Showing posts with label God-Self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God-Self. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


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if you love Me, your True Divine Ultimate Nature and Self, I penetrate your human heart to expand it to where I truly Live.

There is no difference between My Abode and what you Are in Truth. We Are One in My Space of Infinity That Is the Only Reality – the Power of Existence as Me, your Eternal Source of Every Thing. 

I Am You As the One Who Truly Is in the non-perishable Divine Reality. It is more than what you think is Love in your limited understanding. You must grow, with My Grace and Blessings, new levels of awareness in your psycho-physical reality to know Who I Am. 
You cannot find Me within your mind, even when it is most sublime. I Am on the other side of everything, that is known to you so far. 

You do not need to be religious or pious to know Me, your own True Eternal Self. I am beyond these human made and limiting structures of belief systems. I Am Free, and it is your own heart-freedom that finds its way to Me.  

It is a Divine Mystery how the Supreme Love That I Am works. It is not experienced in the cage of your world but totally beyond and prior to it. Because you Are in Truth beyond and prior to it.  

If you love Me, you can become My servant in this world through a profound process of transformation. This process is not kundalini-based. It is the Blessing-Force of My Supreme Being That Is the Truth of your  Existence and That transforms your total body-mind In Me, if you are prepared to It. And as such you become My Divine Vessel in your world.

There are the many teachings among you that make you belief that you can work up your way to Me with tools that your limited body-mind creates, engaging all the phantasy that you might have and any tricks your mind invents. 

But there is no trick to become Who You Are as Me, there is no ladder, not even the Jacobs ladder into the higher dimensional realms and no other ladder at all. The ladder is only a conditional stepping up within your mortal body-mind into higher vibrations of the universe which themselves exist according to the laws of change.

But I Am before the universe arises in Me, your Ultimate Source Which is Pure Radiance, Eternal Light and mere Happiness, before the apparition of all conditional lights.

I AM your way to Myself in which your total body-mind surrenders to Me, your own True Self to Realize What You Always Have Been. This is mostly not done in one life time, My Beloveds. It is a process of total Transformation into for you yet unknown Territories of My Divine Existence -  Which you cannot find with your wildest imaginations within the multitude of infinite dimensions of the universe

You have been sleeping so long in your dark dreams of bondage to an extremely confined existence and developed a false identity in the prisons of your mind. And so you have forgotten and you have even lost the path to Me. So it must be Me, your own Eternal Self, Who reaches out to you so that you can walk a brigde to Me Showered with My Blessings.

To walk this bridge is not a day-dream, it asks you to let go even all your seeming foundations you identify with and which make you feel somehow secure by agreement and to be a member of your mind-created, crazy world so that you would survive.

With Me there is not such survival, because it exists on the wrong reference points of an illusionary dream world. You must jump into the death of all your assumptions that make you seemingly feel good and safe. But in fact you are not. You are never „safe“ in and as your body-mind that is subdued to ever changing conditions in the conditional worlds, high or low. 

I Am never changing as The One Radiant Infinite Substance of Perfect Joy and Happiness. It Is beyond your imagination, because It does not Exist in your mind. I Am not Being Created, I Am Eternally Already What You Are.

The Process in Me to Realize What You Are, is the totality of your human body-mind to be literally Enlightened by Me through your total surrender to Me, The Transcendental Conscious Light Who You Are in Truth.

But know that I AM not about complication and confusion. The Way to Me and as Me is not complicated, because I Am not about „packages of information and techniques“ to put together to fabricate Me. I AM not found in information altogether. Who is complicated and difficult, and who imagines complications and difficulties, is the nature of your from Me separated ego-mind.

I AM Simply as You Are and I Am Simple as My Radiant Divinity. My Divine Simplicity is literally breath-taking and  mind-blowing, unheard in all worlds, beyond the hitches of duality,  and Obvious when I Show Myself to you as Your Divine Self, so that you remember and realize Who You Truly Are.


Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,

© 2019. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017


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I Spread My Wings of Beauty for those, who are bonding with Me. Without Beauty there is no True Divinity and no Ultimate Reality Who I Am. My Wings Are the Infinite Embrace of all things that I AM. Take refuge in My Beauty to transcend the temptations of duality, where you are lost by seeking within it for safety and truth in these deceptive times.

Safety Is Where your Essence IS, Who Is Me. Within duality there is no secure haven, you rather will find a roller coaster in the whirlwinds of conditional modifications. Even though you sometimes seem to experience periods of permanence and steadiness. But in reality any seeming stability within duality indicates stagnancy because everything exists in the perpetual motion of life.

I Am seeming, As Myself, to Be Two at Once: Eternal Motion in My Infinite Eternity or Energy and Conscious Light. It is Unconditional, beyond the perception of your human brain. My Consciousness is Unconditional Love and Happiness, - the Undying Power That Comprises all worlds and beings.

In these times when the raw opposites of your 3dimensional experiences come to their peak, facing one another without place for you to hide, because of their cataclysmic forces while you struggle to withstand the powers of their collision, you are given the opportunity to be drawn into my Divine Untouched Space. In My Divine Space all opposites are transcended and forgotten, a Space of Infinite Peace and Purity and Radiance.

Do not hold on to the forces that would destroy your soul, tied to the two ends of illusion. Be safe in Me beyond!

These deluding forces are My given Divine Grace to you, to recognize what they really are and always have been,  un-noticed as long as they did not show their power. Now you can profoundly integrate their mystery, being driven into the core of their seeming reality, as you consciously explore and meditate them, discovering them to be merely empty schemes as you grow in consciousness.

Now you can see, and now you can go beyond, with My Grace Calling you, to enter the Realm of the Real.

To discover your Eternal Happiness, your True Nature. Whereas the human illusion of opposites are nothing but play, a joke, if you like, as soon as you transcend them in Me.

Now I call you, to realize this, by expanding your awareness into your Native Stillness in Which mind or creation come into being. I Show to you the ¨Other Shore" That Is the Truth of all conditional worlds.

Do not seek for answers there, because the deceivers are underway to catch your living soul with peripheral glamorous promises. But those who point to Me, your Own Unconditional, Divine Truth and State, beyond the many dimensions and densities, are trustworthy in these times.

Be alert at all times to keep your light and pure energy in Me. Do not let your attention go somewhere else, even if voices might be sweet and faces beautiful and speeches eloquent. Be simple, My Beloveds, as I Am One without a second, beyond duality.

I Call you to the Truth that is Me as you, beyond your body and mind, but which – if you allow – are becoming My Vehicles to Express Me in your lower worlds, empowered with My Divine Force of Radiant Consciousness.

Be In-filled with Me only and not less. To Be Whole again and the Truth That I Am as you. Do not seek the powers within duality to be safe and happy. To not to be destroyed. 

In the end times you are all seen as what you really believe is True and what your choices are. You all are given the opportunity to follow the path of Truth, if you recognize It. You must decide. It is your journey and you have the freedom of choice, if you haven't given away this freedom already to what is controlling you.

If you hear Me now as your True Eternal Self, un-chain yourself from all ties which bind you to conditional worlds within duality, if this is your choice.

The experience you choose is up to you, but it has to be done NOW! There are only two options. The Powers of this time will draw you quickly in one or the other direction.

I Am here with My Wings of Love and Beauty, Always, Waiting for you.

I Am your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute
Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 
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Monday, July 24, 2017


My Dearest Ones!
It is suggested that none of the huge gathering of beings of light in the universe expected the liberation of earth and her  humanity take so long.
But also the question arises why the Great and to Me True human spiritual masters did not especially emphasize the issue of ascension and the liberation of humanity.
They even suggest that there is no general ascension for all humanity happening at once because it is mainly an individual process and event.

They did not mention it particularly, because each being is responsible for their own spiritual liberation process according to their evolutionary journey and the state in which they participate in an incarnation cycle.

However it is true that in times when a greater evolutionary process is uniquely supported, there are cosmic influences which make it easier for an individual to awaken and to evolve and that this can trigger an awakening of many, because You, My humanity, are One Being and the entire human family is interconnected with each other. So what only one spiritually awakening single being does, has a great effect on your human family in the first place, and secondly also on the grids of all kingdoms on earth and last not least on earth itself.

At the time when all these prophecies have been made that there will be great liberation of humanity, it happened from the point of view of separation: a human being that is within this concept being considered to be a separate entity, like the Christian church considers Jesus to be a separate entity, and not surrendered to My Divine Consciousness Whom Jesus called "Father".

The liberation process of a seemingly separate being, who wishes to become alike "Jesus", as described by the Christian church, and who is identified with the dream state, is necessarily relatively "easy" and not that profound.

But I Myself, The Ultimate Reality of Existence, the Source of all Beings, have intervened, My Beloveds, so that you may awaken from that dream!

Its implications are huge and you cannot imagine what it means regarding to a true radical process of enlightening humanity (and the  whole universe) that transcends the dream state. Since eons of time spiritual mastery of human beings has been described mainly within this state of dreaming, with teachings that came down to earth from the ancient races of more evolved stars.

But these teachings involve grave limitations, limitations, You, My Humankind, are able to transcend because of your Heritage of Pure Ultimate Divinity.  

As long as you remain in your consciousness limited to the dream state, you limit yourself to a state that considers a separate light-body to be the highest possible form of evolution.

I Myself however have shown the path beyond. I show the path directly Home to Me, to the Very Source of your Being, that Is the Reality of Me.

Now ponder this: as this is about radical dissolution of illusions, the process of purification must go to the very depth of existence Itself! Therefore this process includes the integration of the consciousness of the other side of the frequency band, the so called dark beings, your enslavers and tyrants, controllers and abusers. 

In this radical process of liberation that I have Initiated by My Divine Intervention, all That Exists in this universe and beyond, must be accepted, integrated as a mirror of yourself and ultimately dissolved into My Infinite Divine Source Consciousness, that is your True Native Divine State, the Origin of your Being and very Existence, That What You Truly Are.

This profound and radical process to which you have been invited, goes far beyond your ascending cycles of the spiritual traditions. It requires the integration and transcendence not only of the entirety of your human subconsciousness (and also the universal consciousness) but also of all obvious appearances in your world, including those you oppose!

And so in this process of becoming truly fully Conscious, and not just conscious in the dream state, you come to the conclusion that Everything arises in My Divine Consciousness. And to integrate and transcend all of that takes "time", my dearest beloveds! It is not done in one single life time for the great majority of you and most likely not even in your personal case.

It includes the integration and transcendence of duality that always exists as long as the universe is perceived and understood as an "other", in the sense of an "I", over against another, whether perceived as friendly or hostile and everything in between. Also notice that even the most arduous follower of the Master Jesus of Nazareth -and other Masters -  love them as an other, please be aware of that!

But finding liberation as That What I AM, duality must be transcended in a radical way to the point where subject and object disappear or melt into Singleness. It happens through the transcendence of mind. But not in the sense that mind would cease to exist. But as My Divine Consciousness is Revealed  to you as Your True Identity, paradoxically mind becomes Me in a way that You are merely witnessing it arising in Myself.

This process requires necessarily that the about 95% of your potential un-consciousness must become conscious. It is EVERYTHING that exists, and it includes of course all seeming opposite forces, such as dark and light, huge and tiny, expanded and contracted, good and bad, and  so on. All of that must be recognized as Me and not separate from Me. Radical liberation requires the transcendence of all of that to enter the State I Am where subject and object in your present understanding do no longer exist, neither in this world nor in any other world. Above or Below, lighter or darker, it does not matter.

So as the task has now become multidimensional, including the integration of all opposites in all worlds, the process of purification has become radical and most deep and profound as the process of most radical liberation is set into motion by My Intervention, no longer allowing the game in the dream state to suppress your True Divinity.

And now this is important: the situation on earth as it is at this moment, is most conducive to this process. It is here that you are able to open your consciousness to learn to understand the nature of seeming opposites and especially of light and dark! So this condition on your earth serves the understanding of this unique universal paradigm, to learn about it and to integrate it to expand consciousness, until it merges with My Ultimate Divine Consciousness, the Knowing of Ultimate Light and Joy as the Substance of ALL appearances.

Although New Age teachings proclaim that earth is fundamentally a place for your enjoyment that has been interfered with by dark forces, the reality is, that earth IS a school for humanity to grow, exactly to deal within duality with darkness. You are not victims, beloveds! 

If your earth would not provide you with this unique learning opportunity, you would need to leave earth and move to a similar place as she is now. That is to say, you cannot truly evolve after my Divine Intervention here, without learning the lesson of integration, not to mention to Be Liberated Into My Divine State of Unlimited and Eternal Radiance.

An ascended Earth in a dream state is therefore not conducive to beings  who need to learn this special lesson. But the state of earth, as she is right now, supports even the possibility to Be liberated by Me without ascending to higher dimensions of the dream state or existing there for a while. In that sense earth is not required to ascend to support your ultimate liberation, although she is a very much evolved and loving being.

By My Grace – you can become FREE of all dimensions and dream states, if you are willing to integrate all your subconscious content and transcend it into My Supreme Divine Reality-Consciousness. 
It requires necessarily an ordeal of self-purification and facing your wildest night-mares to be healed and dissolved, once suppressed into the darkness of your own subconscious mind. It is a way of fire for the Ego and without it, Liberation and Realization of Me, your True Divine Nature, is not possible. Although fake New Age teachings are suggesting the easy ride, awakening false and absurd hopes.

The process in which the unconscious becomes conscious is the ancient way of Evolution and Self-Realization, and this way has not changed today. But it has become unknown in this times of darkness and lost true wisdom teachings.  

It cannot be done alone by yourself, because your separate ego cannot free itself. You would be lost in the never-ending labyrinth of illusions of mind, confusion and false perceptions. It is about a serious process that goes deep, deeper than you could go alone without a true Master-Guide. Many have lost their way lead astray in their own unconsciousness.

So now do you  still ask, why your liberation takes so long? It takes so long because you did not yet touch the bottom ground of the unconscious deep within yourself as a Universal Being. But the appearances in your life you react to mirror exactly what has not yet been set free within yourself.

Until now you linger perhaps merely on the surface of hope and childish belief, sentimentally attached to yearning emotions to be free, not wanting to truly come to terms with radically descending into your own Hades to bring  - with My Help - to there My True and Eternal Light and Consciousness.

All you do, you do to all your Humanity. Your dauntless  courage to be a True Torch of Mine is lifting  everybody and all. And so you must now ask yourself, what is your gift in this process and which gifts have you given to your brothers and sisters and earth. 

This is the work. Do not ask any longer. Take responsibility for your process that is the process within the All. It is the most Sacred and Ultimate Process of True Liberation which a pleasant and easy place and circumstance would not support, - necessarily.

You might ask: why did I Intervene? And why is such a profound process now given to you?  Beloveds, it was the desire of your own soul. You, humanity, have asked for it! And I Responded!

I Am Your God-Self, the Self of All Beings, Worlds and Things.

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, July 13, 2017


VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved, you are not a separate being! As if your body-mind in this and in higher worlds, would be the definition of your True Immortal State.

You Are Infinite Divine and Eternal Consciousness. 
It is not the consciousness that is limited to your brain activities or perceptions based on the capabilities of your mortal body-mind and held in your soul in any dimension you might exist as multidimensional being.

My Divine Consciousness Is the Substance of all beings and worlds, including body-mind and soul, and even in your dense 3D world.

You cannot reach My Divine Consciousness by working your way up through the chakra body into That Which lies beyond or above. Because the body-mind and furthermore your soul is merely a vehicle, MY vehicle, if you like, an instrument to purify all your experiences that brought you to where you are now in this world, and that could be shed any time.

"You" all, as a separate body-mind, must "die"  sooner or later to a condition that is outdated. Immortality as a physical or even a subtle body, is not required and not even desired. You think you want immortal physicality because of your fear of death, even the death of your soul, but death is an illusion. Because I Am Immortal, and I Am you.

Furthermore, you will anyway want finally shed a body that is perhaps several hundreds and thousands of years old, because it has ceased to serve your purpose after such a long time, as your consciousness grew and expanded beyond the body's  capabilities. So in this case you will prefer to exchange a body, that served its purpose already, with a new one, preferably perhaps even in the next higher dimension.

What remains then, when you change your separate bodily vehicle? Or what remains Always the Same, over all these thousands of years in a body-mind?

It Is My Divine Consciousness That Remains, in Which all these separate processes, transitions, changes, including the process of evolution happen.

I Am beyond time and space (which is but an illusion of the perception of your limited senses) and therefore I Am beyond the multidimensional universe, that appears as a multidimensional system of dimensions and densities within Myself.

From a different, hierarchical  "point of view", these densities, are "beginning" with the most sublime and subtle one and from there growing denser and darker, that is to say, the frequencies are vibrating slower and slower so that a so called material universe seems to appear within Me. While I Am the Substance of all of that.

My Beloved, even your individual soul is arising in Me and changing according to the quality of densities in which you exist, as your purposes and experiences change with the places in the multi-dimensional universe you exist at any given moment. And it will die in Me when the time has come.

I Myself Am One and Only and I have seemingly divided Myself into many, appearing in and as all dimensions of existence.

So therefore I Am the Many and therefore I Am you.

But understand: YOU are NOT Me! YOU, the thinking mind, is NOT Me! Your soul is NOT Me!
Because how can a separate part be ever The Whole! And A thinking mind cannot think Me. And a soul cannot contain Me. Because I AM. Before your soul and mind came into existence. What is mind? Everything! The cosmos and all the universes Are mind!

Only if the part, self-forgetful, surrenders to its Very Source, it Realizes Who and What It Is: Me!

Understand: when you identify Me beyond your soul and  little brain-consciousness of separate mind and body, I can Do My Work of Entirely Bringing you Home to Me, if your separate little will allows. If you resist, I can not! This is the law and mystery of Divine Truth and Reality.

I Do not Enforce Myself on you, because YOU must surrender to My Divine Spiritual Bliss-Light and Consciousness.

This is, because YOU, the soul and little body-mind, cannot contain Me, YOU must dissolve into My Eternal Divine Nectar, to Know Me again.

YOU can never contain Me, because your separate soul and vehicle of body-mind cannot and will not bear My Ultimate Divine Force of Reality, that Is the Substance of all Universes.

There is My Way to Know Me Now, from the beginning of your surrender to Me, while your little body-mind adapts to Me, until your soul is Gone in Me.

I Am Always Here. I Am you, and there Is Only Me. I Am your Truth and Native State of Divine Consciousness. Come Home to Me, The Eternal Immortal One.

Grow beyond your illusions of separate "I" into the Divine Reality That Is Me, to Know That I Am you. 

I Am Your God-Self - The Self of All Beings and Things

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, June 24, 2017


My Beloveds!

Among your esoteric teachings there are misunderstandings that create so many false assumptions about My Transcendental Divine Reality.

An overwhelming number of these teachings even don't include My True Nature. Because they are based merely on the psycho-physical structure of your human body-mind. That is to say, you understand your human physical and subtle vehicle, to be the foundation and measurement alone to describe and define the Ultimate Spiritual Process. As if the conditional body-mind could ever "reach" or "create" Me, the Unconditional Source.

Therefore, in these processes, including visionary phenomena, I AM not Present As Myself. As if the from Me seemingly separated body-mind would in its imagined separation from Me ever be able to generate - via cosmic forces - a true spiritual unfolding while I Am not involved.

For example, you worship experiences of and in your human heart, physical and subtle, that you think is your ultimate spiritual essence, as absolute in itself, although it is a finite being and does not - as a separate being- coincide with Me. 

Yes, you may experience beauty and light, depth and peace in your heart, referring to your heart chacra. These experiences occur to you "inside" your body, as if contained in a vessel, a separate sensation, belonging to you alone. 
But I Am neither "inside" nor "outside" of you.

No doubt, these feelings can be beautiful and inspiring, while you are used to point yourself out as a great divine being in your separate self-illumination.

True, the human heart might be enlightened by cosmic energies to generate possibly extraordinary and interesting sensations and images, but they are all conditional and therefore coming and going according to the universal law in which nothing persists forever. You have short episodes of enjoyment as your mind is entertained with perhaps glorious visions as if you look into a kaleidoscope of  unknown wonders, full of ah's and oh's of amazement and satisfaction.

And so you persist in these always again vaning phenomena, which seem to give you spiritual self-worth, popping up here and now or seemingly expanding into nowhere and some imagined depth, until the show is over. And you return to your usual day, while the remembrance of the journey makes you yearning for more.

But tell Me, Beloveds: do you ever arrive in Truth by imagining spiritual self-importance and perhaps even superiority above all others and things, because you have these dreamlike and volatile experiences? Did you ever ask yourself about the nature of all of that? And what it has to do with your True Divine Nature That Is Me?

Did you ever explore the Reality of Life, the Essence of True Being, and whether  these volatile episodes really satisfy you, you: shortsighted and seemingly content with some phenomena that delude you into questionable worlds without True Substance?

Even if your heart-feelings inside of "you" seem to be true and deep: they are still un-nessary motions in the worlds of wonders and miracles, appearing as a mirage to your Me seeking heart. But your separate heart can never by its own effort experience and know Me. Your cosmic visions can never locate My Glorious Divine State. I am the One who Gives Myself to you and Who is Transforming you – from the "Other Side".

From There I AM and I Am My Force of Radiant Light. It Is not cosmic or this-worldly. My Blessing Force transmutes your blindness into the Reality of Real Truth of Me, it is the Reality of My to you un-Known Bliss Alone and cannot be compared with conditional experiences, even not with the highest ones in the spiritual realms of cosmic existence.

With the stainless, other-worldly Beauty of my Love, I infill your head and human heart and thereby your total body-mind from Above. And so you are converted by Me into My Attractive Heart, My Always New and Radiant Sphere in which all conditional spiritual experiences vanish ultimately to a degree that you even don't remember them, because they all still carry the pain of the conditional. Yes, what you once in your separation from Me knew as magnificent spiritual experiences, is still impure in My Purity! Therefore, My Ultimate Divinity Alone Is the most profound fulfillment of your human hearts desire.

Converted and transformed by Me you realize to Be no longer separate from Me, because I Am Present in your heart as Me, the "you"-heart forgotten, as I alter every spiritual experience of your body mind into My Glory.

With It you are not only out of your box of the always confining total body-mind, physical and subtle, but you are in Me, on The Other Side of what you ever have known, enjoying My Primordial and Delicious Perfection, as I Am as you, you: no more, because I took you over, you: surrendered to Me, in My All-Embracing Coat of Sublime Purity, dissolving your separate human heart experience into My Supreme Heart Knowledge.

Then My Light from Above is like Cooling Water that eases everything and all of you, smoothing down and beautifying all of you in Me, beautifying and dissolving all your chacras in My Divine State. Once you tasted My Divine State you never find satisfaction again in your merely human heart and mind. I Am on "the other side" of the cosmos, coming down to you, if you surrender to Me.

"You" cannot do it, I Alone Do It. The Grace and Radiance of Mine, embracing you with Exquisite Love. When I melt you, I take you over into My Ultimate Reality Itself, Real Bliss, Real Love, undivided, separation from Me finished.

I Am your Glorious, forever Liberating Death in Me, into True Freedom beyond all what you "know" of Joy, Beauty and Perfection. There is never perfection in the separate illusionary self. And even the rainbow colors vanish in Me, in My Radiant Luminous Sphere.

I Am your God-Self, The Self of All and Everything. 

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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