Thursday, November 7, 2024

Personal Update

My dear friends,

Just a short notice: because of a severe and painful spine injury I am not able at the moment to post content right now. I hope I'll be back soon.

With Love & Blessings!❣🌺🌸


Saturday, October 5, 2024




VIDEO (recommended)

 My Beloveds,

it is of great importance for you to hear this message. In fact, everyone should hear it. Every human being who knows from their deepest heart that I Exist at the Root of their Being. 

And you should hear it because you do not understand how far-reaching your mind has been programmed and limited by false, non-godly forces so that you cannot see beyond your self-limitations, used to repeat them forever again and again!

So the time has come, when you can no longer let your mind wander in the old world's manifestations and concepts.

There is a Cut that comes down to your realm. that will change things in a way you never expected before. and that you will not understand with your since eons programmed mind.

You must clean and empty your mind and heart to be prepared for this cut,  letting go of anything you still hold on to regarding the meaning, structure and quality of your world appearance, including the misleading indoctrination about what is spiritual. Otherwise you would do nothing but repeating the programs of your old world.

This cut into the continuum of your programmed surface mind will open new portals of awareness in absolutely new realities, never seen or even dreamed of before.

How can this happen?

You, as My global community, have been bringing it about at the very root of your collective Divine Unconscious, you as an emanation of My Presence everywhere and at all times.

It is My Mysterious Happening, and it is not something anybody could have seen or envisioned with their ungodly mind pattern.

But nevertheless it originates from the summary and totality of your deepest Heart even if unconscious, because I Am for most of you still laying unconscious in the forgotten depth of your consciousness.

While you are foremost identified with the surface of existence, a  body-mind which is a limited, tiny and ephemeral appearance in the vast Divine Existence of My Being.

So the cut that you will experience has been long prepared, but in ignorance regarding its actual outcome.  And what you will see in the beginning is just the surface of the immensity of this new Revelation process of Mine.

My Beloveds, do not be presumptious about My Revelation. Your constantly safety and predictable results seeking mind, will be frustrated! It is already now! 

Rather it is very necessary that you stay humble in the understanding that you cannot „know“ in advance anything as it actually is.

Therefore you are asked to exercise a complete open mind without any concepts whatsoever. Can you do this? 

Only by admitting that you cannot know, you will let go all your programmed imagination, opinions, belief-systems to be ready to RECEIVE from the yet Unknown something that will be known only when you give up your present understanding of your world.

Open  your Heart, anticipating that something Great and Majestic is emerging, heralding a completely new humanity with a profoundly changed experience.

This is about the foretold quantum leap. It cannot be noticed without your right participation. Like the tribe could not see the ships arriving at the American shore, because they had never heard of ships. While their chief was able to see the ships with his higher consciousness.

Be assured: this is not a linear process, but a multidimensional and pre-and beyond-dimensional process. 

So the most important Gift to you is the growing Transparency of all you are and that appears, through which My God-State, Eternal and forever Free, will Shine so heart-deep as never before, because My Truth can no longer be hidden, no matter how much your world changes and how wonderfully evolution evolves.

 When you are able to free your vision and awareness from your old world in a kind of tabula rasa of your mind, your Heart broken by Infinite Love, the New Wold of Mine will dawn miraculously as you in your heart and before your eyes.

Immerse into that New Vision, be grateful, focus on It. Grow into It. Become It. By Being the Very Foundation and Manifestation of It.

It is already here. You cannot see and live it yet, but the cut will change the heart and eyes of those who are prepared, to see and understand.

Be Blessed!

I Am Your Eternal God-Self, Your Source and the True Love of  every Heart.

Message conveyed by



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Thursday, August 8, 2024



 Deutsche Version

Watch the Video (recommended)

My Beloveds,
It must Be Me, Who moves your heart. How else you can participate in a Divinely Restored World?

If you believe that you only need to implement new programs, New Age techniques and smart inventions, even believing in the creation of new paradigms, but without your heart truly founded in Me, you will duplicate merely your old world even though with a different masque on your face

A New Society must consent to be united with Me, must commune with Me on all levels,  because I AM the True Nature of Mankind and the Essence of your Renewal.

There must be Intimacy with Me Present, for a New Mankind to arise because without Me there will no True Divine Mankind.
It is your distance from Me that is responsible for your suffering in your world.
Fear, darkness, scarcity,  slavery and unhappiness are the signs of neglecting Me, of not including Me.

I AM the Very Principle and Foundation of Life Itself. Where I am not allowed there is no True and Full life, there is rather destruction of life, as you suffer it now, ever more revealing the secular structure of your world – an inhumane, destructive and life-hostile world.

So if you think you can „ascend“ building a New World from the effort of a god-less, merely self-centered disposition, it cannot happen. And mere goodness is not enough. I AM so much more than mere goodness. 

It is MY Transcendental Divine Consciousness, My Divine Power and Happiness, My Divine Love, The Radiant Light I AM - you need as foundation of a New World. Otherwise everything stays as is. Perhaps a bit more pleasant though.

Therefore you need to be Pervaded by My Divine Qualities, allowing Me to do My Work through you in order to move into a Truly New World that is Mine.

Understand that my Divine Power is Pure Divine Intelligence. Without Primordial Intelligence no Divine World can exist. And I Alone Am That Intelligence, the Basis on which the fertility and diversity of Life on all levels is supported and nourished. It grants Happiness and True Freedom to all beings so that you can grow fully into My Eternal Me.

My Beloveds, I AM not a separate Godhood,  piously to be believed, worshipped by an obedience demanding religion. 

I AM Free and Life must arise in the Mighty Fullness of Divine Source Who I Am, the Love-Power behind all that exists.

Without My Divine Intelligence insanity, stupidity and idiocy takes over your society as you all notice. It is the god-less world that decays in untruth, missing the Radiant Intelligence of My Transcendental Light.

When I arise in the heart of men again, all of this will make place for Truth and True God-inspired Power and Happiness. Men will shake off their chains and rise to what they have been orginally created for: you will become the true Gods who truly serve Me.

With the Intelligence of My Infinity, Divine Love and Ultimate Happiness you will create a Real Divine World! Only then your True Creator Power will emerge within the Power of surrender to Me, the Ultimate.

And when you open your eyes, a Divine World is arisen, and when you close your eyes, there is no world but Me! Pure Love-Essence of All There Is. World-less.

But when you open your eyes and your world-foundation is not Me in My God-Power, your world will still be a place of suffering. 

Because I Am the only Way not to suffer, and to enjoy a Beauty and a Freedom beyond your any possible imagination! 

I AM your God-Self, the Very Substance of All Worlds and Beings

Message conveyed by Shan'A'Maa



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Friday, July 5, 2024



Video (recommended)

Deutsche Version

My dear friends,

today I would like to tell you more about my light-frequency coaching work so that you understand what it is about.  It is unique in that sense that YOU are unique which is why I do not have a "program" for you, simply, because your evolutionary process does not fit in any program.  But the limit in this process is the limit your mind chooses.

What is the foundation of my work? It is based on  my God-Self-messages that I have been publishing here on my blog for many years now. So especially,  if you feel inspired by my messages, please consider coaching work with me to fill mental understanding with the process of actual experience, discovering more and more your innate Freedom and Happiness.

My work is - although multi-layered - very simple and at the same time completely focused on your personal needs. Each person needs different guidance and processes that serve you best, right
where you are now. 

So I invite you to my

utilizing light-frequencies of the New Time and so much more.

 What is this about?

Know your True Nature in these challenging times! Be an Anchor and Beacon for others!
Do you know that your Supreme Self-Nature is Love-Bliss?

 The matrix consciousness that 99.9% of people are more or less programmed and identified with is everything you are NOT. They are the programs of your never happy, and therefore false identities and grave errors about the Truth of Existence and the Nature of God.

When we work together, it is precisely these false programs and self-images that we recognize and transform together until the Truth of what you REALLY are reveals itself to you: love-bliss consciousness. It exists on a much deeper level than all chakra systems.
It's about peeling the onion, not adding New Age programs!

Only there where your true essence is you are you truly at home. Only there you are truly safe. It is the blank, deeply radiant screen before the world- movie is projected onto it.
On this journey you release all your hidden treasures so that you can fully shine.

It is my great honor to guide you through a multidimensional and light-frequency process that unlocks the fullness of your original gifts, power, love and joy to share with the world.
Because that is what you are here for. The world needs you more than ever before.

Are you ready to begin the adventure of a lifetime? You can't afford any longer to delay!

Then make an appointment now for a free initial consultation with me. 

Just send me an e-mail with "Freedom Coaching" in the subject line. Or use the contact form on my blog. 

Places are limited!

I would also be very happy when you share this invitation with your friends, family and acquaintances, who are waiting for this opportunity.

With love and gratitude,


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Client testimonial: "I would highly recommend Shanamaa as your guide. Her penetrating wisdom, high consciousness and light is a true Blessing and Grace."  - R.R.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 My Beloveds,

the ego thinks but I AM.

The confusion of the ego reaches now a certain culmination point in these challenging times, being confused about opposites in all appearances, such as right and wrong, good and bad, inside and outside, ME and you.  But in My Reality there are no opposites.

I ALONE AM. What does this mean, My Beloveds? 

Only the ego seeks. So if you seek Me, not knowing that I cannot be sought, you miss Me forever. Imagining opposites, you go from where you imagine to be towards what you imagine to be Me.

Whereas I AM your Subjective Inherent Truth, that does not move. I AM not in a distance to you. Therefore seeking Me is the path into ever greater ignorance. Thinking you „got Me“ is the path to ever more ignorance and separation from Me.

Your true heart-love is not your ego, but it IS ME Who Is All That Is. And "All-That-Is" is not on the imagined other side of you.  There is no place for isolation and otherness within Me.  And if you „want“ Me with spiritual pride, I fall apart in your consciousness. It is most painful contraction that leads to utter unhappiness.

You cannot buy Me in a workshop and you cannot aquire Me somewhere else. Rather I will Aquire you when you are ready. When will you be ready?

When you give up, no longer being attached to your search for opposite conditions, searching the positive and avoiding the negative. Otherwise you will always suffer the contradictions of the mind and therefore in the world that never ever will fulfill you - no objects, no people, no experiences, no worlds, high or low. They all are the illusions of the holographic universe that you phantasize in your mind into existence.

Do I speak in riddles for you? Yes, I have to, if you do not understand. Because I AM not black and white, not this nor that.

I AM when you relinquish your search for betterment. When your awakened heart is Alive overflowing in any circumstance, accepting, forgiving, because you understand it is all only about the experiences of "the world", in which you have invested yourself so exclusively, as screen writer, actor, stage director, suffleur and audience.

Although I AM none of all of that,  I AM all and everything, but from My Side Alone and not perceived as such from your from Me separated ego-mind.

Surrender the limitation of your seeming self-importance, surrender to the Radiant Current of undifferentiated Unity of Existence. Your Divine Spirit is not imprisoned within your separate body-mind and its illusionary „I“. 

The Humbleness of Divine Being just Is - Inherently silent and full of unspoken and unthought Mighty Reality.

You cannot manufacture it. All you try to manufacture to be „holy“ or „enlightened“ and even humble is falsehood of the ego-I. 

You must become innocent, self-forgetful. Childlike. And True Self-Existing Love simply Radiates without center and circumference. 


Message conveyed by




Here are testimonials for you

with love, Shan'A'Maa

Please contact me for access!

Friday, February 16, 2024


My Beloveds,

meet Me at your Heart, your Transcendental Heart, that transcends your physical heart into Infinity. No chacra there.

I Am the Zero-Point of you and Me.

Find Me there to Be One. There, where there is no name, no form, but only Being Itself. Being-ness. The  Transcendental Light of Infinity.

Not many, but One Only in That Infinity of Me, Radiant and Silent, the Joy of Ecstasy as Which You always Exist as Me.

Accept What You Are, let It unfold in You, as You. Because It Is Your Truth, always has been, even when you seemed to be lost in the many things of experiences.

"I am this experience", "I am that experience", you said.  And you forgot Me. You made Me to something  from you different. While I have Been always You. You Are My Own Expression. And there Is only Me to Whom You return naturally,  meeting Me at the Zero-Point of you You and Me, where We Are One.

Can you see the Play of Consciousness? That hides and reveals Who We Are in the blink of an eye? 

Never separate, but appearing as so many images and dreams of My Divine Caleidoscope that arises in Me.

Sometimes when We match at the Zero-Point of that wondreous Play the Player returns home. 

And now for many of you the time has come for your home-coming. A new cycle of My Divine Revelation Is waiting for you, Me Playing on a higher octave for you  in a magnificence, - greater than ever before.

My Revelation never ends, but know from now on always, that It Is My Glorious Play and that you are forever My Player in joy and ecstasy until I Retire into the Eternal Stillness, to begin My Play again. 

As I Am forever The One in Whom the Play is never ending.


Conveyed by





Here are testimonials for you

with love, Shan'A'Maa