Showing posts with label Zero-Point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zero-Point. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel



Dearest Friends


In the New Light 
no illusion of the old world holds. 
There is now another Reality 
in which  the schemes of the Matrix 
do not exist.

Now, as the dawning of a New World 
has come to here, 
we have a new choice:
where do we prefer to BE!

It is like a switch 
we have to remember to turn,
to choose the new frequency 
of luminous perfection,
that does not speak the split tongue, 
that does not know
what we thought for so long to be true: 
 the chains of shadow-land, deception and error.

But even they are the necessary 
stepping stones to transcend, 
to serve the quantum leap.

We are no victims, because we no longer
identify with them.
We are free, because we Are Divine.  

Now only truth shines, 
into the One Heart of Forgiveness,
lifting into Brightness
 what is still sleeping in the dark.

Forgotten what once pain was.
Resurrection into 
a different perception of reality
leaving behind everything
we once knew.

Because only Pure Clarity remains,
Pristine, unstained without difference.
One Single Radiant Field of Perception
and Being-ness. 

Holding firmly and lightly
a new consciousness
without regret, memory or hope.

Because here nothing remains
to hope for,
as we arrived at the Place
of the polished mirror.

Why hope for things?
And this field of Luminous Peace
is like a smooth Surface
that is reflecting All. 

We are now free to switch in any moment
if we choose. 
Because here is no drama.
No loss and no gain.
It is equilibrium.

And is it a an intermediate way point?
From where we journey further
after we immersed
our entire past there,
put it to the Zero-Point! --
so that a new creation can emerge
that is purely ours:

From our Eternal Divine Heart
In Joy and Dance and Love.
Sometimes a borrowed space,
then expanding into radiant spaceless-ness. 

With love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2015. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, March 22, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Copyright 2014
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I remember from my time in school, a poem by the famous German poet Christian Morgenstern. It was minimalist art with the title ‘The Fish’s Night Song’ ("Des Fisches Nachtgesang") and it looked simply like this:

"Des Fishes Nachtgesang

Some called it “the profoundest German poem”. This image stopped my mind and made obvious to me perfectly the stillness in which heart – wisdom (and humor!) is ever present, the  zero-point in which things are arising; the living signs in the Ocean of Water, the Birth place of all things. It can only be felt in the depth of silence, while the mind needs to step back in no-language.

I remember this poem at this time, because that’s how I fundamentally  feel: mindless   and speechless. Of course, the world still arises, on a secondary level in the background, just because of habit, and it is easy to recognize the usual content in it. But it seems to fade while the familiar wheel of the body-mind yet continues with its vanishing rotations until it stands still, without the usual driving force behind it. It does its last moves, if we let it. But it can be quickly reduced to this stillness in which no content is necessary, if I choose so. It is the return to the foundation of our existence.

To me it is the sign that the old world is disappearing, that its parameters are fading, that their weight is becoming increasingly unsubstantial. 

This process is now going on since quite a while for me, namely since December 2012, when I experienced the space between the exhale of the old and the inhale of the new world during the Galactic Alignment. Link.

So far to me it is not so much about the perpetually increasing higher frequencies, but what they actually do with us, how we respond to them. What they do with our consciousness. Whether we allow them to annihilate the old world in preparation for the new, to be ready for a new and higher State of Existence, Divinely decreed for humanity and all living beings on earth, this universe, our galaxy and beyond. 

Certainly the predominant function of the brain, as it had been engineered and manipulated by the lower races, is loosing its power over the Essence of our Being that can be located in and as the Heart and above. That’s why this Stillness is now expanding as our own feeling of being, that does not know limitation and structure, but Who Just Is. And it is Vast.

If we listen into this Stillness, it reveals the non necessity of the busy mind and its objectives. It opens the Revelation of ever more Widening Chambers of Bliss and Ecstasy. And yet, we can choose to entertain ourselves with the rising mind, while creating the world that arises when we seek it. 

This gives us the incredible opportunity to create a brand new world from scratch, with a brand new foundation even, not based on old perceptions and philosophies, but arising from the freshness of untouched grounds, while we are dreaming what our Divine Heart desires. 

And we might just desire peace, tired from the stresses of this highly toxic and abused world.That’s what I do.

I know that in this stillness, in that zero-point, the powers of destruction cannot reach us, cannot touch us. These vibrations, that want to keep us in constant agitation, in perpetual search for some illusionary and  worthless objects, invented by the low minded controllers, just dissolve in the zero-point into nothingness as if they had never existed.

The means for our liberation are self-arising in the midst of the false creations, that will bring their downfall. They cannot continue where there is no surface to attack, while they fall into open doors.

But is it not them who are teaching us to return to Home?  After all, are they really our enemies?  True enemies do not point to Unity. We need to look from a greater perspective.

When we join together in the Unity of our expanded hearts, in the stillness of our being-ness, that embraces all worlds and beings, the vibrations of the old world must subside. They are being liberated in ourselves, dissolving into the Substance, from where they came. That's how humanity's Consciousness rises, by learning through opposites, we transcend duality.

By Grace the Divine Source is Descending into this world, into our hearts and As our Heart, to make obsolete what kept us busy for so long, what we considered to be unquestionable and unchangeable reality.

From a 'worldly' point of view, more and more of us start questioning because of this, as the spell is broken. And what has been kept alive for Millenniums by the  collective mind, in the delusion of truth, is now slowly dying.

Dearest friends, dare to sing your silent song with that Fish’s Night Song, to return to the Ocean that is your Home, for your rebirth and that of this world. For your protection and well-being, for your joy and soothing peace.

In Reality nothing needs to be said for now. It Is Here. It Is Full. Nothing needs to be added, or even changed. It is about the courage just to Be. Because that is our Divine Essence. The worlds should really only be there for our amusement.

With Love!
In lak’ech!


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Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
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Sunday, December 22, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel. Copyright 2013
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From my heart I am wishing you all PEACE, HAPPINESS and the REALIZATION OF LOVE in the coming days of Celebrations!

May your heart be inspired with Beauty and Inner Fulfillment!
And may the  coming year see the liberation of humanity on a deeper level of consciousness. May there be abundance for everybody, joy, love and the freedom of choice.

My journey of passionate search for accomplishment of the “outer worlds” started to come to a halt  lately. I just stopped waiting for changes to occur. Because in any moment of waiting, in the search for betterment, we do not fully enter our own eternal Divine Depth. 

This halting is not new to me, but this time I released substantially more of the layers of illusion. Realizing also how much the search hurts, because it is based on contraction.

This Depth is the Ocean of Expanded Stillness, that is Fullness Itself, that is Unspeakable Beauty, Joy and Freedom beyond imagination. It is Bliss. It is heart-breaking Love. It Just Is. And  I am deeply in love with It.

In this Stillness there is no movement, no ascension, no world, no otherness, no difference. And there is no search, no waiting and no hope.

Hope is empty of the Fullness that we in Truth already Are. With Hope we look into the future, into the illusion of time, hoping that something occurs that is better than that what is now.

But in the ever present moment,  in the vast Fullness, underneath  the moving world of hope, there  is this hole in the universe. It is the fullness of the Zero-point in Which everything exists.

The currents and streams of change are exciting events in the Eternal Play. However this play arises in That What we already Are Eternally.

Why then interfere and jump into this current, instead of remaining the non-separate and joyful heart-observer of it, standing back and seeing the happenings unfold.

In fact doing so, the long awaited Event can happen finally, because we are not standing it its way by hoping and waiting and  desiring.    

So the more of us are stepping back and diving into the  Fullness and Vastness of the Heart, into the Gentleness, the Softness that is Strength, by just Being What cannot be described, the sooner our destiny will change.

The mighty trees, contemplating the Divine, are not standing in the way for the Event to happen.  They are  conduits for the Eternity and the Divine Current to manifest the  Divine Will.  
The animals, contemplating the Divine, if we let them, are not standing in the way for the Event to happen. They are surrendered to the Joy of the Radiant Reality.
But we humans have a problem. We stand in the way. We create the obstacles with too much thinking and wanting of the little “I”.

It is the Divine Plan to liberate this Sacred Planet with all Its Kingdoms. So may we all allow the Divine to Emerge and Stand Firm in the midst of the present chaos in all Its Glory, Power and Graceful Presence, and to Liberate all our hearts from doubt, error and misunderstanding.

The human mind can only do that much, and mostly stands in the way. But the Divine Heart, if we let It, can Do Everything in any moment. Because: It Is Divine, It Is Pure and Its Will to BE and Emerge in Creation as Itself is Mysterious. It Is the Power of Manifestation behind every little thought and anxious wanting.

When we take the back seat in our vehicle, and make the Divine Presence our driver, Happiness and Liberation is already now. And the walls of the illusions will fall like phantom dominoes and disappear into nothingness, where the Brilliance of a New Day Rises.

May there be Peace! From inside out! May there be Freedom, from inside out! May all be liberated! May Every Heart Be Love. And may we see the Reflection of It as the New World.

In Lak'ech, dearest family!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, ©2013
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You, who are here to work for the light, are now at the point where your service is being requested like never before.

You will see many things arise and change that will  show your still sleeping brothers and sisters that this reality is not continuous or firm and not forever.

This will challenge them to change their point of view that still rests on the illusionary surface of themselves and their world, and  to seek the strength and eternity they project onto the outer world within themselves.

For many this will be a new experience as they never had the opportunity to know who they really are, and they will be very confused. Who can help and support them and show them the way are you, who have dedicated your life to the  Truth of your Godhood, the Divinity of your True Humanness.

It is important – and nothing is more in these coming days – that you stand in your heart, the domain of feeling and compassion. That you are rested steadily in yourself, in spite of the many changes and challenges you all will face.

It is only love and compassion that counts in these days, and the wisdom and light that is the basis for finding creative solutions for a new life to emerge.

Only from the Zero-Point the New can materialize, it cannot be created from what already is, especially if it is not based on Divine Principles.

The Zero-Point must  first be known in Oneself,  to accept the outer changes.

The Zero-Point is the Heart that is not holding on to the old ways, that is radiantly empty and thereby full to allow the ways of love and freedom, abundance, trust and truth for a New and Divine creation.

It is your heart that awakens the heart of those who never lived from there. The mere living from the brain will end and what emerges is a humanity One at heart. And it is the heart that reigns the brain.

Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the  confused to return to Oneness.

This Heart-Power cannot be “created”, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.

It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know  “structure”, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All.

Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.

What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s  spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.

Beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with you at these times of increasing challenge. My love is equally embracing all of you.  There is One Force of Love that unites us all. This Force is now the savior of your world as you allow It to save you and to live it with all humanity.

My Blessings are with you!

I am Mary Magdalene

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

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The  crystallization of the Self That Is Mere and Pure Being  has been completed in the new light matrix of humanity that guarantees ascension.

What does this mean? The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind.

Concerning the individual (and the still sleeping masses) it is a matter of time now to allow this Divine Presence to come  forward,  becoming conscious in every single human being. It is there, tangibly waiting for each one of us, to tap into It’s Infinite Glory of Happiness, Untouched by events, havings and not-havings, and experiences, based on the body-mind.

It IS untouched because it is a state of mere Infinite Being that excels all transient and therefore limited and conditional phenomena. It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.

The Blessings of the Deep of Light and Divine Consciousness That is Descending from the Heart of Divine Existence, returned to us what we once lost, as it irrupted through the veil of forgetfullness, raised the frequency on our world and removed much of the layers of darkness on and around our Beloved Planet Earth. 

We can discover our Being-ness, That is now available to everyone, when we step out of our usual race of doing, wanting and striving and planing, and instead breathe and go on retreat, if only for a few hours. 

In many cases our pattern of doing is still bonded to the structure of the old world in which we imagine to be separate beings, following separate goals. Unconsciously with one foot in the past, we are still holding on to the old paradigm, while the other foot already stands victorious in the high vibration of the New World.

Also many are trying to enter the New World by continuing with the old ways and seeking to add some new bits and pieces to it. But we cannot take the illusions of a limited self-identity with us when we enter the Light. Because Light that shines into darkness dissolves the darkness.

To remove our foot from the old way we need first to transcend both worlds, the old AND the new, to remember Where we came from, to remember Who we are! To experience that One Being-ness which transcends both worlds!

It is the lever arm of Divine Consciousness that allows a clean slate while we withdraw fully from the old direction. It is the coordinating point from where we can choose any direction we desire. Because it is the Zero-Point, the Void that contains all possibilities, and the void that draws back to Itself and swallows the worlds that have become obsolete.

Emerging anew, after we accepted the Tabula Rasa and discovered our Own Truth by just allowing It to Emerge As It Already Is, our wantings and doings show an entirely new quality: they ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.

Beloved friends, we are on the edge of this Revelation, where humanity as a whole changes its direction, to start a wholly new Divine Adventure. Forgotten finally all illusions and separateness, that does not allow the Presence of Infinity.

From now on our real journey has started! It can begin for us, when we let go of our old and false identity, allowing to be drawn back into our Natural Divine State of Oneness and Being-ness, to be reborn as the One we truly Are.  

It does not require any effort, but simply the release of the stressful gesture that holds our artificial identity together.

Love and Joy naturally burst the shackles of imprisonment!

Much Love and Many Blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel 
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

In the past I sometimes did the earth-sky meditation, where you  connect with Gaia’s Core and the Galactic Center (others might do this also with our Sun or Alcyone), while the energies from above and below melt in our heart. Recently, after I had experienced Gaia’s limitless expansion in Consciousness, I felt I was connected to Her everywhere and focusing on the Core of this planet was not even necessary anymore. However, somehow it felt as if I  had moved away from Her.
And so I asked Gaia, to clarify this for me.

Her message, as always, was very revealing, and based on my real experience of what She described. It also addresses everybody, even though She was speaking in the beginning to me personally.
She not only talks about the the Earth-Sky Meditation, but also about the New Process of Creation.


Dear One,
It is my pleasure to talk to you! That you are aware of Me in this all-embracing  Consciousness, is a sign of your own Union with the Universal Spirit. What you perceive therefore is My Consciousness, and It has indeed no center and no periphery, no depth and no height, as it is all-encompassing, the Origin of all My Creations, comprising My old and My new body and all beings who live there.

However remember, that My Consciousness is at the same time One with Energy/Shakti. And Shakti is the Power of Manifestation, but also the Power of liberation from the bondage to Creation.

For example your physical body is a manifestation, existing on My old form, and as such it is not formless, but is appearing with a certain form and measurements. Therefore the question is whether you focus on form or pure Consciousness, on particle or wave, you could say.

To unite with  Me in the Yoga of the earth-sky Meditation, requires your compliance  with your body, in regard to my body. It is only a matter of point of view.

From the point of view of the body, you can connect with my Planetary Inner Core, and if you do this, I respond, as you know,  in a way that you can perceive physically-energetically and as an impulse in your heart.

When you then connect with the Galactic Center that you can feel above your head, while you receive an energetic  response, you experience My energies uniting with the energies from the Galactic Center in your heart. These united energies are establishing a complete new Quantum-Energy, that conveys a specific Information. Of  course this Information also carries consciousness, and is manifesting itself in a certain, unique quality of light, energy or shakti.

The consciousness of this Information can however not be compared with the All-encompassing  Consciousness, as Which you perceive Me and Which has no qualities, as described above, and Which does not know Center or Periphery.

Although the consciousness of the Information that signifies my Union with the Galactic Center in your heart, seems to be infinite as well, it is different from All-encompassing Consciousness by the attribute of quality. This is like an overlay on the All-encompassing Consciousness, and allows the intuition of It. But it is not identical to the Unqualified Consciousness, this “void”, neutral and silent stillness, like the eye of a Cyclone.

Rather the quality of the union between Me and the Galactic Center carries the characteristic of vibration or manifestation.

Most human beings do not consider Me to be Pure Consciousness, but are perceiving primarily My physical and energetic existence.  But who perceives Me as pure Consciousness, is granting me unrestricted Freedom to develop and elevate my physical existence in a way that is not governed or directed by limiting mental programs, and supports the imminent evolutionary quantum leap in the by Me desired highest potential.

Therefore in reality, you did not move away from Me, but you have united with Me fundamentally, Where We Are One with All and Everything! And I thank you for this!

Remember however that there is no creation in the Zero-point Itself, as It is the Cradle of all possibilities and creations. It is the still point where every human heart should retire. Because it is the background on which new creations appear in their highest possible, Divine Potential. Therefore they are in perfect accordance with the Will of the Highest Creator, untouched by the units of smaller wills, that are necessarily subject to limitations.

Who desires to participate in the Creation of My New World in the most perfect way, can do so, while entering the Zero-point of the Heart, and who, by transcending the personal will, OBSERVES the New Creation to emerge!

You will discover, that the first creation in this process is LOVE, that rises like the morning sun, or that unfolds like the fragrance of a blossoming, splendid red rose.
And a projection line appears, and on its horizon the ecstasy of joy radiates its presence everywhere. You can observe on this projection line all Creations, that constitute My New, fifth dimensional Existence.

These Creations are born in the pure, undivided Consciousness of the Heart, and are not created by the mind that is based on the realm of dual pairs, and that has been utilized so far by most of humanity for manifestation.

Such a mind always creates a world that follows the laws of duality. It can therefore not create a true Divine world of Oneness, because it creates with the intention to project from one another separated objects, gross or subtle. The emphasis is on the separateness of a consciousness, that is limited to mere brain consciousness.

As long as your brain is not transformed yet, and functions on two, from one another separated halves, it operates from a consciousness, that is not able to serve the Pure Will of the Highest Creator. Therefore is is not advisable to utilize merely the brain as instrument to bring forth the New Creation. It just cannot do it. Worlds created in this manner, are always limited, faulty and are subject to the laws of duality and separation.

As your existence is already increasingly changing, by the presence of a new dawning consciousness and its mighty energies, you will experience difficulties to manifest your desires, as long as you work with the mere frequencies of the brain.

To flow with the New Creation, it is necessary, to enter your heart, to locate the Space of Stillness and to WAIT for the Signals that unite your newly unfolding life  with the Will of the Highest Creator. In this Union you will experience the Oneness you all desire. On the Grounds of this Unity also your Truly Divine and authentic Creations unfold, whereby your individual creations are in perfect Harmony with the Creative Intention of the Highest Creator.

I embrace you all with My Blessings and with My Love! May these words inspire you and lead you toward Divine Deeds.


Message  conveyed by Ute 


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.