must understand that I AM not your personal "God-Self", as if a
greater and expanded ego of yours, an I AM that is just adding more of the many
worlds of mind or dimensions to its imagined identity, including the idea of
what you think is Source or Creator God.
AM not a "God" at all, a finite Being that is eager to create as if your
greater ego-I. I AM Consciousness, infinite Radiant Being above mankind
and all creation, the Very Substance of your existence. As such am not creating anything. I AM everything and everyone, all is imbued and enveloped by Me. Therefore I AM not an
"other". You could not exist without Me. You could not breathe
without Me, you could not do anything without Me. It is everybody and
everything that inheres in Me. You, your loved ones, your friends and all
cannot be contained by your little ego-I. In fact, your ego-I refuses Me and sometimes fights with Me, because I AM the
dissolution of it. When there is rejection of Me then the ego-I is in fear of
being recognized what it is: an illusion. I would Show you the illusion on
which your whole life is founded if you do not love Me.
you know that a life without Me is mere thought, a contraction in your brain
that creates your experience from moment to moment. This experience is like an
virtual electric theatre on a stage where scene after scene is illuminated by
your imagination only to fall shortly
after into oblivion, perhaps sometimes later remembered and newly shined upon by
your attention, however never been brought back into reality as it once was.
consider all these experiences as real because if you switch a light on in a
dark room the objects in that room appear to your eye. And what your eye perceives
you think has substance by itself or even some eternity. This is because you gave importance to them by your liking or disliking, by your desire, involving some
emotions, stronger or weaker. Such you create your world, no matter what.
there is no real reality behind it. It just comes and goes, and there is
nothing really glorious about it, although, in your imagination you want to
create really great and magnificent things which gives your ego-I a reason to
is nothing wrong about your creations though. But what you must understand is
their relative value in respect to your True Divinity that is Ultimately One
with Me. You ARE not your creations, Beloveds! It is a psycho-physical capacity
you own, but it is not Who and What You Are. So if you confuse your capacities with Me,
your Real Divine Self, you are on your way to create unhappiness as you are not
rooted in Truth. You create separation from Me if you identify with your
thought process instead of being in Relationship with Me. It is this relationship
that leads ultimately to your Identification with Me Alone.
then I am transforming your heart and body-mind with My Spirit Breath That
is not of this or other, not even any higher worlds and dimensions, but All beyond.
It Is My Spirit Breath That Teaches you all My Secrets and the True Knowledge
of Me and thereby Who You Truly Are, Merging with Me, mind and body surrendered
to Me.
cannot imagine who you are, you cannot think it
out. You cannot dream it. No experience of kundalini knows Me, no
experience of your excited nervous system knows and not your pineal gland
either, if not Infused by Me, because Knowledge of Me starts beyond the body-mind, the brain and
prior to the cosmos.
Your mind must stop here! It is impossible, you say. Yes, it is the
impossibility of the ego's way. That one who creates the virtual worlds and all
their implications. While you create your worlds you are blind to Me.
I AM Real, I AM Reality. Mankind has forgotten Me, but I AM Here. I Come with
Love into your life, it is not human love, it is not god-love. It is the Power
in Which the universes arise and in Which there is no doubt, certainly no doubt
of Me. Love Is My Sign to attract you to Me. But when you taste My Love for
Real, it is Love beyond all your imaginations. Neither humans nor the Gods have
a Word for It, That expresses It's Vibration.
AM the Real! Un-thought Reality, Stainless, without difference. Do not consume
Me in your imagination. You must surrender to Me, now and now. I AM.
AM your God-Self, the God-Self of all that and who exist!
Message conveyed by Ute
Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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