Saturday, January 14, 2012


Dear friends and readers of my blog,

well, what about this "silence" - I thought I need to explain that it is not just a airy thing that's going on, as if it would mean some absence or "other-wordliness", hard to grasp and only something in my mind.

I don't know about you, but in my experience there seems to descend on us a huge new wave of conscious energy, very thick and warm and embracing - and extremely powerful.

It seems to undo our old world, perception and way of existence, with the intention to replace everything that has been so far our reality in the long lasting past of the last millenniums. It is the Descend of a higher Vibration, Density and Dimension into our world and life.

It makes me speechless and each morning the waking up process (returning to my body here) requires me to allow this immensity to press down (my God and with what a power!) and to descend into my body and and whole being, and to unfold and to spread out so that it seems that "it" now wants to take over my life, making me silent and stops me searching, (although my other creative self wants to continue its course, but is put to accept and to be soaked and drawn into this new presence). 

Is this easy to take? The old me says: No! It is unbearable, it says, as my familiar world seems to fall apart. But I know it has to surrender and I don't know what will come out on the other side as "me", when the integration has happened. And yes, it dawns in me: it is about integration, and when that is done, a new and transformed creativity will be born, so I hope. But who knows. It is the acceptance of the un-known.

Please, bear with me, but I know you understand, because many of you have their own more or less awesome and glorious transition period at hand (but which can feel sometimes strange too).

Even our neighbors changed, people who would be never open to any other dimension but working, eating and sleeping. Never wanted to know anything beyond that narrow cocoon of life. They recently asked me about 2012 and the rest,  and they started to radiate when I painted the beautiful picture. They were all happy eyes and ears and their hearts open for love. 

What a joy! Friends, it is spreading!  It IS happening!

This new conscious energy takes away every familiar perception of our reality as we know it, and it happens for everybody! Isn't this the greatest answer to the urgent question, so many of us have: "but how will this ascension process occur? How will the masses awaken?" 

I have seen the first sign shortly after the 11.11.11 event,
and now these first signs are bearing their first fruit!

Now we are given evidence that it occurs, by grace. The evidence that it will occur for everybody! 
I am sure you all have your own stories confirming this! 

No doubt, we are already in the midst of the great shift, preparing us for the Galactic Alignment in December of this year. 

Please be aware, that this is a personal testimony, a testimony from a resident of our most beautiful planet Gaia, from a direct participant in this great process, and not a message from our friends off the planet. 

What we have been told for so long is becoming our own tangible reality now. I consider this to be very important! Especially for those who are struggling with self-doubt. I wish from my heart you are inspired and drop your concerns how all will turn out.

Please don't hesitate, dearest sisters and brothers, to share your own experience here with us!

With love and blessings,
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