Showing posts with label Cloud ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud ship. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Free Rendering of the Dolphin Cloud Ship, Oct 15, 2012
 Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube

Dear friends!

When I left for a walk in the today warmer spring air, (we had the coldest October in Australia since 40 years!) I felt moved to look at the sky above the little hill top where I live, a  few meters away from the beach. We had mostly a grey sky today  with many diverse looking cloud formations.
The sky is visible from here far to the horizon, where the other side of the huge bay is.

Then I saw immediately the sharp outlines of a something  which could be a cloud ship I thought. The shape was very long, several  kilometers long,  with a slight wave form and rather thin, with a long beak-shaped end to the left. The longer I looked the more the shape of a very slim dolphin appeared, and as I realized this, I also noticed that my body was smiling from top to toe! (Always to me a good sign that I communicate indeed with a light ship!) I discovered also a second ship, underneath the first one, same shape but much smaller. This small ship disappeared after a while though.

With the image above I tried to give you an idea how the ship was looking like. My camera does not work unfortunately. It is a free rendering and the shape of the ship was more hidden between the clouds, so that it appeared to be part of the cloud scenery.

They said they are Dolphin Angels from the Andromeda Galaxy.  At the time they are gathering in the 8th dimension, but they are able to appear in any higher dimension than the 8th as well. 
They are here to help us, because they love us, and feel that they are our soul family.

They are working on cleaning  the waters and infusing them with light and joy. They also said that their bodies are made of 80% light - whereas ours contain about 75% water. 

I remember that water is an important element in the ascension process. It is rather a form of spiritual energy than an element. Rising the light  quotient of water is therefore an important means to rise  the  frequency of Planet Earth and ground the incoming light.

I continued my walk on a road which led a bit away  from the sea, so that I could no longer see the ship. But when I returned after about 30 minutes the ship was still there with clear outlines, and the shape hadn't changed, although it had become windy. I could even see a sharp dot in the head, looking like the eye of the  dolphin, as if they wanted to confirm that they are dolphins and that I had understood their communication clearly.

While I am typing this now into my computer, about 2 hours later, I  am still feeling  their loving and joyful presence and their blessings, as if they want to make sure, that all of you, who read this, also  can feel  and enjoy it! 

Much love,

Watch my video "Sacred Water Worlds" (July 2011)


Video  Text:

Water plays an important part in the ascension process. Water relates to the human faculty of feeling, feeling to infinity, which is the sign of our true spirituality.
It also has been discovered that water is a medium to communicate with the cosmos beyond any limitation of distance.
It is the  waters on our planet and the water in our body which carry the spiritual energy. This is because water is not so much an element but literally a form of energy although we are not used to perceive it as such. With the incoming new light waves sweeping our earth it is the water energy that is receiving them and changing and rising  the vibration on the surface of earth and of her beings.

In the past the vibration of our spiritual water has become dense with lower emotions, such as fear, anger and sorrow. To transmute them into the light of love and of joy is to clear our spiritual water.

May this video help you to clear your waters and to be happy!

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, August 20, 2012


by Ute Posegga-Rudel                                                                                                            
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©201
Please also read 21.8.12 update

Dear friends,

While on a walk today in the late afternoon, I detected a big cloud in the sky  above the Bay (I live near the beach) in the form of a triangle, and thought this is a spaceship, similar to the one, that was seen recently in the skies above Sydney.
I felt joy while trying to connect with it, to find out more about it.This joy was for me the sign that my guess was right.

There was also a huge extraordinary  Sylph in the form of the wing of an Angel with many beautiful details in it, which looked like real feathers, and it reminded me somehow of the image I had used a while ago with the message of “The Mighty Angels of the X-Class Solarflare”. There were even some colors in the cloud feathers, and it looked magnificent, covering a huge part of the sky above the waters!

Around this scene there were lots of more very beautiful Sylphs, who looked like gracefully dancing  spirals, pushing darker, heavier and possible HAARP clouds and chemtrails away towards the horizon, if not “eating” them up!

If I only would have had my camera with me!

While I waited for confirmation that the triangle cloud was in fact a star ship, a message came through. It was accompanied by a very benign and loving presence and emanation of light which I can still feel. And nothing "alien" about it! Although it was more like a conversation, I have written down here only their part.

Here is the message: 

We come from the outer Universes.
And yes, yes, we serve the Christ-Light.
It is our task to see to it that the law of light is maintained in the universe.

Your dark brothers are armored  to their teeth and will not give up the battle, because they have a strong will and are not used to surrender. They are determined to fight to the very end. Power and domination is their banner. So  the battle will still go on for a little while, and in case it escalates, we have to intervene. No doubt about it.

From then on your world will change dramatically.

Each one of you who is serving the light, is attracting legions of light, and so your skies are filled with our presence.You know, like attracts like!

We still see the web of separation, your dark  companions have spun around your planet, but it has become much thinner and we are beaming our light and love through it, to support you and your planet. So it is full of holes already.

We admire your courage and determination. 
And we thank you for your cooperation.

Know that you are never alone.
Together the victory is ours.

Be at peace!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.