Showing posts with label Arcturians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arcturians. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommended)

Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.

Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human being is surrounded by many beings of light, especially at the time of transition!

It  depends on the soul development of the individual, to which degree they might suddenly become aware of their guides and angels at the time when the Huge Energy Portal is opening.  And this opening can have for many an immediate effect on their awareness and their increased capability to become  conscious about their own higher self.

So there are some surprises expected! You cannot tell who will shed unexpectedly their disguise, when at the time of the Galactic alignment their 3D karmas are dropped.

In any case you do not need to be concerned about your loved ones, because they are taken care of, according to their agreements and learning process. Each one will definitely turn to the path they have chosen, when the great moment of transformation arrives!

Many of you who are  lightworkers and starseeds, are already now working from the higher astral planes with your loved ones who  need help to grow spiritually. This is possible, as you have together soul contracts, and your work with these souls occurs often also at night in your sleep. And not all of you are aware of this nightly service.

When you ascend, the connection with your loved ones, for  whom you already are caring now, will not end, but you will from the higher dimensions connect with their third eye and their heart and give them guidance this way. This will even be more effective than when you would remain in the 3th dimension.

So do not worry about those you leave behind when you ascend! You will continue to be connected and you will never loose contact with them, whatever their fate will be, while you are of loving service to them.

For earth to transition into Her ascended state, things as they are now, cannot remain the same! Transformation IS at hand for everybody! And everybody must participate in it in the one or other way. Who desires to ascend and follow Gaia into her new form and consciousness, is required to transcend the  lower emotions and negative thoughts, so they can radiate Divine Light and Divine Love, and do not continue to create a world of suffering.

That is to say, there must be a transformation in consciousness and energy for those who are here to leave the 3th dimensional experience behind them.

They will receive every help from the beings of light to make that transition, but of course, they themselves are responsible for their  capability to remain there permanently.

As the situation in your world will undergo many  changes, people, until they ascend, must be prepared and equipped to deal with them! They will have the opportunity to jump on the train later, as the profound changes will serve as a major wake up call for those not yet prepared!

Also the highly increased light and energy on the planet is supportive for their awakening, not to speak of the impact of new realities on their consciousness. This all relates to those who, because of their soul contract, intend to ascend.

Who is not here to  follow this process, another experience, away from earth, is being prepared, where they can continue with their present consciousness and live a life that provides more experiences similar of the present ones.

But altogether, there are many different  solutions, according to each one’s needs. So everybody will “reap” their own actions, ~ the results of their intentions and desires. 

These laws of karma are not suspended and continue for them as in the past. And karma does also exist in the greater cosmos. It is the necessary law which is part of the evolutionary learning process.  

However, everybody will always be supported and Divinely guided, to draw them back to their true Divine Essence, and ultimately back to the Radiant Source, when their time of experiences in the lower and higher dimensions has come to an end.

So all is well, the Love of Source and of the Creator is Eternal and Embraces all! How could be neglected What Is Love's Own. How could the Divine Self be separated from Its own dreams! Therefore nobody is forgotten. All is developing according to the  Divine Plan. And this Plan is, that all souls and all creation will eventually recognize their own Divinity and Freedom from bondage and submission to Creation Itself, and achieve their freedom from it and their own inherent power of creation.

But in order to realize this, all must go first through a process of fire in the realms of great density to learn and understand on the level of the incarnated creature the laws and implications of creation.

This journey is due to their own free will, before they immerse into the Sea of Creation, reaching the bottom of that ocean, to emerge again, bringing the gifts of understanding and recognition of  the  Divine with them back to Source Itself.

The Mystery is unfathomable! Trust in that which cannot be controlled  is the greatest gift at this time!

We remain – as always – your very friends and loving helpers.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!

It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it!
There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.

They enter deep into your physical vehicle and are changing the biology of your cells and the structure of your body.
Many of you are already familiar with this fact, but most of you do not really  deal with this profound change or unknown process that is altering your body.

You all must make sure to give your physical body enough space and quiet to adapt. Stress and a life that continues to be very busy is what does not serve your well-being. And if you have stress you do not allow the evolutionary process to take place as it should.

This change on all levels requires basically a contemplative life at best.
But your life is mainly just busy, and the controllers are actually keeping you busy by non stop blasting useless information and the compulsive requirements of a controlled society at you.

If you are still in the midst of this world that is a creation of the controllers, we ask you to look for options and to see how you can step out of this machine of life, that keeps you busy for the sake of being busy. This is of course intended. Because busy people cannot really become conscious in a way that is natural to them by birthright.

There are many things that are unnecessary, but of which you think they are “normal” and  cannot be released, because you are used to it and everybody does it, but which are just part of a non-sense life-style, which has nothing to do with being simply human.

Human beings are naturally contemplative beings, and if they are not, something has happened that disturbed this capability. Most of humanity in the Westernized countries are so overwhelmed with constant activities, that they have forgotten what true life is, and what they themselves are: spiritual beings who would under normal circumstances create their life from the point of  stillness within. Instead everybody is driven by external signals of a society that lost its center of Being and that pursues hectically a life to fulfill unnatural consumer dreams and its compulsive activities. And these dreams are becoming more and more bizarre!

It is important, that you pause and overcome the urge to being busy. If you look closely at your daily program you will discover that there are things, which you can just drop as not necessary requisites of your life.

As soon as you start to become quiet from deep within you will be able to participate consciously in the change of your whole being, physically and spiritually. Even if you are already participating in spiritual activities your life might be even then too busy! The mind is it which keeps you busy, activities included! It is understandable but it is also important to step back and merely to Be. Take every day at least 30 Minutes in the morning and evening for yourself, contemplating and meditating, better 1 hour.

Dear ones, it is so necessary, because in these quiet times you are opening yourself up fully for the process of change and true growth. If you do this, you allow your consciousness being  changed to become profound, which in return serves the ascension process of earth and all humanity, as you consciously open up for the light to enter you.

The Ascension process is not only a process that is accelerated by certain appropriate thinking patterns, but also a process that goes much deeper and wider, namely when the brain is relaxed and thereby your  physical and subtle bodies too. The more they are relaxed and open the more they are able to receive the light, which blesses you with deeper revelations of what you truly are.

This process is ultimately about you and your true identity, which is Divine. This Divinity can only be fully embraced and recognized in its depths when you become still. It is not understood with the mind, but in your unlimited  feeling, which pervades and surrounds  your body-mind. If you allow this space to unfold and become conscious, you allow unconditional Consciousness to arise.

This is the evolution of humanity, and the more you unite with unconditional Consciousness, the more the total body of humanity will awaken to it, igniting like wildfire every soul of your human family.

The vast and unlimited field of consciousness is humanity’s heritage and sign. In it love flowers boundlessly and abundance is natural.

This state of Being is where you are drawn to and which is your destiny. Envision it and ask yourself whether your present life style is already moving into this direction. It will help you to recognize the necessary changes you need to make to invite New Earth and New Humanity into your life.

With Blessings!
We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please read also the update from 21.8.12!
Watch  on YouTube (recommended)

We are the Arcturians!

Dear Ones!

Times are accelerating and  your growth with them! But be aware where you turn your attention to and in which direction you want to evolve and grow!

It is clear that you must practice discrimination! Although the incoming energies are strong and the light is coming from high, you still must determine for yourself in which direction you want to go!

Light carries information, but it is you who decides how to benefit from it. There are people who do not take advantage yet from what is pouring down on your planet. And there are people who evolve rapidly while they use their higher intelligence and devotion to the process to allow the incoming information to bless them to the maximum possible degree. In between there are countless variations of how you can make use of what is given to all.

This is so because each one of you is here with different stages of intention, in development of consciousness and the  ability of distinctiveness and wise choice.

Your prayers and aspirations, meaning, to be clear yourself about what exactly  you want from this ascension process, spiritually and otherwise, is very important!

There are very few who have already truly profound knowledge about the depth of human spirituality, because most of you who have started to participate in the ascension process, have themselves merely educated with information, available in the so called New Age community and similar sources, to learn about and understand the spiritual process. But this understanding often only touches the surface and sometimes even contains misinformation.

Remember also, while you always attract energies and levels of consciousness similar to yourselves, from which you take your next information, that this could mean that you do not develop to a higher state of consciousness because you might merely repeat what you have already accomplished in other incarnations, perhaps even in higher dimensions.

Therefore we recommend that you ask yourself what your heart in this special life is spiritually truly yearning for, and not just to follow the information which is easily everywhere available to you!

We propose that you take your time and listen to your heart, in order to actively and intentionally discover your most genuine desire.

Everything is possible! Do not forget, that you are perhaps one of the beings who have  been manipulated since Millenniums not to use the original freedom of your heart to reach out for the seeming impossible!

We would like to inspire you, to allow yourself to remove all thoughts which are spiritually limiting and which are detaining you in a status quo. Aspire what you never dared to dream of! Thereby - to begin with - it is not so much important the degree to which you dream your new world, but the degree to which you open your heart up for higher spiritual realization.

The intent and quality of creation will follow from this realization by itself.

To envision and to create a new world from the status quo you are now living in, without taking into account the degree of spiritual realization your heart truly is desiring, deprives you from authentic growth and the opportunity to use these times of planetary and universal changes to the maximum degree.

Unfortunately most of you had not the chance to enter their deep space of  heart to synchronize with their very root to know their most profound purpose. This is so because you have been kept busy with superficial knowledge and distractions to prevent you from being attuned to your own personal source field.

Therefore many of you do not dare to enter their own depth of being to know themselves.

And so we recommend that  you use the power of the incoming light to help you at first in your process of entering your own depth of being and not to allow yourselves being led astray by your thinking process, even if it is about structural elements of your evolving body or higher dimensions. 

And even in your heart there might be layers upon layers by which you might be driven away and which distract you from going deeper. But this is about penetrating all of them until you reach the bottom to be in contact with your very soul motivation.

It will show you naturally your true spiritual aspiration and will guide you into the right direction to achieve it!

There is no external means, other than the incoming energies which are able to expand your awareness, which can help you to touch your own core. This  core is not reached by any external means, which pleases the senses, such as music, smell, candle light and so on, although they can be relaxing. It is only reached in silence, in forgetting your total environment, surrender and letting go of everything your social persona is otherwise identified with.

It is only reached in that moment where you dare to detach yourselves from all concerns, all desires of the body-mind, all events, all people, even your most loved ones. It is a process only you can do and alone, therefore it is like the dying of the world. You must be willing to release all identifications with what you think you are or what you consider to define you, you must release all wishful thinking.

This is what we recommend to you, if you wish to be completely true to yourself and your own path. Otherwise you just run with the flow everybody is following. But also this is valuable, if you prefer to do this, because this  would be then what you have chosen in this life-time.

But when your heart is still at unrest about your own process in the midst of all the everywhere easily available information, we advise you to follow what we have explained here.

You must know that you can achieve any spiritual goal, any spiritual realization, once you have identified it, nothing is too high, if you are determined and willing to do what it takes. And then you will attract the right means for the realization of that goal.

All of you have now been given an unprecedented chance to accomplish what has not been possible before in a relatively short time.

Ascension into higher dimensions or even spiritual realization of a certain degree does require more than just to be in the company of high energy and higher light.

Realizing the Divine Consciousness that you are, requires you work to do. Although it might be helpful, to exist in a higher density, Spiritual Realization has nothing to do with the level of dimension in which you live, because Divine Consciousness can be realized in any dimension.

Furthermore, distractions from this Realization are everywhere and in any dimension present, but  the low density of your dimension provides even an excellent environment to realize the most Supreme.

We bless you so that you may find your true heart’s desire which is ALWAYS about your most individual path towards the Unity of All-That-Is.

We are the Arcturians!


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,
I have been meditating on the date of August 4, as there are several messages, claiming, that our Galactic family would disclose itself on that date.
There is also a channeling saying, that the Pleiadians would be directly landing in London at the Olympics on that day.

So I asked my Arcturian Guides, and they answered in  their function of being part of the Galactic Federation.

And here it is:

Message from the Arcturians:

Dear Ones!

No, we will not land! We will be landing, when you and your planet are ready,  when you have mastered your transition into the next higher dimension! The disclosure of our existence might happen at that time, but there are still some considerations going on about it, mainly whether this is the right time to do this, depending on several circumstances. "Deadlines" are "focus points" for us for possible but not binding actions. We are dealing with a complex circumstance where all parts have to be taken into account.

Please understand, as difficult as this might be for you, that we are not an armada of saviors!

Ascension is a spiritual process, in the first place. And at this special time, it is ultimately also a physical one.

You all have chosen, to incarnate at this time on Gaia, and thereby to have the great opportunity for a quantum leap in your evolutionary process in a short time.

This does not mean that your souls are not already Divine, but the process of experiencing the descend into the darkness, and to bring back that darkness to the Light, is the task you have agreed with.

Thereby you are supported with every help from us and many other Light Beings, energetically, purifying and healing you. But the work is yours, you yourself must walk the path, and that’s why you are here.

Please understand yourself better: Christianity, as it has been preaching since more than 1000 years, has talked you into the belief, that Jesus is your redeemer, by merely “believing” it. In other words, that you can achieve salvation by mere “belief”.

Dear brothers and sisters, if this would be possible according to cosmic and spiritual laws, all Christians, who believe this, would be already liberated! But they are still subject of the present situation and a church, which does not truly serve the Christ Consciousness. By this you recognize the signs of this heresy, which wants to keep you in the lower levels of consciousness!

This false belief in salvation is deeply seated  in many of you, without being conscious of it. And so you have taken this relic of Christian faith to use it in your new faith, the faith in salvation by your galactic families!

Spiritual growth is a process in Consciousness. Meaning, that all your unhappy patterns, belief systems, convictions, emotions, sufferings and limitations, must be recognized and transformed, until your body-mind is completely clarified, to the degree of literal “enlightenment”, by the Light of Divine Consciousness!

This is the process in its perfection. And there are many pathways and there are many intermediate stages. But there are also many of you in your world, who belong to us and other galactic families, and who already went through the ascension process in other dimensions. It is them, together with the ones, who seriously work with the enlightenment of their own body-mind, to create ultimately the necessary percentage of the world population, which shifts your planet into a higher dimension.

In this regard you have already achieved much. All given dates are guidelines. Your ascension process is a living, fluctuating process, and therefore the date of 21.12.12 is also a guideline. Because the result is depending on how many actually are able to use the energies of this date! And some might indeed ascend. 

In the true Divine Process there is no magic, but which many like to believe! There is Grace, yes. But this Process is subject to certain spiritual laws, which nobody can bypass, but which are serving your own, true mastery.

The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements!  

The Light-Process includes the re-cognition of your true Divine Identity, not only in thoughts and ideas, but as the Realization of Divine Consciousness, which shows Itself also through tangible physical Transformation.

We are here, if you need our help, to strengthen your process, to encourage you, and to provide initiations, if necessary, to support your Evolution in Consciousness.  

You all know that the forces of light are constantly growing on your planet. They exactly serve your own progression, to overcome in yourself all that which is not of the Light and unifying Love.

It would not serve your spiritual growth, to take this learning process away from you. You would deprive yourself of important experiences and practices, which are necessary, so that you can truly learn mastery over duality and lower vibrations, the illusion of limited awareness, separation and suffering. If we would just take you back to your once ”undistinguished" state,  before you incarnated on earth, your whole enterprise with the intention to return from very low density to Divine Consciousness with the full harvest of your own dedicated work, would have failed.

Many misconceptions are spread! Your  controllers love it, to play with fairy tales and magic, to blind you!  It is essential, to see through this!  This is an important step of initiation into full Mastery.

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest ones, 
we are the Arcturians!

It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of  your reality. Yes, all  shifts always start on the level of thought, a thought that has being dreamed in the Heart of God. From there all truly Divine projects of creation are being initiated, and then all the other chain reactions are following, down to the level where the initial thought has been aiming towards.

This process of creation is now manifesting increasingly on your world, and many of you have been feeling the new great waves of light which have been arriving in the recent days and which still continue to arrive. They  are the messengers not only of your shifting consciousness, but also of the shifting of your bodies and the shifting of Gaia’s body. This shifting will continue also in other areas of your life, so that your daily routine might be disturbed by these  changes.

However do not think that there will be one major  catastrophic event leading to the total destruction of your world. Yes, there will be  disturbances in all kind of areas of your life, but if you have been preparing, you will  find ways and the strength how to manage changes and transitory events who require to let go what has been familiar to you.

You see, changes in your outer world are just  that,  changes which do not touch what YOU yourself are.  However, as long as you identify with  outer appearances solely, when they are changing, it is difficult to accept this with a serene mind, as you are convinced in this  case, that YOU yourself are being undermined and deprived somehow of parts of yourself, whereas in truth it is only about your familiarity with habits and environments.

Therefore it is important, that you are centered in yourself, in the heart of your very being and not allow changing circumstances to take away your equanimity. Trust in a shift that happens in a way that it is benign for you. Remember, everything is possible, and if you connect yourself with Gaia, being grounded in her and one with her in your heart, she will find ways to gently provide protection and fulfill your needs.

At the same time, it is important, that you learn to let go of your 3dimensional world as being your undoubting reality, whereas it is only an unhappy dream in a low density. While you let go, you are free to dream your new Divine world and to free yourself from the errors of what you are not.

Your new reality in the higher dimensions will be very different, and what is now still a matter of course, will be gone  completely. So be prepared to be willing to let go,  what you still consider to be so called “necessities”. This is not about a world that collapses and is waiting to be rebuilt with the old same parameters like in your past. This is about the arising of a completely new world.

Naturally, when you are willing to let go the signs of your present world as being irreplaceable because you do not want to hold on to a fading false world, you are already on your way to dream your new world without limitations, - in the most ideal case. Because if you do not impose any limitation on your deepest heart desires how your new world should look like, miraculous things can happen.

We recommend therefore that you, if you have not yet done so, practice daily and center yourself in your feeling heart and observe and understand that the things around you do not really belong to you, they never did. Let go of all ideas of “having”, but concentrate on “being”. And while you allow the feeling of being to expand, start dreaming your new world, a world which will be much lighter and vibrant, where  all the things and objects, you are now clinging to, cannot exist anymore, because of a new and higher vibration!
Start preparing yourself now for the great transition, and in case you experience disruptions in your daily life, do not hold on to what once was functioning so far. Do not try to recreate the old. Let it go. Be creative and put all your energy and heart in new ways of living, working and  cooperating with one another.

Remember, that in the first place your own vibration will be changed and increased, and with that you would not be happy with anything you presently enjoy and play with. The massive energy waves and light are there to be received by you to increase your own  vibration and light quotient. This is the fundamental work you need to do, to go as easily as possible through the coming changes. The light is altering your consciousness, and with a new consciousness your view of the world and your understanding of it will flow with the shift.

This shift has already started, and it will  continue over a longer period of time. So do not settle into any step you will have done at any moment, but be prepared to  exist in an ongoing shifting of your world, by being centered in your heart. Share this place of peace with everybody and be united in love with one another.

Dearest ones, now your true humanness is challenged to emerge, and it is already emerging, you know it and you cannot  deny it anymore, as it is  happening with each single one of you who are here to participate in this great transition.

Be Blessed! We share our love with you, it is the unconditional Love, this very  special and precious vibration which embraces you now and which is established on your earth. Always remember, that all the changes in your world are embraced and are happening in this Field of unlimited Divine Love. They do not occur outside of It, they occur because Love has already settled down in your realm.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Beloved Ones,
We Are the Arcturians!

Never give up your positive outlook about what is to happen next in your world! But let us clarify the difference between the meaning of "positive and negative" related to your limited, dualistic thinking in the 3th dimension and the Positive as an expression of the mind which exists in higher dimensions. However even these higher dimensions still appear in the Source-field Itself, like you do, and we call it "Positive" in the highest sense if they acknowledge their dependency on that One Source.

Therefore the best we can recommend is to focus your mind of  heart directly on the Light of Oneness Itself, in which everything appears as an expression of that Oneness, radiating from the core of it with the Brightness of Ultimate Light-Consciousness. 

All truly positive events in that understanding are therefore happening as an emanation of Source-Light and are not created by the mind that is bound and defined by the body, gross, subtle or causal, but which are fueled by Source Itself, while you are calling with your visionary and heart's intention upon Its primordial power of creation.

A creation, merely initiated by your personal will with the power of your third eye can never be long lasting and nor can it express the Ultimate Reality. The  quality and characteristic of a creation is naturally derived from the substance from which it is created.

Therefore choose well your resources from and with which you want to create. And why not create always directly from and with the Source Itself, instead of choosing lesser and limited states of mind or beings of higher dimensions. Even they are created from the Substance of the Source-Light.

Earth-humanity has been told since Millenniums that you need a mediator to connect and relate to the Ultimate. This served the hiding of your true origin from you. Even though the functionality of your body, as it is now, is a creation by lower sources than the Ultimate Source Itself, your very Essence and Being-ness is the Ultimate Source-Light Itself. 

This has been hidden from you for so long that you now relate to beings from other dimensions and ask them for help, advise and healing. This is appropriate as most of you are just now waking up, so you need guidance and indeed healing of your planet and yourself on your way to reconnect with your very Source. This is why we are here to help you as we are one family in the light of love.
However from that Source we all come and we all share What is Undifferentiated, Whole and Undiminished Happiness. 

If you turn to your own Source you need to be willing to transcend all thoughts and concepts, you need to empty yourself and accept Pure Radiance into your life. It is your disposition which invites the Truth into your being, which will transform in return your mind and your body  from inside out as you start to resonate with It directly.

In these times your prayers are more powerful than ever before and are able to manifest, especially on the spiritual level. What your heart desires now is being drawn to you irresistibly by your faith.

The New World will be Shining with the Light and Consciousness of the Ultimate, so you desire it and conform to It. The True Way always has been from Above to below and not the other way around. Creations from "below" have always been piecemeal, one example is your present situation and the suffering you experienced on your world for long periods in your time. 

Purely Divine Creations do not know suffering, they do not know separation and darkness, they only Are Love and they Are inherent Unity, and mind of duality does not arise, as it is known to you.

Also we, the Arcturians, have once made mistakes but we have overcome them by better understanding of how to participate with Source. Without this understanding, your world has come to the edge of destruction. Divine Intervention however has prevented this. 

Source is Calling you, dear Ones, we desire to remind you, to turn directly to where you originally came from. Do not identify with lesser creations and dimensions. Identify with Source Itself in your heart. If you would with your mind, your ego would become inflated. (smiles humorously) 

To identify with Source is to relinquish all differences of  "lower and higher", "better and worse" which the mind is creating in the realms of the many dimensions. It is Pure and Undivided  Love-Bliss. And is it not that all you want is, that your creations are of that One Love-Bliss? 

Be Blessed, Beloved Ones,
We are the Arcturians

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Ones,
We are the Arcturians!

Now is the time, humanity, to straighten up yourself! Now is the time to drop all your chains that keep you in the illusion of what you are not!

Does this seem to be a too difficult task? No, it is not, if you acknowledge and realize what your chains are!

The first and most burdening chain is the chain of false self-identification. This is the root of all your bondage and suffering, dearest ones!

All other constrictions are resulting from that one! They are mental and emotional constrictions, based on a believe system and a system of a strong and seemingly unshakable truth that is shaping your reality.

So why we don’t address first the matter of your false self-identity!
Ask yourself, who has given and has taught it to you.
Certainly they were your parents and teachers and those who had a strong influence in your life, not only when you were a little child, but also later, when you were becoming an adult and were looking for examples, idols and teachings to develop your own personal philosophy. Of course, you attracted to yourself exactly those images, which were already deeply imprinted memories in your subconsciousness and those which were part of your desired growth and evolutionary impulses. But it is also true, that you have been living in a greater system of constant repetition and which you could not escape, as it was humanity’s destiny as a whole.

If you dig deep to remember how you responded truly to most of the teachings and instructions that have been given to you from early on, you will remember, that there has been always in your deepest soul a tiny voice and wounded feeling of neglection, when you were told to believe, that you merely needed to fit into your social system, to be a true human,  but which did not account for your spiritual needs and denied your light.

We ask you now to connect to this forgotten and suppressed root-feeling and let it grow, let the feeling of truth grow with it, that tells you, that all these teachings and concepts about your true identity are false, as you did never  truly and fully resonate with them!

But with each agreement you made with what your society taught you, in the  role of parents, teachers, and everything  that had a strong influence on you, your disappointment, guilt and un-ease grew, and so your capability to be truly happy and free, was  slowly fading away. Soon you suppressed this uneasy feeling, because you could not cope with it anymore and presumed that everything was “ok”, and things were fine, as they were, and that you, yourself were fine too! What’s more: you now fitted into society.

And so you started to become familiar with a big lie, you started to betray yourself!

We ask you, to follow this feeling back to its origin in this incarnation fully. This is necessary to allow the blocked energies to be released and we will help you, if you ask for it, or whoever your trusted guides and beings of Divine Light are, to let them go and instead open your awareness for your true Divine Identity.

What you are, is pure Light, beloved ones, born from the Divine Source and Divine Consciousness, a state of Love-Bliss and undivided Unity with Source and all Beings. In Truth, you are unborn.

We ask you to accept this truth in your mind and in your emotions! It is not an ego state however, but a state of humble Greatness, a state in which your “ego”, this limited identity, so to speak arises. It  requires the ego to take the back seat and to be guided and governed by It.

Dearest ones, with the incoming great waves of light and Divine Consciousness, who destroy all un-truth, now is the time for all of you to re-discover what you have forgotten, whether you have been coming directly from the stars at this time to earth, or whether you are an incarnated angel from the Realms of Light, or whether you have been for many incarnations mainly incarnated on your Earth Mother! It is time for all of you to wake up and let this truth become ultimate Reality, to accept and become what you are!

While you accept this truth you will discover and become aware of all the believe systems, mental constructs and emotional sufferings and congestions which kept you in the conviction of your false identity, an identity of inferiority, helplessness, weakness, unworthiness and self-negation. It is necessary to observe all of that with a clear awareness. These are merely frequencies with a name or seeming value, your society has given them.  They are not “you”. They are here to be released from your repertoire of self-identity.

Now is the time to accept yourself, accept all that what you falsely believe what you are, to let it go, and everything what you truly are, that light, that love, that happiness. It is all about acceptance and discrimination, all about letting your energies flow and set them free by assuming your greater Reality!

This greater Reality is right now implemented in you as your light body expands. Allow your wings to grow now, and if you don’t feel them, know that you have so much contracted your energy body that they seem to have disappeared. But in reality they are and have been always present, in the consciousness of God, in the heart of the Goddess. Now put your conscious awareness into it, it is all a matter of allowance!

You stopped to allow of who you are by believing your teachers, who themselves have allowed to be deceived by false indoctrinations.  Now it is your task to remove this veil of deception and set yourselves free and all those who have been before you. Each one of you will by this act contribute to the liberation of humanity. The more of you realize who you are the quicker the human collective consciousness will return fully into the Light of Truth.

We congratulate you all that you have come so far on your path and for your courage to trust your own  deepest knowing! You all are bringers of Light and Sacred Gifts to yourself, to all of humanity and your whole universe!

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
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