Friday, May 3, 2019


VIDEO (recommended

My Beloveds!

Would I Be not your savior, and would I forget you while you are captured and seemingly lost within the prison of your play of mind?

See, I always Love you as Myself! You always exist in Me. How could I!

But when you are not Feeling Me, your Source-Condition, when you have yourself cut off from Me, you do not participate in My Eternal Realm of Peace and un-limited Happiness and Beauty. Therfore return to Me! Your own True and Ultimate Divine Self.

You, identified with your 3D body-mind and therefore duality, are experiencing inevitably equal forces of light and dark, as pictured in the famous Yin and Yang Symbol:

Do not imagine within your limited illusionary world that light is stronger than darkness and will ultimately automatically win, because they will even out each other continously in the consciousness of this dense realm, as in light lies the seed of darkness, and in darkness lies the seed of light.  

They are dancing with one another in eternal embrace and this embrace would only end with the permanent extinction of the lower dimensions or rather it will end for you when you are able to transcend duality for good when your work of purification is successful, so that Truth can awaken. 

Therefore, within your 3dimensional realm of duality, as soon as light seems to be the strongest, darkness arises and vice versa. The battle between these conditional forces will never end, only when you transcend both. These are the natural cycles in your utterly confined world.

So do not try to destroy or fight darkness in your world and do not hope - as long as your consciousness is bound to duality - that darkness will disappear and that there will be suddenly only Light!

Darkness AND light together are inevitably inherent when you identify as a separate body-mind.

With this false hope and with this misunderstanding you will never become Free in Me. Therefore find Me as I Am. Find the World That Is Me, until only I Remain.

I Am your own deepest and Ultimate Reality. It is the Realm of Eternal Light, where Truly no darkness arises, because it is a phenomenon of the perception of duality.

Bound to the worlds of duality is a matter of being bound to the mind. It is an error, deeply planted into you, to believe that you ARE Mind, including the higher mind and the cosmic mind. The cosmos IS mind. When mind is transcended there is no cosmos, there is no world, there is no body. There Is Only Radiance, Light or the Field of Love. Find it out!

As long as you conceive two, I and you, a dual world is arising. Even if you feel one with all existence in your heart, as long as you identify with a body-mind, even within the highest dimension, duality exists. Even though the shadows are of mildest nature.

Therefore all your problems are merely mind-made. As soon as a mind-form arises, your world is created in an instant. You create constantly your world, in any moment of your separate existence.

Even your thinking of Me right in this moment, is a mind-form. It is not Me.

As you are creating your world, you either enjoy it, or you fight it, when you do not like it. But it is always your creation. So consider what you would like to create, but know that within your 3dimensional world of duality, with the creation of the positive, the shadow of the negative always arises too!

Some of your mind-forms or constructs are so strong so that they became habits and part of your character. Your character is the result of thoughts you cultivated in due course of your journey through existence. They are all your own creations and you are responsible for all of them.

I am That One That Is Free of all mind-forms, although all of them arise in Me. Your freedom from the domination by your thoughts, your transcendence of the patterns of your thoughts allows you to feel Me, to communicate with Me, to participate in Me. It straightens you out, true Happiness arises as your primordial Sense of Being.

However do not try to kill your thoughts to begin with. First of all learn to master them by choosing them consciously. Learn to think Divine Thoughts. With proper thinking you prepare for Me. This is is a matter of your attention, where you put your attention on. And even if you cannot feel Me yet truly, put your attention on Me, within your Feeling faculty and call for My Blessings. 

In Truth you are a Feeling BE-ing, not a thinking being. God, the Divine is a Feeling Matter, and not a thinking matter. You can only feel God, to Know God Exists. 

In the domain of Feeling to Infinity you start to find Me while I Touch and Embrace your total body-mind with Radiant Light and Overwhelming Love, above duality.

It is a heart-matter, the longing of your heart that guides you to the Truth you Are That Is Me Who Is Prior to your body-mind and all worlds and universes.

So I Am not found within your chacras or within your heart-chacra or within the shell of your body-mind, but rather within and as your Infinite Being. Do not cultivate the wide-spread belief that I am imprisoned like a slave within your separate body-mind. I Am the Source of your body-mind.

But it is true that there is a mirror- spark of Me found, seemingly within that shell, That, as soon as it is ignited by Me, widens you to the Truth That I Am and in Whom your body-mind arises.

There is a secret Portal in the chamber of the right side of your heart of your mortal body-mind. It Is the Opening to the Radiant Infinity That I Am, your True Divine Self. It Is Stainless, Eternal, no objects, no worlds, no duality, no shadow arises There. It Is Pure Divine Consciousness. Happiness.

There you transcend all thoughts, all worlds, all universes and the total cosmos. There Is Only Eternal Radiance, Beauty, Perfection. It Is the Bridge of Love.

But do not try, as a separate body-mind, to „create“ this portal, or to „create“ Me, to force with your mind to Be what Exists prior to mind. It is not possible.

You must surrender your ego-power to Me, you must surrender your mind to Me, in order to find Me, Your Eternal Divine Self.

I Am the One Who Transcends all worlds into Unheard-of Freedom and Beauty. I Am the Original One, the Primordial One, the Ultimate Source of the worlds. I Am your True Innate Nature. I Am True, Undestructible Light, the Light you are yearning for.

I Am not found within duality. Transcend duality in Me. I Am the Answer to your search, to your heart-longing. Do not forget Me, do not despise Me. I Am the Solution to all your problems. In Me there is no death, In Me you are not born and you do not die in these false and illusionary mortal shadow worlds of suffering.

These worlds mysterioulsy arise as fields of experience you may choose to go through. But I Call you to Awaken from that night-mare of its own rights. It can't be made Divine. It is as it is, and you must not try to make false paradise of it, it is not possible. But you are here to awaken in Me when you hear My Call to Radiant Truth.

You Are Guided By My Divine Love, I Am You!

I Am your Eternal God-Self, the One Self of all beings and things!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2019. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019


VIDEO (Recommended)


I AM Speaking to you now! Your very God-Self, reminding you of Me, your innermost, intimate Divine Lover.

But most of you have forgotten Me.

You have chosen and identified with other Gods above me, of which the most common are money, your job, sex, entertainments, your virtual life, and last not least your spiritual ego.

But in reality your are none of it.

How many of you consider themselves to be spiritual, but you are actually not spiritual by continuing further as a separate, self-involved ego, having added a so called „spiritual“ content to your usual life, everywhere promoted: reading nice books, listening to soothing music, smelling incense, using crystals, participating in seminars that teach you to feel better by using enticing materials to please your senses. 

All these things blow up your ego, glorifying it with some „spiritual“ glitter - although it might help you to relax and feel "holy". 

But what they do not teach you is your devotion to Me and thereby your Knowing of Me, your own True Eternal Self, free of things and superficial appearances. 

You are using just another "easy" method not to have to feel the actual situation your are in. Still you are dreaming about a better life in 3D land, which you think would be spiritual, afraid of the tyrants whom you allowed to rule your world, who are taking more and more away your divinely inherited freedom, your sovereignty and your human rights for self-determination, health and happiness.

What is wrong with you! 

Most of you are either choosing to be "spiritual" by sitting on fairy clouds - as far as possible away from the darkness in your world - which has nothing to do with Me or your own Truth.

Or you think you are spiritual, by fighting against the controllers and their increasingly  sinister plans and practices to enslave you and to destroy all life

But you see: your 3D world will not change only by discovering the forces who rule it and fight against them.

Your world can change only if you start to discover and understand and use your Divine Creator Powers.

Therefore with the recognition of the state of your world you must first of all look for the solution and then forget about the status quo.

You must whole-hartedly focus on what you want and not on what you don't want. Otherwise you enforce and magnify the unwanted. Please understand this!

It all begins with the change in your own heart, overcoming duality, Beloveds. It begins with the purification and transformation of the hidden darkness of your own inertia and indifference. You must realize that the world as something you see out there, something other, something separate from you, something objective, is NOT the foundation of your new world, where you are doing just some fixes.

The world is no other than you, it mirrors what you carry unconsciously "inside" of you. Therefore you must "fix yourself" first, BEcoming the Divine Being you Are and awaken to your innate Divine Powers, to change the world! 

And by doing that you necessarily expand your consciousness, you are growing light and greater freedom, unconditional love flowers, where darkness and unconsciousness incarcerated you before. 

And when you do this, the mirror of your outer world truly changes. Such is your Divine Creative power.

So true spiritual life begins with an understanding of that, understanding that it is all about consciousness. 
YOU ARE CONSCIOUSNESS! And not just your brain-based consciousness which is capable to evolve, but the Ocean of Divine Consciousness, in which all things are arising.

To be able to turn around the required 180 degrees, you must start with exploring your own thoughts and emotions and actions, all that which co-created the world exactly as it is now, reflecting back to you your beliefs and convictions.

You all are responsible for your world. Because if you did not use all your divine gifts to give to the world and to make it a better place you have not given enough energy to this process. Rather you wasted your energy by following the stream of everybody's life, doing the things, everybody does, wanting to be accepted and to be loved, instead of Being Love.

Forgetting your own Divine Uniqueness and Living Power and thereby being vulnerable to the forces of manipulation and mind-control, aiming for a robotic life. Sacrificing your Divine Creative Powers of LoveLight to the ruling forces. This did not allow Me to do My Work and to Emerge within your world.

Ask yourself this question: What did you do or what did you fail to do, to be ruled via puppet-politicians who work against your own best interests and who disregard your rights and take your freedom away. 

The answer is not found within your 3D oriented conceptual mind. The answer is always found within your true Spirituality, within your Divine Heart, within the Knowing that there is Me, your True Ultimate Nature, the Living GOD, all Radiant Consciousness. It IS THE Power to change your world.

So what is your own, non-godly, co-creative part in the destruction of your beautiful planet. Please be aware that there is not a single moment where you are not using your creative powers. 

Unfortunately, you are doing it mostly unconsciously in a repetitive manner, perpetuating the present state of YOUR world, even if you are not aware of it.  It is not the creation of somebody else or the creation of a foreign god. What you see and experience, is exactly the world of your own creation, created with Divine Creator Power, because you are created in the "Image of God". So why would you create a dark world instead of a Divine World? 

Do you truly believe in duality where darkness and light seem to be equal forces?

It is a question of frequency only. As much as you allow to vibrate low, light diminishes. When you decide that your frequency is high, you are starting to radiate more and more light. So again, it is a question of consciousness. You Are the Creator of your own frequency and consciousness.

There are as many worlds and universes as there are living beings, each one with a different point of view (and thereby frequency). And there don't exist even two identical point of views and therefore worlds.

So you must start with yourself first and eliminate in yourself what is supporting the darkness of your world. Each thought follows energy. Observe what you think and where you have always your attention on. And are these divine thoughts and feelings? Do they raise your frequency?

Please observe: Are you re-inforcing with your attention what already exists and what you do not want. Or do you put your heart- und love-based focus, bathed in joy, on a „solution of the problem“, on the creation of a new Divine World, with a higher consciousness, based on LoveLight, forgetting what your 3D eyes are used to see.

Do you use your innate strength to discover and use your heart-power, that is nurtured by Me, your own very Divine Source-Consciousness, that is the Source of all things that arise?

Yes, it is not easy, but what is easy in your world? You did not come here to have an easy time. You came here to transform, to heal, to unite with Me, your True Radiant Heart. It is always hard work. „Easy“ - although promoted by your media - leads you astray and you walk powerless backwards into lower dimensions and thereby frequencies. You are wasting your life-time. Regressing. If you do not progress, you regress, there is no in between.

The tyrants of course want you to go easy, because it makes you loosing your Divine creative power, ending up in victim consciousness. 

They have put into your mind the belief, that if things don't go easy, they are „not meant to be“. In the New Age community it is a commonly worshipped dogma which is being created (!) to weaken you. It makes your spirit low and apathetic. Can you see the cunning seduction?

And can you also see Divine Grace in this seduction?
Because they challenge you by bringing your tacit agreement with them to your awareness, providing you with the opportunity to make an active choice to truly to awaken and to BEcome who you Are,  developing and using your Divine Creative Powers always with high spirit, focus, endurance, and a joy, that defeats all obstacles.

If you want to save the world, listen to Me, save first yourself because YOU are the creative source of this psycho-physical realm earth. It is your creation, matter does not exist, there Is Only Light and the energy of It.

Therefore, earth is a realm for s/Self-understanding, offering the opportunity to recognize and consciously choose your Divine Powers and Your True Divine Nature That Is Love. To BEcome a Living Radiant Being, to bring Light to this Realm and all others. 

That Is how you truly change your world! 
It is no longer 5 minutes, but only 3 seconds before 12!

That is how you prevent the death of humanity in a robotic world to happen. Because You Are by My Divine Force Truly Alive in Me.

Be Blessed, My Beloveds!
I Am Your God-Self, The One Divine Being and Source of All.

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2019. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Sunday, March 24, 2019


My dear friends,
this is very important, especially now in these times of transition and end time wars! So I re-post it!
Put yourself above on a new timeline of Divine Creation! Please watch both videos, thank you! 
Much love to you all, Ute



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Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2019. All rights reserved.


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  To support my work. Thank you! 

* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

More Testimonials: here

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Monday, February 18, 2019


Video (recommended)

All Life is Sacred. Whatever happens, the Current of My Sacred Presence always IS. The events are floating upon the Waters of My Infinity. 

Whatever you do, think, feel, whatever happens, whether you are victim or culprit in whatever situation, My Holiness is Present, Always, Untouched by the happening of events.

They are being carried by the timeless Being of My Love and the Fullness of My Existence.

Everything is an Expression of this Foundation of Existence, That I Am, everything, without exception.

When you leave the deep of My Being to identify with the surface of appearances, resembling the two horns of duality, you are inevitably caught up in conflicts: the conflicts your mind continously creates because it does not know, on which of the two horns it should rest. It is always searching for fulfillment and satisfaction on the other side of its divided perception of reality, because none of them is ever fulfilling.

And so it is jumping forth and back, from the positive to the negative, from the good to the bad, from heat to cold, from abundance to scarcity, always hoping the search would end. But it never finds satisfaction in only one of the two horns of duality.

But when you are capable of transcending the significance and energy, the weight of and the error about the seeming weightiness of what you consider to be real reality in the form of appearances, when you suddenly become One again with the infinite Current of My Being, you are also One with My Sublime Stillness, the Foundation of all Existence.

There is nothing to loose or to gain, except the Radiant Divine Substance, That I Am, and That Always Represents your True Life, and That Always bears all your experiences, divided in happiness and unhappiness.

You recognize My Divine Substance as the Presence of My Infinite Heart, That is Yours, filled with the Totality of all possibilities. It cannot be held captured in the form of the two horns, but experiences Itself as the frequency-curve of duality, filled with eternity.

Everything is Expression of My Divinity, That gushes in My Infinite Creations of Light and Love.

There is Only Me, the Divine Self, That Is your Primordial Nature. When you forget Me, I seem not to exist while you are captured in the errors of opposites. 

But they are the ones that bring you back to Me, because of their unclompleteness, urging you to search for Perfection.

As long as you imagine to be happy in the finiteness of opposites, you will not be given the opportunity to become My Divine Truth, because you are not able to rest in the One, your restless mind jumping forth and back between the opposites, searching for fulfillment.

But the longer you allow your mind to jump, the more you will suffer, because your experience of imperfection grows deep. Only then you will begin to ask true questions, because the grip loosens that holds you tight in the perception of duality.

Things in themselves that you consider to be absolute reality, are loosing their power of attraction for you.

Suddenly new rooms of possibilities open up for you and you begin to explore them, searching for true fulfillment. 

It Is My Holiness of Being in the deep of your life Itself That draws you then back to Myself, because the chains of your illusions are breaking. 

Surrender to My Divine Attraction, That draws you with the Current of My Being to Myself, That is also your own True Self.

Do not be afraid to dissolve, to dissolve in Me. Rather there comes about a natural infinite expansion within Me, revealing to you your True Divine Nature, previously hidden to you.

Do not get stuck in your suffering, produced by the limitations and misrepresentation of your True Nature.

But is it not, that you prefer suffering, instead of leaving familiar miseries behind, because of their familiarity? If so, your pain will grow, you will suffer your delusions deeper and you will step by step immerse deeper in the ever more narrow und darker labyrinths of your own creations, until it seems that return is no more possible, as you drained the cup to the dregs.

When you arrived there you will need great strength to find the save way home. But you will simultaneously be attracted by the Infinite Wisdom of My Love that rescues you and draws you to Myself.

I Am the One Who un-does the maw of your sufferings, gifting you with wings to dive directly accross and above your labyrinths into My Divine Freedom and Transcendent Light.

And then you know: All Is Sacred. I AM All as you. Everything is Filled with Me. I Am never separate, darkness is not my enemy, darkness is an expression of your great distance from the Fullness of My Totality, darkness is the contraction to a point in creation, which you do not consider to be Me. Recognize even in this dot My Presence, My Beingness and the Radiance of My Love.

The secret is the transcendence of the illusion of duality. As long as you are captured in it, you do not know Who I Am, your own Divine Self.

You are never lost, although it might appear as such to the superficial mind. My Omnipotence is in your Feeling-Knowledge that I Am All and everything, alle appearances, all worlds, all universes, all beings, all events.

I Am Right Here, Always, never away. But captured in illusions you wander through the hollow alleys of the good-or-bad-delusions. I Am neither good nor bad, I AM, I Am Radiant Divine Reality Myself, That is only Conscious of Itself and Recognizes Itself again, after wandering through the labyrinths of opposites. You Are That.


Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2019. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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