Showing posts with label Purification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purification. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018


 VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends!

This update is about purification of humanity´s history and of the unredeemed collective consciousness so that the universe can move on. Friend, you might discover also your own involvement in this process.

The question whether earth is a sphere or a flat something is not relevant here, rather the fact that earth is a realm of psycho-physical experience. With emphasis on "realm". Nothing is as it seems, we often have heared this and it is valid on many levels. In this context it means that our five senses seem to tell us that earth is made of matter, but in actuality it is a fluid realm. And it is multidimensional. To think that is is pure matter is due to the fall of consciousness of humanity who has forgotten that earth has been the womb of the galaxy and has therefore a predominant role in the unviverse.

This understanding might help many of us who are here to help this truth to emerge and to be understood at these times, to see their personal destiny reflected in the history and development of human consciousness.

I am experiencing exactly this in an exaggerated way in these endtimes where this realm is being more and more compressed, squeezing into the open all that has not yet been clarified and liberated from the dark hiding place of the subconsciousness of humanity. 

And of course my experience must happen deeply felt in the physical, my physical, that is my body. I am a mole who digs tunnels deep in the underground of collective consciousness to allow them to be filled with light.

It is extremely interesting to discover in ever deeper proceedings of impersonal experiences how my physical issues, which have been seeded anytime in human history in "me" as an apparent individual, - in this life-time or life-times long ago (wereby time-space is an illusion), - as  symptoms of human failure and distortion, separated from the original Divine Creation that has been meant to be perfect. 

As said earlier in one of my messages, I am belonging to a group of beings who incarnate in places that need to grow in consciousness. In order to be of service, physical incarnation is absolutely essential to fulfill that task. It is being done while choosing experiences that are switching points of archetypal epitomes of human aberrations from the perfect  Concept of Divine Creation.

Dealing right now with immense physical pains is like a cooking pot that pushes the bubbles of remembrance of human history in the form of precise images to the surface. And so my body is like an onion of humanity's memory, which is being peeled skin by skin, but it seems to go on forever. 

Main issues are the desecration, deformation and abuse of the womb of creation and birth itself, of the female power,  the destruction of women´s integrity and self-worth.  And the strategic secrecy of that.  All of this stands for the utter compression of light and energy to the point of almost still-stand, where the natural flow of life stops. We can see all of this in the present world condition. 

But where there would be movement and free flow of life and energy, the power of the female, there  would be light and joy, and Love is Present. And all is perfect.

Please understand these issues beyond the mere human scale as a cosmic archetypal happening,  as universal events that are the results of misused mindsets. As the experience  and demonstration of 'as above  so below'. 

The male mind froze while non-surrendered to the flowing light of the Goddess, the Divine Shakti or Spirit Power. And the children of the Goddess were born in darkness, forgetful of their Divinity. Nobody is guilty. It is just the result of implosion that occurred because in this experimental realm of duality the female and the male recognized themselves as separate. Experiencing seeming separation from the Primordial Unity of the Radiant Source Condition, everything must ultimately implode if this game goes on too long. And it has been going on too long already.

That's why many of us who came here to help this realm to re-orient itself to it's own Source-Condition, suffer now seeming unexplainable pains and set-backs in these end-times, to help to open the knot of darkness, to make room for the  Source-Light to Shine trough, to make Itself Known again. 

We carry the information of humanity's fall (and that of the universe)  in our very body cells and in our DNA together with the Supreme Light of Divine Consciousness. All of this is now activated in our body. It is as painful as the most difficult birth. And this Great Birth must happen now.
As a universal law, everything must become conscious, the whole bandwith of the frequency of light in this realm, which is compressed darkness on one end and expanding light on the other end, and everything in between, before fundamental change can occur. This is however still about the dimension of conditional light. 

We are here to allow the Revelation of Unconditional Light, That is above all conditional, but it cannot be recognized before we are willing to acknowledge the two sides of the coin of duality and go beyond both.
Humans are not entities, which are being identified as separate meat-bodies. We are beings in which the great universal happening is incarnated, finding its expression. We are consciousness and as said above, this is a realm of psycho-physical experience. But it must be liberated through understanding ourselves as the whole bandwith of  frequencies to ascend into and become one with the Supreme Source-Light. 

This is the great task of this moment. 
Please support this process by surrendering with love to the Ultimate Conscious Light which is beyond the dual apparence of conditional light and dark and all opposites and in Which all of this is arising.

With great love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Monday, September 28, 2015


VIDEO (recommended)


 Dear Humanity!

 It is our joy to be with you and to observe your progress of awakening! Many of you opened their spiritual eyes recently, awakening to their infinite Divine Nature with the desire to let go of old and limiting programmings.

With this we'd like to remind you that everything  in the conditional realms is frequency. This concept is helpful especially because it allows you to experience your programs as mere frequencies.

When you are able to understand that the vehicle of your body-mind is a mixture of frequencies, you are also capable to recognize your environment and others by their frequencies.

Physical appearance or words do not change this. You like or dislike a person by their frequency. You like or dislike a message by its frequency. That's how you recognize who is who and what is what. Because every frequency carries information.

We suggest that you, if you haven't done it yet, step up and train your perception on the frequency level, to be able to use discrimination in this era of disinformation and deceit.

This is an important part of the ascension process that allows you to go beyond the Matrix! Because the Matrix is frequency.

What we  also would like to bring to your attention is this: it is important to understand the term "unity". It is not an idea or goal, but a frequency which does not need to be "created", but which already exists since the beginning of time.  Mankind perceived itself as divided by apparent different races and cultures, yes, - but mainly because Love in all its Divine dimensions and glory  was not yet integrated in the human consciousness. And so humanity fell, challenged by adverse forces, easily  into separating difference and calculated aggressiveness.

However Love is THE uniting force of the galaxy that has been introduced to your universe to reverse a further course of decline, weakening and destruction of humanity. That is why your spiritual guides always refer to love, as it is the spiritual force that easily unites all races and cultures. Love has no structure, no dimension, no believe and no judgement. It is the foundation for Unity-Consciousness.

Now there is hardly anyone who did not experience the power of love, even if only for a moment in the case of a very unhappy life. Attraction between genders has been enriched in due course with true love that involves your higher being, as more and more of you evolved and opened their sacred heart.

However today we ask you to not overstress and confine the experience of love to your personal relationships. This is only a beginning where you are called to cultivate this energy and are able to experience bliss and unity with one another.

Humanity is now ready to step outside this merely intimate space between two or a few people, willing to expand love beyond the familiar. Beyond family bonds and the bonds with friends and even nations. Humanity must expand love to all beings and creatures, in order to overcome the  challenges of a divided world-population and destructive forces, and to create as soon as possible peace on earth, refusing to kill, to intentionally hurt and abandon your human brothers and sisters, because you are perhaps being told so.

We ask you to tune into your heart when you read or listen to this. We remind you that you all are capable of the language and higher vibration of the heart, if you intend to release fear and hatred and the idea of separation from the rest of your human family.

In the past times many of you convinced themselves that survival was dependent on the idea of separation and alienation. Now you are to understand that your survival as a Divine race is dependent on the frequency of love and unity. As the light and energy on your planet is rising, so your own energy can rise when you tune into the frequency of love. It is the vehicle for you to receive what is coming now from highly evolved and Divine cosmic sources. It is the vessel that allows your own holographic structure to participate in the higher mind that is invincible by negative and deceiving forces. It is indeed the very force that allows you to ascend and to evolve as a race.

Many of you, humanity, are  still lingering in pockets of darkness and spiritual inertia, which is merely due to the programs of low frequencies you are attached to. You are able to rise your frequency simply by clearing your heart space. We say "space" and not chacra, because as your scientists already found out, the space around the human heart is much larger and much more powerful than just the chacra, and refers to the truly Divine human nature and is therefore Sacred.   

Clearing your heart space might be challenging though, as you encounter unpleasant emotions, that are trapped in illusions, that can hurt. Be aware that you lived with them anyway in the past -  but merely suppressed the feeling of it.

To allow the full feeling-awareness of them is all there is required. It enables you to release the low frequency programs and  to open up to unconditional love, while you are willing to keep your heart space open and expanded at all times to receive the new waves of enlightening information. What you once have messed up with can be healed and balanced now.

Your future is your responsibility. It is you who is creating your personal experience and  the experience on your planet. To create peace and happiness you must first release the low frequency-programs in yourself that do not vibrate as truth, peace and happiness. It is that simple. To release low frequencies  allows the frequency of unconditional love be present not only in your heart space but all over your human hologram and beyond, by filling your consciousness with stillness. And so you are becoming it. You can do this now. And so in every moment.

The incoming higher light and consciousness is supporting your process to transcend the Matrix. This is your moment to take advantage of this glorious opportunity. We highly  recommend not to miss a jota of this Divine Gift. We want to see planet earth and this universe in peace, happiness and unity. We want to share with all of you what we are, and you to share with us what you yourself truly are, or can become again soon.

We trust this auspicious process to show greater and greater signs in your societies, as you accept the joy of it and as you progress in your process of releasing un-love and un-happiness, deeper than ever before.

We are the the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Monday, September 17, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dear Family of Light,

These are the last throes to birth the  New World. In the purifying process, preceding this birth, now the last remains, the worst residues are coming to the surface. And many are  suffering with the world.

They are drawn to deep down, so that the  swing upward for them can be enormous.
Nothing will remain the same, the swing will this time  - after it  reached the deepest, the rock bottom, - be  catapulted in a completely new direction, it will leave the usual path und initiate a new beginning.

For those of you who have chosen to experience this development directly via the instrument of their own body, to learn, how innovations are initiated, now an especially difficult time lies ahead. This is experienced primarily on the energy level and you will undergo greater ups and downs, from low to very high levels.

Witnessing  this time as part of your consciousness, you  are also given the capability, not to get entrapped in this ride. You are granted a state of great peace and inner unimpeachability. Thereby you help the souls, who did not yet establish inner balance, but are seeking it, to go through this great convulsion and fluctuation safely.

This also relates to those, who experience this period not only on the physical, but especially on the emotional level. Now they have the opportunity to purify themselves, und to become free of old, and not conducive attitudes, which are not of love, forgiveness and compassion. It is about accepting them first and then let them go, as they are being dissolved by the forces of light.

In the midst of it is important always to understand and  never to forget, that this is only a time of transition, for the sake of transformation of things, which still obstruct the emergence of a New and Purified World.

Who is not yet ready to use this opportunity for their own purification, will set the course for a future, which will not allow to transition into the next higher dimension.

They have chosen, to continue their present experience without great changes. Und this request will be granted. Everybody is here to make their own experiences. And this is fully acceptable.

These souls are being now identified as the ones, who will be relocated to other places, where they can continue to experience their karmas.

The great peace, which surrounds those, who consciously choose to study the mechanics of large shifts, is already leading to the New World, in which also embodiment itself  will be experienced very soon as deep peace and unobstructed well-being.

Humanity as a whole is in the midst of intense exertion. The planetary and cosmic energies are exposed to a breaking test, a state, which always arises, when very dark and high light frequencies collide. It is like in a thunder storm, when cold and warm fronts meet. The electricity tension then saturates the atmosphere.

It is important, to avoid as much as possible stress, to get enough sleep and also to rest during the day, if possible. Or at least take a break, in what ever way it is possible for you.

Also your diet is of importance now. Choose something light and avoid heavy food. Eat little and do not overload your digestive system. Drink, if possible, purified and energized water.

Stay awake and alert, and do not allow to become entangled in anything, keep inner distance from disturbing energies and events. Maintain peace and equanimity. Trust your own heart.

Be who you are: Beings of Light and of Love!

With much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,
I have been meditating on the date of August 4, as there are several messages, claiming, that our Galactic family would disclose itself on that date.
There is also a channeling saying, that the Pleiadians would be directly landing in London at the Olympics on that day.

So I asked my Arcturian Guides, and they answered in  their function of being part of the Galactic Federation.

And here it is:

Message from the Arcturians:

Dear Ones!

No, we will not land! We will be landing, when you and your planet are ready,  when you have mastered your transition into the next higher dimension! The disclosure of our existence might happen at that time, but there are still some considerations going on about it, mainly whether this is the right time to do this, depending on several circumstances. "Deadlines" are "focus points" for us for possible but not binding actions. We are dealing with a complex circumstance where all parts have to be taken into account.

Please understand, as difficult as this might be for you, that we are not an armada of saviors!

Ascension is a spiritual process, in the first place. And at this special time, it is ultimately also a physical one.

You all have chosen, to incarnate at this time on Gaia, and thereby to have the great opportunity for a quantum leap in your evolutionary process in a short time.

This does not mean that your souls are not already Divine, but the process of experiencing the descend into the darkness, and to bring back that darkness to the Light, is the task you have agreed with.

Thereby you are supported with every help from us and many other Light Beings, energetically, purifying and healing you. But the work is yours, you yourself must walk the path, and that’s why you are here.

Please understand yourself better: Christianity, as it has been preaching since more than 1000 years, has talked you into the belief, that Jesus is your redeemer, by merely “believing” it. In other words, that you can achieve salvation by mere “belief”.

Dear brothers and sisters, if this would be possible according to cosmic and spiritual laws, all Christians, who believe this, would be already liberated! But they are still subject of the present situation and a church, which does not truly serve the Christ Consciousness. By this you recognize the signs of this heresy, which wants to keep you in the lower levels of consciousness!

This false belief in salvation is deeply seated  in many of you, without being conscious of it. And so you have taken this relic of Christian faith to use it in your new faith, the faith in salvation by your galactic families!

Spiritual growth is a process in Consciousness. Meaning, that all your unhappy patterns, belief systems, convictions, emotions, sufferings and limitations, must be recognized and transformed, until your body-mind is completely clarified, to the degree of literal “enlightenment”, by the Light of Divine Consciousness!

This is the process in its perfection. And there are many pathways and there are many intermediate stages. But there are also many of you in your world, who belong to us and other galactic families, and who already went through the ascension process in other dimensions. It is them, together with the ones, who seriously work with the enlightenment of their own body-mind, to create ultimately the necessary percentage of the world population, which shifts your planet into a higher dimension.

In this regard you have already achieved much. All given dates are guidelines. Your ascension process is a living, fluctuating process, and therefore the date of 21.12.12 is also a guideline. Because the result is depending on how many actually are able to use the energies of this date! And some might indeed ascend. 

In the true Divine Process there is no magic, but which many like to believe! There is Grace, yes. But this Process is subject to certain spiritual laws, which nobody can bypass, but which are serving your own, true mastery.

The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements!  

The Light-Process includes the re-cognition of your true Divine Identity, not only in thoughts and ideas, but as the Realization of Divine Consciousness, which shows Itself also through tangible physical Transformation.

We are here, if you need our help, to strengthen your process, to encourage you, and to provide initiations, if necessary, to support your Evolution in Consciousness.  

You all know that the forces of light are constantly growing on your planet. They exactly serve your own progression, to overcome in yourself all that which is not of the Light and unifying Love.

It would not serve your spiritual growth, to take this learning process away from you. You would deprive yourself of important experiences and practices, which are necessary, so that you can truly learn mastery over duality and lower vibrations, the illusion of limited awareness, separation and suffering. If we would just take you back to your once ”undistinguished" state,  before you incarnated on earth, your whole enterprise with the intention to return from very low density to Divine Consciousness with the full harvest of your own dedicated work, would have failed.

Many misconceptions are spread! Your  controllers love it, to play with fairy tales and magic, to blind you!  It is essential, to see through this!  This is an important step of initiation into full Mastery.

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dear  friends,

I did not post much lately - my work was more a silent one, on the energy level. 
Mainly working with the collective consciousness with the instrument of my own here incarnated body-mind, regarding the deep rooted patterns which are a result of brain-washing and mind-controlling practices of the controllers and which have infiltrated humanity more than most of us can imagine.

The significant increase of Light and a new Level of Beautiful Radiance on our planet is for many obvious. And presently there is a lot going on in clearing these dark residuals in the very depth of the cell-structures of the human race. Doing this work, which requires us to dig deep and dare to enter the mouth of darkness, there is always a challenge involved maintaining our multidimensional point of view and connection to the Light, and not to forget who we are. 

This applies to all of us when we do clearing work, whether the emphasis is on ourselves personally or rather more on the  collective work. However the most important task is after all, literally at one point, to allow the Light to replace what is not of It and make thereby room for Divine Consciousness to shine. To come to this point ultimately, is our victory!

So wherever you are in your process, never forget this! There is no way to miss the mark, because it is our destiny to break free in the Light.

Right now it is important to strengthen and magnify the portals of light, which are vortexes connecting the Source of Light, we are working with, with our incarnated existence here, to make sure, the channel is constantly open to allow the Light to come in consistently to here and to be grounded into our Earth Mother. 

Thereby we are supporting and assisting the Forces of Light to be anchored here, which breaks the remaining of the dark matrix, in which many are still captured.  

Liberation of humanity is such a multi-leveled operation and it is orchestrated without disruption by countless Forces and Beings.

Therefore it is important, that everybody keeps the faith that the great Breakthrough will happen at its perfect time, regardless of many hopeful messages, but which did not come to fruition - yet, to show their signs in our worldly life.

The more of us participate in turning to the light and inviting it directly into our life and own body-mind, allowing our light-quotient to rise, the quicker we will see the results on earth. It is all up to us! 

Each disappointment is an invitation, not to blame others or the event, but to turn to our own personal emotions, accept them and allowing the light to dissolve them. Because this is the time where humanity is brought on its path of higher spiritual discipleship. Without our own growth, spiritual ascension cannot occur. 

The Blessings of the Forces of Light and the Love of The Source of All-That-Exists are with us! 

Much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

the latest powerful Solar-Flare brought indeed a further activation of our DNA with it and added new strands to it! I literally could see this as it was shown to me. 

Also I was guided to an insight and so called experience and “overview” of the “future”, which I received in meditation already  in February this year, and I feel this is the moment to publish it, to remind everybody in this times of great uncertainty in our world of our radiant future but which is already tangibly underway now!

This message is also for those,  who are confused about our ascension process, especially those brothers and sisters who are just now starting with their process of awakening. 

This confusion is probably to the most part based on the many delays and promises from our galactic friends and families, which could not be kept so far, "because" the liberation of Gaia is so very much multi-leveled and a living process with many sudden and unexpected “surprises” involved.

However my vision makes it very clear to me, that the great change, we are waiting for, occurs from “above to below”: the incoming light is to be received by us and all kingdoms on Gaia, and this triggers the falling apart of old paradigms. They cannot truly fall apart while we engage still in practices to change our reality, which are based on a 3D density.

As we grow in consciousness, as we awaken in Divine Love, it will be mirrored in our world. As inside so outside. As above so below. And each one of us whose heart desires it,  can be an instrument to ignite the white fire of transformation for all of us. 

As we, who came here to serve the process of planetary awakening, are preparing for a major impact of light frequencies on our planet, we will be able to conduct this event in our consciousness and in our bodies. This, with many other invisible helpers, will trigger the paradigm shift we have been waiting for, for so long.

Here is what has been shown to me on 22.2.12

Everything breaks open in humanity, everything comes to the forefront, what has to be purified and what cannot be taken into the next higher dimension.

It is like the washing away of lower frequencies; long standing sufferings; stories, stored and encapsulated in the subconscious of humanity since Millenniums, stories of suffering, alienation, stories of the illusion of the separation from the light, from joy and bliss, this all is being washed away by the currents of light, which are pouring now down onto our planet. As if heavily dirty laundry is being rinsed in a basin with always again and again new and fresh water added, which washes away the brew, saturated with dirt, until the water is completely clear!

And so the energy body of humanity is being washed, to become pure and transparent for the New Light, that carries the information of evolution, physically and spiritually. Spirit will no longer be separated from emotion, it will become one single Consciousness of Light.

With the reunification of Gaia with her original Christ-Consciousness on 11.11.11, Grace has been poured out over our planet and all its inhabitants. We are in a state of Grace, and major catastrophes will not happen. Humanity is given the time, to experience the process of great relieve and becoming Light, without having to be shattered by major shocks.   
Our whole solar system is in the state of Grace, and this means that also our sun is protected from major catastrophes.  Our whole solar system will be rather uplifted to higher dimensions, to higher frequencies, out of the density of the 3. dimension.

Also the purification and liberation of  humanity serves this universal process of sublimation. 

Old systems, which do not serve the Divine, crumble away, they cannot sustain themselves in the currents of incoming light.

These old systems are just now experiencing their last attempt to survive - as all must come to the surface! But they soon will do their last breath. With the increasing liberation of the human soul, the light will become ever more radiant on our planet. And so the transition into the next higher dimension will happen.

I am feeling the infinite blessings which have been granted to all of us! 

Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012
Listen to  this message on YouTube

Dear Ones, I AM Sananda!

To all who read this message, to all who strive to open their hearts and ever more so, to all who desire to participate in the ascension process, I have one single message:
Trust and prepare yourself with the help of the ever growing incoming light and love energy from the Divine Abode.

The Light is pressing down on you and your planet ever more strongly and it is necessary that you work with each new incoming flood very consciously to integrate it into your consciousness and body. Do not let one single event of such incoming frequencies go past you, while you do not deal with it consciously. You will notice the influx in your body, either because you feel a pressure, or you start to feel unwell, without reason, and at the very best, because you feel expanding joy and deepening love while your heart opens and radiant light is filling your body and energy centers.
What ever your experience is: open up your awareness, your receptivity, your mind and body, and let occur and reveal what wants to be known and experienced by you.  

I do not say that you will notice always when a new flood of energies enters your realm, and that you should. But if you do, it is very necessary to follow each process with a conscious mind and feeling. Therefore take some time on those days for yourself, breathe and meditate and connect to the Divine Source in whatever way it is possible for you.

This will very much prepare you for the great event of  alignment of your earth and solar system to the Galactic Center. With this preparation you will be very easily able to pass through this alignment in whatever way it will occur and in whatever way you will experience it. 

Working already now very consciously with the incoming high frequencies, also helps you to become aware of tendencies and patterns you are still holding onto, but which do not belong to the higher dimensions. And you must have released them all before the great moment arrives. If you hold on to them, even now, you will notice pain, physically and/or emotionally, which tells you that you do not allow the incoming current of light to pass through your physical, emotional and spiritual body, as your tendencies have piled up as blockages in your energy-system.

Your desire to let them go, is important, because this attracts Divine Helpers, such as Myself to help you as kind of midwifes in your awakening process. Trust our help because we are able, if not in your waking state, but surely when you sleep, to wash away these blockages with Divine Light. In these times legions of light are there to support your process of purification, because it is purification of the human race, what it is about, to emerge as the Light Being you essentially are.

Your part is enough sleep, clean food and water (if possible), daily exercise. If you have no access to pure food and water, bless it before intake with the love of your heart and ask the Divine Legions to help to purify it, to soak it with Light. Breathe in Light with every inhalation and breathe out love with every exhalation. This helps also the high energy currents to easier enter your body and to dissolve energy blockages.

You will notice that this process becomes easier every day for you, and that it will become a daily routine that way - to prepare you for the great moment when your world will shift into a new position, density and consciousness.

Rest assured that you all are guided (so you allow) and blessed to slide through this great process with ease and joy, inspite of sometimes arising difficulties.

There is this undivided field of love already expanding in your spheres, that will be your greatest protection and support if you participate in it. All of you can do this by intent and prayer.

Certainly My presence of Love is always with you, for you to recognize who you are.

I AM Sananda at the threshold of the Galactic Center

Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.