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Spread My Wings of Beauty for those, who are bonding with Me. Without Beauty
there is no True Divinity and no Ultimate Reality Who I Am. My Wings Are the
Infinite Embrace of all things that I AM. Take refuge in My Beauty to transcend
the temptations of duality, where you are lost by seeking within it for safety
and truth in these deceptive times.
Is Where your Essence IS, Who Is Me.
Within duality there is no secure haven, you rather will find a roller coaster
in the whirlwinds of conditional modifications. Even though you sometimes seem
to experience periods of permanence and steadiness. But in reality any seeming
stability within duality indicates stagnancy because everything exists in the perpetual motion of life.
Am seeming, As Myself, to Be Two at Once: Eternal Motion in My Infinite
Eternity or Energy and Conscious Light. It is Unconditional, beyond the
perception of your human brain. My Consciousness is Unconditional Love and
Happiness, - the Undying Power That Comprises all worlds and beings.
these times when the raw opposites of your 3dimensional experiences come to
their peak, facing one another without place for you to hide, because of their
cataclysmic forces while you struggle to withstand the powers of their
collision, you are given the opportunity to be drawn into my Divine Untouched Space.
In My Divine Space all opposites are transcended and forgotten, a Space of
Infinite Peace and Purity and Radiance.
not hold on to the forces that would destroy your soul, tied to the two ends of
illusion. Be safe in Me beyond!
deluding forces are My given Divine Grace to you, to recognize what they really
are and always have been, un-noticed as
long as they did not show their power. Now you can profoundly integrate their mystery,
being driven into the core of their seeming reality, as you consciously explore
and meditate them, discovering them to be merely empty schemes as you grow in
you can see, and now you can go beyond, with My Grace Calling you, to enter the
Realm of the Real.
discover your Eternal Happiness, your True Nature. Whereas the human illusion
of opposites are nothing but play, a joke, if you like, as soon as you
transcend them in Me.
I call you, to realize this, by expanding your awareness into your Native
Stillness in Which mind or creation come into being. I Show to you the ¨Other Shore"
That Is the Truth of all conditional worlds.
not seek for answers there, because the deceivers are underway to catch your
living soul with peripheral glamorous promises. But those who point to Me, your
Own Unconditional, Divine Truth and State, beyond the many dimensions and
densities, are trustworthy in these times.
alert at all times to keep your light and pure energy in Me. Do not let your attention go
somewhere else, even if voices might be sweet and faces beautiful and speeches
eloquent. Be simple, My Beloveds, as I Am One without a second, beyond duality.
Call you to the Truth that is Me as you, beyond your body and mind, but which –
if you allow – are becoming My Vehicles to Express Me in your lower worlds,
empowered with My Divine Force of Radiant Consciousness.
In-filled with Me only and not less. To Be Whole again and the Truth
That I Am as you. Do not seek the powers within duality to
be safe and happy. To not to be destroyed.
the end times you are all seen as what you really believe is True and what your
choices are. You all are given the opportunity to follow the path of Truth, if
you recognize It. You must decide. It is your journey and you have the freedom
of choice, if you haven't given away this freedom already to what is
controlling you.
you hear Me now as your True Eternal Self, un-chain yourself from all ties
which bind you to conditional worlds within duality, if this is your choice.
experience you choose is up to you, but it has to be done NOW! There are only two
options. The Powers of this time will draw you quickly in one or the other direction.
Am here with My Wings of Love and Beauty, Always, Waiting for you.
Am your God-Self!
Message conveyed by Ute
Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
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