Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016




There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically - that can ever "create" Me!

People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express What I Am. It is an artificial addition merely to What You Are. I AM your light-body!

I am the Fundamental Nature of Your True Being that is not "made" from any construct, universally, cosmically or personally. I AM My Very Own Power of Energy and Primordial Force of Light and Consciousness, Which Is yours naturally when you find Me in Your Heart, that is no chacra.

I have nothing to do with chacras! Your true Heart is the essence and abode of mere Being, Infinite Being! I Am miraculously found there and beyond As All.

I AM. I AM not made, although many believe they are becoming spiritually mature by constructing any type of light body by their will, intention and with mental strategies. You do not need  to "create" energy or light! Only take part in My Transcendental Force of Light and Consciousness That Is Your Own Origin! And flow with It.
This is My Simplicity!

There is no strategy whatsoever that creates the path to Me, because I Simply Am and strategy is an effort unknown to Me. It does not function in Your foundation that Is My Essence. The Eternal Divine Heart in Which and As Which I express Myself is free of strategy. It Is Your Own Very Divine Transcendental Heart.

I merely AM Who I AM. 

Furthermore: There is no path towards Me, because I am not found in space and I Am not found in time. All these things have been created by those who wish to confine you. It is the confined one who thinks about ascending to a "higher" realm. But this is an alienation from Me.

In reality you start to understand who you truly Are, timeless, spaceless and dimensionless. In reality you expand in My unconditional Consciousness. And it is not about your confined ego that seems to become a bit more subtle. Watch this closely!

You are naturally unconfined in Me, the One Who Lives You, the One Hue-man Being that has been split – seemingly – into many, although there is Only One Single Divine Consciousness. Many different bodies there are, yes, but they all dance in My Reality as Me as One.

It is time to wake up from the dream, that you once chose to dream: the painful dream of separation from Me, when you were made to believe that I can be manipulated by your mind's creations

Now the grand circle is closing as you, after many experiences, under the illusion of being away from Me, find Me naturally in the midst of your daily enterprises, in the midst of  programs of overwhelming deception!

To find Me in the underlying Current of your synthetic world again, at the point of greatest density as the Eternal One, the Beautiful One, The Radiant One, The Eternal Love, un-compromised by appearances, the long journey comes to an end. Because I have Proven to Be Present always and ever.

Now as You Arise in Me, while I Express through your infinite Heart, the shadows vanish. Know, they cannot exist if your Heart expands to infinity and deepest stillness, through the door to my Radiant True Divine Consciousness. Find that door in the Deep Space of the Heart on the Right Side.

There the duality of light and dark is a phantom only, because My Single Light consumes it all.

Do not seek the un-natural light that opposes the dark, to create a new world. Because it is mind-made and both are a construct. You only need to participate with Me, The true Oneness and Singleness in the depth of mere Being-ness, that natural Bliss, that precious flavour of Primordial Existence. It has  always been Yours. And it is Now.

My Embodiment As You, not the separate, confined one, but as the Creative Universal Heart-One, is now waiting to be Birthed by Me. This brings forth a Truly New World. An Authentic World, a Divine World emerging from My Pure Divine Heart.

Do You Understand? Are You Ready?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
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Become the One You Truly Are!

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Monday, September 28, 2015


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 Dear Humanity!

 It is our joy to be with you and to observe your progress of awakening! Many of you opened their spiritual eyes recently, awakening to their infinite Divine Nature with the desire to let go of old and limiting programmings.

With this we'd like to remind you that everything  in the conditional realms is frequency. This concept is helpful especially because it allows you to experience your programs as mere frequencies.

When you are able to understand that the vehicle of your body-mind is a mixture of frequencies, you are also capable to recognize your environment and others by their frequencies.

Physical appearance or words do not change this. You like or dislike a person by their frequency. You like or dislike a message by its frequency. That's how you recognize who is who and what is what. Because every frequency carries information.

We suggest that you, if you haven't done it yet, step up and train your perception on the frequency level, to be able to use discrimination in this era of disinformation and deceit.

This is an important part of the ascension process that allows you to go beyond the Matrix! Because the Matrix is frequency.

What we  also would like to bring to your attention is this: it is important to understand the term "unity". It is not an idea or goal, but a frequency which does not need to be "created", but which already exists since the beginning of time.  Mankind perceived itself as divided by apparent different races and cultures, yes, - but mainly because Love in all its Divine dimensions and glory  was not yet integrated in the human consciousness. And so humanity fell, challenged by adverse forces, easily  into separating difference and calculated aggressiveness.

However Love is THE uniting force of the galaxy that has been introduced to your universe to reverse a further course of decline, weakening and destruction of humanity. That is why your spiritual guides always refer to love, as it is the spiritual force that easily unites all races and cultures. Love has no structure, no dimension, no believe and no judgement. It is the foundation for Unity-Consciousness.

Now there is hardly anyone who did not experience the power of love, even if only for a moment in the case of a very unhappy life. Attraction between genders has been enriched in due course with true love that involves your higher being, as more and more of you evolved and opened their sacred heart.

However today we ask you to not overstress and confine the experience of love to your personal relationships. This is only a beginning where you are called to cultivate this energy and are able to experience bliss and unity with one another.

Humanity is now ready to step outside this merely intimate space between two or a few people, willing to expand love beyond the familiar. Beyond family bonds and the bonds with friends and even nations. Humanity must expand love to all beings and creatures, in order to overcome the  challenges of a divided world-population and destructive forces, and to create as soon as possible peace on earth, refusing to kill, to intentionally hurt and abandon your human brothers and sisters, because you are perhaps being told so.

We ask you to tune into your heart when you read or listen to this. We remind you that you all are capable of the language and higher vibration of the heart, if you intend to release fear and hatred and the idea of separation from the rest of your human family.

In the past times many of you convinced themselves that survival was dependent on the idea of separation and alienation. Now you are to understand that your survival as a Divine race is dependent on the frequency of love and unity. As the light and energy on your planet is rising, so your own energy can rise when you tune into the frequency of love. It is the vehicle for you to receive what is coming now from highly evolved and Divine cosmic sources. It is the vessel that allows your own holographic structure to participate in the higher mind that is invincible by negative and deceiving forces. It is indeed the very force that allows you to ascend and to evolve as a race.

Many of you, humanity, are  still lingering in pockets of darkness and spiritual inertia, which is merely due to the programs of low frequencies you are attached to. You are able to rise your frequency simply by clearing your heart space. We say "space" and not chacra, because as your scientists already found out, the space around the human heart is much larger and much more powerful than just the chacra, and refers to the truly Divine human nature and is therefore Sacred.   

Clearing your heart space might be challenging though, as you encounter unpleasant emotions, that are trapped in illusions, that can hurt. Be aware that you lived with them anyway in the past -  but merely suppressed the feeling of it.

To allow the full feeling-awareness of them is all there is required. It enables you to release the low frequency programs and  to open up to unconditional love, while you are willing to keep your heart space open and expanded at all times to receive the new waves of enlightening information. What you once have messed up with can be healed and balanced now.

Your future is your responsibility. It is you who is creating your personal experience and  the experience on your planet. To create peace and happiness you must first release the low frequency-programs in yourself that do not vibrate as truth, peace and happiness. It is that simple. To release low frequencies  allows the frequency of unconditional love be present not only in your heart space but all over your human hologram and beyond, by filling your consciousness with stillness. And so you are becoming it. You can do this now. And so in every moment.

The incoming higher light and consciousness is supporting your process to transcend the Matrix. This is your moment to take advantage of this glorious opportunity. We highly  recommend not to miss a jota of this Divine Gift. We want to see planet earth and this universe in peace, happiness and unity. We want to share with all of you what we are, and you to share with us what you yourself truly are, or can become again soon.

We trust this auspicious process to show greater and greater signs in your societies, as you accept the joy of it and as you progress in your process of releasing un-love and un-happiness, deeper than ever before.

We are the the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Friday, September 11, 2015


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Beloved Friends! 

There is nothing that can separate us.  
Us: the Heart that is Humanity. 

There is only One Heart, that is God, that is Humanity. That is Divine Consciousness. That is Self-Radiant and Love-Bliss.

I know this idea of non-separation is somewhat scary for many. You rather would prefer some distance. But that distance belongs only to a specific world in the mind, a creation of the brain-washed mind that never can tolerate Oneness and which does not belong to true humanity.   

We are One Single Humanity, and that One Single Humanity shares One Single Divine Heart. Additionally there are bodies, presumed separate identities and entities with different mind sets, actions, preferences, emotional states, differences in body shape, age, culture, abilities and believes, and more. Anything you could imagine. All the varieties of the universe. But we all still share One Single Divine Heart.

If we happen to touch It, simultaneously, you and I and you and you and you … we feel our Oneness, our Singleness, this Non-Separation, this Unity, beyond space and time and the little us. A feeling of Eternity because we touch the Eternal Divine Heart or God we all inhere in.

And still we fight forgetful with one another, we betray one another, we lie, we steal, we kill, we cause pain and sorrow and we suffer. Yes, we do it all, because I am you, and you are me, there is no separation. But mirror all around.

What others do, we do. We are responsible for one another. This is hard to grasp and more difficult to accept. But if we think of someone to be a good person, they will feel and be or become good, and if we consider somebody to be a bad person, they will feel bad and are or become bad. There might be exceptions though with those who have no feelings at all.

Remember that separation is an illusion and is created by the mind in the matrix, where we identify merely with a body. This mind possesses Mercury's quality, it is unsteady and uncertain about everything and anything. Shape-shifting, deceitful and never honest. Because only the Heart can be true. There is no true mind in the matrix, because this  short-waved mind is only trying to describe Reality and the Heart's knowing. It is only a copycat.
This depiction is creating an artificial reality, a mirror world, a poor copy of heart inspiring Truth and Happiness.

Sometimes we meet someone, and this Oneness arises, Now and Present and never perishes.
We fall in Love, but what really happens is the recognition of that Prior Oneness together, this Experience of Eternity beyond the matrix, in which all differences vanish, all time disappears and no thought ever existed.

We are in that space of Fullness, our energy expanded into vastness that can be radiant and silent and powerful.

Reality seems to crackle, very fine and delicious. Did you ever experience this subtle crackling? When there is no thought, but just the fullness of eternity, expanded Reality, Bright, without content and shape and form. Mere Existence, Self-Radiant, replacing the limitation of time and space, like solid Reality, more solid than mountains, with a stillness that is vibrating powerfully and you forget the worlds and you are One with that Being-ness, with the Existence that is the Divine Heart of all.

There is no fear. And so when you have been ever afraid of being close to somebody, find the Prior Oneness of all things. It is above the usual human business and personal preferences. It is the All and All. We live in It. Give it no name, it speaks by Itself without words.

But people feel ashamed to confess their desire for it, their desire for that Intimacy with no boundaries. They feel ashamed because they confuse this True Divine Intimacy with the intimacy on the chacra levels, with the sharing of certain conditional vibrations, lower or higher, disturbed or undisturbed.

But True Oneness is above the matrix, - beyond or prior exists that Radiance and Fullness. In It the human artificial hologram is forgotten, because it vibrates low. You want to exist forever in that Divine Reality, a Reality that is always Present even in this world of falseness, slavery,  humiliation and pain.

We do not need to go to other worlds. Perfect Happiness is already here and the greatest victory when attained here.

It is here and we can discover it, any moment, before the mind rises again. It is the Eternal Substance of all the absurdity and ridiculousness of this world, even now. It is true fulfillment, the search for more stops here.  And with it all desires, all suffering, all disappointments, all pain.

Because we enjoy non-separation for real. Our Own Divine Heart Only that Is. God we believed to be outside of us, has become our Native Inseparable Reality. Distance does not exist.  Because there is Truth beyond the limitations of the matrix. And in It nothing can separate Us from that Love.

With love,
In lak'ech


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Heal & Transform.
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"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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I AM here to send you my heavenly blessings to soothe your hearts. I am the messenger of the heart, so that your hearts may open.

When your hearts are open, you are no longer in the domain of the controllers. It is your heart that sets you free, that gives you freedom from all the forces of power and control. That grants your own sovereignty.

If you, humanity, wake up from your dreams of mind, a mind that is not yet connected and nurtured by the power of your heart, then your world changes, then your life changes, and all what has been suffering, becomes joy. And all, what has been alienation, separation, isolation, becomes unity, becomes love, becomes oneness.

There is no way, but the Way of the Heart, my beloveds, if you only would understand.

There is no technique, there is no intention, there is no strategy, there is no means and there is no way other than the Way of the Heart. It is the Way of God.

The words I am speaking, yes, they are words, but they are vibrations of the heart. They are sacred streams that flow to you, to your hearts from my heart. It is the immediate and direct communication between my being and your being.

Dear humanity, please remember, please wake up to the treasure that your are, to the heart that is the sign of your Divine  race, the one by which humanity is being recognized in the universe.

It is your heart, that ends separation, that ends sadness, that ends suffering. It is your heart that is the door to freedom.
It changes the old paradigm and opens the door to a New World.

I AM Chamuel and I come to you with this message of God. I AM the messenger of God, and I come to you, humanity, who are in truth an emanation of God, You are indeed God Incarnate.

I salute your hearts, I salute your eternal infinity. And with the Golden Ray that is the sign of God’s messenger in my form I greet you,  I bless you, I shower upon you the Grace of God! So that your hearts may awaken and remember.
That your hearts may open the doors to your eternal freedom and joy, to reveal the Love that you are, the God that you are.

Be Blessed, be Blessed, be Blessed!
I AM Archangel Chamuel

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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 and Donate! 

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How do we deal with the new frequencies that are introducing a new Consciousness to humanity? Are they teaching us to live from inside out? Yes, they do!

These frequencies of light that are covering now the planet, are changing us forever - if we are allowing them to enter us and release what stands in their way. While they raise our vibration, they also raise our Consciousness and light quotient, because light carries information. 

Yes, the controllers are trying everything to prevent the light to enter our beloved planet, via geo-engineering the weather with poison in the stratosphere, hoping that the new frequencies cannot come through.

What is done within the limitation of a lower dimensional consciousness by beings who lack the Boundless Gift of Divine Creativity, Inspiration and Love –  how can by such limited means the greater Forces of Conscious Light be prevented from breaking through to here!

If we connect from within with these Forces we can bypass any obstruction and harmful intentions and invite them into our lives.

Divine Consciousness is beyond the darkness of artificial creations intended to harm. It exists and functions prior and beyond space and time and density and contains them all!

So when we know that we ARE able to directly connect and unite with the new liberating frequencies, there is nothing that can stop us from growing in Consciousness.

These fountains of light are re-awakening us to what we already are, if we understand with our heart, and if we are willing to surrender to them in the right way, if we allow them to open the Chambers of our Divine Unlimited Self.

But if these new frequencies are merely being used by the striving ego, the separate self, - then the True Self that lives as the Heart, remains hidden behind the illusion of a world that teaches still the way from outside in.

What does this mean? Society believes that our Treasure is found somewhere outside there in the world. Therefore we have been taught by parents, teachers, schools and universities, and by every educational institution, with almost no exception, that we first need to take things in before we can become "somebody" and as such adapt the outer world to our desires.

A whole culture has been created and lived by the so called civilized world on these principles. Of course, there was a certain intention behind it: to split our consciousness and to divide and separate the wholeness of humanity. Now we think we must consume and control the many things to be whole again.

This fits perfectly the Big Companies who have diligently developed and prepared us for today's insanity of consumerism, to keep humanity in an unconscious, exterior state of awareness and in poverty on all levels. While  at the same time they prosper and multiply their Trillions further. But this is really the proof of their own poverty.

Poverty is primarily not about money, but about the absence or loss of the true Treasure of our Divine Self that is intentionally hidden from an overwhelming majority. Therefore most of us live from a deep rooted identification with lack, which then in turn is mirrored, if not by material poverty, by compulsive accumulation of things.

As such we have become locked up onto an artificial exterior identity of ourselves, that is like a closed container preventing abundant flow through our being, a flow that would naturally emerge from the Heart. Because it is the Substance of the Heart that creates the world we desire, from inside out.

If it is not naturally the Heart that creates our world – and it does not, just look how miserable our planet is – what then creates it? 

It is the limited mind set, based on duality and lesser light, which lacks juice, joy and life force, as it is separated from our True Self. It is focused on hopefully getting from synthetic surroundings what our artificial self desires, such as safety and fulfillment with the means of separate things, while perpetuating our dilemma.

But we cannot add artificial and seemingly external things to the natural Fullness that we already are. It just does not take this stuff in. Rather the natural and divine flow of abundance from inside out is being blocked by our attempt to inhale the things that we perceive as separate from us.

If we look closely, this paradigm also controls the spiritual domain.

We are trying to get satisfaction by consuming spiritual things and practices, like workshops which promise enlightenment over a few months, if not just on a weekend, by adding techniques and new mind sets to our fake identity. The ego might be enchanted for a short while and imagine enlightenment, but soon it goes hunting again for a similar ego-fulfilling entertainment, under the delusion of true satisfaction.

However the ego will never get what it is looking for. It is like with the new shiny and attractive technology, that needs to be constantly exchanged for the newest products to keep us happily going.

The calamity is, that all of these toys even push us further away from ourselves, because we are mislead to think that we have really acquired the true jewel. And so we do not look further for the REAL.

Nothing is more misleading than the believe we are free, we are spiritual, when in truth we are slaves and have fallen for spiritual materialism. All this is part of the cheap disinformation and manipulation programs that are to keep humanity away from awakening.

The separate ego-I that seeks fulfillment will never attain true happiness. Because the ego-I is the very one that needs to be surrendered to the Divine Heart.

We have truly gained victory over the forces of delusion and control when we begin to comprehend the Divine Reality of our True Nature that is already Full, Radiant and lacks nothing, and brings forth all our desires into a new world to celebrate and share the joy of abundance, beauty and love.

Now the time  has come for us to free ourselves from all the illusions of false identification, forced on us by those who do not love us. The New Light is already here to bring us Home, if we use It wisely.

Now is the time to start to jump, to jump onto the newly forming higher dimensional earth that is growing every day, gaining momentum. 

This requires to leave behind the old illusions and false teachings. It requires courage and radical honesty with oneself.

This new earth is starting already to separate itself from the old paradigm. She invites all of us who are willing to discover the Heart and live from THERE, to come with Her, as She is emerging in and as the New Consciousness.

This New Consciousness is beyond 3dimensional imagination. It is a realm of a radical new Reality of Conscious Light, vibrating as a very high and powerful frequency.

There Is a powerful Call, and it is the Reality of the New Earth Who Is Calling. This is what I am experiencing.

In Lak’esh,
dearest human family!

With love,

Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, January 31, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Our Heart Is With You, Beloveds!

With our greeting we are here to affirm and to remind you of  the power of your own Heart who's Light, as you know, must shine! This is your destiny!

We are here to inspire you to let your light shine while you open your heart to maximize the radiance of your soul. We are together in this, in the outshining of densities, based on energies which are not of Divine Intention and thought.
Most of you have now seen enough and understood enough what binds and controls mankind and your Beloved Planet.

The Power of Divine Creativity of each one of you, Beloved Friends, is the source of return to a Divine Society. What does this mean?
Divine Creativity is not of the mind, it is not born solely in it and from it. It is foremost of the Light that is radiating from the depth of your being, from your Essence. It is primarily  a powerful radiance but then you can direct it anywhere you wish.

We are here to help you to understand your power of the Heart and how to use it from now on to create the new world. It is your Divine Weapon, Beloveds, to bring victory into this slowly fading darkness, the victory of your own True Infinite Nature.

When you acknowledge Who You Are, you are then a vessel and a conduit for the Purpose of Divine Creation to be manifested, and to replace what is not of Divine Intention.

As you start your day by balancing yourself and sitting in stillness for a while, you allow the opening of your Inner Heart, and your Soul is coming forward to shine, and to bring this Presence into your daily life. It is Shining its Radiance on everything.  Remember to  Be this Shine, Beloveds,  and then add intention for whatever your heart tells you to do.

While you know that your body-mind is merely a conduit for this Radiance, you are protected. And the more you step back from identifying with this  Radiance as a limited “ego”, the stronger and the more pure and pristine it will be.

This Presence is your own Higher Being or Self, that you are now allowing to come forward. And it is good to remember that your Higher Self is an Emanation and  Expression of the  God-Self Itself, Which Is the Substance and Source of all Universes and Beyond.

In other words, this is the time to allow your Higher Self to take on Divine guidance and authority in your life.

This is the way to  change your planet, to assist your Beloved Mother Earth in Her Process moving Her Body out of the  density of the Matrix.
The stronger your Light that Is Love, the less the dark binds you, as you recognize it for what it is. Like when you ignite a flame in a dark room, things become distinct and you are free to choose light, to chose love. 

The Great Shift is really about raising the Power and Consciousness of the Divine Lovelight and letting it outshine what does not belong to It.

Dear human family, this is a point in your time, when you are blessed with a new empowerment to be the heralds of the New World that is felt  and seen in moments of  your heart opening.

It is your innocent Shine that awakens the heart of others to remember who they are. This innocence is not  self-conscious, it is the forgetting of yourself and the surrender to that Shine.

Be that Shine fully which recognizes Itself in the Heart of others. It is the joyful inherent recognition of Oneness with your brothers and sisters.

We join with you, Beloveds, as our Hearts are One. Together with you we enter the New Creation of Divine frequency and light  in which the old worlds of separation and darkness are  forgotten.

This is how YOU create your new world, how YOU, by existing on a new frequency of light, bypass and transcend the density of separation and suffering.

The Shine of your heart is  subsequently enlightening your thinking brain which is now informed and directed by your Heart. Now you set your intention for what you want to create. If it is Joy and Stillness, this is what your struggling world needs, to let go of  insanity and restore peace.

If your intention is to create means to allow for a new society, brotherhood and cooperation to heal the world, be it so. You, who are the wayshowers, you all have come here with different missions, to help to create the New  Radiant World, Earth Is destined to Be according to Divine Decree.

It is important not to  give permission to be distracted, neither by false light nor by the fading darkness. Therefore you follow clearly aligned your own path, the original intention of your Higher Self, to  imprint Divine Information into the Brandnew Creation.

This process, entirely based on New Impulses,  serves the break down of your old world, naturally, as it is no longer fed by your energies. Therefore this process  does not give  the old world heart attention, it does not re-act to it,  it does not support it any longer. 

Rather it has the courage and strength, the inspiration and joy, to only see and follow Divine Intention. 

That’s how you now practice to break free from the bondage to the illusion of the matrix.
The time has arrived where your Divine Vision is being restored. You can take advantage now of this precious gift, to help to end suffering, to show the way and to expect the awakening of your brothers and sisters.

Divine Love Is What Unites Us.
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
