of separation. The realization of Unity Consciousness that starts in the heart as the intuition of Oneness, is being expressed as the Love of One, a state of unconditional love where everything that is  not being lived as the Radiance of that Love-Consciousness is being forgiven and forgotten. You realize that your ARE Only That Love-Consciousness, as it Is your True Nature. In the Light of your True Nature you recognize that the signs of the lower self are mere shadows and unreal, and do not exist in Divine Reality.

It is the awakening from the dream of illusion. Forgiveness – to forgive yourself or somebody or any situation – is therefore a natural and blessed activity. It occurs with the understanding that you Are a Pure Divine Conscious Presence Who has awakened from the dark dream of the unreal.  

Therefore, to forgive yourself and others is nothing but to recognize Who You Truly Are.

Do not worry if your loved ones still live in separation, and if you care about the ascension of mankind as a whole! The concept of the chain-reaction of humanity’s  awakening is real! It is a natural frequency phenomenon that ignites one by one as soon as their time has come to awaken, according to their karma. And it is you, the seeds of light, who have chosen to be here to trigger this process for all humanity by your sacrifice to clear your own karmas and thereby also that of humanity.

It is the very Nature of the Divine to Emerge in all Its Creation, to the last one that lives in darkness. When the illusion is recognized, there is natural awakening. Because you have allowed the body-mind to be ignited by the Currents of Divine Light and Information, imprinted with the codes of Ascension. It is given to you by the Grace of the return of the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of Divine Consciousness,  Who is the Power, Light and Energy of Creation.

You all are living in this time to be blessed by the Grace of Great Change in Which the Divine Itself will Govern all life again by empowering all beings with it’s own Presence.

The Divine Light and Consciousness that is pouring down on your earth, is growing exponentially, as you know! And so, dear ones, it is important at this point of time, to take advantage of this enormous help!

Open up to this Divine Empowerment and practice discernment for what you Are and what you are not. If you haven’t discovered it yet, - you are being given plenty of opportunities to face your shadows for the sake of letting them go, by forgiving yourselves and everybody and everything else.

To turn in each moment away from the shadows of a false self as they arise, and focus on the Truth of your own Immaculate Divine Nature and that of your brothers and sisters, is the forgiveness that your are asked to engage from moment to moment now!
This is the fastest way for humanity’s ascension to Unity Consciousness. Each gesture of forgiveness ignites a still sleeping heart that needs to forgive exactly what you chose to forgive, as you are One Humanity.

We thank you and we bless you for your dedicated service!
We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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The veil is daily becoming thinner, as the dark elements that have dominated your planet are loosing their power.                       
Fountains of light are now entering your atmosphere with a new power that has not been able before to penetrate your realm.

Most of you who are awake and conscious about the Ascension Process feel this very tangibly in their lives, not only in their body-mind. 
As the body changes, challenged by higher and higher frequencies, also your feelings and intuitions adapt and so your mind and so the things in your world.

Many of you are now able to look directly into higher dimensional realms and feel the vibrations and consciousness of a Divine World. The Divine World has always been there, only that you have not been noticing It. You have been blinded and your awareness was restricted to a very small part of Creation.

This small part has been considered since Thousands of years by even  your scientists to be the all that is existing and possible. Not to mention your religions that tied you intentionally to limitation and false self-identity.

But now all of this more or less suddenly disappears, and you are being connected to your own Truth, that you now are able to remember.

It is this remembrance that brings you home, this remembrance that heals all your wounds that you accumulated in many lifetimes on this from light deprived planet.

What else would heal you than the knowing of your own True Self, that is now revealing Itself to you.

It is time to accept to Be Who You Are and to let go of all false self-ideas and of self-limitations. Let go of mind-constructs with which you were misguided to define yourself. Listen to your  deepest emotion within. It is the trace that guides you to the tiny spot in your heart, which, when you pass through it, gives room to your eternal and vast Being of Divine Self.

Please oblige yourself from now on with all your heart to wake up to Your True Self. And we bless you for  this! Now is the time for this great adventure of True Self-Discovery! Do not delay anymore! Do not distract yourself with lesser goals! What you need in this world will always be there for you, when you find Your-Self.

This is the time to fulfill the purpose you came here for, and you are being given now the splendid opportunity for the glorious Revelation That Is You, One with All-That-Is.

There are many sidetracks too, that try to occupy your mind. But choose wisely, only to make use of those means that assist you in your Self-Revelation.

This is so necessary, because very soon a time will come where you need to stand in your Own Very Truth, to receive fully the Blessings of the Magnificent Divine Gift that will be Given to all. But  you can only receive it fully when you are prepared! Have you not passionately longed for this?

Simultaneously the Discovery and Realization of your own Self will be a Blessing for others as you help them in this most important transformational event to experience what would otherwise have flushed away by their fear and confusion.

It is of greatest importance to set now your priorities, unceasingly and with faith, joy and love. Because you all are One Humanity, your own opening to the Infinite Divine triggers the opening of the hearts of the unconscious ones who dream still the illusion of the old world.

Help them to wake up by your entering the Realm of Divine Eternity, Light and Love now. The Celestial Event that will soon Enlighten the Universe is the visible sign and prove for what the great majority of humanity has been considering a phantasy merely.

But this Event will open their eyes and your Divine Awareness and Knowing of Truth that has already happened  in your own Heart and Consciousness, will see Its Own Reflection in  what the Creator Forces are Revealing to your whole world and the Universes as well.

Know that what lies ahead of you is Greater than you can imagine or think of. It will turn your world  around, and forever bring it into a New Divine and Glorious  Direction, leaving behind all darkness and the illusionary reality that this darkness created.

The Radiance of your New Divine World will outshine everything of your past. And all will emerge, purified from old remembrances, in great Joy.
This is truly the day of resurrection, prophesied for so long. It is the Grand Marriage of all the Heavens and Earth.

This is not and never has been just a science fiction, but has been always pointing to the Truth of Divine Reality, that so many of you have doubted, thinking it was merely a wishful imagination. But they did not know that it was about the Real, hidden since Millenniums. Now  the coin flips around, and what has been perceived as reality, is now revealed to be a deception. 

And when this deception is being understood, the coin can be dropped altogether, because what is Arising now is the Divine Truth prior and beyond duality. It is Mere Being of Happiness, One, Undivided and Eternal. This is the Revelation of your True Being-ness, your  True Self.

And this Is The One to Which your Whole World is Awakening!

With so much Blessings, Love and Excitement!
We Are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
