Thursday, October 25, 2012


Dear All!

This healing video is from my heart to you! 
It is based on Sacred Sounds, Imagery and Words.***)

Sacred Geometry, such as the Flower of Life and the Sri Yantra, used in most of the images, are building blocks of Divine Creation and heal the Spirit.

 Deutsches Video:

The Healing Words used in this video, when deeply felt, are scientifically proven to heal the mind.

The Sacred Solfeggio and Brain-Entrainment Frequencies  have a healing effect on the body.

These three elements, combined together, are working on the underlying  imbalances of body, mind & spirit, and can therefore have a strong healing effect, when this video is used regularly.


Please use stereo headphones! ***)

***) ATTENTION! The binaural sound could be harmful, if you have epilepsy, a pacemaker or another electronic implant! In this case simply do not use headphones!

I'd love to hear your feedback! Thank you!

Much love,
