Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017


My Beloveds,

You must understand that I AM not your personal "God-Self", as if a greater and expanded ego of yours, an I AM that is just adding more of the many worlds of mind or dimensions to its imagined identity, including the idea of what you think is Source or Creator God. 

I AM not a "God" at all, a finite Being that is eager to create as if your greater ego-I. I AM Consciousness, infinite Radiant Being above mankind and all creation, the Very Substance of your existence. As such  am not creating anything. I AM everything and everyone, all is imbued and enveloped  by Me. Therefore I AM not an "other". You could not exist without Me. You could not breathe without Me, you could not do anything without Me. It is everybody and everything that inheres in Me. You, your loved ones, your friends and all worlds.

I cannot be contained  by your little ego-I. In fact, your ego-I refuses Me and sometimes fights with Me, because I AM the dissolution of it. When there is rejection of Me then the ego-I is in fear of being recognized what it is: an illusion. I would Show you the illusion on which your whole life is founded if you do not love Me.

Don't you know that a life without Me is mere thought, a contraction in your brain that creates your experience from moment to moment. This experience is like an virtual electric theatre on a stage where scene after scene is illuminated by your imagination only to  fall shortly after into oblivion, perhaps sometimes later remembered and newly shined upon by your attention, however never been brought back into reality as it once was.

You consider all these experiences as real because if you switch a light on in a dark room the objects in that room appear to your eye. And what your eye perceives you think has substance by itself or even some eternity. This is because you gave importance to them by your liking or disliking, by your desire, involving some emotions, stronger or weaker. Such you create your world, no matter what.

But there is no real reality behind it. It just comes and goes, and there is nothing really glorious about it, although, in your imagination you want to create really great and magnificent things which gives your ego-I a reason to exist.

There is nothing wrong about your creations though. But what you must understand is their relative value in respect to your True Divinity that is Ultimately One with Me. You ARE not your creations, Beloveds! It is a psycho-physical capacity you own, but it is not Who and What You Are. So if you confuse your capacities with Me, your Real Divine Self, you are on your way to create unhappiness as you are not rooted in Truth. You create separation from Me if you identify with your thought process instead of being in Relationship with Me. It is this relationship that leads ultimately to your Identification with Me Alone.

Until then I am transforming your heart and body-mind with My Spirit Breath That is not of this or other, not even any higher worlds and dimensions, but All beyond. It Is My Spirit Breath That Teaches you all My Secrets and the True Knowledge of Me and thereby Who You Truly Are, Merging with Me, mind and body surrendered to Me.

You cannot imagine who you are, you cannot think it  out. You cannot dream it. No experience of kundalini knows Me, no experience of your excited nervous system knows and not your pineal gland either, if not Infused by Me,  because Knowledge of Me starts beyond the body-mind, the brain and prior to the cosmos.

See? Your mind must stop here! It is impossible, you say. Yes, it is the impossibility of the ego's way. That one who creates the virtual worlds and all their implications. While you create your worlds you are blind to Me.

Only I AM Real, I AM Reality. Mankind has forgotten Me, but I AM Here. I Come with Love into your life, it is not human love, it is not god-love. It is the Power in Which the universes arise and in Which there is no doubt, certainly no doubt of Me. Love Is My Sign to attract you to Me. But when you taste My Love for Real, it is Love beyond all your imaginations. Neither humans nor the Gods have a  Word for It, That expresses It's Vibration.

I AM the Real! Un-thought Reality, Stainless, without difference. Do not consume Me in your imagination. You must surrender to Me, now and now. I AM.

I AM your God-Self, the God-Self of all that and who exist!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Friday, November 4, 2016


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MY Beloveds, 
I AM often telling you Who I AM. 

It is My always present proclamation where past and  future do not exist.

But how do you truly find Me, how do you come to Know Me? How do you penetrate the veils and transcend the realms of mind!
Can mind transcend itself? Try it!

As long as you observe mind there are two! You, the observer, and the observed, the play of mind.

But I AM not two! I cannot be observed. I can only Be You. All things AS objects vanished. Can mind ever imagine that!   
Recognize mind itself by its dual condition. 
As long as you observe Me as an other from your finite point of view, there are two -- but I AM One!

You believe and feel: Love is the answer. However even Love is many- and multi-faced. It expresses and is felt according to your level of evolution and consciousness. On each stage of your personal evolution you always THINK you know Perfect Love now. But later you realize that the stages of deepening Knowledge of My Love are endless.

They appear to be stages of - even the enlightened - mind, that is multidimensional, fugitive, shape-shifting, multi- and inter-dimensional, always changing, in the for ever expanding realities of (spiritual) imaginations. And each time you insure yourself  that you found Me, I dissipate in undefined clouds of  hallucination, which is a trickery of mind too.

Do you understand that seeking Me never succeeds! Because you seek My Waters while punting self-consciously down into My Depths with some paddles of your sliding boat on My surface.

So how do you find Me, although this should be easy and simple, because I AM your very own and  Innate Nature?

There is no religion or mindful teaching-system that answers this question, or provides the means to find Me truly. Because religious means are made to distract you from Me,  attracting you towards their specific mind made structures as a kind of prosthesis that keeps you away from Me forever. 

So to find me you must renounce all synthetic means and systems! There can be no-one and no-thing between Us, because We Are One and Only and Non-dual.

The more profound your heart desires Our genuine and pristine Oneness, the more your mind is retiring from its constant and tireless search for Me.

Your mind does not retire just by any strategy, making it silent, by suppressing its activities, by entering voluntarily a silent room of being-ness, which is merely another shape and frequency of mind, because even that room itself is mind and the silence a vessel of mind! Or using some other meditation techniques. Because also meditation and techniques are mind.

It is your desire, your deepest  heartfelt-desire, that attracts the Way to Unite with Me, beyond duality. This desire cannot by any means be fabricated by your seeking mind. Because this Desire is rooted in Myself.

I Confirm to you that the entire Process of Me-Realization Is Me Only. If you are willing to surrender your mind and body to  Me, so that it ceases wishing  to create the Great Path by its own will and imagination.

Let your mind be the leader and you will move away from Me further and further!

I AM the One that Ultimately Comes Forth in, through and as You. By a process of transforming and literally enlightening your total body-mind.

You can't do it yourself, as if a fragment could create the Force and Totality of Existence That I Am, of Which it is a part only.

Rather, I Replace you with Myself, Overwhelming what you think is you, to let it be Un-done in Me. Only then you truly Know Me. All veils dissipated, all errors surrendered, mind Known as My True Servant.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, August 14, 2016


Re sleeping masses, see also:

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If we do not withdraw our attention from the mere appearances and demands of the outer world and turn to the powerful luminous current of our Inner and Outer Self, this world continues on the downward spiral, that destructive forces have created for us – because we are giving to these forces our energy away.

We are giving them energy by considering the alleged reality they present to our collective consciousness as irrevocable, and thereby manifesting it: by our fear, by our wrath, but also by our good faith and naïve acceptance of their flimsy lies, pretending a sane surface world, while they are threatening with terrible scenes of wars, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness and fainting weakness.

Those who do not reflect on themselves, do not have the power to step back from the constant manipulation of our consciousness, helplessly being the victim and at the mercy of those who arrogate power for themselves only, by the indoctrination of our subconscious mind.

They do everything, so that you are unable to find yourself, so that you are busy, breathless and confused. Fearing that self-reflection and thereby self-determination will make you an unpopular crank.

The fear to break loose from the faithful herd-consciousness is deeply programmed into you. With intent, because only a submissive herd is willing to be lead to their own scaffold, so that the powers who manipulate you towards your own precipice can celebrate their victory over you,- without you even noticing it.

They defeat you because you have given them your own powers, with your own free will. In good faith in the wolf hiding behind the skin of a sheep. Now they possess your might, your central life-force, the force of your own radiant Self, your own elemental Divine force, your integrity, your self-authority. All these treasures you have given away, to equip your torturers with them. And you don't even notice it.

In case you doubt that you are tortured: watch the poisoned food you eat, the contaminated water you drink, the toxic air you breathe, all the deadly frequencies you suffer.

Nevertheless, you go on to consider yourself to be voiceless, weak and meaningless, incapable of standing up for yourself and to say "NO". You prefer to swim along to not to stand out, and rather to drown in your self-chosen faintness.

But now you are being given a glorious chance! You may wake up from your false dream, in which you committed the biggest sin you ever can commit: the high treason to yourself. Therefore you are the only one, who can reverse this treason. 

Now, by getting up and confessing the radical power within you that is indeed Divine. God or Divine Reality is not in the churches who enslave you. God or Divine Reality is in you and as you. Every and each preaching, telling you that you are a poor sinner before God is part of the outrageous manipulation of the human spirit, to destroy its soul and power.

The sin is your believe in this blasphemy which transfers to your life's and society's hangmen all the powers of this earth, because you have given them away to them, renouncing them with your own free will.

Why do you fear your own power so much? Are you afraid to abuse it? Are you afraid to look your shadow worlds directly into their pure eyes, to set them free in yourself? Does perhaps the whole hypocritical show serve the hiding of your own destructive forces within? Do you need therefore to see your torturers in slimy light and in power, so that this mirage "saves" you from going through your own magnificent alchemical process, that transforms your unconscious darkness into light, transmuting lead into the proverbial gold? Birthing the god-man, men and women, out of the slave? 

The lie is twofold and a paradox. Therefore it seems so difficult to unveil it,  - if this is your conviction, or is it rather fear?
- You are living the slave - men and women, but under the delusion that you are free.
- You don't acknowledge the dual nature of this existence in low frequency, where both sides, light and dark must be integrated to be whole,  but to which you have surrendered with body and soul to the degree, that you forgot your true purpose and your Divine nature which is in fact always free.
So you confuse fundamental things! Confusion is the best method, to be mastered by others. Therefore you must first start with discrimination: this is the first step, to end the big lie.

Yes, you ARE free! But not as a citizen of a muddled system and decadent society, but as a being with Divine Consciousness, that acknowledges, integrates Itself and lives as Such. Who acknowledges such their natural Force of Being, cannot be manipulated, lied to, instigated to hatred and wars and to cultivate the concept of the enemy.

When you stand in your own native power, you recognize the lies in the voice of your political ¨leaders" and in the media, you recognize the false images pretending truth, to keep you in dependency  and to prevent your self-responsibility.

Then your eyes open and you start to see: the picture puzzle of a fake world, and all of a sudden you are able to  understand what the real world is, that is truly good and divine, - because You began to accept your own Divinity.

When this happens, the house of cards of the wannabe-torturers collapses inevitably. They only have power over those, who give it away to them. Then things can happen you have never thought they were possible:

The terrible nightmare collapses suddenly, a new radiating light dawns, danger disperses, humankind is save. Because you have saved yourself first. Mankind will not be rescued, while you wait for others to do it. Remember: this attitude is the attitude of the slave who gives away his powers to others. 

Your Power is the Power of your Heart and your all-encompassing Consciousness.

The slavery also has its advantages: it emphasizes what you don't want by any means, insofar as you allow yourself to take your pink glasses away to see what there IN FACT IS: the construct of lies about your personal helplessness and the authoritarian power that you project on your slave-masters.

Without your agreement this game cannot happen. There are always two, at least two who keep such a game alive.

What do YOU decide for? For the lie, your faintness, your  false identity, meaning a decision against Love, against your Divine Consciousness, your radiant soul, against your Divine Truth, in favor of war, hatred, hostility, separation, darkness, destruction??
Or do you rather KNOW it is time now, to resume your own divine power, to experience happiness, peace, love, joy and ecstasy?  Natural prosperity and a life in harmony, that all humans on earth equally enjoy?

However, to regain your own divine power you must pay a price: the integration of your shadow worlds. They are your own shares of power, that you once sent into the underground. This entire force field wants to be liberated now!  As soon as you acknowledge your shadow worlds with love and without judgement and self-condemnation, radiant light and unlimited energy is being set free.

Yes, this happens! Did you not know WHO you are? No, nobody has taught you this. Your teachers were ignorant or full of self-serving interests. Because when you are free, you cannot be manipulated any longer.

Because you believed that power is dangerous, you invited your hangmen to play this dangerous role for you!

Are you now finally tired of this game? Now the cosmos is blessing you and is showering upon you every support you need to end this game. Mankind must  choose now. YOU are mankind.

Why not ride these graceful waves. Now the time has come for you, to stand up and to take what is yours.

When you wake up from the false dream, the world is standing again downside up on her true feet, because You are standing there, where you belong. Because you have been victorious on the battlefield with yourself. In reality the battle ALWAYS happens within, never without.

This is the Greatness of mankind.

Thus you accept the heritage of your Divine creative powers. Thus you create a Divine World, in which each word and each thought is a reflection of a reality that serves Happiness and Love. And the freedom of all beings.

Then mankind is awake and free. Without you, it would not have been possible! While you are liberating yourself, you are liberating the world.

This is the Mystery of your all-encompassing Consciousness.

With Love and Blessings, we are One Humanity!

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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Saturday, July 25, 2015


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Often I feel the presence of the Blue Avians. And with it the slight urge from them to write another message down for humanity.

Today finally I started to listen beyond the first two lines of what they have to tell us:

"We are here to keep your options open.
The work is yours.

This is the teaching of every true spiritual path on your earth. 
It is about spiritual evolution, evolution in consciousness, evolution to a higher state of being, and not about material advantages.

We love in the same way as you all could love.

Love is a presence that every human being is able to participate in.

Love is not an emotion but rather a state of freedom from attachment and limited identification with any kind of form and appearance in creation. Therefore love is freedom.

Love can be realized by releasing your identification with the details of your mind. 

Love is where nothing is being explained. Because Love is as much as existence is.

We are not here to teach you details, we are here to remind you of your state of mere being.

We are therefore minimalists. We do not need the many gears you employ to navigate through life. 

We are simplicity and we convey  to you that simplicity to get out of your multiple ties that connect you with millions of lives and beings and things to keep you in your illusions. 

All these things that you created are just time filling content that is not needed to live a contented, meaningful life, a honorable life, a divinely guided life. 

You are too much intertwined with needless trivia. 

You true essence is One without a second. 

Remember this and you will naturally forgive and love and forget what seems to be important to you, but what is in reality only another blocking element in your evolution."

Here ended the transmission. I asked:

Q: Recently there has been published an image how you look like. Could it be that you appear in the form of a human being because you show your intent to serve humanity? And that the birdlike head and feathered skin is the reminder that you also might appear in other dimension as birds, the wings being an energy expression of expanded consciousness?

A: Form does not matter.

Q: Could you please confirm whether my perception of your answer is correct?

A: Why not trust?

I am left with a heart, empty of content and filled with radiant space. 

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Saturday, October 26, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, ©2013
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You, who are here to work for the light, are now at the point where your service is being requested like never before.

You will see many things arise and change that will  show your still sleeping brothers and sisters that this reality is not continuous or firm and not forever.

This will challenge them to change their point of view that still rests on the illusionary surface of themselves and their world, and  to seek the strength and eternity they project onto the outer world within themselves.

For many this will be a new experience as they never had the opportunity to know who they really are, and they will be very confused. Who can help and support them and show them the way are you, who have dedicated your life to the  Truth of your Godhood, the Divinity of your True Humanness.

It is important – and nothing is more in these coming days – that you stand in your heart, the domain of feeling and compassion. That you are rested steadily in yourself, in spite of the many changes and challenges you all will face.

It is only love and compassion that counts in these days, and the wisdom and light that is the basis for finding creative solutions for a new life to emerge.

Only from the Zero-Point the New can materialize, it cannot be created from what already is, especially if it is not based on Divine Principles.

The Zero-Point must  first be known in Oneself,  to accept the outer changes.

The Zero-Point is the Heart that is not holding on to the old ways, that is radiantly empty and thereby full to allow the ways of love and freedom, abundance, trust and truth for a New and Divine creation.

It is your heart that awakens the heart of those who never lived from there. The mere living from the brain will end and what emerges is a humanity One at heart. And it is the heart that reigns the brain.

Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the  confused to return to Oneness.

This Heart-Power cannot be “created”, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.

It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know  “structure”, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All.

Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.

What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s  spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.

Beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with you at these times of increasing challenge. My love is equally embracing all of you.  There is One Force of Love that unites us all. This Force is now the savior of your world as you allow It to save you and to live it with all humanity.

My Blessings are with you!

I am Mary Magdalene

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, August 23, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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God takes on dark form to propel forward evolution (and consciousness).

Love is the motor. Deep feeling and Love. Love for all creation.

I feel the deep love that took on all misery and all the horrors to experience it myself.
There is only Love.

This love emerges from the Deep, the primordial ground of all Being-ness and Existence That has taken on the form of the individual.

The horrors that we did: A deep guilt that is fertil ground has to be released by recognizing it as Love in disguise. And so it becomes our strength. The horrors: the hidden power of Divine Reality.

To ‘whitewash’ has no other meaning but the alchemical process which is the recognition that there is Only God  Who Is the Only Doer.
The horrors that we performed are thereby transmuted and recognized as the Deep Power and Emotion of Love that  embraces all that is as God. There Is Only God.

We have taken on all forms, all intentions, good and bad, in order to know the Fullness of  God Who Is One.

All Is One Profound Emotion and darkness can be recognized and released as the Deep of the Power of Love.

That is why we, coming from the Highest Divine Realms of Light, took on the forms of darkness to create as the Will of God a higher Light and Ecstasy, that glorifies Divinity in Divine Creation in an ever increasing Magnificence.
That is: Divine Ultimate Consciousness becomes ever more apparent in Divine Creation Itself, until Creation is Outshined in Ultimate Conscious Light again.

This was already shown to me many years ago, when I recognized in the art work  “The Temptation of St. Antonius” by Max Ernst, the Essence of Pure Divine  Consciousness and Eternal Peace in the horrific monster that is attacking the Saint.

So our horrendous task is, as we are here to support the  evolution of earth humanity, to be victorious in the assimilation and transfiguration of all the led into gold in our own consciousness, body and mind.

Also the shadow then is recognized as the materia in the Divine alchemical process that IS in its very depth and true essence Divine Consciousness Itself, and IS as emerging Creation the Power of Love Itself.
It is a Love, that does not know duality, as even duality arises from the depth of sheer Divine Existence or Source Itself.

When the two towers of duality are recognized as That Which Is Substance  and Essence of Divine Existence Itself, then only the Reality of God Remains that Is Love, as God enters the Realms of Creation to be experienced.

And such all pain and guilt that is nothing but self-contraction, can be transformed into love and recognized as love. It can be released  into the substance  of Love  that Is the Divine alchemical “Prima Materia”.

This is the Profundity in which all Creation and with it all worlds and all beings exist.
All of this is merely a matter of reaching again the Divine Foundation and Source from which all experiences arise to be suffered and enjoyed.

To touch again this primordial ground from where we came, we must allow to feel ALL That is in between since the beginning of time, because All  these experiences Are Divine and Sacred. And it can be felt when we are rooted deep in our Earth Mother, the abode of peace.

That way we serve Divine Consciousness to become  Conscious again in Creation. It is a transpersonal task, but which turns into an error if we start to take it personally.

Surrender and devotion to the process is required to be of service to That Which we Love Most: God or Divine Reality or Radiant Divine Love-Bliss, Which Is the Source of all-and-all.

This is what I experience as a process and realize in depth as a gift that was resurrected in me through the  “smart-meter” challenge! (As strange as it is!)

This is a profound process I always knew, but almost had forgotten in the worlds of superficial judgement that divides experience into two: the “me” and “other”, the “good and bad”. Indeed there is only One, that is: One  Consciousness in Which all of that arises.

The body is the instrument to unify. It is not just a thought. It is to allow that which is Greater, to descend. This is work and often struggle.

We must allow to be transmuted by the Power of Feeling and Love that is the Force that keeps the Universes together. And what is not Love must go. This could be stored since eons of time in our very cell memories when we entered the battle field.

Outside and inside are One, and so is humanity. To become this Only One humanity that ascends into Unity-Consciousness,we must embrace darkness as  Divine. That Is how true unity is revealed and becomes obvious.

With  gratitude and love,


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
