Showing posts with label New Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Light. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel



Dearest Friends


In the New Light 
no illusion of the old world holds. 
There is now another Reality 
in which  the schemes of the Matrix 
do not exist.

Now, as the dawning of a New World 
has come to here, 
we have a new choice:
where do we prefer to BE!

It is like a switch 
we have to remember to turn,
to choose the new frequency 
of luminous perfection,
that does not speak the split tongue, 
that does not know
what we thought for so long to be true: 
 the chains of shadow-land, deception and error.

But even they are the necessary 
stepping stones to transcend, 
to serve the quantum leap.

We are no victims, because we no longer
identify with them.
We are free, because we Are Divine.  

Now only truth shines, 
into the One Heart of Forgiveness,
lifting into Brightness
 what is still sleeping in the dark.

Forgotten what once pain was.
Resurrection into 
a different perception of reality
leaving behind everything
we once knew.

Because only Pure Clarity remains,
Pristine, unstained without difference.
One Single Radiant Field of Perception
and Being-ness. 

Holding firmly and lightly
a new consciousness
without regret, memory or hope.

Because here nothing remains
to hope for,
as we arrived at the Place
of the polished mirror.

Why hope for things?
And this field of Luminous Peace
is like a smooth Surface
that is reflecting All. 

We are now free to switch in any moment
if we choose. 
Because here is no drama.
No loss and no gain.
It is equilibrium.

And is it a an intermediate way point?
From where we journey further
after we immersed
our entire past there,
put it to the Zero-Point! --
so that a new creation can emerge
that is purely ours:

From our Eternal Divine Heart
In Joy and Dance and Love.
Sometimes a borrowed space,
then expanding into radiant spaceless-ness. 

With love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2015. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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 While the new energies of light are arriving, carrying a further expanded consciousness of cosmic proportions, it is important, to open up to their magnificence.

Because without us receiving and utilizing them, they cannot propel forward the planetary evolution and our own ascension.

As we receive them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light body.
In fact, they are of a powerful substance of clearest light and energy, and pristine Purity, which instills the information of transforming our carbon based body into a crystalline structure.

They require us to let go of the old three-dimensional experience in the total system of our body-mind and replace it with the Power and Presence of this intense light. It is coming through our Beloved Sun from our Galactic Center; and through our Galactic Center from the Great-Great Sun around which our Galactic Center is revolving.

The increasing solar activity, whether earth-directed or not, rises constantly our frequency, if we allow it. Because we are not our earth-bound body. But we are in a Single Consciousness One with Gaia, the Spirit of our planet, One with the Spirit of the Sun and the Spirit of the Great Central Sun, and ultimately One with All-That-Is.

We are indeed blessed in a way we never have  been blessed before.

How do we open up and receive these Great Cosmic Forces?

We do not need any technique. We do not need any guided meditation. We do not need any limiting mediator between us and what is pouring down on us.

It is the pure and one-pointed, spontaneous impulse of the heart, that reaches through the feeling top of the head to above, to locate what is already present directly above us. It is to allow this powerful Presence of Pure Light to enter our body-mind and to let It pervade us from the top to toe.

It activates and saturates the currents of energy in the body-mind and overrides three-dimensional energy and awareness.  In fact, it is quite naturally transporting us into the consciousness of the higher dimensions, the dimensions,  where it is coming from.

Ultimately, if we allow the process fully, there is no movement but rather a state of altered consciousness, and a silent, powerful expansion, in which no-thing is noticed, but Pure Being-ness.

There is no Light without Information. Information determines  the level of consciousness  that we experience. And it is our choice what we focus on: the moving worlds or the pure being-ness, the fullness of I Am.

So far almost none of us has managed to recognize the totality of worlds as a modification of Divine Consciousness, in which every trace of duality is transcended, including our seeming separation from the universes. And all worlds are directly Known to be Undivided Divine Consciousness.

In this State we have already left to exist beyond and prior to dimensions. Such is the vastness of our Divine Consciousness.

Now the Universe has opened up to introduce us to all our Divine Possibilities and to our Ultimate Divine Nature.

The Real Great Adventure has begun for All Humanity.
And So It Is.

With love and many blessings,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
