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Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012 |
the Venus transit sent ahead it's signs already 2 days before it happened. What appeared to me was rather a re-appearence of what has been already familiar to me.
How can I describe the overwhelming, resurfacing Love in its purest form, for the Ultimate. A re-union, if at all possible at this stage, with the Source-Love, the Source-Light, I had to put a bit aside for a while, to fulfill the original mission of this birth: to serve Gaia's and humanity's ascension process.
Many say, there is no difference between that process and the Source. But I experience that the energies indeed are different. There is no Light, no Consciousness, that radiates in this utter purity and beauty than that of the Source. Compared with it, all rays of light and dimensions feel gross and imperfect, almost painful, although they might appear to the perceiver as perfect and the ultimate goal of desire.
But it is just true, that the unbroken light is immediately and inherently One with our Deepest Being, while cosmic and universal lights and dimensions still exist in separation, even if extremely subtle. But with what we are truly One at the Root of our Being, - not One because we imagine and think it, but because we literally experience it, without difference, - reveals Itself immediately and without any doubt as our True Home, the Place of Origin, where every search ends.
It is the Unchanging Reality, the very Substance of our existence. And Love is inherent in It. It is not different and it does not act but merely Is, it is a form of Consciousness.
But even though,- as I have a body, - this body is overwhelmed by this totality of the Root Existence of Love.
This all came up before the Transit as a fundamental remembrance of something my heart knows in this life and really and always yearns for, because it fulfills all the heart's desires, because from there on, there is no path to go any further.
It is origin and terminal. And I am speaking from my own experience and direct observation. This is not a philosophical consideration. This Reality is greater than "I" Am as an individual.
Now relative to the limited body-mind which is still arising as an 'other' in this Source, I noticed after the Venus transit a greater opening of this vehicle than ever before, as if a chapter has been closed and a new one is opening. As if there are now new and deeply inspiring possibilities given within our familiar body-mind, as if new codes have been activated and old, unnecessary configurations and designs have been dissolved. It is as if a new humanity is rising, a new door in the heart has been opened for us through which we have access to other and deeper realities in a way we have not been able to perceive until now. It is a wonderful relieve and liberation, in the realms and dimensions of conditional reality, but while the Ultimate Reality still remains the same, undivided and forever unchanging.
Still it is amazing to observe, how these new openings in the conditional world are raising conditional inspiration and a greater freedom in the midst of this conditionality. Which allows us to be more and more open and allow our soul-presence to shine through, to govern finally our life from North to South and from East to West. With this a new wind is blowing through our heart, a new heaven widens us into an unmeasurable depth of existence, heralding the Ultimate.
This could happen because we have been released from ancient-old baggage. Something really unnecessary when we look back. But this is gone now, and it will be gone for all of us, who are willing to let it consciously go, let go what hinders our way to freedom.
These are the times of deep Blessings, and they will come even more inspiring by the day.
Much love,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
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Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.