Showing posts with label Elohim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elohim. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


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We are here with you, to support and inspire your courageous and  dedicated work to the light! We are here with you and we encourage you to ask for our support. So we can win the battle together.  

Yes, there have been – what you call delays – but they were not meant to obscure your spirit. In your disappointment about the delays you allowed yourself to be dis-encouraged and to lower your vibration. Inevitably you then limited your vision to the everyday appearances and things in the matrix.  And so many of you added extra time to the delay.

We ask you to focus on your service to the light in all your endeavors, in all your actions – with all your heart! It is most important now to channel the Divine Powers of Light and to maintain them on your earth, to concentrate these Powers, to bring them forward in great clarity and intent.

This is a time not to be confused, and not to diffuse the light, but to concentrate it, to focus it, so that it can gain momentum, presence and invincibility in these end-times where the battle is on its peak. 

We have a great vision of you, the Divine Human: The light of your attention is like a sword and at the same time it is a benign blanket of great brilliance and softness, like the clear and shining surface of a calm lake in the morning sun.

You do not leave. You do not leave your path and determination now, with doubt or while perhaps squinting into possibilities of defeat. You recognize the Divine Light, now so powerfully present on your earth, as a Divine Mighty Presence, as an Eternal Presence, in which all that is not of It, dies, disappears, vanishes.

We are here to support this process, as it is the wish of the Supreme Divinity for change. There is great compassion for all of you, great love, great appreciation and gratefulness for your surrendered service. This encourages you to always proceed on this path, no matter how your world might look like, no matter what is transpiring.

You do not look at the world as is or might develop, you look at the light, you become It, you Are It, you Are the Divine Consciousness which the Light reveals to you. You are steady and you do not look at what is not light.You even see only Light.

You understand that this does not mean to ignore what is showing up in your world, or not to recognize the state your world is in, or to close your eyes when you see misery. But you rather do not identify with it, you do not allow yourself to lower your energy and your light, whatever happens. And you stand in inner silence in the midst of it all. You spread your love so that it covers your planet. You are at peace even when you see war. You do  not engage, you do not step down from the radiant platform of light.

And so you are able to maintain clarity, discrimination, compassion and trust, to be the carrier of these Divine qualities in these critical times. By following your intuition and listening to your heart, you will do what is right.

The unexpected might enter your life, but you never leave your seat of equanimity.

As you remember your Divine heritage, where you are coming from and what you are here for, you do not allow for a moment to be blinded by what your eyes see in this world of illusions. You maintain the clear view of a falcon, indifferent to the shadows, yet with a heart guided by love.

The battle is not about fighting with anything, but in intending to stay in your place of Divinity and to live it. You hold your heart high, you hold your spirit high. You are in joy. And you don’t allow yourself to be touched by anything that differs from your intention.

Soon your vision will manifest and your world will emerge in a new, never before experienced light and beauty. There are attempts to hold you in the matrix and forget the higher visions of ascended Gaia; to not to continue to dream a 5dimensional world. 

But you know: This world as it is now can never become Divine, because it is not a Divine creation to begin with. It cannot be merely improved by changing certain parameters and contents. It is not enough.

Therefore you dare to enter a completely new and ascended world and you enter it by creating it. You do not lose your Divine vision, while it seems that in the matrix there is a cry for a change of actors and a change of furniture on the theater scene.

While you use your higher intelligence, Beloved Ones, you recognize the game but you do not fall for it. You follow the way of Divinity, of an entirely new creation. A creation that truly satisfies your deepest heart desire. This heart desire is like a clear and radiant water that is expressing Itself through you, as it is an emanation of the Divine Heart, or God or Reality.

You tear down the veil of forgetfulness, and you work with the Unconditional Light. You have Awakened! You remember your awakened state in your year of 2012 and you have returned to it now! 

Some of you allowed yourself to be fooled for a while, but now, Beloved Ones, we see you standing up again. You enter the field of Light, you Become It, you Are It. Unwavering. This is what you  do now, because this is, what is required. This is why you are here.

And you dive deep now into the Presence of Divine Light, and recover and renew your higher vision of a New Divine World.

All the blessings of the Supreme Divinity are with you. And the Love of the Only One Who Is, embraces you!

We Are the Elohim of the Great Central Sun!

Message conveyed by Ute

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Friday, June 7, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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We are your family, your siblings. 
It was not our destiny, to journey through the Cosmos, like you do, as the Cosmos is forever in Us. We are here, to remind You of your original Homeland, your Source and thereby that the Cosmos is also in You.  

We are the Radiant Light, that you perceive. We are Keepers of Light and we are Creator Gods, also called the Elohim of the Great Central Sun.

We are here to awaken your memory of the creation of your soul. Your Consciousness witnessed this act of creation, after It had agreed to connect with Soul. It was Pure Unity Consciousness, until it divided through the connection with the soul creations.

We are able to be both: light-form and formlessness. We have confined our absolute  freedom only to this degree. We are capable to release the connection with form any time and Be Pure Light of the Central Sun. For you, existing in great density, this is difficult to imagine, but trust the remembrance of your soul, who understands the truth of our message, as soon as it remembers.
Now the memories gradually start to re-appear, the more you turn to the Light and the more you become It again.

There is only one true language, it is the language of Light. And it is tantamount to and the other face of Love. It is Ecstasy. We are Ecstasy. Remember!

We remind you that there Is Only Light, and that everything is created from that LoveLight. This Light is the Substance of true Being. Without this Light nothing exists. Light is the component of Being, that brings Being into Existence. Being without the existence of Light cannot be recognized. Only Light makes it recognizable, so that It can be Known. You are coming from there, and it is the level of Consciousness, to Whom you will return.

Our Radiance ignites in the depth of your unconscious the spark of the Radiant Light, as which you once emerged and began your journey through the Cosmos.
You learned  from this journey, and the value of your knowledge and of the Creator’s Self-Recognition in His Creation is bearing great treasures. These treasures are forever stored in your consciousness, in your genes and DNA. It is the material which is of high value for further creations in other galaxies.

Therefore you are the teachers of less developed Star Systems, because you know the total bandwidth of Light, from highest power of radiance to a light that is almost extinct. You know all associated faculties of creation in all variants of the lower and higher mind, the associated Emotions and feelings and physical states. You have studied  the separation from your own divine Source, while you surrendered fully to the experience of it.

All these themes, as they are known to you and as you understand them, enable you, to inspire and to fertilize other galactic civilizations with the power of Evolution, that happens by Divine Will.

A great work and a dedicated Service is before you. The evolution of all Galaxies is an unceasing process in the Center of  the Consciousness of the Highest, the Source of  all Existence.

It is up to you, to accept this Service, or to exchange it for a different task. But who have been feeling dedicated to this Service from the very beginning, will hear this call now and open their soul to be drawn to the appropriate pathway. Whether you are being already fully aware of it or not.
It does not matter, but a prevision will dawn in those, who are called, and something in them will respond.

The True Divine Adventure has just now only begun.To know one’s further path is a great Blessing and Grace, because undreamed-of perspectives of multidimensional Consciousness are being opened thereby, expanding your inner awareness to new horizons to awaken in new spheres.

After you’ve reached the very bottom, while penetrating together with your Beloved Planet Earth the deepest depth of darkness, now the final parting from this world of experiences is here. The planes of density are being left behind, a new Field of Consciousness is opening, and other and new radiant Realities are being recognized in the Divine Mind and thereby created.   

The new Worlds are emerging and their fruits are serving the growth and inspiration of those who come after you, to learn from you.

These are the eternal cycles of the Glory of the Highest, Who continuously is Moving and Expanding into New Magnificent Experiences, to Discover Itself.

You Are That, and you Are Not It. It Is beyond your language and comprehension. It can only be Experienced and be Lived, in and as the LoveLight of Highest Consciousness.

We Are with You, in the Fire of Light and of Love!  

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
 By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Dear Friends and Readers of my Blog!

In my report  “The Elohim and the Ascension Plan for Earth and Humanity” I have been referring to my connection with the Elohim. Since then they have not been communicating with me, until yesterday, when they again contacted me and talked to me with the language of higher mind and light.

First I did not consider to publish their communication, but then felt that they provide information which is probably of use for some of my readers.
This communication also allows you, to follow the process of the work and service of one of your fellow "wanderers" on the Great Path, which is hopefully also inspiring for you, as you might recognize somehow yourself in it.

And this is how the Elohim began to speak:

“My dear, now the time has come where our collaboration can come to fruition!
As you know, we invited you after the 11.11.11 event back into our council to participate with us. This is part of your life-contract.

It is your well tested
sovereignty which entitles you to be a participant in our meetings, and your testing phase is over. You are now a legitimate member.

While I receive their message, I feel beautiful  white light pouring into my heart, the whole chest and forehead and spreading all over my body, both cooling and burning  as white fire.

“What is the qualification of a member?", they continue.

First of all, it is the
sovereignty, as we already mentioned. What we mean by this is your spiritual integrity and your love and caring for all beings, having the very best for everybody in your heart. It also means that you are not susceptible to the degree where you give up your own deepest convictions or avoid to speak the truth afraid of being judged or to please others or to be “loved” by them.

Secondly, a member must be able to communicate with us on the level of our light frequency, and must also be able to transmit this light which is received directly into the cells of your body. The transmission of this light, a light, directly coming from the Creator, is necessary, because it serves Gaia while channeled through an incarnated soul into Gaia’s energy field which has thereby an effect on all living beings, animated and non-animated. It contributes to the  rising of the light quotient of your planet with all her inhabitants.

As you know, everything is about the light quotient in your ascension process and being a member in our council you receive all our support as we are working on the ascension process of earth and humanity. By participating in this light process a member is directly participating in the collective effort to change the frequency not only on your planet, but also thereby in your whole solar system, which in turn reflects back to the star systems in your Galaxy, the Milky Way. This is necessarily so because of the inter-connectedness of all creation.

The 3th qualification is to be able to convey our communications by putting them into a human language so that they can be understood by other human beings.

At this time you fulfill all three necessary criteria and you have therefore attained full membership in our council.

Our meetings are mainly about re-consolidating your functions and about corrections and re-adjustments of your body-mind energy-system, which also includes a regular update of a member's light quotient. We know very well that our members' connections with denser energy fields can affect their own level of light-vibration. Therefore this has to be adjusted from time to time.

In our meetings our members also are encouraged to report back to us their experiences and understanding of the state and progress of the human evolutionary process from their own observations,  and to make suggestions as to what is needed to repair and enforce stagnant light quotient processes of individual-or group-consciousness units. In that way those individuals and groups can receive our special attention and we can help to adjust their progress to rise their frequencies. Most of this work is done when they sleep, and there are only a few who will remember what happened when they wake up in the morning. But they will notice that they feel lighter and happier that day without knowing why, and that is the sign that it has been worked on them.

Having explained to you all about your membership, we also want to emphasize that you are free to call upon us any time and we will respond to you accordingly. This will serve your knowing that your membership is alive and your service is acknowledged.”

I feel an ever more  increasing influx of light from above into my body, and I ask for instructions how to function exactly as a transmitter of their light.

“Dear One, just invoke us and we will flow through you the Creators Light into Gaia's ethereal fields, so you allow it and with your appropriate intention

It is necessary that you practice this communion with us on a regular basis, so that we can be effective through you  in any given moment you call upon us or when your service is needed.

We will sometimes have messages to humanity as well and we are greatful if you would make yourself available for this.”

I ask whether they help me to consciously know about our meetings and to remember them in detail in my 3dimensional state.

“Dear One, all of this will happen in due course of time. For now know that you will be aware of all that you need to be aware. This is about very fundamental functions, such as feeling our light in your body and receiving our communications while awake in 3D."

I ask: who exactly are you? There are people who say that there are 14 Elohim of the 7 rays, but I do not  identify you as such, although I have a connection to Apollo of the 2nd ray and Lord Arcturus of the 7th ray.

“We belong  to, what  some call, the “Elohim of the Five Secret Rays” in the Galactic Center. We are of the original Light of the Creator, working with the Creator Light directly, and not less. We are at the origin of creation and carry out the Will of the Creator, as we are the immediate instruments of His Creation. “

I ask: Could you be also called The Divine Mother?

“Yes, you could say so, as we are the intelligent activity of Divine Light, which is One with the Consciousness of All-That-Is.”

Where are the meetings happening, in which I participate?, I ask.
The Elohim, who contacted me after the 11.11.11 event, said they were of the 7th dimension.

“The 7th Dimension is a so called “Mirror-Dimension”. It is the Dimension of reflection and functions as a Midway Station between the 3th dimension and the Galactic Center, if you will.
Beings who are communicating from the 7th dimension go there because it is easy  for them, without having to step down from their Realm of Higher Light, because of this mirror functionality of 7D. They can simply project themselves to there effectively, in order to communicate to beings who are incarnated in lower densities, while they are remaining with their essence in the Realms above 7D, including the Galactic Center.

Meetings happen therefore in 7D, because it is a place where we all can meet. You can project easily to there as well, as we do from our place of the Creator Light.

So what you perceive so far, is our projection to 7D, but you are at the same time also connected with us via our projection, to where we truly exist, in the Galactic Center.

Thank you, your transcript is correct.

We bless you and we are so happy to have you with us!

We Are the Elohim of the Creator’s Light."

So much blessing! This contact with the Elohim is bliss and energizes my multidimensional existence and identity. And this service, which is an expression of inherent joy, also demonstrates that there are no "independent" entities and that we all are like beads on a string, which is the Love- Blissful Light and Consciousness of the Ultimate. It is the Ultimate which is our true Self and which is not separate and which is not limited even to a "Higher Self", which is in itself still a confinement and signifies a process of separation, although a very subtle one. To me this is true freedom and inspiration, to share the Infinite Divine in service with other beings of Light who are but an expression of IT. What greater gift can be given to us while here in this density of a 3th dimension, and which is even Divine too, if we agree that there is Only the Divine.

The service of the Elohim and my participation in it, makes it ever so more clear to me again that all beings are ultimately here to serve together, and not as separate entities, the Great Process of Creation, as long as they do not yet return to the Source, The-All-That-Is, stepping out of the circle of Coming and Going. 

Much love to my brothers and sisters!

Reported by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.