Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Video (recommended)

Dearest friends,

Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach.  Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!
Is my system being that brainwashed with the belief that earth is a spinning globe, that the truth is making me literally sick?

Experience is the key!

Our physical and energy bodies are having without  doubt a symbiotic relationship with our present home Earth and her Divine Spirit Gaia. Of course, otherwise we would not be able to live on Her and to evolve with Her.  
We  are energetically directly connected with her Sacred Being and we are sharing with her the same energetic shape.

The truth is, I feel happy when united with Earth Mother, tacitly knowing She is a sphere. This inner feeling happens in undivided unity consciousness, and I feel it holistically, without engaging the gross thinking mind, while I myself feel whole.

The highest form of a human being is indeed spherical, spherical light, spherical energy. Human beings are spherical beings. And the expression of Ultimate Consciousness is spherical, concerning  form.
When I allow myself to feel this sphere, this sphere of light around my physical body,  then I feel united with the consciousness of Mother Earth, tacitly knowing She is a sphere.

We could not evolve on Earth Mother if She was not able to support that spherical shape. Which means She Herself has a spherical energy field around her. This spherical field of consciousness carries information. Including the information about Her physical shape. And this is what is communicated to me when  I feel Her with my total Being.

Now when I go into the conceptional gross mind of the left brain, disregarding my inner feeling and unity consciousness, separating from the consciousness of Earth Mother, and THINK, this Earth is flat, I start to feel immediately sick, my energy field suffers. All my life currents stop flowing somehow, everything falters and breaks off. This tells me, something is very wrong about that thought!

Therefore I trust the information of my body, gross and subtle, that  Earth is spherical!
Try it yourself!!

Earth Mother does not have to be by all means perfectly spherical. In the worst case She also could look like a wrinkled potato, when we forget the oceans, as some scientist claim. 

The simple fact, that we have to disregard our holistic Feeling of Being and inner knowingness, to limit ourselves, to use the left brain thinking, to follow the up to 200 arguments, measurements and other materials, found on the internet, that allegedly proof that the Earth is flat, is just debilitating. It hurts our energy field.
And my question is here, whether the dark forces want exactly that. They want our confusion, our weakening, they want to disturb and upset our deepest knowing, that is experienced in this whole body feeling energetically.

My own sphere of light is immediately disturbed, when I imagine, Earth is flat. I observe myself even stopping breathing. It is painful.

So because of this experience I cannot agree that Mother Earth is flat! I trust rather my own organism that has a symbiotic relationship to Her, be it the physical body, the plasma body or the light body. Light carries information. And the theory of a flat Earth does not coincide with the information I  get in my light body!

So why has this flat earth theory become such a strong idea recently?  I feel this is because of the wicked-minded ones, who slowly have been brainwashing us with twisted arguments, introducing this  idea of a flat earth. And I feel that even the flat earth logo of the UN is part of  that plan.

What do we really know about these people who are trying to prove that earth is flat with arguments, that never really satisfied my mind, as always heaps of more questions arose. To me it is part of the twisted plan to brainwash us. Yes, although my whole energy system felt violated, I still explored the arguments of a flat earth!

The State of Consciousness

So to me it is ultimately about the question: with what state of consciousness are we looking.  The answer is directly related to this question!

So many beings from different realities are manifesting here, and many want to find the answer by using their left brain only.  And if they do this, for them the earth might  appear to be flat. Because they followed the path of the left brain that uses piecemeal to prove the whole. Flat Earth exists in this case as an image in the brain only, but Earth Mother is not felt whole-bodily! How can truth be discovered that way.

Left brain thinking is there to help us navigate through the details of daily life. But this level of thinking does not serve to answer the great questions of life.

We must approach this consideration holistically, engaging our entire Being, which is Feeling-Awareness, then we KNOW tacitly, that Earth Mother is a sphere!

Using a similar model, approximately 95% of our consciousness is unconscious. But we have access to the 95% subconscious content if we start to unite with our spherical shape that embraces 100% consciousness. It is like entering the Akasha Chronicle in which everything that exists about our planet and its history,  is contained. And this knowledge cannot be accessed by the means of the  left brain. But with the inner faculty of Knowing we tacitly know that Earth Mother has a spherical shape.

Controlling the left Brain

It is exactly the trick of the controllers, to keep us busy in the left brain and therefore in a lower consciousness, to prevent us to evolve! They also seem to instigate the desire for a grandiose self-esteem. Because there is an argument with numerous followers, that the flat earth and earth humans are the center of the  whole universe, while all other spherical planets are  revolving around or above Her, including the Sun. Interesting enough, the spherical shape is being regarded in this context as inferior!

Even if this idea would be correct, I consider the true Greatness of the Human Being not to be dependent on a superior status over against the rest of the universe, but this Greatness is highest Divine Consciousness Itself, the Supreme Divine Substance and Source, that is our true Nature. In It the universe arises. And again, Its shape expresses Itself as a sphere. 

The controllers catch two flies at once: to keep us humans in the left brain and to maim Gaia.

To my inner feeling is this a further trick, with which the dark ones try to prevent Gaia to express Herself as the Perfect Form of Divine Consciousness. This is a very important point in this discussion too.

So why not allow this infinite Consciousness to fully express Itself. Lets not put down Gaia´s existence to a flat, life-less and powerless disc.

If we approach from a higher standpoint our question, then it becomes crystal clear, that a satisfying answer requires the participation of our entire Being, to Feel and to Be completely Happy.
Therefore for me the answer is clear. I follow the way whereby I feel whole and happy. Because Happiness is the Truth of our Being.

After all we cannot answer the claim that Earth is flat with "yes" or "no". The answer can only be found from a higher point of view, that is transcending the consciousness of duality and separation. 

 Thinking vs Being

The linear, conceptual mind is being characterized by fragmentation. One piece after the other is being displayed. But if we desire to discover truth with the entirety of our Being, piecemeal ceases to exist. When we are aware with unity consciousness, all these so called proofs loose their clout.

But with piecemeal proceedings always more and more questions arise: e.g. also with pictures  of  sunsets, that allegedly proof that the sun is not setting, but only moves away from the observer. But to me this appears to be absurd. I cannot find ANY proof in these images, that the sun is merely moving away. It feels like being urged to twist my mind and see things that don't exist. Like the "Emperors New Cloths."

Altogether this material of proof is absurd because they are showing merely limited parts from the overall context , which are to proof the whole. And this is impossible.

We do not need to be grandiose Beings on a flat earth in the center of the universe. We only need to BE. Only BE. Not to be grandiose, and not to be small. Merely to BE.
The Reality of BE-ing is not included in all these researches, that intend to proof that Earth is flat. It does not seem to exist.

We are being diverted from That What We Are: Consciousness and Energy, with a spherical form.  
Therefore we only can answer such critical questions with our evolved  consciousness, which is the Energy of Love. 

And above all: we can answer these questions only united with the Spirit of Gaia Herself! 

With the lower, conceptual mind we never can clarify this dilemma. As if separation from the observer and the observed would be possible. But the answer is in Subjective Awareness, the Awareness of That Which Exists.

And this expresses Itself always as Feeling- Awareness, an Awareness That Is the Essence of our Being. And if it Feels "Round" or Perfect, then it is Right. And if it feels imperfect and painful, then it is wrong. 

This is for me the directive for all situations in life, not only for the "flat earth" consideration. 

Much love and inspiration to us all!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, August 1, 2015



".... Likewise, whenever  the Ecstatic Mood of Free Being Awakens by Means of the Avataric Divine Spiritual Grace  of the Divine Heart-Master, Adi Da Samraj — I suddenly confess the obvious Truth:

I was not born, I cannot die. I did not begin. I will not end. I Am. I Am beyond form and quality and description. I Am. I Am Consciousness. I Am Love-Bliss. I Am smaller than the atom. I Am larger than the universe. I Am. I Am. I Am.

Before anyone came to be, I Am. No one can exist if I Am not. I Am Eternal, I Am Self-Existing, Self-Radiant,  and Self-Manifest. I Am. I Am without pain, disease, impurity, or dilemma. I Am Space Itself, Prior to all motions, Free of all changes. I Am Happiness. I Am. I Am. I Am.

I Am the Unknown and the Unknowable. I Am not an Object of the mind. I Am not names and forms. I Am the  Source of names and forms. I Am the Perfectly Subjective Source of mind and speech. I Am not Found as an Object of experience or knowledge. I Am Found in the "Bright" of  Feeling of  Being (Itself), before attention goes to separate self and objective world. I Am Perfectly Found As the Inherent State of Being, Consciousness, and Love-Bliss-Happiness.  I Am. I Am. I Am."

~~ Adi Da Samraj
(from the 108 verses of the "Ruchira Avatara Gita")

(Updated message)

Dear friends,
today, the day of the Full Moon of Guru Purnima, people celebrate worldwide the principle of the Divine Guru. The meaning of the word GuRu is "the One that leads from darkness to light or liberation."

In today's spiritual understanding of the Western cultures, the principle of the Guru is not understood. 

Why? Because from the mid 80s the controllers of this world, started with misleading spiritual indoctrination of people´s mind, while creating the New Age movement. 
As we know, intentionally misleading messages are based on a mixture of truth and untruth. The untruth, and even if only 5%, can twist  the truth 100%.

The New Age philosophy teaches that we, humanity, are now "grown up", we are our own masters and the ages of the gurus are over.  We can now do it all ourselves. 

Yes, we are expanding our mind, we discover our creativity, we empower ourselves and break away from the shackles of slavery by a mind that is not divinely guided. But we can go only so far. Because still the entire play happens in the realms of mind, gross, subtle and causal.

But the true  Spiritual Path has always been the one that transcends mind.
And to do this, to use a "short-cut" for Divine Self-Realization, we need a helping hand! 

This ancient secret has not changed! It is the Divine Itself that must liberate us. We, the separate ego-mind, cannot liberate ourselves. This does not mean, that we do nothing and just wait for somebody else doing the work. Liberation is based on two wings: Divine Grace and our own discipline of spiritual practice.

Because of false indoctrination, to prevent the Revelation of our True Divine Nature,  it is difficult for many people, as their mind is being confused and without experience of the Great Spiritual Path,  to use heart-discrimination, a discrimination that originates from a clear heart-space. 

Furthermore, it requires actually personal whole bodily EXPERIENCE, not belief or disbelief, that provides  proof of a claimed spiritual truth. In other words, the mind has not the full means for discrimination. We are feeling beings and not thinking beings in the first place. That's the part of our Divinity!

Therefore experience via feeling, - our feeling-awareness and thereby recognition of Divine Consciousness and Divine Love-Bliss - is the measure of Truth. 

We need to overcome our brainwashed judgement,  and become true "scientists". We need to ask the right questions, and explore the world of spirituality via our own experiences, to KNOW whether the myth is true, that we do not need a Divine Guru to truly transcend the mind and thereby this world, to live a True relationship with the Divine Source Condition. 

If we thoroughly and honestly investigate the mind we come to the conclusion, that it cannot transcend itself. We might create the IDEA that we can transcend it, but it still remains a mere idea. And subsequently the Source Condition remains a mere idea.

How do we come to Know IT?  We need the help from beyond and prior to the mind, to Know. Because from the point of view of the separate ego-I, we can never Know! We need that Revelation that Shows us our True Native State, because the nature of the mind is to be a veil before that Truth. Therefore to experience our True Divine State we need to drop the mind. But how can the mind itself drop itself .... It is a vicious circle, as you can see. 

I quoted above these few paragraphs by Adi Da Samraj, because I am a witness of the Truth they describe. They state exactly what I have been Graced to experience, literally, whole bodily and in the Free Love-Bliss-Space, Transmitted by Adi Da Samraj.

I have been searching for this Liberating Truth everywhere. I have met many enlightened beings, between them the most celebrated ones,  embodied and not embodied. I still remained desperate, because what I experienced was always only a part of the proverbial elephant. I never have been shown the whole Truth.

But it was Adi Da Samraj Who transmitted the Perfect and Unspeakable Purity, Radiance and Love-Bliss-Freedom and  Beauty of the Ultimate Source. It is the True Transcendental Spiritual Perfection that cannot be found in any conditional realm, with any kind of subtle form or color, movement, sacred geometry, etc. Because all of these are mind-based, arising WITHIN that Space of Source Condition and are therefore secondary to It. 

Finally my heart was satisfied! I know with all my heart that there is nothing Greater. And I know with all my heart that this is not about a personal  preference for a certain path between many, but that the Truth and Reality of humanity has been Revealed to us now, after the ages of darkness and ignorance.

Adi Da´s Free Gift to all humanity, to  each one of us,  is the Revelation of that Pure Source Condition. 

Do not believe this. You must explore it  for yourself . It is not a matter of a "man" with that name, it is about the Divine Consciousness and Divine Love-Bliss, transmitted by Him and the heart-recognition of That.    

This is the right understanding of the True Guru. The True Guru is the Transmitter of our Divine  Truth and Native State or the Divine Source-Condition. This is not a religion, but Simple Transcendental Spiritual REALITY.

What else does our heart, seeking for Real Truth, desire?

With much love and many blessings,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


VIDEO (recommended)


The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.

However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?

Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?

Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

You know it: Divine Change does not happen from outside in. It happens always from inside out. A change, that happens merely on the surface of outer appearances, and where you remain merely attached to the experience of the five senses, will never bring you lasting satisfaction, just a brief and transient excitement. Because it does not embrace the entirety of the Divine Being that You Are and It’s creative Powers. Such a change does not come forth from the Center of My Divine Heart and Mind.

And so your world would remain mainly the same as it is now, perhaps with some more benign conditions, but which will stay fragile through the course of time.

First your consciousness must radically change at the root of your being, only then radical outer change can happen. I have told you this many times, but it seems that in the heat of the turmoils and of the battle, fought between the dual forces of light and dark, inside of you and outside of you, many of you have forgotten, what causes real and fundamental change. What infuses the outer appearances with the vibration and frequency of Truth.

The lower mind, associated with the five senses, does not  create permanent changes. This mind has short legs. The mind, if it is especially of the 3dimensional matrix in which most of you are still abiding, this mind cannot and will not produce the great shift, you are so much waiting for. Do not forget, my Beloveds, That I Am, Always, under ALL conditions, and that you can Always take refuge in Me and unite with Me, no matter what the circumstances are.

My dearest ones, please remember, that you must change first from your inside and in your heart, followed by the higher mind. You must reunite with Me in order to bring about your Divinely driven heart desires.

Many of you have forgotten Me, even though you seemed to remember Me in recent times. But ever more of you now tend to look at the appearance of things and situations, forgetful of what lies beneath.

My dear ones, please understand, that this is the last temptation especially for those of you who want to work for and to serve the light. Many of you hoped that the great shift would be presented to you via “higher forces” without your very own transformation, a work that each one of you is responsible for. And as you merely waited for the shift, the shift made YOU wait.

The test is here to understand and utilize your own creative powers and to use them wisely and effectively. This is about the awakening of humanity to their native Divinity which is One with the Creator.

This awakening, that brings with it your new Divine World, is the real Shift, the real Change; Your Awakening to your Own Divine Reality, Your God-Self, That Is Me.

Therefore I Bless you to remember Me, to allow Me to emerge in you,  and to stand in the midst of all changes As The One That I Am. 

And fly with the wings of Divine Love, My Beloveds, Divine Love will inspire your True Creations so that your new world becomes truly Divine!

I AM and YOU ARE! There Is Only One, remember! 
And there IS Love everywhere!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
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"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, November 16, 2014


                                                                           THE DIVINE IMAGE ART OF ADI DA SAMRAJ 



Beloved Friends!

Lately I have seen several sources who explain what consciousness is.

I have not seen any description that goes beyond conditionality. They are all brain based descriptions.

Beloved friends, to me this is a sad limitation!  A limitation that neglects the Ultimate Source which is our true and most liberating own Divine Nature and therefore True Consciousness.

We are NOT the brain. Our True Essence is beyond it and prior to it. Yet all descriptions I have seen so far describe consciousness from the point of view of the brain. Beings from higher dimensions do have a brain of their own dimensional creation too, a brain that is pure light filament to function in their specific world.

But originating  not even these great beings from Source Itself, and is not Source also their True Divine Nature and Consciousness, which is prior to any separate form, even if of highest subtlety?

And do we not all – from all dimensions, high or low - participate in that One Source That is God Eternal and Love-Bliss?

This is the Real Divine Consciousness we all have together access  to, if we open up to  this Unconditional Truth. If we purify, if we transcend conditionality,  if we surrender to That Which is Truly Great.

Why not identify with our True Nature, why not assuming this Divine Consciousness to be our True and One Consciousness! The Consciousness of prior Unity.

Brain-based consciousness is a limitation we put on ourselves. It describes dimensional properties, contents, point of views. It examines and is able to navigate creation, yes. But it is still a limitation.

Divine Ultimate Consciousness is our Highest Freedom and Ecstasy, Unlimited, Undivided, All-Including, All Love-Bliss Only. Happiness, Unconditional. Our highest Purity, Beauty and Total Liberation from all bondage.

It Is What We Are and Have Always Been Eternally before our souls were created and we slowly descended into separate brain  consciousness as separate beings, descending more and more into denser dimensions.

Why not assuming, affirming and ultimately identifying with and realizing the Source Itself Which is humanity’s True Nature. Thereby we intuit first and then know It to be our True Consciousness from the Very Beginning, right here still existing in a 3dimensional realm. It is possible! 

Why we don’t pursue our Greatest Treasure now. Why not assume Unconditional Happiness. It is the Only Precious Truth That fulfills Eternally the Heart. Because It Is You.

YOU are not conditional. YOU ARE AN  UNCONDITIONAL DIVINE BEING and CONSCIOUSNESS. There Is Only Light, and Your Are It.

I have been searching for this Wisdom and Truth a life long and met the personified Reality and Proof  of It in the human form of Adi Da Samraj.

I am witness that what He revealed to humanity is an authentic gift: The Revelation of What Humanity Truly Is. He has been always my greatest deeply heart satisfying Inspiration, with the experience of unspeakable Divine Freedom, Heart-Happiness, Purity and an Exquisite Divine Beauty beyond imagination. This is so because He has taught humanity (and all beings in the universe) to be directly in relationship with their Real Source Which is Untouched, Pristine, prior to the brain and the body, prior to all dimensional consciousnesses, realms and existences of creation. And yet in Real Source Creation Is arising, pervaded and surrounded by It.

Yes, it is a mystery and right now we all can perceive this mystery when we start to explore and to know  from the silence of the heart that we do not know what a single thing is. Because all things are Eternity only and not what our mind makes of it in a descriptive way. All these things, including all dimensions and realms are Eternity only, because they are Consciousness. It is the Ultimate Divine Consciousness That Shines through Existence, high or low.

To perceive this Divine Consciousness in Its purest Form we must transcend the point of view of the body-mind and thereby the brain. We Are not the brain, We Are All That Is. And it is Happiness, Freedom, Purity, Love-Bliss. It Is our True Nature. 


This IS our True Home.

Much love, Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2014. All rights reserved.

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Monday, April 14, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!)


In case you are wondering:
I do not “channel” the Zero-Point, I do not just  talk in a kind of philosophical manner about our necessity to BE, because I have read it somewhere.

Rather what I describe here is based on my own experience and life-purpose. And I know that this eternal space is what we all share. That Is what I call the fundamental Oneness and Unity that I feel with you and everything else.

But most of us have forgotten it, entangled in a whirlpool of teachings of the “New Age”, in the belief that they are saving us, and lead to our liberation and to ascension.

Did you ever sense that with each of these teachings, if you apply them,  you enter a new ride in the carousel of illusion of what you think you are?

Especially the New Age teachings are based on the illusion, that we are the body (gross and subtle), that we are the mind. That we are separate beings, whereby also otherworldly and extraterrestrial friends are pictured as separate beings, bodies, only a bit different from us in appearance.

We are informed about what they do and how they look like, and perhaps about the frequency in which they vibrate. But their actual state of Consciousness is never questioned or brought into our awareness. Although it is  Formless Consciousness that makes us One. And it is this very Divine Consciousness that human beings can realize, even here while sitting in the matrix. So we just look at them as if they would be another version of ourselves, but which we consider to be merely a body-mind.

The idea of separation has been implemented in humanity many millenniums ago, and so we are deeply identified with it. But it all has really to do with the fall of our race, which is a fall of Divine Consciousness, and not just brain consciousness.

Even though the New Age  philosophy  is speaking about Oneness, it is not understood, it is not lived, because it is described as an object, whereby it has become a part of duality, imagined by mindful thinking. And so it remains a mere idea.

Unfortunately most people are so deeply entangled with their conceptual mind, that they lost their capability to know and understand, how to detach their very Essence from it. And therefore they tend to confuse their Essence with the vast domain of the mind.

And indeed, the mind is a tricky thing, it is the domain  of mercury that can shape any idea, can take on every form,  including posing as our true Essence. This is so, because mind has the ability to mimic any density, even the most subtle one, so that it becomes transparent to our Essence, but still separates us from It: we still “think” Essence, but we ARE not It.

Our true Essence is not of the realm of ideas, objectified visions, separate from our own Depth of Being. Our own Depth just IS, and always has been, and always will be. We cannot think it, and we cannot apply it. It emerges As Us,  when we  drop all ideas, all roles. When we let go all identifications with actions, goals, achievements and any limitations. When we stop to confine ourselves. When we dare to transcend the threshold of birth and death, and allow ourselves to experience that we are indeed unborn.

This is a  Knowingness, that  is ancient old, it is not new, and it is the unchanging truth of the universe and Us.  It is All, and it is nothing, but it is always  Fullness. It is  Void and  Emptiness, it is Zeropoint and it is all things.
You Are That. And this is what it means merely to BE.

So how do we  uncover our own  Truth? 
First of all we must have the desire to remember It. And we must be willing to die as a finite person, as a somebody, a somebody with importance or no importance. As a somebody with a specific quality, or even a number of qualities. Because  our Essence contains all qualities.

We have to give up the finite in order to relax into Infinite Being-ness. Thereby we are not becoming more, we are becoming the potential of  EVERYTHING. This is the inherent Nature of Humanity. This truth is simple, but not easy to discover, because we must give up, what we falsely believe, sustains us. And what we sustain, is the idea of a separate ego-I, that wants to perpetuate itself.

So the ego-I might go through a phase of depression, because it must give up its status.
Please consider: this status is heavily supported by the New Age teachings. And so we are led astray from arriving at our true Home, but adding countless rounds of useless experiences. Useless, because we don’t really need them. They are only there for our entertainment. But without knowing our true Essence, entertainment always becomes suffering in the end.

However, bewitched by the shine of some objects, - status, roles, appearance, goals, acquisition, possessions, accumulation of brain-knowledge, - seemingly out there, things we have projected outside of ourselves, by a separating and self-confining act:  we blindly fall for the presumed “easy”  and self-glorifying way of “becoming”. And so we neglect our already  Being-ness, our true Essence, to Which we add numberless things, spiritual or not, in the hope for ultimate fulfillment.

Dear friends, we ARE always already Full. All the artificial fill-ins belong to the realm of illusion, and they catapult us each time further away from where our deepest heart wants truly to BE. Because each time we go into the opposite direction of our inherent heart desire. And it is the heart desire of each one us us, beloveds, because it is the call of our Essence that beckons us always back to our Home from where we came.

It is our Essence as which we cannot be controlled, because it has no grip and handle to hold onto. The reality of the false light does not exist there. Therefore all problems vanish, all suffering turns into nothingness and Happiness, and opens up into the endless  possibilities of all that is Divinely arising. From then on it is our Divinity that  chooses. Until then only our suffering and separate ego-I chooses limitation.

As long as the mind thinks salvation, we are fooling ourselves, probably without knowing it. And so, with our best intentions and hopes, we fall into the trap again and again. It is our great teacher to learn discrimination. And so humanity can truly grow, when we start to recognize and understand  the nature of the trap, after lifetimes of (unnecessary) suffering, to surrender to What We Are. 

Now the Grace is here, to choose with wisdom.

May we all be Blessed!
In lak’ech,

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