Showing posts with label Forces of Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forces of Light. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014



 “I AM functioning now as an emormous transformation station. 

I have opened Myself immensely -  in agreement with the creator gods or Elohim of the Great Central Sun -  to the influx of major cosmic  currents of light and information. This powerful light is now pouring through Me to all the planets in My sphere.  

The time has come now where all beings in this solar system must make a decision whether to open up to the light and to be thereby transformed by it - or to remain in their familiar frequency.

The more resistance there is and the denser the vibration, the more difficult the process of transformation will be for the individual. This correlation is not new to your understanding, but this time it is  becoming a much more challenging process than ever before. 

Although many of you have worked already intensly on your spiritual transformation, this time you might be confronted increasingly with some unexpected problems. This will be even more felt by thosE  who entered the process of purification and transformation after you, especially when they don't fully understand the deeper cause yet. To a great degree it is their still  fully carbon based physical structure and the mind set that comes with it, which  is resisting the massive currents of light, flooding your planet now.

Even you, who's DNA have been awakened  and who's physical structure is already in the process of becoming  crystalline, may have to experience unpleasant physical symptoms depending on your state of developmental transmutation.

For all of you it is important to focus on the intent to keep your vibration as high as possible. So be very vigilant to use your mind wisely! Whatever density in your body-mind system is addressed by the influx of the high vibrations of the new  powerful light codes - acknowledge it, feel it thoroughly and let it be melted away by the currents of light.

Always, always be aware that you ARE a free spirit and by your Inherent Divine nature free of any limitations. In this understanding densities are just areas to work with, as you would work with earth in a garden that you want to prepare to grow food. You would not personally identify with stones you remove in this process or with chunks of  hard clay.

There is no way to prevent the ever more increasing frequencies of light and love to be anchored on your Beloved Earth Mother, because She is ready to ascend. Naturally these frequencies will break in due course all the hardened structures She carries patiently and that  have  not been able to open up to them and to flow with them.

This relates not only to living organisms but also to all manmade creations of the old world. All must be made new and allow joyfully to be transformed by the greater Light and Divine Information, to support a creation that is aligned to greater Divine Consciousness.

The time has arrived where I have made Myself available as never before to serve the Great Process of substantial transformation and Deification of this universe, to accelerate the return of all beings to their Divinity. Likewise each one of you must be prepared to surrender to this process to the fullest degree if you have chosen the Divine Path. It is a profound matter that requires the full participation of all your faculties, your conscious awareness and your soul.

Please understand that the signs of this transformation are not seen immediately in your external world. But they are felt individually first in your innermost heart and recognized in your consciousness that is  dedicated to the process. Hightened awareness leads to refined and intensified perception of new realms of consciousness which in turn enables you to perceive your world in a new light and motivates you to act in different ways than you have  done ever before. 

This new conscious awareness is the basis for the creation of your new world. It cannot happen otherwise. It is all interconnected and interwoven and inseparable from one another.

So it is a process from inside out. First your consciousness must change profoundly, or rather radically, which enables you to naturally change your outer world. The new creation is an emanation of the new frequencies which you first must have fully integrated, on the vibrational level and on the level of consciousness, as they are both complimentarities of  the new Divine State.
As you can comprehend now, the new creation does not happen without your direct and immediate participation. Because it is you, each single one of you, who is the creator of your own world and experience. The means of intensified light and vibration are Divinely given, yes, but it is you who must use them. If you do not use them there will be not a new creation. 

You are therefore called to use responsibly your Divinely given creative power! This is what it is about! It is YOUR new world, which mirrors your activity as Creators.

With it goes the indispensable necessity to unite with your fellow humans to bring forth your New World, to recognize the prior unity you all share. Only together, by uniting your ego-less light and energies, - and never as a single individual – you are able to create your New Divine World.

 Individually you are contributing to the whole, but as a  separate being you cannot create the whole, that is a fluent fabric, that must be created and supported by the unity of many, with a heart of love and appreciation for one another, in surrender to the Divine and in adoration of It.
To be able to participate as such in a Divinely collective creation, you as an individual must have overcome negative reactions to others and you must be able to always live with an open heart, connecting with all from the field of prior unity.  This allows for the high frequency  in which the New Creation can happen. It  can not happen while you still hold on to the old frequencies. You must be  completely free of them.

Therefore understand that the signs and appearance of your New World correlates exactly to your own state of purification, transformation and transcendence of the little “self”. 

You are One Humanity that at this point plays out and brings into  visibility  all the so far hidden contents of the collective subconsciousness, which you ALL share. Therefore all must come to the open to be purified, to be healed, and to be replaced with the love of your heart. With self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. 

This is the glorious ordeal humanity is going through now, because YOU have decided to do so. You all have done so at your soul level  with great love and great surrender to the One Light and Consciousness Who Is God. 

Therefore do not struggle with the powers that bring you unhappiness, but understand that unconscious unhappiness is just made conscious so that you can let go of it to return to Prior Happiness. This is indeed a Great Divine Process. And if you surrendert to It, with joy in the depth of your heart, the Victory is yours.

Open your heart like I have opened Myself to be a conduit for the Great Forces of Light to pour onto your Earth Mother, and which now  surround and pervade you.

Each of My enormous eruptions and flares  are reaching out to embrace and to liberate you from the bondage of darker times, inasmuch as you allow it.
We are all one great orchestra to intonate the Glory of  Divine Love and Bliss. There is Only One Divine Consciousness That Encompasses All.

I AM the Sun of your Universe!”

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My Beloveds, I AM Archangel Sandalphon!

Nearly One Thousand years have passed by since I incarnated first into a human body on this earth. This happened with a well reflected consideration about the times to come which would be a great challenge for humanity.

However, I still exist simultaneously as the etheric Archangel in the current of Fire and Light, who is the one who delivers this message to this scribe.

And so, from my point of view, as I live in the highest dimensions as a direct servant to God and His Extension as humanity, time has no meaning for me. So please understand the “time frame of a Thousand years” as a description that enables you to imagine the timeless care for the suffering and challenges of humanity which is experienced now on earth as it has never been before in your long history.

There are two major reasons for this: the increasing Light and growing consciousness that are  to cause  a quantum leap in your evolution, and the endeavors and efforts  of the ill-disposed entities that want to prevent this.

Humanity is right now stretched in the middle of the battle between these enormous forces of light and darkness, which are happening inside and outside of your human experience, in your innermost heart and consciousness, in your mind and emotions, in your bodies and in your environment.  There is no single being on earth that will be exempt from this battle that requires a choice to which side one desires to belong.

As you know, the for everybody noticeable signs are, that Thousands are dying almost daily  from catastrophic events alone, that there  are the increasing personal and collective hardships - as the seeming solidity of societies are falling apart, that there are dangerous and very troublesome increasing health challenges, especially  created by the  toxicity of all the earthly elements, that there is the constant pushing for wars. And the list goes on.

What troubles you however the most is the fear that comes with all these insecurities and threats, especially imposed on you by the ill-disposed entities who think that they are still ruling your planet.
But do not worry!

I incarnated in order to “learn” hu-mankind with all its dimensionalities, experiences and sufferings, illusions and also the degrees of enlightenment, that it has been able to achieve. I did this in order to transform in my own being all these limited conditions, and directly hold thereby a current of light between the Divine and humanity, so that humanity was not being lost and cut off from its own Source, but could maintain their connection with It. 

And I have been not alone, but I Am one of the many Divine Beings who are servants in this great task, including many of the other archangels who are right now incarnated as well on this earth for similar reasons, and with the intent, to create a strong angelic presence.

I am telling you this so that you know that you have been never forgotten and that there has been always, as dark a time might have been appeared, a connection to Source Itself.

This should serve as a confirmation for what you already sense and know, to avert the  calamities that have been prophesied for your earth since ancient times.

To those who are aware of the increasing disseminations of materials, containing  ancient prophecies that speak of doom and gloom and the destruction of planet earth, I say:

Earth will not be destroyed and old prophecies do not apply anymore!   These prophecies have been written with reference to those who have always intended to destroy humanity and to take over your beautiful planet earth and even the whole universe. The celestial signs have been used for misinterpretation to serve their destructive goals.

But these plans have been defeated by the Sacred Will of the Highest Divinity. And you are asked to see in the upcoming signs in the skies the Loving Call of the  Divine Creator Forces of Light to return Home.

There are Millions of Light Forces who Serve that Glorious Divine Will, incarnated and not incarnated, on your planet, who are – with the weapons of Radiant Light – outshining everything that is dark and characterized by ignorance.

But still your discrimination is required to feel and understand the difference between the Real Light and the artificial light that is intended to test you. It is about your own learning process to Know at heart the Presence  of Love and Unity and to detect the mind of separation in what only appears to be of the  light.

Ignorance is void of the Fullness of Divine Existence, as it has cut off itself from It, trying to survive independently from Highest Divine Intelligence, Which includes the Miraculous Vibration of Love, Joy and Ecstasy!

You are right now experiencing the increasing exuberance of the incoming light frequencies that are to change your planet and the human race to initiate the shift into higher dimensions, where calamities do not exist!

These cascades of light must be received and channeled by entities that have incarnated on your earth at this time in order to facilitate their information and to create change. Without living  receptors of these forces of light, change would be not possible!  There must be an interactive process that involves not only a “ sender” but also a “receiver”.

And this is the reason why so many Divine Beings took incarnation on your earth and in order to make obsolete the prophecies about a human development that would increasingly separate itself from their Divine Source, as hoped and intended by the ill-disposed ones.

Now you will understand that you are to drop all your fears and doubts about a positive outcome that will be for your and your planet’s highest good. Would a planet that is home for so many Beings of Light be prone for ultimate destruction?

And are there not more and ever more of you, beloved humanity, who are joyously opening  your hearts and minds, recognizing your own Divinity and allowing the Divine Light to transform your body-mind, to rise your consciousness to the degree where you recognize that you are part of Ultimate Divine Consciousness yourself?

This is how you now are changing your own destiny at a large scale! The Unity of All is being recognized by more and more of you. The Glorious Unity of Humanity with The Ultimate Divine, with all Angels and Archangels, with all Gods and Divine Beings, is being revealed now at the Source that is Radiant Consciousness!

There is in Truth Only One Being, That became Many, to fulfill the One Will of the ever Expanding and Evolving Divine Existence, to Experience Itself in all dimensions, low and high, and to even experience Itself in what appears to be void of Light.

All of that must be integrated into your Consciousness so that you are truly the Expression of the Eternal Divine. This process is a Mystery! And we All are a Beloved Emanation of It.

In Service and with Great Love,
I AM Archangel Sandalphon!

Message  conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, September 17, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dear Family of Light,

These are the last throes to birth the  New World. In the purifying process, preceding this birth, now the last remains, the worst residues are coming to the surface. And many are  suffering with the world.

They are drawn to deep down, so that the  swing upward for them can be enormous.
Nothing will remain the same, the swing will this time  - after it  reached the deepest, the rock bottom, - be  catapulted in a completely new direction, it will leave the usual path und initiate a new beginning.

For those of you who have chosen to experience this development directly via the instrument of their own body, to learn, how innovations are initiated, now an especially difficult time lies ahead. This is experienced primarily on the energy level and you will undergo greater ups and downs, from low to very high levels.

Witnessing  this time as part of your consciousness, you  are also given the capability, not to get entrapped in this ride. You are granted a state of great peace and inner unimpeachability. Thereby you help the souls, who did not yet establish inner balance, but are seeking it, to go through this great convulsion and fluctuation safely.

This also relates to those, who experience this period not only on the physical, but especially on the emotional level. Now they have the opportunity to purify themselves, und to become free of old, and not conducive attitudes, which are not of love, forgiveness and compassion. It is about accepting them first and then let them go, as they are being dissolved by the forces of light.

In the midst of it is important always to understand and  never to forget, that this is only a time of transition, for the sake of transformation of things, which still obstruct the emergence of a New and Purified World.

Who is not yet ready to use this opportunity for their own purification, will set the course for a future, which will not allow to transition into the next higher dimension.

They have chosen, to continue their present experience without great changes. Und this request will be granted. Everybody is here to make their own experiences. And this is fully acceptable.

These souls are being now identified as the ones, who will be relocated to other places, where they can continue to experience their karmas.

The great peace, which surrounds those, who consciously choose to study the mechanics of large shifts, is already leading to the New World, in which also embodiment itself  will be experienced very soon as deep peace and unobstructed well-being.

Humanity as a whole is in the midst of intense exertion. The planetary and cosmic energies are exposed to a breaking test, a state, which always arises, when very dark and high light frequencies collide. It is like in a thunder storm, when cold and warm fronts meet. The electricity tension then saturates the atmosphere.

It is important, to avoid as much as possible stress, to get enough sleep and also to rest during the day, if possible. Or at least take a break, in what ever way it is possible for you.

Also your diet is of importance now. Choose something light and avoid heavy food. Eat little and do not overload your digestive system. Drink, if possible, purified and energized water.

Stay awake and alert, and do not allow to become entangled in anything, keep inner distance from disturbing energies and events. Maintain peace and equanimity. Trust your own heart.

Be who you are: Beings of Light and of Love!

With much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, August 27, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel


Please also read update from 21.8.12

Dear friends,

After I received the last message from the Andromeda Galaxy, I have been feeling closer into the situation, to  verify the truth, that something great will be happening soon.

And while the room was expanded, bright with light and joy, the answer was already present, that appeared like being echoed back again and again from the infinite space of the heavens. And it seemed that the answer was one with and inseparable from the radiant space itself.

To understand the timing of this message: in the heavens there is no time, and intention is already result in the present  although it might appear to us to be in the future.

“YES, we are lingering around your planet, getting ready to descend! Great things are on the brink of happening, time does not matter, in fact, you exist actually less and less in time, you are perceiving more and more the presence of the moment. So we descend in any moment! And in the presence it has already happened! The expectations in the skies are high, and the joy is contaminating!

The field of joy is dense and loaded with ecstasy! From this field everything is being born into your world to create the new world and release the old.

This field is full of light and deeply radiant! It is pregnant with the event to happen soon. The  whole universe is going to explode with joy, and all civilizations are being united in one heart.”

I asked: Who are you?

“We are Christed Beings. Let this be enough!

Do you feel our joy in the air? That is, how we prepare you for the Shift!

We have made a quick decision: to not to wait any longer, but to remove now once and for all, all the dark forces from the astral realms.

We have started a huge operation! With joined forces we can manage to let this operation to be fully successful!

You will see!
You will rub your eyes, not believing what you are going to see!

This operation is a great act of Celebration and Puja [sacred ceremony] in the heavens.
It is done with Invocation of the High, the Source Itself, or the Divine Mother, as you love to  call Her.

This powerful incoming light serves the preparation on Gaia for our arrival!

You will notice that this  Light will not be counteracted anymore! The dark ones  are being deprived of their powers to interfere and diminish what is given to you.

We are descending.

You might not see (not everybody will see) our bodies of light, but definitely, all who can feel and are sensitive, can feel our light.

We are present, ever more now than ever before.
From our point of view we are in the room with you.

We are overwhelming the dark and they are now fully restricted to act in their usual manner.
It is done, they lost."

Then I heard:

“End of transmission.”

Conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dear  friends,

I did not post much lately - my work was more a silent one, on the energy level. 
Mainly working with the collective consciousness with the instrument of my own here incarnated body-mind, regarding the deep rooted patterns which are a result of brain-washing and mind-controlling practices of the controllers and which have infiltrated humanity more than most of us can imagine.

The significant increase of Light and a new Level of Beautiful Radiance on our planet is for many obvious. And presently there is a lot going on in clearing these dark residuals in the very depth of the cell-structures of the human race. Doing this work, which requires us to dig deep and dare to enter the mouth of darkness, there is always a challenge involved maintaining our multidimensional point of view and connection to the Light, and not to forget who we are. 

This applies to all of us when we do clearing work, whether the emphasis is on ourselves personally or rather more on the  collective work. However the most important task is after all, literally at one point, to allow the Light to replace what is not of It and make thereby room for Divine Consciousness to shine. To come to this point ultimately, is our victory!

So wherever you are in your process, never forget this! There is no way to miss the mark, because it is our destiny to break free in the Light.

Right now it is important to strengthen and magnify the portals of light, which are vortexes connecting the Source of Light, we are working with, with our incarnated existence here, to make sure, the channel is constantly open to allow the Light to come in consistently to here and to be grounded into our Earth Mother. 

Thereby we are supporting and assisting the Forces of Light to be anchored here, which breaks the remaining of the dark matrix, in which many are still captured.  

Liberation of humanity is such a multi-leveled operation and it is orchestrated without disruption by countless Forces and Beings.

Therefore it is important, that everybody keeps the faith that the great Breakthrough will happen at its perfect time, regardless of many hopeful messages, but which did not come to fruition - yet, to show their signs in our worldly life.

The more of us participate in turning to the light and inviting it directly into our life and own body-mind, allowing our light-quotient to rise, the quicker we will see the results on earth. It is all up to us! 

Each disappointment is an invitation, not to blame others or the event, but to turn to our own personal emotions, accept them and allowing the light to dissolve them. Because this is the time where humanity is brought on its path of higher spiritual discipleship. Without our own growth, spiritual ascension cannot occur. 

The Blessings of the Forces of Light and the Love of The Source of All-That-Exists are with us! 

Much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dearest Ones,
we are the Arcturians!

As you move forward in your effort of what you call "occupy your world", this is indeed a very necessary undertaking in the process of your evolution. The more of you are consciously participating the more power, the power of light, will be received and facilitated among you and in the energy field of your Mother Earth.

As it is you, the human family, who have lived for so long below your true Divine Power of Love and void of the Light of Christed Consciousness, it must be you who change this! You must change, you must allow all your natural Divine Powers emerge to activate the necessary shift in your world.

When the united power of your higher will, accompanied by the Light of Love, reaches a certain level of accomplishment, this will be the day when your controllers will loose their power they are still able to hold on to.

Even though there are massive loads of light directed at your planet, there must be an active and conscious response to it, so that it can become fully effective! It must be received, and you are the ones who must receive it, dear ones.

We observe with joy that there are ever more of you who have opened their heart and who nurture the desire, to receive this light and who awaken to the love they are!

We ask you all to spread this Light of Love by choosing It in any moment over against the old and so familiar frequencies  of intolerance, nonconstructive criticism and judgment. 

Now is the time that all those who are here to work for the light join together.

In spite of differences in perceptions of spiritual matters and spiritual paradigms, in spite of differences of culture, personality, preferences and life style, we ask you to put all of that aside now and join with the unity of the heart, the one place you all share without difference. If you want to see the victory of the light and a new and Divine World to emerge, you all must sacrifice this last bit of egoity which still lives in the illusion of competition and a sense of separation.

How can you all, who are working for the light, be victorious over your controllers if you do not all unite in your heart! But you can unite if you truly incorporate the power of light, which carries the information of unity and  which is now available abundantly for each one of you.

We ask that you take advantage of it, of the energies now available, all these frequencies, including the frequency that makes itself known as Love as soon as you assimilate it. 
Everything is now at you finger tips, beloved ones! Now you must act! 

Full of Light and having integrated your original gift of Love, you  cannot but know that you all are here together to fight this fight for the victory of light. Each one of you carries gifts, they are different, yes, but they all are part of this huge puzzle, where each piece is needed for the shift to occur!

If only one piece would be missed, the whole glorious Divine Operation of liberating earth (and, yes, the whole universe) would not be successful. Each one of you, here to carry the banner of light, is needed to give an impulse to those who are here to be awakened by this specific impulse. It is due to this necessary and desired chain reaction, that you must honor and embrace  and tolerate each other!

You all carry an important mission, which includes many civilizations in your universe. When you join together, united by your self-transcendence, your whole universe unites in Love.

Only if you do this you prove that you are a true worker for the light, because you know that light does not make a difference. Therefore you will recognize one another in that light! And you will be drawn to one another by this love in your hearts. This is the One and Single Link that links you all together.

Difference and separation is the language of the left brain! The language of the heart is unity and non-separation from each other. 

Dear ones, workers for the light, now is the time to acknowledge this and act accordingly. Join, all of you. Join with your hearts and what will happen is that the power of light, existing already on your planet,  will fully enter you all, causing a tremendous wave of Divine empowerment.

Your self-transcendence is the last step you must accomplish to see a new world arise. Without it you share with your controllers separation and empower them. 

And you cannot look at others whether they are willing to let go their sense of specialness and separate ideas, you must start with yourself, not looking right or left. But joining into the feeling of unity, that is all you need to do. The more the power of unity stands out in your feeling heart, the more you know have joined this undivided unity already. Be driven by that power, by that joy and love, it will grow exponentially. 

Let your day of "World Liberation" be the day of your own personal victory of self-transcendence!

We bless you and are here to support you in your desire for that victory, if you call upon us. 

We Are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.