Friday, February 16, 2024


My Beloveds,

meet Me at your Heart, your Transcendental Heart, that transcends your physical heart into Infinity. No chacra there.

I Am the Zero-Point of you and Me.

Find Me there to Be One. There, where there is no name, no form, but only Being Itself. Being-ness. The  Transcendental Light of Infinity.

Not many, but One Only in That Infinity of Me, Radiant and Silent, the Joy of Ecstasy as Which You always Exist as Me.

Accept What You Are, let It unfold in You, as You. Because It Is Your Truth, always has been, even when you seemed to be lost in the many things of experiences.

"I am this experience", "I am that experience", you said.  And you forgot Me. You made Me to something  from you different. While I have Been always You. You Are My Own Expression. And there Is only Me to Whom You return naturally,  meeting Me at the Zero-Point of you You and Me, where We Are One.

Can you see the Play of Consciousness? That hides and reveals Who We Are in the blink of an eye? 

Never separate, but appearing as so many images and dreams of My Divine Caleidoscope that arises in Me.

Sometimes when We match at the Zero-Point of that wondreous Play the Player returns home. 

And now for many of you the time has come for your home-coming. A new cycle of My Divine Revelation Is waiting for you, Me Playing on a higher octave for you  in a magnificence, - greater than ever before.

My Revelation never ends, but know from now on always, that It Is My Glorious Play and that you are forever My Player in joy and ecstasy until I Retire into the Eternal Stillness, to begin My Play again. 

As I Am forever The One in Whom the Play is never ending.


Conveyed by





Here are testimonials for you

with love, Shan'A'Maa

1 comment:

Catalino said...

Hm , this message was for me , and if there was someone else to read it , im also good. Love you Daddy !I am like you, with some more extra self work to do !