Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Beloved Friends!

Great Change awaits us! Are you prepared for it?
And what is this great transformation about that is upon us!

Could it be that it is merely just about a change of paradigms, values, energies, beliefs, states of consciousness and appearances and of whatever is content of our life? Or is it more? Yes, because we are a process within it.

When the world around you changes, your personal world changes. So do not be afraid or surprised when your own world breaks down, when apparently solid circumstances are vanishing and it seems that the ground underneath your feet is collapsing.

Please be aware: earth is not a fixed something, a solid appearance. It might appear to your eyes and senses as such. But it is in reality a psycho-physical realm in which  things happen. And we are part of that.  Things happen all the time and they appear and disappear. And we identify  with this and that for a while until we no longer find pleasure with it and look for new horizons, for new ideas and worlds of experience. It seems to go on forever. But in all this constantly changing circumstances one thing does not exist: solidity.

So when your world collapses it means that someting new must arise in your consciousness, a new level of understanding, a new dimension of evolution in your journey to and with the Ultimate Divinity, God or Reality. Necessarily so, because everything arises in IT.

Each time you think you arrived somewhere, something beautiful,  within or without, it will be challenged, and it is painful to let go what you cherished as consoling and fulfilling. Everything must be let go. Do not hold on to it. Because all appearances are fluid. We do not seem to be aware of this all the time because we live in this third density where we think that solidity exists. But this is an illusion, a de-ceptive per-ception.

So my friends, allow the heart-ache of change and letting go, the wistfulness of loosing what you cherished. You cherished it on a level you must now go beyond. Never forget that! It is about growth only on this plane of existence. 

Sometimes it happens that everything you did, everything you have been used to, everything that was your world, everything you believed in, suddenly has no value anymore and you cannot do anything about it. It is like your life is ending. 

So WHO are you then now, when your life as you knew it, is ending? It does not need to be physical death, but it is death, death of what you have held onto for a while and now it is dying, disappearing, you must let go of it. And WHO are you now? Because YOU, What You Are, This Divine Presence, in Which you body-mind and self-image is appearing,  is never dying. But it has the chance to come forward in these moments of death, as the old surface breaks down.

When such a phase happens in your life, you will feel that everything comes to an end, it is a vanishing from inside, and your heart will be pounding as nothing seems to make sense any more, what just a few moments ago still made sense to you. A kind of imagined glue that seemed to hold everything together is no more. Things fall apart and you do not know what is happening to you.

In this moment you might remember that you once wanted only to love God, and that is all you wanted. And when then your life falls apart, - everything that is not an expression of this love, - you feel betrayed and bewildert. And it is painful.

Perhaps you thought this love of God is consoling. But it is not. Sometimes it is the greatest pain you can suffer in this world. But it is Real, the only Reality in a human life.

Within this Reality there is absolutely no apparence that is real. What appears are veils after veils, very fragile without real substance. It is not truth. Living in the daily illusions of appearances believing this life is real, is true and solid, you'll find out, that it is not. As soon as they disappear! Nothing is true, but the Power and Substance of Divine Reality. 

But what if this Reality is not being shown to you! What if you experience and live and exist in the in between worlds, the bardos, when the new world did not arise yet? Or will another and new world arise at all? Or is this the end of all the worlds? Or the end of this world and you have to move on into the unknown? A mysterious process, it is. Frightening? Perhaps. But not really, rather painful. Are you curious what follows? You should.

Or you look at your environment. Here you lived day after day. And suddenly it does not make sense anymore, because on a deep level your consciousness is changing. What has been so self-evident is suddenly meaningless. What kind of life is this? What for?, you ask. 

Be assured, you do not need to change the furniture :), you need to change consciously yourself, your energies, your attitudes. Look for an epiphany, a new sudden understanding, a new point of view or breakthrough. Because you know: This can't be all there is. Allow a little enlightenment in the heart, there must be now openings for you, flashes of new enlightening dimensions. Because what once was, is not holding together anymore. 

And what have you done so far to make your life valuable. Perhaps it dawns in you that God or Reality is the only thing that counts now. But what is God. 


And suddenly perhaps the dreams subside and for a moment only the intuition of the spotless Radiance of Divine Reality remains.

And you ask yourself: Is this Happiness?
And it IS about the clear answer: Yes! It Is Happiness!
To find That Happiness, to locate It, to let go of all lesser feelings or arisings.
To be Aware of True Happiness.

Layers upon layers to let go. The veils upon Reality, Stainless Reality.
The errors.
Because all worlds must subside in the end.
They are but passing appearances in the winds of existence.

There must Be Only One Radiant Reality. In and at the heart. Where Truth dawns in the fresh morning sun, widening to unmeasurable horizons, zooming into Infinity ….

There is so much more than this body-mind, appearing within this seemingly fixed third density. In Truth it is transparent what Is. There is just this opaque mirage upon the transparency of things and events.

So let go to be aware of THAT. Allow the pain to receive what is Great and True.

The Undying God-Love that dawns in the human heart when we let go of what we believe is real, but which has no substance.

Let go to open your heart to Eternity. To touch the solid bottom of Truth. Truth is the only Solidity there is. It Is Real. It is Undying Substance, Divine and Immortal.

It is about your necessary breakthrough to survive the breakdown of this world, whatever this means for you.

We are at the edge of new beginnings. Time is not relevant in this process and neither the dimension is in which it already began, be it an idea, a wish, an intent, a conclusion, a new understanding,  an inspiration, arising within the subtle or dense worlds.

Be prepared for pain and welcome it as the doorway for the necessary transition to greater freedom, or Freedom Itself.

Everything happens simultaneously. Sparks ignite and vanish.
What remains Is Ultimate Truth. After all: There is only Truth or God.

To you, with love,


   ♥ ♥ ♥

Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2020. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

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Sunday, January 5, 2020


VIDEO (recommended!)   

My Beloveds,

I AM. Not another than you, but I Am literally you, if you allow Me to experience Myself through and as your heart, inside and outside, and most completely, prior to all creation, via the right side of your heart.

How much do YOU allow this?

Or do you rather bond primarily with Angels and beings from space, but who themselves inhere in Me and who I Am too. And are you still expecting liberation from and through them alone?

Do you make them gods, greater than Me?

Why not depend first of all on My Blessings?

This is not about you being pious within an organized church or belief system, but to truly allow the Reality of Me, your own Very Source, directly in your life.

However you tend to abandon Yourself by surrendering to what is less than Me. Notice: You can only become to what you surrender so far. 

Why then not surrender directly to Me, to My Love-Bliss, and Becoming That, without detour!

Are you afraid of Me? Yes! Because it means to let go your attachments and to widen your heart to infinity and loose the limited definition of yourself, your egoic self-importance, your self-pity. Your victim consciousness.

And so you choose to cultivate and refine more and more all the possible dimensions of your ego, gross or subtle, the from Me separate idea of your illusionary identity. And indeed what general  earth-humanity does so far is unique in the universe, in that they are like stubborn children imagining they don't need Me, Who Is the Substance of all life.

Is this intelligent?

Because who believes not needing Me, cannot receive My Divine Force-Current of Conscious Divine Light, as this is your free will in that case, and you start to depend on some energies of outer sources: on people around you, on the Angels, stars and star-beings out there, on the multitude of gods and goddesses and on many other life forms.
Does this not constitute your weakness?

If you understand this, you will turn directly to Me, for your own blessed benefit and happiness, because you, only in Me and with Me, will deep in your heart know that I Am your own Native inherent Divine Strength and Happiness!

Therefore do not seek outside for fullfillment, - because ultimately and in Truth, - was your search notalways only about Me, Who Is not separate from you?
But in error you desired to fulfill yourself away from Me. While your original - but unconscious - true desire is to be Infilled by Me, because My Infilling of you means deathlessness and is Infinite Love-Power, Radiance, Ultimate Freedom and Supreme Happiness. No thing, no external force or being can ever grant this Joy to you, but Me.

The ones who have lowered their consciousness and radiant life-force,  because they separated themselves from Me, looking for total independence from Me, have cut themselves off from My Blessing Source-Spirit-Power. Therefore they needed substitutes for power and life-force, e.g. the power and control over others and things, over entire races and planets and universes to usurp their energies and life force to make themselves powerful over others. This is not about eternal life, then!

Which path are YOU following? Do you lean on other separate beings, high or low, to be happy and strong? Who then lean in return on your energy and life-force?
Or would you choose to rely on Me and bond with Me? I do not take, I only Give.

I have sent you great and true teachers, to help you to remember how I Feel like with your entire Being, to experience Me, to Know Me, because you have forgotten Me and how to Be in Relationship with Me.

But most of you have them all refused. I have sent you so much help, but you did not respond. You rather turned away from Me, your own Radiant Source, to find lower fulfillments and "ego-spiritualization".

Having  spiritualizised your ego you live in the illusion of great independent pseudo-spiritual achievements, making your ego even stronger with affirmations and methods of all sorts that have nothing to do with Me,  to be hopefully successful in your life, with self-applied techniques to refine your body-mind, even spiritually. Confusing it with true spirituality, the relationship with True Spirit. 

And all of this gives you the idea that you are now ready for your transition into higher dimensions, some believing, with the help of your brothers and sisters from space.
But they themselves need a lot of My Grace too
for being Blessed by My Light-Force and to Realize Me.

Or do you believe that I am a „deus ex machina“, the Wizard Who liberates you without you relating to Me truly? If you would truly relate to Me, you would take self-responsibility in enduring My Fire of transformation, because you love Me. Only when you truly love Me, you are able to go through that fire.

That so many avoid that true fire, signifies that they don't love Me or do not Know what this Love is about!

So do not speak of True Love, my dearest ones, until you know Me and feel great awe before Me.

Do not take this lightly if you desire to ascend. Ascension cannot be ego-made! This is the error of unknowing people who do not respect Me.

I want you to be aware of this, Beloveds, and how the cosmos works, to awaken you from your deep rooted errors and wrong ideas.

Is it not time yet to awaken from the from Me separate dream of illusions? Only I Am Real.

Being infilled by Me Is the Great Prayer and Mighty Wave of Reality Itself, upon which your life with genuine Trust occurs in Me. My Love-Power lives your choice of life without fail, and you do not need strange techniques to apply to your body-mind to nurture the illusion of ego-power and -fulfillment! The events in your life will flow as they need to flow to fulfill your destiny towards and with Me. I Am the One Who Is Your Innate and True Ascension, because I Ascend As You, in my Wondreous Cosmic Play of Love.

When will you  make your true decision! Whatever path you choose, you will either go up or down, there is no in between now. This is the quality of this time.

If it is not your turn yet, Beloved, you will now separate yourself from Me deeper, as you did not yet fully understand the darkness of separation from Me. So the darkness must increase so that you will understand!

Therefore I bless you always, even on your downward spiral.

One day All will return to Me, Because I Am the Foundation of All. All is arising in Me. In the end you will rise beyond duality that is beyond and prior to your body-mind.

Only there awaits you unspeakable Beauty, Freedom and Happiness, Stainless and Undying for ever in the non-dual Oneness of Me.

What do you choose?

I AM your God-Self, The True Self of all beings and things!

Conveyed by Ute


   ♥ ♥ ♥

Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2020. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

More Testimonials: here

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019





To all of  you a very Happy Festive Season!

My you experience Peace and Joy!

The coming year will come with some


Lets face them knowing that they are an opportunity to choose love in any moment,

and to decide to turn to the light, always.

Let it be a time of self-transcendence and service,

- based on self-love -

 so that we make this world a better place.

A place where the beauty of the human heart

shines in friendship and love,

in mutual support and inspiration!

Let it be the best year ever in our life! 

May we shift thereby  misery into gratitude.

May mankind experience Divine Grace

and may the Radiance of Divine Consciousness

enlighten our path! 

♥♥♥   With  Love and Blessings  ♥♥♥






♥ ♥ ♥



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2019. All rights reserved.


Please donate or subscribe on a monthly basis 
To support my work. Thank you! 

* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
❇❇❇  ❇❇❇  ❇❇❇   ❇❇❇  ❇❇❇   

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

More Testimonials: here

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Monday, December 16, 2019



This message is the „mundane“ explanation and background of my previous message „Change and Grow in Consciousness“
I have hesitated to publish this message, because it will perhaps for most of you trigger a strong challenge to  your ideas about the ascension process and the future of earth.

On the other hand I feel heart-urged to give you this information, because it is better to face the truth, because truth sets you free. 

First of all, fact is that most of New Age teachings and information are false, nurishing illusions about the nature of spirituality and what ascension truly is. Wrong hopes have been stired up, and we must face the reality of it.

You might guess it already: This is about the understanding that the long awaited ascension process and the predicted Golden Age will not happen for humanity as a collective. But like many of us I had the deep wish that it will happen for all of us. Humanity got so much help, inspiration and encouragement from Divine Sources. But also a lot of deceptions created false ideas and seduced people to enter a wrong path.

Now, just by observing what is truly going on on this planet it became clear that this wish will not be fulfilled. 
The masses were not able to receive the Divine Help and were taken over by the dark.(See also my report from 11.11.11.) But also people who have been on the path before have lost it somehow and have significantly lowered their frequency, some of them confused by the recent developments on earth.

However, I need also to emphasize that ALL great and true Spiritual Masters and Adepts never proclaimed the ascension of the collective of humanity. Only now I understand why, because the signs have become so obvious and unfortunately irreversibly.

Even though, as many of us felt that in this special and blessed time Divine Grace could change all patterns of mankind's history, it turned out that the traditional spiritual path of liberation and ascension is still valid. 
In the past it has always been the individual process of those who were willing to endure the spiritual fire of the challenges of transformation, that enabled them by Divine Grace to ascend to higher dimensions or even being liberated into ultimate freedom and liberation from the whole theatre of creation.

The New Age movements spread untruth, triggered by lower spirits with the intent to distract people from the true path and thereby from their true nature. Making spiritual aspirants weak in their endavour and luring them into the endless labyrinth of deception and illusions. 

But it needs also to be said: falling for illusions is part of the path, because they can teach ultimately decent discrimination!  E.g. the illusion that ascension is closer just because there are some star portals opening with higher energies coming in! Ascension is not outside of you, it is YOUR personal process. So there can be the openings of millions more star portals, if your spiritual practice is not authentic, nothing will happen.

Lets consider the Truth: The Real and Deep Nature of humanity is Divine Consciousness or God or Reality, or the Source Condition, which is prior to the body-mind and in Which the body-mind is appearing
As we are Consciousness the way of liberation must be the Way of Consciousness and we must go through a conscious process of profound purification and surrender to It, God or Reality, - (and not just to some incoming cosmic energies) so that the being is awakening in the Radiant Divine Currents where true ascension can occur. 

Without the Essence of God and our relationship to Truth or Reality, this process cannot happen.

As an egoic, separate entity we cannot just entertain a happy belief in the "Oneness of all things" and add some techniques to our empty of God body-mind to more extensively enjoy this 3D existence, hoping that this would be the ticket to ascension. 

Because to grow in consciousness also means that our light body develops, and without it and a transformed body-mind we cannot leave this 3D reality. The true light body does not develop via externally applied mind-techniques and visualizations, but only via a profound purification process that restores our relationship with the Living God. We need to be free of material attachments and addictions, which would otherwise, if not released, hold us tight to this dense realm of suffering.

It does not mean we should not have fun and enjoy this world, if at all possible, but it means not to be attached to anything. We need to be the masters of our body-mind and not the servants of it.

And we need to understand and feel, that no thing exists without God. He Is the Substance and Fullness of all Existence and the Principle of Life. Without Him things fall apart, He is the glue that holds everything together. Call it how you like, but without clay, pots cannot be made, to use symbolic speech.

Wise people who are not blinded by false New Age doctrines that propagate the soon happening glorious liberation of ALL mankind, are seeing, that many souls have been lost in recent times to the point, that 75% of human beings are in absolute God-or Ultimate Truth-denial, allowing no reality beyond „matter“, not even the psycho-physical realm, being heavily controlled by dark forces. And from the remaining 25% as much as 99,999% are still asleep.

If this mathematical equation is correct (the future will reveal it) only 0,01% are truly awake, meaning spiritually awake with a lightbody and God-Consciousness. To be merely awake in terms of the insane worldy situation is not enough to leave this earth and go beyond, because ascensioin is about a truly spiritual process and not mere mental knowledge.

Now think for yourself: if we are potentially Divine Consciousness – and must therefore ultimately realize It- , we need to go for that purpose through a conscious process to become It. Whoever is not going through that process, is not growing and therefore not ascending. Darkness has apparently now overcome three third of humanity – truly, this is a sad and shocking number. But how could these soul-less, godless people ascend?  And the percentage of them is too high to make the ascension of humanity as a whole possible as evil reigns on this planet. Not to mention that this negative humanity is also a danger for the universe! 

Then there are the apparently 99,9 % of the remaining 25% who are still asleep. The reality is that we had a time limit, and highly awakened people, not part of the New Age scene, are aware that we have stepped over this limit. Who is still deeply asleep now will therefore most likely not make it.

Unfortunately, the consequences are grave, as humanity  will vanish from this earth.This has been decreed. It has nothing to do with the "climate change" idiocy of course. This would be then the 6th time that the earth-human experiment failed. It failed so many times, as the Divine Life-Principle has been neglected, destructive darkness took over human consciousness. The dark always won the game in their own terms.

But they won only to a small degree in terms of the Ultimate Divine Truth or Reality, because the Golden Age WILL manifest with a purified New Earth, but it will come only for very very few people after major earth cataclysms. And before that, in the very near future, it looks like that the suffering and death of millions of people will be unavoidable, mainly because of the deadly effects of vaccines and the 5G technology. 
Will there be an intervention to avoid this? 

Now there is the notion of a great event, a huge impulse of light from the cosmos entering the planet. Who is able to receive that are again very few people, they must be already awake to a greater degree to take truly advantage of it to integrate these high frequencies. The huge part of the remaining humanity will not be able to do that. 

There will be not a „miracle“ that just awakens the godless 75% without them going through a conscious  purification first! 

Also the teachings of the New Age doctrines did not change that fact! And this tells you how fake they are!

The idea everybody just sitting on their compfy couch, watching TV and football, drinking and sexing and consuming, or just reading a spiritual book or participating in a week-end seminar to become perhaps a bit aware of other realities, then all hurting one another - and suddenly God comes in, out of the blue, and – in a second – everybody is enlightened, is nonsense. It would suggest an already dull, lazy humanity, becoming darker every day by indulging themselves in merely physical or semi-physical things only to get far below the consciousness of animals.

This would be not inspiring, and the suicide rate would probably go through the roof because such a life would make no sense. We grow and are happy through inspiration and challenge only.

True Evolution is a process of self-transcendence and ultimately into the Divine Source Condition. It requires discipline, focus and love for the process and love of God or Ultimate Reality and your surrender to It. This is the only happy process, because when you surrender what keeps you bound, you discover undying Happiness.

This process can be effectively shortened and straightened out with the help of a True Guru, or Divine Adept. But the New Age doctrine did also ridicule this most important and traditionally deeply honored secret of the true spiritual path to liberation and Ultimate Freedom! So now every ego believes honestly that it can liberate itself. Where that leads to, can we clearly see when observing the general  confusion and stuckness in strange illusions of people who do the proud self-guruing thing. 

We become what we meditate on. On totally unprepared people who do not meditate or allow the Radiant God into their lives, "God"  would need to force His Enlightenment on them. But God is not a magician and He does not engage in black magic.

Now can you see why the 75% (and even if the percentage would be a bit less) cannot ascend?

The earth was originally meant to be a place where beings could evolve and grow much quicker than somewhere else in the universe, even in the higher dimensions.

That's why a birth here has been considered to be an extraordinary gift.

But the very majority of people who incarnate here refuse this gift, loosing themselves in ever more denser and darker frequencies, loosing such their God-connection, if they indeed had any.

So the collective of humanity needs to start again on another planet with similar conditions like we have now, getting a new opportunity in the next 13.000 years to find God, Reality or Truth.

But if you would be truly serious you could always and anytime enter the process of liberation to realize God, no matter how dark the epoch is.

The point of failure is the human ego that has excluded the Divine Substance from their lives. The result is destruction, because the ego, denying the Divine, will self-destruct. It is the luciferic or satanic principle. The soul is a divine creation. It is lost when the Divine Principle is denied. What becomes unconscious to the being does not possess reality to him/her. It disappears into the unconscious. To realize God or Ultimate Truth It must become conscious again.

My dearest friends, if this all was new to you, I can understand that some of you might be shocked, refusing to hear what I am telling here. I am aware that it is not flattering your spiritual ego and that you might perhaps not believe me. But I must for the sake of truth take the risk. I could not look into your face, conceiling what I know and see myself happening on this earth. Ultimately we recognize a situation by its frequencies.

It is my love that needs to speak the truth, because only truth is serving you. Knowing it enables you to still repair your errors, in order to change in your life what needs to be changed to make the very best of your situation. You could not do your very best without knowing that truth.

Therefore I trust that from what I said only good and even the best for you will flow into your life.

I am asking you to look without illusions and with a clear mind at your world as it really is and as it shows itself! Can you see the more and more unfolding decadence on all levels of society and culture? Can you see the brutalization of behavior and the entertainment industries, the attempt to destroy the spirit and physical and mental health of our beloved children with weapons of poisonous vaccinations and increasing satanic kindergarden- and school programs, - to name only one of the most obvious.

There is no humanity as a collective awakening! It has been becoming worse than ever before, and nobody was expecting it some years ago. But it could happen because the majority of humanity follows blindly the wolfs in the sheep skin, going willingly to their own scaffold.

What can you do? Please turn inward and away from this world and focus on your Divine Awakening as much as you can! 
Let go of your patterns that do not serve this process. Cleanse yourself daily from attached negative entities. 

Express yourself in heart-felt service. 

While being attached to merely roles, self- images and identities as a separate being, does not lead to recognition of the Supreme God.

As long as you continue to maintain egoic control you cannot know What or Who God or Reality truly Is.

Do not hope something out there could make you ever happy. Happiness is your Divine Inheritance and True Nature. It does not need stimulation from outside. Find it by surrendering the appearances and your experiences to The Ultimate Truth.

Have courage! Trust the intuition of your heart alone to do what you need to do, pray and allow Divine Inspiration and Guidance to open your heart to Infinity. Be Love. Be a torch in your world and be the rock in the storm. Divine Light will find you and enlighten you, when you surrender to it, allowing all darkness to melt in It.

The Radiant God-Consciousness Is The Force of Love 
and Always Present!

Be Blessed, I love you!
Conveyed by Ute 


 ♥ ♥ ♥


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2019. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 

* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

More Testimonials: here

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