Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2015


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Dearest friends,

Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach.  Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!
Is my system being that brainwashed with the belief that earth is a spinning globe, that the truth is making me literally sick?

Experience is the key!

Our physical and energy bodies are having without  doubt a symbiotic relationship with our present home Earth and her Divine Spirit Gaia. Of course, otherwise we would not be able to live on Her and to evolve with Her.  
We  are energetically directly connected with her Sacred Being and we are sharing with her the same energetic shape.

The truth is, I feel happy when united with Earth Mother, tacitly knowing She is a sphere. This inner feeling happens in undivided unity consciousness, and I feel it holistically, without engaging the gross thinking mind, while I myself feel whole.

The highest form of a human being is indeed spherical, spherical light, spherical energy. Human beings are spherical beings. And the expression of Ultimate Consciousness is spherical, concerning  form.
When I allow myself to feel this sphere, this sphere of light around my physical body,  then I feel united with the consciousness of Mother Earth, tacitly knowing She is a sphere.

We could not evolve on Earth Mother if She was not able to support that spherical shape. Which means She Herself has a spherical energy field around her. This spherical field of consciousness carries information. Including the information about Her physical shape. And this is what is communicated to me when  I feel Her with my total Being.

Now when I go into the conceptional gross mind of the left brain, disregarding my inner feeling and unity consciousness, separating from the consciousness of Earth Mother, and THINK, this Earth is flat, I start to feel immediately sick, my energy field suffers. All my life currents stop flowing somehow, everything falters and breaks off. This tells me, something is very wrong about that thought!

Therefore I trust the information of my body, gross and subtle, that  Earth is spherical!
Try it yourself!!

Earth Mother does not have to be by all means perfectly spherical. In the worst case She also could look like a wrinkled potato, when we forget the oceans, as some scientist claim. 

The simple fact, that we have to disregard our holistic Feeling of Being and inner knowingness, to limit ourselves, to use the left brain thinking, to follow the up to 200 arguments, measurements and other materials, found on the internet, that allegedly proof that the Earth is flat, is just debilitating. It hurts our energy field.
And my question is here, whether the dark forces want exactly that. They want our confusion, our weakening, they want to disturb and upset our deepest knowing, that is experienced in this whole body feeling energetically.

My own sphere of light is immediately disturbed, when I imagine, Earth is flat. I observe myself even stopping breathing. It is painful.

So because of this experience I cannot agree that Mother Earth is flat! I trust rather my own organism that has a symbiotic relationship to Her, be it the physical body, the plasma body or the light body. Light carries information. And the theory of a flat Earth does not coincide with the information I  get in my light body!

So why has this flat earth theory become such a strong idea recently?  I feel this is because of the wicked-minded ones, who slowly have been brainwashing us with twisted arguments, introducing this  idea of a flat earth. And I feel that even the flat earth logo of the UN is part of  that plan.

What do we really know about these people who are trying to prove that earth is flat with arguments, that never really satisfied my mind, as always heaps of more questions arose. To me it is part of the twisted plan to brainwash us. Yes, although my whole energy system felt violated, I still explored the arguments of a flat earth!

The State of Consciousness

So to me it is ultimately about the question: with what state of consciousness are we looking.  The answer is directly related to this question!

So many beings from different realities are manifesting here, and many want to find the answer by using their left brain only.  And if they do this, for them the earth might  appear to be flat. Because they followed the path of the left brain that uses piecemeal to prove the whole. Flat Earth exists in this case as an image in the brain only, but Earth Mother is not felt whole-bodily! How can truth be discovered that way.

Left brain thinking is there to help us navigate through the details of daily life. But this level of thinking does not serve to answer the great questions of life.

We must approach this consideration holistically, engaging our entire Being, which is Feeling-Awareness, then we KNOW tacitly, that Earth Mother is a sphere!

Using a similar model, approximately 95% of our consciousness is unconscious. But we have access to the 95% subconscious content if we start to unite with our spherical shape that embraces 100% consciousness. It is like entering the Akasha Chronicle in which everything that exists about our planet and its history,  is contained. And this knowledge cannot be accessed by the means of the  left brain. But with the inner faculty of Knowing we tacitly know that Earth Mother has a spherical shape.

Controlling the left Brain

It is exactly the trick of the controllers, to keep us busy in the left brain and therefore in a lower consciousness, to prevent us to evolve! They also seem to instigate the desire for a grandiose self-esteem. Because there is an argument with numerous followers, that the flat earth and earth humans are the center of the  whole universe, while all other spherical planets are  revolving around or above Her, including the Sun. Interesting enough, the spherical shape is being regarded in this context as inferior!

Even if this idea would be correct, I consider the true Greatness of the Human Being not to be dependent on a superior status over against the rest of the universe, but this Greatness is highest Divine Consciousness Itself, the Supreme Divine Substance and Source, that is our true Nature. In It the universe arises. And again, Its shape expresses Itself as a sphere. 

The controllers catch two flies at once: to keep us humans in the left brain and to maim Gaia.

To my inner feeling is this a further trick, with which the dark ones try to prevent Gaia to express Herself as the Perfect Form of Divine Consciousness. This is a very important point in this discussion too.

So why not allow this infinite Consciousness to fully express Itself. Lets not put down Gaia´s existence to a flat, life-less and powerless disc.

If we approach from a higher standpoint our question, then it becomes crystal clear, that a satisfying answer requires the participation of our entire Being, to Feel and to Be completely Happy.
Therefore for me the answer is clear. I follow the way whereby I feel whole and happy. Because Happiness is the Truth of our Being.

After all we cannot answer the claim that Earth is flat with "yes" or "no". The answer can only be found from a higher point of view, that is transcending the consciousness of duality and separation. 

 Thinking vs Being

The linear, conceptual mind is being characterized by fragmentation. One piece after the other is being displayed. But if we desire to discover truth with the entirety of our Being, piecemeal ceases to exist. When we are aware with unity consciousness, all these so called proofs loose their clout.

But with piecemeal proceedings always more and more questions arise: e.g. also with pictures  of  sunsets, that allegedly proof that the sun is not setting, but only moves away from the observer. But to me this appears to be absurd. I cannot find ANY proof in these images, that the sun is merely moving away. It feels like being urged to twist my mind and see things that don't exist. Like the "Emperors New Cloths."

Altogether this material of proof is absurd because they are showing merely limited parts from the overall context , which are to proof the whole. And this is impossible.

We do not need to be grandiose Beings on a flat earth in the center of the universe. We only need to BE. Only BE. Not to be grandiose, and not to be small. Merely to BE.
The Reality of BE-ing is not included in all these researches, that intend to proof that Earth is flat. It does not seem to exist.

We are being diverted from That What We Are: Consciousness and Energy, with a spherical form.  
Therefore we only can answer such critical questions with our evolved  consciousness, which is the Energy of Love. 

And above all: we can answer these questions only united with the Spirit of Gaia Herself! 

With the lower, conceptual mind we never can clarify this dilemma. As if separation from the observer and the observed would be possible. But the answer is in Subjective Awareness, the Awareness of That Which Exists.

And this expresses Itself always as Feeling- Awareness, an Awareness That Is the Essence of our Being. And if it Feels "Round" or Perfect, then it is Right. And if it feels imperfect and painful, then it is wrong. 

This is for me the directive for all situations in life, not only for the "flat earth" consideration. 

Much love and inspiration to us all!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, September 21, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloved Friends,
Peace to us all!

As long as there are unrecognized pieces of ourselves scattered here and everywhere – on Beloved Earth Mother Gaia, in  the Universe, the Multiverse, any Dimension, and Space and Time, - as long as we identify beings as "others" from us – those of the light and those of the dark, and those who appear to be beyond, but are seemingly a distinct identity, - we are separating ourselves from our Inherent and Native Truth of Mere Being.

Let me explain: we are NOT any defined being, any human being, any extraterrestrial being, animal, plant, mineral, planet, god, goddess, saint, master appearing in a finite form.

But we ARE formless Being! Formless Being encompasses EVERYTHING. Every dimension and all beings here and there. How can we “know” this, how can we be in the “Knowing” of It?
By  feeling, mere and unobstructed feeling to infinity. No boundaries. No entities, no worlds, no universes, - although all of these can be sensed and perceived with our subtle faculty of perception, when we leave the place of mere and pure feeling to involve the instrument of the mind.

Where does this unobstructed feeling emerge? Where is its seat? Yes, it emerges in the heart space, but exceeds this space to infinity. There are no boundaries. There is only Fullness. Happiness. No-body is arising, not even our own body, if we allow this feeling to infinity. I AM THAT. YOU ARE THAT.

It occurs to me that this can - to a degree – also be approached via the notion of  quantum physics. Depending on the point of view of the observer, we are mere waves, or we are particles. That is when we become aware of things, objects, worlds, peoples, beings, entities, events.

But as we are these waves at infinity in which  countless beings, objects and events are arising, we are none of all these things.

Using a microscope or choosing a segment of the totality of being, - an activity most of us are addicted to,  while zooming into a certain reality, we then perceive e.g. what we call our “present” identity or body-mind. But which one is our real and present identity? Because we have altogether nine of them at a time, which one them is the one we usually identify with, as we in reality identify with all of them?

These are all questions of the mind and they are very confusing, aren’t they! But all the Real Masters are the ones who are pointing to our True Identity as Mere Being which is the only way to be at peace for Real, as it is the  Source and Substance of all the worlds, all the identities that arise in our consciousness.

But peace is not really the nature of  any of these separate entities, identities, worlds and events, if this very peace is not recognized as the foundation and basis on which All-That-Is-Arising exists.

It is my experience that, as soon as one of these identities or entities is recognized AS the very substance of being and is  met  in the mode of feeling to infinity, it dissolves for good. But there are forms we are holding onto for what ever reason, mostly for the sake of experience, that will not lose their specific identity. In that case remember, that this is YOUR own choice, and  that YOU  yourself have chosen a certain experience to arise, whether pleasant or  unpleasant, painful or joyful.

But any time we are choosing to let go of any phenomenon, it WILL dissolve into the endless and eternal field of mere being. Things that continue to arise (and they arise merely to our own  consciousness) are the ones we have been focusing on while making them our reality.

At this time of evolution of the universes many, many phenomena are being dissolved in and returned to  the Sea of Mere Being forever  -  to never to return. Because at the time of December  2012, a New Reality has been born on Earth. 

For a new reality to emerge fully, it always takes “time” as we perceive it, although there is also occurring  a  simultaneity of all things and happenings. What has been set in motion at that time is now more and more rapidly ripping apart the old parameters, as all of that which does not resonate with the New Era is ever more quickly crumbling away.

Of course all of that is occurring in our consciousness. Ascension occurs in consciousness only.  And there is only consciousness, even the “outer worlds” are, we must remember, as they are a reflection of our very own consciousness. In this understanding, the current process of Ascension is a stepping stone that releases a certain content in the  reality-consciousness of the universe and subsequently of our Earth Mother to dissolve into the Field of Divine Mere Radiant Being. Ultimately only Divine Mere Radiant Being will Remain, after all Ascension Processes in the so called future have been accomplished.

However we have been given the Blessing-Gift to already now commune with this Field of Ultimate Divine Radiant Consciousness, in the midst of all the universes and worlds and their limited consciousness, that still arise and will arise in the times to come.

Those who do the conscious work of releasing what can be released now into the Field of Mere Being, that can be accessed via the heart, are contributing to the acceleration of fundamental change in  the Collective Consciousness of humanity. 

The still sleeping masses will therefore soon discover – or are already slowly discovering – that certain patterns just don’t work anymore, such as wars, racism, hostility, and much more to come.

And so  we are all successively moving toward happiness and unity,  instead of separation and conflict, if we are willing to notice the auspicious signs  and stepping out of what “the heads of the hydra” still try to spout at us.

The word “love” has been used and misused significantly, especially in these times of confusion and ascension chatter. 

But if we join in our hearts with the  mere feeling of being, that just IS, and if we are using the intelligence of the heart, which is a thousand times more real and powerful  than the intelligence of the brain, we find a way to establish inner peace and  acknowledge our True Being that does not “need” any world or universe, but loves to play with experiences that are joyful and inspiring and liberating.

In lak’ech!
~ Ute ~

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, April 8, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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After physically rough times, which triggered in turn emotions, from below the bubbles in the boiling water reached the surface above, a surface that  is untouched and pristine, like when you reach the peak of a mountain, after making your way through snow storms, blizzards, pouring rains, cold winds and the dangers of sudden crash.  

Paradoxically, this must however not be understood as a linear but rather a multidimensional process, in which all stages tend more or less simultaneously to occur.

The view there is unprecedented and unobstructed-eternal, a serenity that is stronger and more substantial and real than any appearance in the old world of illusions, that only seem to be real. There, the energy-vibration of real Reality reveals Itself, it is of a Presence that is not mild but of the force of Shakti (Divine Spiritual Energy) Itself at Infinity.

Hard work, but because we are One, perhaps supportive to help mass consciousness at least a bit more out of the obliviousness in the lower densities and heavily suppressed self-identity. 

Sometimes hard to not to forget: this is NOT "me" (never has been, nor is it "yours"), because WE are free since eternity and ever will be.

(A surprise how the weather, namely the appearance of the sun emerging from behind the clouds reflects from moment to moment my writing: at exactly this point his-her radiance touches my eyes.)

Our truth comes forward, to shine brightly, filling in all directions the circular horizon, embracing the crest on which we stand.

This is just one step out of our underground existence where we have been vegetating for Millenniums. But it is the step, where our real life and existence begins radiantly to emerge.

It is the stepping stone from where we jumped courageously, with the necessary blindfolds on our eyes  into the darkness of these deep waters to save ourselves and  the seeming lost into the light.

Please forgive the use of poetry in these solemn matters, I don’t know how else to express the indescribable. It is a mystery, always, whatever happens. When we touch the seeming reality of darkness, it is always to let it to become light, with the Revelation that there is Only Light.

It it the Self-Recognition of the Creator God-Godess in all Creations. This process requires the individual consciousness to assume separation, because only in this state the experience of deepest intensity and density can be gained. And like a rubberband stretched almost to the point of snapping, only to zip back to its original seize, Divine Consciousness assumes a point of view of limitation to bring this experience back to Itself to Radiate even more brightly.

In Reality there are no sleeping masses, it is the intended sleep of the Creator God-Goddess, Playing with themselves. In the immensity of the Consciousness of This Divine Presence however nothing seems to happen, like all things are nothing but a illusionary mirage, a Fata Morgana.

We, of course, with the other foot actually in the midst of experiencing, must still live for a while in both worlds. For me the physical is not yet back to comfort, it just has crossed the deepest rock bottom while the waves of opposites in this limited world are surging up at their highest at this point, but the light has already won.

As an empath, as many of us are, we can feel how we are inseparably connected with the collective consciousness. And specific planetary transits can palpably remind us of this truth.

The request of the hour for humanity is to return to our own sovereignity, to cut the strings of bondage, be it thoughts, emotions, peoples, beings, things, events, situations, to rise our consciousness and  frequency, to reunite again with the One and Undivided Radiant Divine Consciousness That is our True Identity.

The promise is high. It is only about this promise, about this liberation into what we always have been. We can use the incoming waves of light to purify our heart and to open ourselves for the omnipresent love. It is us who must come to understand. The struggle each one of us is going through is heralding the victory of love-light, that slowly will reflect in the events of the “outer” world. 

Therefore we do not look first outside for changes but within. When we are in that state of this unshakable peace with ourselves and everything else, where there exists only timeless Presence, regardless of experience, we have ceased even to ask for answers. Because: this IS the answer.

This is, how we prepare for the Light of the Great Cosmic Event, sooner or later illuminating our whole universe.

Effortless from here the new world emerges naturally from the stillness of our enlightened mind, first with fragrant blossoms, soon to flower with the fullness and abundance of Eternal Recognition of Divine Creation.

I love you!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
