Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017


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My Beloveds,
I AM the All and Everything of you.

Do not think you can exclude Me forever, because I will always Remind you of Me. You cannot escape Me.
Because I AM you.

When your life fails, when all hopes fulfilled turn out to
   be shallow,
- when you finally find out that life will never fulfill you,
- when you run in the circle, the proverbial carrot in
  front of your blind eyes, always running to catch it, but
   never ever grab it,
- when there is frustration because you feel empty with
  all the things you have accumulated for pleasure and
  satisfaction, even spiritual satisfaction,
- when all this fails, you realize:

Your world of thinking thought is not constructed to make things heart-sufficiently "better", hoping that you somehow will find there the Forever what your search was for: the final glorification of your from Me separate being, a separate crown on your separate head. However you are a prisoner in your little world with a little glow in your imagined personality, and yes, perhaps sometimes a shine that seems to expand and to console you, because you now feel special with that shine which might seem to be a kind of hopeful satisfaction, but soon gone again. Not REAL. 

Because it all happens in the chambers of separation, only a dim glimpse of oneness in your mind of hope to be able to fabricate somehow fulfillment on your own.

If you have forgotten Me you think that you - lonely - float somewhere with your body and mind in space, perhaps your feet on your planet earth, a being that imagines to independently wander around in cosmic domains, jealously defending the fence of your skin from all other appearances – seemingly all around you, otherness and others as your world forever.

But this is not true. You live in your self-created illusion of a false dream. Cut off from the Real World and thereby from Me.

Without Me, the Ultimate Reality of Existence, your energy is scattered, perhaps a bit bundled within the idea of what appears to you in finite time and space as a body, perhaps even a more subtle body, or let it be even a subtle body of light. It is the light of second choice.

Accept that what you do is happening in fantasy land, dreaming of yourself, as an entity in separation, perhaps even full of the marvel of transparent colours and fine smells, sometimes exciting experiences, sufficient, you THINK, because you do not yet know Me.

When your understanding starts to finally sense that is it not your fault that there is no true fulfillment in your worlds, neither gross nor subtle, because it cannot BE by default, then an opening occurs in your being, a crack that opens into My Infinite Radiant Union-Space beyond your usual condition of separation from Me, yourself, and from all worlds -- presuming they are other than you, like objects on the other side of you, something to grasp away from you.

What I then Reveal to you Is the Oneness of Me and With Me, the Beauty of Our Ecstasy, the Unspeakable Freedom and Eternity, the Breathing Breath of Clarity and Perfection.

If you Know Me you realize the short legged things you were hunting for, are a mirage only in the realms of changing features, disappearing again and again, you: unable to hold them forever. Because they are the products of flying mind and schemes, not real, but deceiving your Truth seeking heart.

With Me you awaken to the Real, the Mirror of all mirages, the Reality Ground your entire Being rests on and reaches into, in Truth.

If you choose Me you would be surrounded and nurtured by My Light That is Ultimate Light and not of the broken light in your worlds of mind.

I am prior to all of that.
I am True Happiness, I am Truth, you Original and Native State of Being is Me. Only Me.

Feel in your very heart What I Say to you and ponder Its Truth. You cannot think Me or imagine Me. You must Feel Me with heart and body. I Am here. And if you call Me with the desire of your heart, all the obstacles on the way to Me and in between will melt into My Radiant Sphere of Perfection That Is True Love and Happiness.

I AM The One God-Self of All and everything!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Monday, September 28, 2015


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 Dear Humanity!

 It is our joy to be with you and to observe your progress of awakening! Many of you opened their spiritual eyes recently, awakening to their infinite Divine Nature with the desire to let go of old and limiting programmings.

With this we'd like to remind you that everything  in the conditional realms is frequency. This concept is helpful especially because it allows you to experience your programs as mere frequencies.

When you are able to understand that the vehicle of your body-mind is a mixture of frequencies, you are also capable to recognize your environment and others by their frequencies.

Physical appearance or words do not change this. You like or dislike a person by their frequency. You like or dislike a message by its frequency. That's how you recognize who is who and what is what. Because every frequency carries information.

We suggest that you, if you haven't done it yet, step up and train your perception on the frequency level, to be able to use discrimination in this era of disinformation and deceit.

This is an important part of the ascension process that allows you to go beyond the Matrix! Because the Matrix is frequency.

What we  also would like to bring to your attention is this: it is important to understand the term "unity". It is not an idea or goal, but a frequency which does not need to be "created", but which already exists since the beginning of time.  Mankind perceived itself as divided by apparent different races and cultures, yes, - but mainly because Love in all its Divine dimensions and glory  was not yet integrated in the human consciousness. And so humanity fell, challenged by adverse forces, easily  into separating difference and calculated aggressiveness.

However Love is THE uniting force of the galaxy that has been introduced to your universe to reverse a further course of decline, weakening and destruction of humanity. That is why your spiritual guides always refer to love, as it is the spiritual force that easily unites all races and cultures. Love has no structure, no dimension, no believe and no judgement. It is the foundation for Unity-Consciousness.

Now there is hardly anyone who did not experience the power of love, even if only for a moment in the case of a very unhappy life. Attraction between genders has been enriched in due course with true love that involves your higher being, as more and more of you evolved and opened their sacred heart.

However today we ask you to not overstress and confine the experience of love to your personal relationships. This is only a beginning where you are called to cultivate this energy and are able to experience bliss and unity with one another.

Humanity is now ready to step outside this merely intimate space between two or a few people, willing to expand love beyond the familiar. Beyond family bonds and the bonds with friends and even nations. Humanity must expand love to all beings and creatures, in order to overcome the  challenges of a divided world-population and destructive forces, and to create as soon as possible peace on earth, refusing to kill, to intentionally hurt and abandon your human brothers and sisters, because you are perhaps being told so.

We ask you to tune into your heart when you read or listen to this. We remind you that you all are capable of the language and higher vibration of the heart, if you intend to release fear and hatred and the idea of separation from the rest of your human family.

In the past times many of you convinced themselves that survival was dependent on the idea of separation and alienation. Now you are to understand that your survival as a Divine race is dependent on the frequency of love and unity. As the light and energy on your planet is rising, so your own energy can rise when you tune into the frequency of love. It is the vehicle for you to receive what is coming now from highly evolved and Divine cosmic sources. It is the vessel that allows your own holographic structure to participate in the higher mind that is invincible by negative and deceiving forces. It is indeed the very force that allows you to ascend and to evolve as a race.

Many of you, humanity, are  still lingering in pockets of darkness and spiritual inertia, which is merely due to the programs of low frequencies you are attached to. You are able to rise your frequency simply by clearing your heart space. We say "space" and not chacra, because as your scientists already found out, the space around the human heart is much larger and much more powerful than just the chacra, and refers to the truly Divine human nature and is therefore Sacred.   

Clearing your heart space might be challenging though, as you encounter unpleasant emotions, that are trapped in illusions, that can hurt. Be aware that you lived with them anyway in the past -  but merely suppressed the feeling of it.

To allow the full feeling-awareness of them is all there is required. It enables you to release the low frequency programs and  to open up to unconditional love, while you are willing to keep your heart space open and expanded at all times to receive the new waves of enlightening information. What you once have messed up with can be healed and balanced now.

Your future is your responsibility. It is you who is creating your personal experience and  the experience on your planet. To create peace and happiness you must first release the low frequency-programs in yourself that do not vibrate as truth, peace and happiness. It is that simple. To release low frequencies  allows the frequency of unconditional love be present not only in your heart space but all over your human hologram and beyond, by filling your consciousness with stillness. And so you are becoming it. You can do this now. And so in every moment.

The incoming higher light and consciousness is supporting your process to transcend the Matrix. This is your moment to take advantage of this glorious opportunity. We highly  recommend not to miss a jota of this Divine Gift. We want to see planet earth and this universe in peace, happiness and unity. We want to share with all of you what we are, and you to share with us what you yourself truly are, or can become again soon.

We trust this auspicious process to show greater and greater signs in your societies, as you accept the joy of it and as you progress in your process of releasing un-love and un-happiness, deeper than ever before.

We are the the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Thursday, August 6, 2015


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When the Blue Avians are contacting me, it happens in the heart, as a warm, soft touch and I recognize their presence. I am telling this because who could think of an A.I. creation that feels warm and would touch us directly in the heart.

The touch feels very familiar to me and appears to be an old memory. This alone brings tears to my eyes. Like I would meet family.

It is interesting, I discover more and more family in the universe, obviously from places, galaxies and stars where I have been existing on my journey through the cosmos, learning and experiencing, discovering and evolving in understanding denser realities and painful separation. To understand the nature of creation, consciousness and how it expands and differentiates in different places and dimensions.

While I am writing this, the soft touch in my heart continues and becomes even more intense, like a kind of confirmation. I am an explorer of possibilities. And bring these, as member of a dedicated group, to all kinds of star civilizations to help them to evolve. Who knows whether already now in parallel worlds. 'Yes', it says.

The Blue Avians now tell me, that I am here on this planet, to study this place – with all its highest possible heights of ecstasy and joy and love to the lowest possible deep of sorrow, desperation and terror, -  which is only possible if one fully incarnates here. Besides that, it is a very lonely journey here in this place.  I am also here as a messenger to bring their spiritual presence into the awareness of humanity.
This is not, they say, to be our new gods, but to remind us of an old relationship humanity once had with them. They say:

"We have been always friends with humanity. Especially at the time before the fall of consciousness. We have been eager during all these millenniums to reconnect with humanity, as soon as you wake up sufficiently. 

Now is the time when you  will remember this connection in your heart. We are like fuel to help you to awaken and return to your heart, where you once came from. We inspire you to release your sole identification with the thinking mind and return to the greater intelligence of the heart.

Our message is brief: Humanity, you are on your right path. In the near future things will happen that will bring you together, helping you to unite and rediscover unity and love for one another. Whatever will happen on your planet, it is not to confuse you but to unite you more profoundly than ever before. To rediscover your happiness at heart, when you leave the old ways of alienation from one another behind for good and find new and great energy and joy joining  together as the one human family that you always have been.

We are here to reflect this to you, we are from this moment on the helping presence for you to remember who you are. Not as your spiritual leaders, but as your friends who did not loose what you once lost."

This is the end of their message.
Much love!
In La´Kech,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, April 26, 2015


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My dearest Ones!
First of all it is My Wish that you to feel My Love, My all-embracing Love, My sweet Love. But also feel My Love That desires to see you grow and That Is therefore demanding.

When you feel My nurturing Love, you are able to fulfill My demands for growth.

And what do I mean by growth?

Growth is your to Me responsive process that is "self"-forgetfully re-uniting with Me, your Very Source Condition, Me, the Brightness of Existence Itself, the Primordial Radiance of Love-Bliss, from Which you have separated yourself, by assuming to be a limited body-mind, gross, subtle and causal.

Just the fact that you identify with a confined entity, even if sublime, turns you into a separate being that is not surrendered to its Source. Please understand that True Divine Reality is neither merely inside nor merely outside of you!

Me, Divine Reality just IS, and It Is all beings and things, or rather all of that is arising in Me. You Are That. If you make statements as a separate body-mind, even if you are a saint, such as: 'God is in me', you make a mistake, because you are In Me. But My Divine Reality cannot be contained  or imprisoned in a finite body-mind, although your feeling heart is able to feel Me.

My Divine Reality is all-pervading and you might feel a spark of My All-Pervasiveness in your body-mind and separate heart, but I AM Consciousness, Infinite, Eternal, The Deep Space of Radiant Divine Consciousness, and I cannot be just compressed into a little heart of yours, so that your little separateness might appear to be Divinely all-powerful, complete and most perfect.

Rather, in order to relate to Me you must go beyond your upon itself contracted body-mind, to truly commune with Me and ultimately to Be One with Me again. The body-mind is just a shape to experience what you wish to experience in your un-enlightenment, which is rather always an experience of suffering.

I AM Infinitely Free of all your small businesses of separation and littlejoys and excitements, trying to make sense of a limited world. And do not think even, that living in a more subtle world later, where you assume to go when you ascend, that there is no suffering! There is, even if more subtle! Necessarily, because you presume separation and therefore you are seeking for fulfillment, - which always fails.

All who experience limitation and separation from Me by identifying with a separate body-mind, even in the  causal domain, are suffering in the one or other way. Only in Me exists Absolute and Indestructible Beauty of Vast Freedom of any kind of suffering, because I am the Source, the True Happiness of your Innate Divine State.

Everything else is a modification of Me and thereby a limitation, and is not living as My Fullest Source Energy and Light. My Divine Force cannot even exist fully in a separate body-mind. And so you tend to be content with some cosmic energies, which you imagine to be fully Divine and perfect as Me. This is an illusion, and you seem to prefer to delude yourself in order to glorify your separation from Me, not to have to give up what you cherish as little and precious "me".

Most of My children choose to walk this path of self-deception, far from knowing Me - not in your mind of course, but with your full-feeling surrender into My Source-Condition. Your heart fully open to Me, your very Source and own True Nature. 

My Divine Source Light and Energy is not what cosmic light and energy is, even if your brothers and sisters from the cosmic domain, that is surrounding your planet, are telling you so. Many of them are supposed to be advanced beings, yes, some might be advanced as separate body-minds, but they are not necessarily advanced in their surrender to Me.

Surrender to Me can happen in any domain of the universe, and it does not matter in which dimension you exist! You can always surrender to Me and Unite with Me, and Realize What I AM, wherever you happen to Be. Because I AM Radiant Source and ALL belong to Me. There is no exception. Only you, in your separateness, have invented the hierarchical orders of presuming closeness to Me. To be "ascended" does not necessarily mean that you are closer to Me! You are close to Me when you transcend separation from Me.

Even Love is widely misunderstood, because if it is understood as something you do - as a separate being - instead of something you ARE, you diminish Love to something conditional. Whereas in My Domain Love is always Unconditional and a Subjective Force that cannot be objectified or divided or given. Because IT IS. If you Are Love, then this Divine Power works in miraculous ways. There is no separate being that can contain love and as such distribute it to "others". Again, this is a gross error, because one must participate in Love, one must surrender to Love, BE Love, rather than perceiving love as an object. 

This is all about realizing the Unity and Oneness of My Existence. You, in your separateness live from a separate point of view that divides existence into separate units. And that's the way you understand 'yourself' and life. As such you can never know Me, even with your feeling-heart, but which I Myself Expand into My Infinity.

Living such divided, you necessarily live a life of darkness, although you might perceive it as light. But this light is cosmic light, it is the light of mind. 
It appears  from My "Sight" to be black, because I AM Source, One and Only, and what separates itself from Me is necessarily without My Light of Self-Radiant Origin.

I am Telling you all of this, so that you might choose to truly grow into Me, relieved of delusional perceptions which do not serve your understanding of Me.

You do not need first to "ascend", or to travel the universe and reside on an "advanced" planet, to grow towards Me, to open up towards Me, to let Me truly enter your being to expand your consciousness into My Divine Consciousness, so that you start to Know by direct Experience Who I Truly AM. To ascend means to refine solely your body-mind. But all that occurs still in the fields and dimensions that are arising in Me as separate domains. Although I Myself AM not separate from them.

To grow with Me is done naturally only with Me from the beginning, now and now and now, prior to time and space. I AM the One to grow your body-mind to open up to Me, so that you forget it in Me.

I AM not encapsulated in what you call "I". The "I" is the one that has separated itself from Me. The presumption of the small "I" is a point with a circle around it, that is all. This circle is the line of separation from Me. Your True "I" is Me. The Circle around your True "I" is a Circle of Infinity and transcends any form, shape and conceivable idea. It merely Is, beyond dimensions, form and thereby thought. It Is Sheer Divine Consciousness.

My Demand to grow into your True Divine Nature is compassionate as I See you suffer. And I must Demand in order to wake you up from your deep sleep! There is no entity that wants to suffer, but the mind holds you in a self-made prison that presumes safety and self-contained and therefore pale happiness.

My Happiness is Undisturbed, Free and Self-Radiant. No struggle, no pain, no error. It Is not small or big either. No darkness. No division, but I Live you in your unique expression of Me. Whole, Satisfied, Being Love and Eternity.

Will you choose Me?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Monday, April 14, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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In case you are wondering:
I do not “channel” the Zero-Point, I do not just  talk in a kind of philosophical manner about our necessity to BE, because I have read it somewhere.

Rather what I describe here is based on my own experience and life-purpose. And I know that this eternal space is what we all share. That Is what I call the fundamental Oneness and Unity that I feel with you and everything else.

But most of us have forgotten it, entangled in a whirlpool of teachings of the “New Age”, in the belief that they are saving us, and lead to our liberation and to ascension.

Did you ever sense that with each of these teachings, if you apply them,  you enter a new ride in the carousel of illusion of what you think you are?

Especially the New Age teachings are based on the illusion, that we are the body (gross and subtle), that we are the mind. That we are separate beings, whereby also otherworldly and extraterrestrial friends are pictured as separate beings, bodies, only a bit different from us in appearance.

We are informed about what they do and how they look like, and perhaps about the frequency in which they vibrate. But their actual state of Consciousness is never questioned or brought into our awareness. Although it is  Formless Consciousness that makes us One. And it is this very Divine Consciousness that human beings can realize, even here while sitting in the matrix. So we just look at them as if they would be another version of ourselves, but which we consider to be merely a body-mind.

The idea of separation has been implemented in humanity many millenniums ago, and so we are deeply identified with it. But it all has really to do with the fall of our race, which is a fall of Divine Consciousness, and not just brain consciousness.

Even though the New Age  philosophy  is speaking about Oneness, it is not understood, it is not lived, because it is described as an object, whereby it has become a part of duality, imagined by mindful thinking. And so it remains a mere idea.

Unfortunately most people are so deeply entangled with their conceptual mind, that they lost their capability to know and understand, how to detach their very Essence from it. And therefore they tend to confuse their Essence with the vast domain of the mind.

And indeed, the mind is a tricky thing, it is the domain  of mercury that can shape any idea, can take on every form,  including posing as our true Essence. This is so, because mind has the ability to mimic any density, even the most subtle one, so that it becomes transparent to our Essence, but still separates us from It: we still “think” Essence, but we ARE not It.

Our true Essence is not of the realm of ideas, objectified visions, separate from our own Depth of Being. Our own Depth just IS, and always has been, and always will be. We cannot think it, and we cannot apply it. It emerges As Us,  when we  drop all ideas, all roles. When we let go all identifications with actions, goals, achievements and any limitations. When we stop to confine ourselves. When we dare to transcend the threshold of birth and death, and allow ourselves to experience that we are indeed unborn.

This is a  Knowingness, that  is ancient old, it is not new, and it is the unchanging truth of the universe and Us.  It is All, and it is nothing, but it is always  Fullness. It is  Void and  Emptiness, it is Zeropoint and it is all things.
You Are That. And this is what it means merely to BE.

So how do we  uncover our own  Truth? 
First of all we must have the desire to remember It. And we must be willing to die as a finite person, as a somebody, a somebody with importance or no importance. As a somebody with a specific quality, or even a number of qualities. Because  our Essence contains all qualities.

We have to give up the finite in order to relax into Infinite Being-ness. Thereby we are not becoming more, we are becoming the potential of  EVERYTHING. This is the inherent Nature of Humanity. This truth is simple, but not easy to discover, because we must give up, what we falsely believe, sustains us. And what we sustain, is the idea of a separate ego-I, that wants to perpetuate itself.

So the ego-I might go through a phase of depression, because it must give up its status.
Please consider: this status is heavily supported by the New Age teachings. And so we are led astray from arriving at our true Home, but adding countless rounds of useless experiences. Useless, because we don’t really need them. They are only there for our entertainment. But without knowing our true Essence, entertainment always becomes suffering in the end.

However, bewitched by the shine of some objects, - status, roles, appearance, goals, acquisition, possessions, accumulation of brain-knowledge, - seemingly out there, things we have projected outside of ourselves, by a separating and self-confining act:  we blindly fall for the presumed “easy”  and self-glorifying way of “becoming”. And so we neglect our already  Being-ness, our true Essence, to Which we add numberless things, spiritual or not, in the hope for ultimate fulfillment.

Dear friends, we ARE always already Full. All the artificial fill-ins belong to the realm of illusion, and they catapult us each time further away from where our deepest heart wants truly to BE. Because each time we go into the opposite direction of our inherent heart desire. And it is the heart desire of each one us us, beloveds, because it is the call of our Essence that beckons us always back to our Home from where we came.

It is our Essence as which we cannot be controlled, because it has no grip and handle to hold onto. The reality of the false light does not exist there. Therefore all problems vanish, all suffering turns into nothingness and Happiness, and opens up into the endless  possibilities of all that is Divinely arising. From then on it is our Divinity that  chooses. Until then only our suffering and separate ego-I chooses limitation.

As long as the mind thinks salvation, we are fooling ourselves, probably without knowing it. And so, with our best intentions and hopes, we fall into the trap again and again. It is our great teacher to learn discrimination. And so humanity can truly grow, when we start to recognize and understand  the nature of the trap, after lifetimes of (unnecessary) suffering, to surrender to What We Are. 

Now the Grace is here, to choose with wisdom.

May we all be Blessed!
In lak’ech,

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Monday, May 20, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Dearest friends,

First I need to explain: I only know that I am going to write something about this title. It popped into my mind, with a single and unified vision of this subject in my heart. HOW I am going to do this, I have no idea.  I FEEL it at the moment as a kind of Zeropoint Field, out of which the writing will flow to my own surprise.  As always, I do not “think”, what I write, it comes to me “un-thought”. It flows from somewhere, the part of me which is Higher Intelligence or Mind or Self.

I thought I should clarify this. Because there are people who “think” that I am writing from my little ego, if I don’t label it “channeling”. So in that sense, everything is “channeled” what I am writing. Because I never write from the point of view of the conceptual mind, but rather from a higher perspective. Otherwise I would need to “think” in advance what I would write and how. Then I would set a goal, do a research and collect content. Next I would make a concept and  write an outline, and so on.
But not so, as already described above.

Besides of that, I came to the conclusion that even every other channeling I ever wrote, is being transmitted from an aspect of my own Self, God-Self, Higher Self, etc., that at the moment of writing is connected or rather is One with the respective Source of channeling. While writing, there has never been separation between “me” and the Masters, Archangels, God-Self, Divine Mother, Gaia and so on.  What “they” did was giving the content a specific colour, according to their own personality and characteristic. After a channeling I always was asking myself: WHO really has written this? And it always felt it was an aspect of Myself, not myself as the separate ego, but of the Greater One, the One in Which we all participate.

Recently I read somewhere somebody expressing the same thought. And I thought, oh, great, so I am not alone with this understanding. It is all about our multidimensionality, and the more we realize this we understand, that there is only One Consciousness that we all share, which has many aspects. Ultimately we ARE indeed EVERYTHING that arises and of What we become aware of.

Why is this so? It is because all what we can think of, perceive, experience, see and feel arises in the All-That-Is-One-Divine-Consciousness That We Are. There is NOTHING that exists outside of It. All arises within It. And the more we open our awareness and grow our consciousness we experience this Inseparable Oneness with all Beings Who are an Aspect of Ourselves.
Equally well they always indeed tell us: We Are One with You.

In other words, we can only become aware of what is ALREADY present in this Consciousness That We Are. Division and the notion of separation and separateness is only a phenomenon of  the lower mind, that divides, makes distinctions  and categorizes. And such is the “thinking”, that the Masters, the Archangels and all the beautiful Beings Who are speaking are ‘others’ to us. But in Reality we are participating and sharing in moments of specific attention a common vibration and content. To illustrate this: it is the image of the vesica piscis, two circles of the same size which overlap each other equally, and the intersection is the mutual share.

Now, could the little ego understand these things and write an article about this, without studying  more enlightened content about what others said and wrote somewhere else?

The little ego can only copy. It has no creative powers and has no insight and capacity to understand the great coherency of all things and to look from the perspective of the already existing Unity, instead  to try to glue parts together to make them appear as one.

It is The One, That Unity, That Source, That Absolute That must become our own deeply felt Identity if we are to change our world and our humanity and human society. From the Depth of this Oneness only we can act and thrive and create something that is Divine, and full of joy and happiness.

But how to come to truly know this Oneness? It seems to be obvious that It can only to be known by transcending our duality, while we profoundly understand and integrate both sides of the coin: the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’.

We can observe stages in the process of this revelation in the consciousness of humanity. A humanity who is still asleep, mostly recognizes the ‘bad’ as an external insult. In the course of awakening the circle of awareness and self-understanding expands and the ‘bad’ starts to be seen and recognized also as part of our own separate self. Thus we start to struggle within ourselves more than with others. Next step then becomes the social and political awareness where the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ is seen and recognized in the structure of society itself: the ‘good people’ versus  the ‘bad government’, the ‘bad bankers’ and the ‘bad companies’, and so on. Here we have a very strong tendency of polarization. And the powers of awareness are presently growing strongly in this direction.

However as long as this polarization holds a powerful place in our consciousness we also magnify our own sense of duality. While we oppose the ‘other’ side of polarity, the ‘bad’ side, we strengthen automatically our own side, which we consider in this battle to be the ‘good’ side, so that at the same time the force of the battle is significantly magnified. This is just another state of the time where human beings noticed the enemy only outside of themselves.

But now we are dealing with a global affair. This makes the difference, because we are developing with it a sense of greater togetherness which strengthens the intuition of Oneness, - thanks to the Blessings of the New Energies of Love and Light, so present now on Mother Gaia.

The Divine Is Working without fail, as always. Because the intuition of Oneness triggers the desire in us to Live It, to Know It, to truly Identify with It and to Be It.  

But there seems to be a huge gap – how to come to this desired Realization? Because we know in our own innermost Being, that Oneness and Unity cannot exclude ANYTHING that exists.

The gap is indeed the ‘problem’ itself, that we are having with the notion, that there is an ‘evil’, a ‘bad’ presence here on earth, and not knowing, what to do with it. Not knowing how we can create our new and Divine World as there are still these dark forces, preventing our happiness.

But lets quote in this context, what has been stated abvove: “There is only One Consciousness that we all share, which has many aspects. Ultimately we ARE indeed EVERYTHING that arises and of What we become aware of.”

Does this imply that the ‘evil’ IS part of our own Consciousness, that we ARE It ourselves? Yes, it Is! Of course! Otherwise if we deny this we never could understand and realize Unity and the Absolute!

Now you might feel resistance  and refuse to continue reading.
At this point I encourage you to nevertheless continue. Because a problem can be solved on a higher level than on the one on which it exists. Resistance comes naturally if we cannot imagine the solution to a problem. But the solution indeed exists on another, higher level of our own psycho-spiritual nature of which we are perhaps not yet aware.

What if we take Mephisto in Goethe’s Faust serious, who proclaims: “I AM a part of that Force that desires only Evil, but only creates the Good.” What, if we understand, that confronting the evil is the Divine Agency that forces our consciousness to awaken beyond duality, while recognizing even in Evil a Presence That Is of Divine Origin. An energetic frequency, which when understood, moves us to reach to the Highest Height of our own Divinity, as we begin to integrate and recognize all contents in Consciousness, all appearances, all beings, those of the Light, and those of the Dark, as One Single Existence, just with different vibrations and therefore intentions.

When we realize that there is nobody to fight with, no "other" to be afraid of, but only Divine Consciousness, we let the Divine enter from above and become One with It. There is Peace only, Radiance, Love. In It the illusion disappears.

What if we recognize this whole gigantic Happening as the One Divine Orchestration of Creation, That, when realized As That, opens the door to the Recognition and Realization of Oneness and Reality-Unity.

What this is really about, is not that we go and identify with all that we consider to be ‘dark’. But it is about acknowledging the dark as is, as a phenomenon, without identification with it and emotional re-action to it, as part of the Divine Drama that is here for our own grand-scale Liberation and Awakening as and Return to Divine Radiant Consciousness that has been always our True Nature! 

I remember that the Pleiadians, who are spiritually more evolved than present time humanity, are calling the dark ones “the dark shirts”*, which clearly bears no judgement or emotional involvement with them, and even evokes some humor about them. I am sure they evolved as soon as they were able to assume this disposition and jumped to a higher spiritual realization.

It is this disposition the Divine Realm of Unity and Oneness opens for us, when we realize the Being-ness that has been always Our Own, as soon as we dare to awaken from the dream of duality. It is like being saved on a higher platform above, from where we still can watch the struggle between the light and the dark forces. But the struggle is really only happening in the body-mind, which is involved in this dense dimension. And when we recognize this by going beyond it and assume our higher identity, we are already at peace with the dark, not only because they cannot reach us anymore, but because we have understood the relative illusion of their existence. In the higher frequency of light and love, there exist no dark forces, because they are vibrating in a different, lower reality.

The frequencies of love-light are the ones that carried us to this platform of Unity Consciousness, where there is no disturbance, no duality, a place from where we can observe the cosmic drama and – if it is our wish – even enjoy it with humor and love and happiness in our heart. It is the Recognition of the Grandiose Cosmic Joke.

The dark empire must fall when we, humanity, or at least enough of us, truly recognize the dark as part of our own consciousness. From that moment in which we take the projection back to Ourselves, not to the little ego-I, but to the Greater Divine Self, their power is lost, because they lost their function. They have done their service. And they have served us well!

We have seen them and understood them, and we can let them go, we have integrated them into our Divine Consciousness in Which All Is One.

The Divine Blessings Are with Us All!
With love,
* Barbara Marciniak: "Bringers of the Dawn"

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