Showing posts with label Source. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Source. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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Dear  friends,

I did not post much lately - my work was more a silent one, on the energy level. 
Mainly working with the collective consciousness with the instrument of my own here incarnated body-mind, regarding the deep rooted patterns which are a result of brain-washing and mind-controlling practices of the controllers and which have infiltrated humanity more than most of us can imagine.

The significant increase of Light and a new Level of Beautiful Radiance on our planet is for many obvious. And presently there is a lot going on in clearing these dark residuals in the very depth of the cell-structures of the human race. Doing this work, which requires us to dig deep and dare to enter the mouth of darkness, there is always a challenge involved maintaining our multidimensional point of view and connection to the Light, and not to forget who we are. 

This applies to all of us when we do clearing work, whether the emphasis is on ourselves personally or rather more on the  collective work. However the most important task is after all, literally at one point, to allow the Light to replace what is not of It and make thereby room for Divine Consciousness to shine. To come to this point ultimately, is our victory!

So wherever you are in your process, never forget this! There is no way to miss the mark, because it is our destiny to break free in the Light.

Right now it is important to strengthen and magnify the portals of light, which are vortexes connecting the Source of Light, we are working with, with our incarnated existence here, to make sure, the channel is constantly open to allow the Light to come in consistently to here and to be grounded into our Earth Mother. 

Thereby we are supporting and assisting the Forces of Light to be anchored here, which breaks the remaining of the dark matrix, in which many are still captured.  

Liberation of humanity is such a multi-leveled operation and it is orchestrated without disruption by countless Forces and Beings.

Therefore it is important, that everybody keeps the faith that the great Breakthrough will happen at its perfect time, regardless of many hopeful messages, but which did not come to fruition - yet, to show their signs in our worldly life.

The more of us participate in turning to the light and inviting it directly into our life and own body-mind, allowing our light-quotient to rise, the quicker we will see the results on earth. It is all up to us! 

Each disappointment is an invitation, not to blame others or the event, but to turn to our own personal emotions, accept them and allowing the light to dissolve them. Because this is the time where humanity is brought on its path of higher spiritual discipleship. Without our own growth, spiritual ascension cannot occur. 

The Blessings of the Forces of Light and the Love of The Source of All-That-Exists are with us! 

Much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012

Dear friends,

as we are waiting that our world changes, we are invited to use this time to change ourselves first. 
There is nothing to do than to release what belongs to third density, which makes room for the light to come in.

Cosmic light carries information of creations, but Source Light is Pure Radiance Itself. Bliss.

We choose with which light we want to replace old patterns of identification with this dense world. When we release, light comes in. 

If we choose conditional, cosmic light to enter the body, it will enlighten the subtle realms and dimensions in our brain for us so that we can experience them.

However all these realms and dimensions are arising in the Source Itself to which we ultimately will return.

But we can already now participate in the Source Light, which is Pure Consciousness. It depends  where we are putting our feeling-attention. 

And whatever in this most auspicious time, where high frequencies and light enter our sphere, is recognized as pattern of 3dimensional identity and thereby released into the light, instead of holding on to it in our believe it would be necessary and an irreplaceable part of our life, makes immediately room for whatever quality of light we choose to enter us.

Source Light is always available though. It does not depend on evolutionary cycles or ascension processes with their increasing cosmic energies and a brain-based consciousness. Source Light always manifests Nirvana or Emptiness of conditional worlds, which is Fullness of Existence Itself, without any kind of veil, even not the most subtle one, which characterizes any arising object, state or world. 

It is up to us what we choose. When we choose Source, there is nothing more to say but to glorify the Bliss and Beauty, the Perfection and Fullness of Love which is the Source Itself, while we are feeling and experiencing It.

We humans are equipped with a feeling faculty which is able to be aware of all these qualities. They have been called the qualities of God. We are spiritual beings because we are feeling beings and not in the first place thinking beings. When we feel God, or Source or Light without difference, when we Realize It, we are just awake in our own True and Real State. We have expanded our consciousness beyond the brain, so that it becomes Divine Consciousness. This is our home. All our rivers of genuine and root-feeling flow towards this Ocean. 

Divine Consciousness lies in the unconscious until we become conscious of It. Till then we exploit the worlds of mind to Infinity, but we cannot stop the search. The search only ends in the Ocean, when there is no need for questions and explorations of the endless creations we pursue. 

Our creations never end until we can enjoy the Bliss of Being. Until we allow ourselves to merely Be. It is a state of Grace, we cannot strategically "create" it, because we need to step aside and allow this state to Exist. It exists always, but we are busy searching and blinded in this search for other worlds, higher worlds and self-fulfillment, so that we are not aware of the most precious treasure of our own true Nature. It is One without another, and It is the Abode of Simplicity.

It cannot be achieved, and no exercise and no effort whatsoever is able to create this State, no plan or goal setting can make it to appear. But we must love It so that we learn to make room for It. 

We make room for it by letting go our identifications with the limitations of what we believe and think we are. We make room for it if we release our search for a better world and a better self. If we forgive ourselves, meaning, give away, let go as non-necessary ingredients all our ego-identities we think we "need" to be able to survive. This holding on and this search is the only struggle we need to let go. 

We make room for It when we love ourselves and are compassionate with ourselves, when we make peace with ourselves. When we are willing to observe ourselves and understand what we are holding on to. This understanding is the mechanism to let it go.

This is the time to enter the depth of our own being to discover the opening to the Source from where we all came, but which never was separate from us. And the Opening dawns where we release all the baggage and errors of our false identity. 

In that moment the floods of the Ocean of Light enter us effortlessly. And we know that we are Home. 

Much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Beloved Ones,
We Are the Arcturians!

Never give up your positive outlook about what is to happen next in your world! But let us clarify the difference between the meaning of "positive and negative" related to your limited, dualistic thinking in the 3th dimension and the Positive as an expression of the mind which exists in higher dimensions. However even these higher dimensions still appear in the Source-field Itself, like you do, and we call it "Positive" in the highest sense if they acknowledge their dependency on that One Source.

Therefore the best we can recommend is to focus your mind of  heart directly on the Light of Oneness Itself, in which everything appears as an expression of that Oneness, radiating from the core of it with the Brightness of Ultimate Light-Consciousness. 

All truly positive events in that understanding are therefore happening as an emanation of Source-Light and are not created by the mind that is bound and defined by the body, gross, subtle or causal, but which are fueled by Source Itself, while you are calling with your visionary and heart's intention upon Its primordial power of creation.

A creation, merely initiated by your personal will with the power of your third eye can never be long lasting and nor can it express the Ultimate Reality. The  quality and characteristic of a creation is naturally derived from the substance from which it is created.

Therefore choose well your resources from and with which you want to create. And why not create always directly from and with the Source Itself, instead of choosing lesser and limited states of mind or beings of higher dimensions. Even they are created from the Substance of the Source-Light.

Earth-humanity has been told since Millenniums that you need a mediator to connect and relate to the Ultimate. This served the hiding of your true origin from you. Even though the functionality of your body, as it is now, is a creation by lower sources than the Ultimate Source Itself, your very Essence and Being-ness is the Ultimate Source-Light Itself. 

This has been hidden from you for so long that you now relate to beings from other dimensions and ask them for help, advise and healing. This is appropriate as most of you are just now waking up, so you need guidance and indeed healing of your planet and yourself on your way to reconnect with your very Source. This is why we are here to help you as we are one family in the light of love.
However from that Source we all come and we all share What is Undifferentiated, Whole and Undiminished Happiness. 

If you turn to your own Source you need to be willing to transcend all thoughts and concepts, you need to empty yourself and accept Pure Radiance into your life. It is your disposition which invites the Truth into your being, which will transform in return your mind and your body  from inside out as you start to resonate with It directly.

In these times your prayers are more powerful than ever before and are able to manifest, especially on the spiritual level. What your heart desires now is being drawn to you irresistibly by your faith.

The New World will be Shining with the Light and Consciousness of the Ultimate, so you desire it and conform to It. The True Way always has been from Above to below and not the other way around. Creations from "below" have always been piecemeal, one example is your present situation and the suffering you experienced on your world for long periods in your time. 

Purely Divine Creations do not know suffering, they do not know separation and darkness, they only Are Love and they Are inherent Unity, and mind of duality does not arise, as it is known to you.

Also we, the Arcturians, have once made mistakes but we have overcome them by better understanding of how to participate with Source. Without this understanding, your world has come to the edge of destruction. Divine Intervention however has prevented this. 

Source is Calling you, dear Ones, we desire to remind you, to turn directly to where you originally came from. Do not identify with lesser creations and dimensions. Identify with Source Itself in your heart. If you would with your mind, your ego would become inflated. (smiles humorously) 

To identify with Source is to relinquish all differences of  "lower and higher", "better and worse" which the mind is creating in the realms of the many dimensions. It is Pure and Undivided  Love-Bliss. And is it not that all you want is, that your creations are of that One Love-Bliss? 

Be Blessed, Beloved Ones,
We are the Arcturians

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.