Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2017


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Beloved Brothers and Sisters! 

We are coming from far it seems, but in truth we are very close to you, because we are one at Heart. We share the Presence of the One That is the Truth of all That exists.

As your friends we wish to let you know that you are not alone in the increasing turmoil on your planet that experiences presently the most intense battle between opposite forces, the forces of light and the forces of dark. If you allow, we are here to provide for you a heart-space of equanimity and inner freedom, and making it as such easier for you to find that space, if you would enjoy our friendship.

For you it is important to understand, that this battle is created by a lower dimensional mind, a mind that is lacking the understanding of Prior Unity, but from which Unity you originally come. A mind that can only think struggle and in opposites, warm and cold, light and dark, good and bad, because it is not connected to the all-knowing Divine Heart that feels the Unity of and is One with all beings and things.

Even if opposites appear to be at war with one another, it does not need to disturb you at your core, who are on the path of evolution. It does not need to confuse you, with the understanding that you can collapse opposites and struggle in your Infinite Heart where they cease to exist.

And so you bring peace and unity, love and thereby joy to a world that seems to be lost in impossible conflicts. It is your mind that creates conflicts by believing in them. Ponder this! You can choose your experience, even in difficult situations, if you refuse to accept the idea of separation from the Radiant Sea of Existence.

You are able thus to meet even personal problems with a calm mind and an open heart by not dramatizing them, by not going there, by not playing the victim, by choosing not  to suffer, but to maintain your innate Happiness!

It is happiness that finds Unity, the Truth in which all beings and things emerge.

Take your opportunity to make a grand leap forward in your evolutionary journey by transcending in your Heart-Space what seems to be inconsistent in the outer world.

These things are but appearances that have in reality nothing to do with the Heart of your Being.

And so you are not allowing to be ruptured by what does not belong to True Life. 

Consider that although this entire hassle seems to be real, it is merely your agreement that allows it to appear as such. If you change your point of view, you exit the confusing game of deception and come to feel the truth, Your Truth that is real and that is superior always to the unreal that tries to pull you down. 

It is the Essence of your Being that needs to be birthed now to celebrate the victory of true humanity in a war which is utterly unworthy of you and in which you do not need to believe. And it is trust within that Heart-Space that creates a shift in your experience. 

Stand on this platform, the platform of Undisturbed Peace, Stillness, in which you can meet all seeming difficulties and contradictions  of a disturbed world, knowing it cannot really touch you, because it is NOT you, but an appearance only. YOU are above it. Know this. With compassion.

And as the chaotic waves will calm down around you, you will change your world, with the power of understanding who you truly are. A spirit being, a creator-god, an angel, an emanation of Love-Light. Be thus. Know Who You Are. We bring this message to you to remind you of This! 

We are the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message  conveyed by Ute

(Sorry for the small fonts and random big spaces between paragraphs, Blogger does not save properly anymore.)

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, September 21, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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VIDEO (recommended!)

Beloved Friends,
Peace to us all!

As long as there are unrecognized pieces of ourselves scattered here and everywhere – on Beloved Earth Mother Gaia, in  the Universe, the Multiverse, any Dimension, and Space and Time, - as long as we identify beings as "others" from us – those of the light and those of the dark, and those who appear to be beyond, but are seemingly a distinct identity, - we are separating ourselves from our Inherent and Native Truth of Mere Being.

Let me explain: we are NOT any defined being, any human being, any extraterrestrial being, animal, plant, mineral, planet, god, goddess, saint, master appearing in a finite form.

But we ARE formless Being! Formless Being encompasses EVERYTHING. Every dimension and all beings here and there. How can we “know” this, how can we be in the “Knowing” of It?
By  feeling, mere and unobstructed feeling to infinity. No boundaries. No entities, no worlds, no universes, - although all of these can be sensed and perceived with our subtle faculty of perception, when we leave the place of mere and pure feeling to involve the instrument of the mind.

Where does this unobstructed feeling emerge? Where is its seat? Yes, it emerges in the heart space, but exceeds this space to infinity. There are no boundaries. There is only Fullness. Happiness. No-body is arising, not even our own body, if we allow this feeling to infinity. I AM THAT. YOU ARE THAT.

It occurs to me that this can - to a degree – also be approached via the notion of  quantum physics. Depending on the point of view of the observer, we are mere waves, or we are particles. That is when we become aware of things, objects, worlds, peoples, beings, entities, events.

But as we are these waves at infinity in which  countless beings, objects and events are arising, we are none of all these things.

Using a microscope or choosing a segment of the totality of being, - an activity most of us are addicted to,  while zooming into a certain reality, we then perceive e.g. what we call our “present” identity or body-mind. But which one is our real and present identity? Because we have altogether nine of them at a time, which one them is the one we usually identify with, as we in reality identify with all of them?

These are all questions of the mind and they are very confusing, aren’t they! But all the Real Masters are the ones who are pointing to our True Identity as Mere Being which is the only way to be at peace for Real, as it is the  Source and Substance of all the worlds, all the identities that arise in our consciousness.

But peace is not really the nature of  any of these separate entities, identities, worlds and events, if this very peace is not recognized as the foundation and basis on which All-That-Is-Arising exists.

It is my experience that, as soon as one of these identities or entities is recognized AS the very substance of being and is  met  in the mode of feeling to infinity, it dissolves for good. But there are forms we are holding onto for what ever reason, mostly for the sake of experience, that will not lose their specific identity. In that case remember, that this is YOUR own choice, and  that YOU  yourself have chosen a certain experience to arise, whether pleasant or  unpleasant, painful or joyful.

But any time we are choosing to let go of any phenomenon, it WILL dissolve into the endless and eternal field of mere being. Things that continue to arise (and they arise merely to our own  consciousness) are the ones we have been focusing on while making them our reality.

At this time of evolution of the universes many, many phenomena are being dissolved in and returned to  the Sea of Mere Being forever  -  to never to return. Because at the time of December  2012, a New Reality has been born on Earth. 

For a new reality to emerge fully, it always takes “time” as we perceive it, although there is also occurring  a  simultaneity of all things and happenings. What has been set in motion at that time is now more and more rapidly ripping apart the old parameters, as all of that which does not resonate with the New Era is ever more quickly crumbling away.

Of course all of that is occurring in our consciousness. Ascension occurs in consciousness only.  And there is only consciousness, even the “outer worlds” are, we must remember, as they are a reflection of our very own consciousness. In this understanding, the current process of Ascension is a stepping stone that releases a certain content in the  reality-consciousness of the universe and subsequently of our Earth Mother to dissolve into the Field of Divine Mere Radiant Being. Ultimately only Divine Mere Radiant Being will Remain, after all Ascension Processes in the so called future have been accomplished.

However we have been given the Blessing-Gift to already now commune with this Field of Ultimate Divine Radiant Consciousness, in the midst of all the universes and worlds and their limited consciousness, that still arise and will arise in the times to come.

Those who do the conscious work of releasing what can be released now into the Field of Mere Being, that can be accessed via the heart, are contributing to the acceleration of fundamental change in  the Collective Consciousness of humanity. 

The still sleeping masses will therefore soon discover – or are already slowly discovering – that certain patterns just don’t work anymore, such as wars, racism, hostility, and much more to come.

And so  we are all successively moving toward happiness and unity,  instead of separation and conflict, if we are willing to notice the auspicious signs  and stepping out of what “the heads of the hydra” still try to spout at us.

The word “love” has been used and misused significantly, especially in these times of confusion and ascension chatter. 

But if we join in our hearts with the  mere feeling of being, that just IS, and if we are using the intelligence of the heart, which is a thousand times more real and powerful  than the intelligence of the brain, we find a way to establish inner peace and  acknowledge our True Being that does not “need” any world or universe, but loves to play with experiences that are joyful and inspiring and liberating.

In lak’ech!
~ Ute ~

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, July 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Transmission Of The Mighty Angels, Touching Earth: 

We are part of a bigger process. The information of this solar flare we are now delivering, together with it’s innate  powerful energy aspect, is about the clear and undeniable process of implementation and magnification of the new era to be established on your world. What you experience now with our arrival is not unique to Earth though, you are participating in a greater process that includes your whole universe.

The heralding of your new era is in the first place a change of your vibrational level and fundamental increase of light on earth. What then ultimately can survive and continue to live and exist on your planet must naturally vibrate on that same level of the incoming new vibrations, as soon as they have settled down.

This is still a phase of adjustments and change, as these  vibrations and light-forces are new and have not been fully established in your realm. That is why the major changes you are expecting did not yet happen. For this to occur they must be wholly vibrationally integrated on earth as a coherent field.

As soon as this takes place, which requires even more stronger and more powerful forces to enter your life space, the time for tangible and radical changes has  arrived.

Until then be ready to tolerate and accept a time of instability and generally minor changes, and we recommend that you cultivate patience and agree with the present circumstances. Thereby it is important that you always bear in heart and mind the bigger picture, which transcends your present experience and embraces already the newly to arrive galactic world with divine laws, to change your world into beauty, happiness, abundance, as an expression of love.

Therefore do not see in the constantly crumbling and unsatisfactory details of your present world stability or  even a fix value! Raise above the weight and density of your old world and allow your heart to flow freely already in the new world. Do not miss to take advantage of the presently incoming forces of light and allow them to inform you with the vision of your new world.  Create spaces of beauty to invite the new energies and to allow them to settle in. That way you are creating already anchor points for the new world.

Join together to create by now seed groups of possible future forms of a new human society while you practice love and forgiveness.

Feel together as One Heart our mighty Presence of Light that wishes to enter your heart and bodies. Feel how precious this Light is, how full and how powerful and at the same time how gentle and sweet. And it is you who allows this power to express itself as love. It is the Healing of your past which arrives now, it allows you to make peace in your heart with everything you ever suffered!

It is this peace which is the establishing factor of your new world. Let it spread throughout all the cells of your bodies and thereby setting alight all other bodies, which build together the one body of humanity.

We come with unspeakable joy to bring you this message!

Conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


                                   Dear friends and readers of my blog,

with the strong geomagnetic disturbances underway, it is very important to maintain balance, not only mentally and emotionally, but also in terms of being grounded in our body and such to be connected with our Beloved Gaia, as our process is also hers, it is a united process. To be grounded in Gaia, also implies to be rested in our heart. Please also see "My conversation with Gaia". 

According to my conversation with the Spirit of the Sun, we can use the breath too, to inhale the incoming frequencies into our heart, this helps us also to be centered there. 

This is the most important thing we can do at this moment: to practice to be in the  presence of our heart, in the midst of the electro-magnetic disturbances, like being in the eye of the storm, in the still-point of a hurricane. 
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
There will be many more of these disturbances during this year, and each of us can contribute to the peace on earth - in a rapidly and on all levels changing world - by choosing to enter the inner domain of our own true being. We all can do it because the information of the light-codes, pouring into our world, contain the remembrance of our past and future, the remembrance of who we are as the ascended heart.

Especially through the working of our beloved Sun, the torus field of our heart is greatly empowered and expanded so that it is very easy now for us to enter this space humanity has once lost.

We have been granted all the means to make this powerful transition into a new and Divine World successful. 
We must remember that we are never unable to cope because for every challenge imposed on us by the forces of the universe, we have been given also tremendous help. The greater the challenge the greater the help.

We only must be willing to utilize this help, and we are already participating in this gigantic evolutionary leap, orchestrated by the Forces of Light and Inspired by the Highest Will of God. 

The still-point of the heart is all we need to own, to sail safely through all the demands of our daily lives. We can be a silent torch for others who do not yet understand the deeper working behind the visible growing of uncertainties. But we can speak when they ask. And ever more are asking! 

In many parts which are starting to fall apart in our lives, we can see what has been grounded on false foundations, mostly without our knowing and understanding. And they can open our eyes for the greater reality, for all what has been hidden from our eyes. 

Now we are going to build a new earth, a world with the foundations of love and integrity, a world where we all care about one another, a world where there is happiness and abundance.  A world where we realize our inherent unity with one another and with all beings. On the planet and off the planet.

We can decide to look forward to what we want to create from now on, instead of grieving about what we are loosing or what we have already lost. We are creator beings and always have been, we only didn't know it! We have been giving away this power to others for a long time (and even this was an act of our creation!). Now we learn how to use it again for our own and the sake and happiness of all beings. 

There are no messages from other realms coming through me at this point. I understand this as a sign that we need to focus on our own tangible experience right here in our bodies on this earth, as what has been prophesied is occurring right now in our own very bodies of experience and we need to have our focus there. It is happening and we are witnesses of it now. We are becoming our own prophets now. And deeper things are being revealed to us about who we are and what we are to become. And we need to listen. It is this message which to deliver is my task in this very moment.

As we know, things can change in the blink of an eye  though.
As always,it is my pleasure to hear from you, dearest friends!

Much love and blessings,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, October 17, 2011


Listen to this Message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved humans from planet earth,

Peace be with you! Peace is the most crucial quality you MUST live and exercise in your very heart, starting from NOW, if you haven’t done so already. A short moment in eternity is given to you to prepare.

Please, dearest Ones, take notice, there is no sudden awakening and your are all Light in the blink of an eye. Awakening and enlightenment must be practiced and exercised as a conscious process. For some it is a long process still ahead.

How do you practice this peace? Did you try?
If you can’t do it, what does it tell you?

We have spoken in our last communication about the Glory of the Divine, the Truth of Happiness and Love which are qualities of the Living Divinity. We have spoken to you from the white fires that travel along the grids of consciousness to enlighten the worlds and all beings.

So – how do you bring together this message of joy, love and ecstasy with your own receptivity and realization of it to the degree that you truly are LIVING it?

When Divine peace and joy is not yours in your heart yet, know that It still exists and is very real, but obviously there is something in your being, in your feeling, in your thinking, in your heart and energy field which resists Divinity as such. It does not allow It to enter and to inform your life so that it IS a Divine Event, yes, YOUR life: a DIVINE event.

The reason for it not to be so, the reason, that there is not yet peace in your heart and life then, is, that you, as a self-responsible being, are not aware of what darkens your heart, your emotions and your thinking as it is hidden to your consciousness.

If you cannot find peace, and we mean a peace which exists as your whole being,  know that you have work to do!
The coming events require from you this peace, this equanimity, this calmness, which allows you to  Be Love.

Dearest ones, we urge you to enter the process of your own clean up! Without it ascension is only a future event for you and earth will ascend without you. She will not wait much longer as she has decided to move on in the near future.

Dearest Ones, there are legions of forces of light, waiting to help you in this process! But you must be the one, who recognizes the sparks of darkness you have been allowed to govern you, and it must be you, who asks the Divine Light for help! Darkness cannot exist where Light is!

Your conscious willingness and explicit desire to replace ANY dark corner in your being with Divine Light, is required, to allow your clean up process to be successful! This process of calling upon the Divine Light to abide you, is an ongoing requirement without taking a vacation in between! There is not much time left, dear ones, to stretch this process any longer into some vague future.

You might be one of those who think that they have done it all already, considering themselves to be already of pure light.
Do not deceive your self, dear ones! As long as you still live in the density of this 3dimensional realm, still governed by darker forces,  there are always plenty of occasions where secretly impure impulses can nest themselves into your consciousness without your awareness. Sleeping means that you are not aware of it because you think you have “made it” already. This is however the most dangerous disposition. You must under all circumstances ALWAYS be aware and alert to make sure that your house is always radiant with light and without interference. You must clean yourself from moment to moment. This is the greatest service you can do for your planet, for humanity and also for your own ascension.

All this work is necessary without doubt to make sure that the Divine Light can take hold of you and of every single person in your world that desires ascension.
Dear ones, please consider this your responsibility that you have! Because it is you who has chosen this path yourself, but who might still not remember it or is not aware of it in it’s fullest meaning and requirements.

All we want is, to inspire you to be alert, take full responsibility for yourself, dedicate yourself fullest to this service of your own choice and be one with the great universal process of shifting your beloved planet Earth and yourself as humanity into Divine Realms, where only Light Is.

The totality of Divine Light and Help, Joy and Love Is always present and available to you, even now!

Be at peace! 
Can you BE it – in ANY moment? Choose well!

Our Blessings are with you!
Know, that you are so much loved!

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


My Beloved all,
this is Sananda.

My Radiance is embracing you. My Divine Love is Shining in your heart as I speak to you and commune with each of you. We are of One Heart, there are not many hearts but just One in Which we all participate.
It is so important that you know this and not continue in false believes you have been taught by false teachers in the past and still even now. 

This One Heart we are participating in is the Core of the Universe and will be the Center of New Earth and New Humanity. Please understand that this is a very esoteric matter and has nothing to do with personalities, names, hierarchies, spiritual achievements and the like, but is simply the foundation of all creation of all that is, as Divinity is the Basis of All.

This basis is also a manifestation of Divine Love which is a state of being to which I desire to draw you. It has been said by so many different sources in these days that spiritual completion is based on ascending a ladder, step by step, until you reach the top. But there is in reality much more simplicity about it, as the Ocean of Divinity does not know beginning or end, low or high, bottom or top, as it merely IS. If you still your mind, if you begin to feel that bliss of stillness which then pervades every cell of your body with light, then you have forgotten about ranking and name, meaning and superiority or inferiority. This is all still an appearance in duality.

I want you to understand this because true growth for a human being does not require great elaboration in spirit but humbleness, simplicity.
All true Divine powers are truly yours, given by grace, if you let go striving and struggling for spiritual achievement and merely allow yourself to Be.

There are many simple people among you who are deeply concerned whether they can make it to ascension.
To those I say: it is the language and wisdom of the heart that truly knows. It is a Knowing greater than  sophisticated understanding. And so many of you have  chosen this path of simplicity and the heart.

It is a path of joy from the beginning, of great happiness, of great accomplishment and fulfillment! It is the path of the singularity of  feeling  and it is not less than the path of complexity of mind. 

Nowadays it seems that the path of the mind is supposed to be superior to that of the heart. This is because mankind has lost its connection to its position in the heart, but which governs the being in the first place.
It is not that you should not exercise your mind and especially your higher mind, but the jewel of your heart, your sacred very space of Divinity is the Space which guides you directly to your path to ascension. Radiating from the heart elevates your frequency, and it Is Love and it Is Beauty and it Is Peace and Compassion. It embraces all.

As you always have noticed, I speak from the heart and always have and that is the domain where we always have met. This is not merely a matter of religion or Christianity.
It is the very core of the true human Divinity. Of this I wanted you to remind you.

My Love is always with you!

I Am Sananda

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Beloved earth humans,
We are the Arcturians and we are here to embrace each of you with total love and deepest feeling of joy. We are coming to speak to you with the voice of truth. There are so many misleading messages from the spiritual realms  brought to you and often you do not know which one to follow or which one to believe.

Now we want to ask you to consider: there are different levels of vibrational light. Each message vibrates — and it is not the content on which you are able to recognize whether a message is coming from Divine and Christed Sources, but the frequency, the light quotient, if you like, is it which tells you whether you can trust the source.

Now how to find out about this level of frequency, which vibrates as a communication to you?
We suggest that you always first call upon the Christ, the Consciousness of Christ and the Love of Christ -- or the Divine Source you are trusting the most. Open up to this Light and Vibration. If you call upon it, there is no way that it would not come to you, embrace you, touch you, vibrate  around you,  infill you, if you allow so. And so, once you fully feel this light, it’s characteristic, it’s blessing, it’s love, then you can compare the vibration of a message you are reading. If you feel that this message is compatible with the Christ Energy you know that you can trust.
If a vibration is less, then be careful what you allow to influence you. Know that the lower the frequency the more manipulative the intention behind it, and the more misleading it can be, drawing you into levels of experience you don’t really want to be in, but have allowed to influence you.

Always also know in your heart the pathway you are desiring to walk. Consider deeply whether you are satisfied with astral levels and illusionary mental visions or whether your heart desires the highest light, which ultimately is free of form and content, but pure bliss, love and joy. The highest dimensions are always pure light, pure being and the full feeling of It. And it comes with the Peace and the Silence of Pure Being, so that you can bathe in It.

All worlds are mere transitory states and stages of experience. Full satisfaction of your heart is where the feeling of happiness resides. It is without form and specific content. It merely IS.
We love you so much!

We are the Arcturians

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.