Friday, October 7, 2016


VIDEO (recommended!)


If enlightenment is what you desire, it is important to understand the difference!

Your definition depends on the understanding that is based on your point of view and the capacity for spiritual discrimination.

There are as many definitions of enlightenment as there are paradigms. So it seems, enlightenment is relative.

However I AM not Speaking about relative enlightenment. I AM Speaking of True or Radical Enlightenment, which is the most Profound Enlightenment a human being is able to realize.

The levels below to know and to define is your own task, as you proceed through your evolution in consciousness where you experience many forms of relative awakenings as your awareness expands. Each step then requires from you to be fully conscious on your level of present understanding, in every detail of the human faculties and how they project their content onto the universe or are being mirrored by it.

You will understand that levels are fluid and are merging into one another.  On whatever level  of awareness you stand, you will probably think that this is the whole truth. 

But the more wise you become, the more you know that the whole truth can never be realized as long as you are identified with a finite person, an individual soul, a being who is living mainly from the mind, even the subtle mind and furthermore  from the heart-mind, which is based on your deeper personality or higher self.

Radical Enlightenment is not about point of view, levels and dimensions, any kind of inclusion or exclusion. It embraces all, even that which you cannot accept in this and other worlds, and everything that is dark, cruel, unjust, twisted, hypocritical, unreliable, deceitful and more. Everything you deny, never dealt with, although it stared you right into your face.

To be Truly Free requires your embrace and transcendence of all of this, - without re-action, re-sistance, contraction away from it, - your body-mind expanded and fully awake in My Divine Radiance that Is Your Natural Own State of Consciousness. Your body-mind literally fully En-lightened and Pervaded, from top to toe by the Divine Source-Light That Is Your True Nature, and even your En-lightened body-mind transcended in That Consciousness That is Pure Love and Radiance, without limitation, separation, and the otherness of light and dark.

While you embrace the totality of darkness and its appearances,  you admit that you are ALL that Exists without exception, without fear, without repulsion which is ultimately a contraction upon yourself, away from my Radiant Infinitely Expanded State that is also Yours.

This embrace is a shock for your system, it does not come with a "nice" sensation, a sweet God-idea, because it is the Power of Reality Itself That is Communicating to You the Totality of Existence.

Therefore know that you are to prepare your body-mind for this Revelation through an intense purification process which includes frequency and light - and Grace! It requires physical, emotional and spiritual strength and is not just a superficial journey in a visionary illusion-land.

It is the bitter and challenging medicine to be swallowed to heal at the very core of your being and to become whole again as the Radiance of Love and Conscious Light!

Life is teaching and inviting you constantly to integrate all your experiences in a way that you fully live them to go beyond, whatever it is, even your, what you call "good" experiences, because they are just that: experiences via the means of your body-mind. Your body-mind is but a tool to navigate through the dimensions, including through the higher dimensions with a subtle body.

But You Are in Reality Pure Consciousness and Radiant Energy and Love That does not "need" a body, not even a mind to Exist, and That does not "need" the play of dimensions.

I AM – You ARE - prior and beyond it.

To realize this, is True Enlightenment because it is always Your Most Native Divine State.

I AM Your God-Self!

 Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016


VIDEO (recommended) 


One day your body will die.

Your body will dissolve back into its elements. It provided you with an experience in this realm of intense density, with the illusion of separation and duality and therefore of the lower mind and lower emotions.

During these times you forgot your Pure Immortal Essence, which is not just a spark but a concentration of My Existence itself.

I speak of concentration not in the sense of concentration in space or time, but in the sense of concentration of Being-ness, of intense Spiritual Energy, unconfined and Expanded Consciousness, but not expanded in space.

It seems to be a paradox but it is not, because it does not exist in your familiar dimension, rather it is dimension-less and therefore so to speak above your usual awareness, but not above in space!

It is like an Immortal Elixir that exists beyond your senses of the body-mind and how you measure and classify your experiences.

To access your Immortal Essence requires the use of  a new "organ" of "other-worldly" sensation to be aware of a preciousness, an ultra-pristine purity, a crystal-like transparent radiance and power of ecstasy that is neither in the body nor outside the body. Because it is neither of space nor of time. It just Is. It is the Immortal Essence that is Me.

It is of extreme transcendental clarity and beauty, free of objects and otherness, it is spotless and without any attributes. It is free of creation but it is the foundation of creation. From there creation draws its much weaker power. And from there creation is a playful but un-necessary illusion because of its relative frailty compared to My Original Power of Existence.

Divine Immortality is yours, insofar as you dare to release the fear of letting go what you created, release the fear of letting go your identity with your creations, desiring with all your heart  to know again What and Who You Are in Truth.

In this clarity, in this peace, in this unstained and changeless, otherworldly transcendental Divine Reality you Know intrinsically that you have never been born and that you will never die because you recognize your True Essence. And when you drop your body, you merely let behind a tool of experiencing certain dimensions, in this case the dimension that you call the third, or perhaps subtler dimensions. 

It is not really then a major event. It is just letting go some lower vibrations and their ramifications, the creations within this realm, but which had not really anything to do with the One That You Truly Are, because you have mastered detachment.

But detachment is never an activity of your ego, a wilful, unhappy and ascetic act of renunciation of yours. It is the Power of My Reality that un-chains you from bondage, because you know Me and you Love Me. 

By Knowing Me you do not need to travel through the many dimensions of the universe to find Me in the end! Because this deviation is not necessary!

Now a time has come where you are to directly assume Your Immortal Self that Is Me, as soon as you comprehend the universe as an extension of Me, because I have dissolved your bondage in Me.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
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"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016




There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically - that can ever "create" Me!

People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express What I Am. It is an artificial addition merely to What You Are. I AM your light-body!

I am the Fundamental Nature of Your True Being that is not "made" from any construct, universally, cosmically or personally. I AM My Very Own Power of Energy and Primordial Force of Light and Consciousness, Which Is yours naturally when you find Me in Your Heart, that is no chacra.

I have nothing to do with chacras! Your true Heart is the essence and abode of mere Being, Infinite Being! I Am miraculously found there and beyond As All.

I AM. I AM not made, although many believe they are becoming spiritually mature by constructing any type of light body by their will, intention and with mental strategies. You do not need  to "create" energy or light! Only take part in My Transcendental Force of Light and Consciousness That Is Your Own Origin! And flow with It.
This is My Simplicity!

There is no strategy whatsoever that creates the path to Me, because I Simply Am and strategy is an effort unknown to Me. It does not function in Your foundation that Is My Essence. The Eternal Divine Heart in Which and As Which I express Myself is free of strategy. It Is Your Own Very Divine Transcendental Heart.

I merely AM Who I AM. 

Furthermore: There is no path towards Me, because I am not found in space and I Am not found in time. All these things have been created by those who wish to confine you. It is the confined one who thinks about ascending to a "higher" realm. But this is an alienation from Me.

In reality you start to understand who you truly Are, timeless, spaceless and dimensionless. In reality you expand in My unconditional Consciousness. And it is not about your confined ego that seems to become a bit more subtle. Watch this closely!

You are naturally unconfined in Me, the One Who Lives You, the One Hue-man Being that has been split – seemingly – into many, although there is Only One Single Divine Consciousness. Many different bodies there are, yes, but they all dance in My Reality as Me as One.

It is time to wake up from the dream, that you once chose to dream: the painful dream of separation from Me, when you were made to believe that I can be manipulated by your mind's creations

Now the grand circle is closing as you, after many experiences, under the illusion of being away from Me, find Me naturally in the midst of your daily enterprises, in the midst of  programs of overwhelming deception!

To find Me in the underlying Current of your synthetic world again, at the point of greatest density as the Eternal One, the Beautiful One, The Radiant One, The Eternal Love, un-compromised by appearances, the long journey comes to an end. Because I have Proven to Be Present always and ever.

Now as You Arise in Me, while I Express through your infinite Heart, the shadows vanish. Know, they cannot exist if your Heart expands to infinity and deepest stillness, through the door to my Radiant True Divine Consciousness. Find that door in the Deep Space of the Heart on the Right Side.

There the duality of light and dark is a phantom only, because My Single Light consumes it all.

Do not seek the un-natural light that opposes the dark, to create a new world. Because it is mind-made and both are a construct. You only need to participate with Me, The true Oneness and Singleness in the depth of mere Being-ness, that natural Bliss, that precious flavour of Primordial Existence. It has  always been Yours. And it is Now.

My Embodiment As You, not the separate, confined one, but as the Creative Universal Heart-One, is now waiting to be Birthed by Me. This brings forth a Truly New World. An Authentic World, a Divine World emerging from My Pure Divine Heart.

Do You Understand? Are You Ready?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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