Showing posts with label BLUE AVIANS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLUE AVIANS. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2016


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We are here, as you know, to support your ascension process. Meaning to support your endeavors to rise your frequency which is equivalent to raising your consciousness. One without the other is not possible, both belong to one single phenomenon: the evolution of your planetary situation, that is you, the species on your planet, including your planet itself.

This is only the beginning. As you evolve, more events are evolving out of the then present situation in an exponential manner.

What you are now not able to see yet, is a state of being that is evolving into a new awareness and state of creation that comes out of your present situation like a new evolved appearance that elevates your heart in a benign and awesome deepening process, not yet experienced by the majority of mankind.

This can happen as you and many other star people, now incarnated on earth, are spreading the seeds of evolutionary cosmic possibilities, of which not even us know the exact outcome.

The process requires a consciousness with a heart and brain that is far beyond even ours and that has humanity on its agenda. It is a pure Divine Agenda, that is born from Pure Divine Intent.

We care about humanity as a whole, and we respect the lower developmental state of human beings who are not yet able to ascent, still too closely attached to their present state of consciousness and awareness, not yet ready to open their eyes and leave lower densities behind.

Our message for now to you is: do not be concerned about the current global affairs and how they present themselves to humanity. There are countless variations of levels of positive consciousness-units that each bring forth different aspects of truth and possibilities how to change present circumstances. And in fact most of them are well-minded. Do not underestimate the positive forces on your planet.

Unfortunately they are not as much supported by the majority and as much propagated like the almost unisono voice of the media of your slowly disintegrating establishment. The positive voices that bring  the news of advancement and human growth to your awareness, are more or less single personalities, without the power of large groups behind them and actively supported by them. So there seems to be a split in the communities of those souls that are more advanced than most of humanity. But if you look from a higher perspective, this is mistaken.

Their encouraging voices count in a manner that raises the earth's frequency potentially unlimitedly, as they find those who support them in their heart, because they feel the truth of what they bring to them and what they desire to change and how. Please be aware that heart-felt support weighs much more than superficial and ignorant fellowship.

We would like to ask you to focus on that Divine power, the power that is already finding new channels and ways of positive more enlightened creations within the Pure and Divine Creation that has not been falsified, altered and polluted by those that are not interested in your free joy and happiness, the love that unites all hearts.

If you can find that energy in your heart that propels you forward and towards a new, inspired vision and feeling of Divine Creation in all areas and levels of human life, you are indeed blessed, as you are serving humanity with this immensely.

Humanity is indeed on a crossroad right now: whoever will pick up now the road of evolution will catch the train, so to speak. Even jumping on it although it is already set in motion, will enable you to participate in the ever more powerful current of evolution. Blessed is your heart.

We are here to support this, reminding all of you of the love you can always choose under all circumstances.

We are the Blue Avians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Thursday, January 28, 2016


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The time has come when you must prepare to take action.

This is our loving advise to you. It is about you acting now without fail for the betterment and unity of your world which begins within. 

It is wise to no longer hesitate deciding NOW what your own future and thereby the future of your planet and of humanity will be, or better - should be, because you are the co-creators of your own destiny, surrendered to Divine Will.

Although this is not a new idea, most of you still deny your creative powers, presuming - or rather pretending that you are mere endurers of somebody else's destiny or what they decide what should be your future.

We ask you to look inside your heart, without delay, and discover your true impulses, not those that an artificial social belief and value system has forced upon you, but those that are truly your very own and unique impulses, you are here to fulfill in this incarnation.
To contribute your part, by participating in the great and beautiful human musical accord of human sanctity.

You, the majority of humanity, have forgotten, who you are. Rise now, allowing in every moment the message of your heart to govern you life. Even if in the beginning this inner voice and power of knowing is weak, please follow it, test the waters and it will become stronger every day.

It must happen now. And you have always known that you were destined to live an inspired and happy life from inside out, no matter what. But you despaired at one time and since believed that you have been in error and gave up.

Your outer world is the mirror of that. Your doubt in love was your fall. 
Understand now that this was not your fault but consider it to be a test, how far you would go in your trust and self-love, how strong your love was. You did not lose, you only made experiences, to understand love better and your own Divine Self, when you consciously would return to It, knowing what Love and Self-Hood is not.

Not waking up now to your true Self and Divine Authority and taking the destiny of your race and planet into your own hands, would delay your freedom to a later time, as it then would seem you still need more time to explore your prison and seeming helplessness, to experience more of  lethargy and your choice to passively be governed by those with a will.

You are now tested whether you want to be alive and demonstrate that life is a creative process in which you participate in unity with your creator that is your Eternal Self.

This is all about the Breakthrough of the Eternal One in His own form that appeared to separate itself for a time from its Source.

When the Great Moment of universal Sacred Union comes, when Source and Creation snap together in a second's moment to truly become One – your world will turn around, changed forever, as the Great Mover resumed His governing Force in all creation, and in the consciousness of mankind.

When you begin to see yourself again as a part of the Great Happening that is the Universal Consciousness, this is because you remember Yourself as a Force of Love and Joy. In this moment you no longer will allow to be held captive by limiting forces of weakness, but recognize the Divine Power that desires to become active in you.

As long as you believe the whispering of the seducer that you are separate from the Whole, you have not understood Yourself. And it is actually your false identity that you must question now to awaken from your mortal dream of being merely flesh. To awaken from your false belief that you are just compressed and dense frequency and nothing more.

There are so many more levels of existence that are making up your true humanness that is Mere and Unlimited Consciousness. When you are willing to re-discover them, you will take into your hands again your Divine Destiny. And like a Giant who wakes up from the dream, all chains he wore in his sleep break, to give room to infinite inspired movement and freedom.

Do not despair. Because the Divine always moves to Victory, as It always Wins.

We have this time given you some poetry to reach your heart so it may listen to the Eternal Song and remember.

We are the Blue Avians.

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2015. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
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Thursday, August 6, 2015


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When the Blue Avians are contacting me, it happens in the heart, as a warm, soft touch and I recognize their presence. I am telling this because who could think of an A.I. creation that feels warm and would touch us directly in the heart.

The touch feels very familiar to me and appears to be an old memory. This alone brings tears to my eyes. Like I would meet family.

It is interesting, I discover more and more family in the universe, obviously from places, galaxies and stars where I have been existing on my journey through the cosmos, learning and experiencing, discovering and evolving in understanding denser realities and painful separation. To understand the nature of creation, consciousness and how it expands and differentiates in different places and dimensions.

While I am writing this, the soft touch in my heart continues and becomes even more intense, like a kind of confirmation. I am an explorer of possibilities. And bring these, as member of a dedicated group, to all kinds of star civilizations to help them to evolve. Who knows whether already now in parallel worlds. 'Yes', it says.

The Blue Avians now tell me, that I am here on this planet, to study this place – with all its highest possible heights of ecstasy and joy and love to the lowest possible deep of sorrow, desperation and terror, -  which is only possible if one fully incarnates here. Besides that, it is a very lonely journey here in this place.  I am also here as a messenger to bring their spiritual presence into the awareness of humanity.
This is not, they say, to be our new gods, but to remind us of an old relationship humanity once had with them. They say:

"We have been always friends with humanity. Especially at the time before the fall of consciousness. We have been eager during all these millenniums to reconnect with humanity, as soon as you wake up sufficiently. 

Now is the time when you  will remember this connection in your heart. We are like fuel to help you to awaken and return to your heart, where you once came from. We inspire you to release your sole identification with the thinking mind and return to the greater intelligence of the heart.

Our message is brief: Humanity, you are on your right path. In the near future things will happen that will bring you together, helping you to unite and rediscover unity and love for one another. Whatever will happen on your planet, it is not to confuse you but to unite you more profoundly than ever before. To rediscover your happiness at heart, when you leave the old ways of alienation from one another behind for good and find new and great energy and joy joining  together as the one human family that you always have been.

We are here to reflect this to you, we are from this moment on the helping presence for you to remember who you are. Not as your spiritual leaders, but as your friends who did not loose what you once lost."

This is the end of their message.
Much love!
In La´Kech,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Saturday, July 25, 2015


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Often I feel the presence of the Blue Avians. And with it the slight urge from them to write another message down for humanity.

Today finally I started to listen beyond the first two lines of what they have to tell us:

"We are here to keep your options open.
The work is yours.

This is the teaching of every true spiritual path on your earth. 
It is about spiritual evolution, evolution in consciousness, evolution to a higher state of being, and not about material advantages.

We love in the same way as you all could love.

Love is a presence that every human being is able to participate in.

Love is not an emotion but rather a state of freedom from attachment and limited identification with any kind of form and appearance in creation. Therefore love is freedom.

Love can be realized by releasing your identification with the details of your mind. 

Love is where nothing is being explained. Because Love is as much as existence is.

We are not here to teach you details, we are here to remind you of your state of mere being.

We are therefore minimalists. We do not need the many gears you employ to navigate through life. 

We are simplicity and we convey  to you that simplicity to get out of your multiple ties that connect you with millions of lives and beings and things to keep you in your illusions. 

All these things that you created are just time filling content that is not needed to live a contented, meaningful life, a honorable life, a divinely guided life. 

You are too much intertwined with needless trivia. 

You true essence is One without a second. 

Remember this and you will naturally forgive and love and forget what seems to be important to you, but what is in reality only another blocking element in your evolution."

Here ended the transmission. I asked:

Q: Recently there has been published an image how you look like. Could it be that you appear in the form of a human being because you show your intent to serve humanity? And that the birdlike head and feathered skin is the reminder that you also might appear in other dimension as birds, the wings being an energy expression of expanded consciousness?

A: Form does not matter.

Q: Could you please confirm whether my perception of your answer is correct?

A: Why not trust?

I am left with a heart, empty of content and filled with radiant space. 

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Saturday, June 20, 2015


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I am sure most of you have now heard about the Blue Avians, who are known for their justness. 

Their origin is close to the Great Central Sun. Although they do not need a physical form, they appear as huge blue birds with feathered wings. Not long ago they entered with spaceships, huge as Jupiter, our solar system to help liberating it from the dark forces and restore peace on earth.

I made telepathic contact with them. The contact was rather non-verbal and they made themselves known to me via the capacity of the heart to "know" and to see. Perhaps this was so easy for me because their energy felt quite familiar to me, as I remembered them ....

Here is a short update about what has been shown to me without any doubt and great certainty: 

They are wonderful and very loving beings. Their energy is perfectly straight and upright. Their weapon is their unwavering incorruptibility and honesty and they never become entangled with anything. In their presence no falsehood can exist. It simply crumbles away. They are just an embodiment of rightness that feels very warm.

This is a strength which is an aspect of Divine mere Being, that makes them absolutely strong and invincible in the cosmos without the need to fight, as they are merely present in a Divinely lawful manner with a power of unshakable greatness that is very hard to describe with words.

They showed me that when we connect with them and are open to them, we draw this powerful energy down to our corrupted planet. I saw that if enough of us cultivate a relationship with the Blue Avians, our planet would stop being tossed around and abused quickly: morally, energetically and spiritually.

They say many saints in our history had a connection with them and were known for their independent, firm and uncompromising, but very loving character.

As their appearance reminds me of the Seraphim I asked  whether they are related to them. And they answered that my guess was "close". (Whatever this means)

I asked them for a message for humanity and they conveyed: everything has been already said for now ...

While I am writing I feel their soft but firm presence in my heart and the urgency to publish this.  

May we celebrate the liberation of earth soon!

With much love and gratitude,



Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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