Tuesday, May 11, 2021


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My Beloveds,

There is only The REAL, One Reality, It Is Radiant, It Is Divine Consciousness, It Is Love, It Is Bliss.

It Is All-Pervading, yet It Is the Only Absolute. It Is unknown. How can It Be Known, as It Is uncomprehensible to the mind.

That Is, what is prior to mind cannot be understood. I AM THAT. And It Is your Only and True Inherent Nature.

The mind is all there is to think and know. All worlds, all universes, your body, all beings, good and bad, from the tiniest to the largest.

All that is a matter of mind, all your emotions, all your passions, your hopes your engagements, activities, your despairs,  all your knowledge, even the most comprehensive and sophisticated. All psychic phenomena, dimensions, lights, colors, beautiful things, awesome experiences, the beauty of mother earth and her plants and animals – is in the realm of mind.

I Am not touched by any of these varieties of creation. It all is happening within Me, but I am Radiant, Splendid, Formless and without Content.

Working on yourself for more sublimity is working on your limited self, on your body-mind. Do not confuse such activities and apparent spiritual experiences, as exciting and inspiring as they might appear, with My spotless Radiance. I Am Truth Alone.

All other things come and go. I do not come and I do not go.

I Am Present, Always, no time no space. They arising in Me.

You must transcend all your worlds, low or high, to find Me, Your True Nature. How do you transcend them? Can you transcend your mind? 

Try! You might enter more and more subtle chambers of experience, of light, of beauty, of presumed love, but it is all of changing nature. You cannot hold on to any of it. It dissappears constantly from your awareness, because this is the nature of mind: constantly changing, shape changing, content changing. 

It Is not Me. It Is not Your True Undying Nature of Eternal Love-Bliss Who Is Always Present, regardless whatever happens in your world. All of it goes on and on and on, positive, negative, joyful, painful, dark and light. But I Am Always Present. Always. Unchanging. My Light is above all cosmic lights. I Am un-Attainable

You cannot reach Me, you cannot think Me. What is limited cannot know the Unlimited. So I Am The One Revealing Myself to you when you are ready!

Your Inner world must wordless open up into the Truly Unknown, not holding on to the known. Because I cannot Be Known. Nobody Knows Me. Only no-body can know Me.  But I Reveal Myself to You when you are, surrendered with love, your inner rooms transparent with purity, inspired with luminosity and with visions of My Magnificence to receive Me. When your inner Eye is willing to end the shutting down of Real Truth, when your heart is not limited any longer to its familiar visions that are shared as usual spirituality between humanity and that is considered to be The Real.

I Am no-thing of these things at all. You must go beyond it all, it all, into the fully unknown, knowing that you do not know that you cannot know. It is about allowing the carpet to be pulled away underneath your feet. I must be Worth your life, you must be willing to give it to Me, because it is mortal.

I Am Immortal. Your True Nature Is Immortal. Bondage to the perishable must be cut off. All that rubbish you waste your life-time with, day and night, all that non-sense you try to make sense of, must be left behind to clear your system of body-mind, including all that spiritual non-sense, that enlarges your body-mind based ego-phantasies.

In the beginning it might appear to you that life would become joyless and boring, by letting go all this unnecessary jumble.

But I unscrew you from the matrices of creations and soon you will know with amazement, that your life has been put downside up! What appeared to be so important, is suddenly being recognized as trash, and instead Truth becomes more and more obvious. In the Face of Truth your heart is full and everything looses its impact, its attractiveness, seeming fulfillment. It is no more.

In the end once precious things have become pale and disappear in My Eternal Light, In My Love, in My Bliss. You came to the understanding, that there is no real bliss in things, others and worlds. There is no real bliss in your body, in your mind, not even in the subtle mind-objects, these visions, these acrobatic exercises of the mind to understand and explain what you otherwise made you excited about higher dimensions.

I Am in no dimension and I am not limited by any dimension or frequency. I Am Absolute Happiness, The Real, Above it all, I Am Free – and you could be too.

If your heart is truly longing for Me, then there will be Grace, the Grace of Revealing Myself to you.

That Is: You Come Home, to Your True Home.

No longer lost in bewitched illusions of good and bad. Of decaying and becoming.

I Am. And once you tasted only a jota of Me you will understand the world and never leave Me again, because I Am the One Revealing Myself to you, on and on and on. 

So that you become Real. Your Real Nature, free of all worlds. Only Happiness. Consciousness. The Power and Force of Transcendental Being. 

I Am Your God-Self, The Divine Self of all Worlds and Beings!


Message conveyed by Ute 



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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
 Replenish your prenatal life-energy!
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



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My dear friends,

it is more helpful to face truth rather than loose oneself in illusions. Truth makes us strong, the latter weak.

Therefore I decided to publish my insights, visions and higher understanding about the things to come.

I always have found: only truth sets us free! Because of its strong, spotless and radiant frequency that allows all energy currents to freely flow.

There will be no perfect peace on earth anytime soon. Too many people, whether consciously or unconsciously, still support the old world and its crimes because they lack the capability to think independently, spiritual awareness and discernment. 

Basically, this chaotic world, supported by a huge lie,  is a result or product of those who believe in it and are addicted to the hocus-pocus of the media. They are the ones who create what the mainstream media dictate.  The dark ones take advantage of this. And they don't intend to ever give up their plans to destroy humanity. They will continue to fight. But the foundation of their own energy and information in this realm has already crumbled before 2012. 

To many it is becoming more and more obvious that the whole process is about evolving consciousness.

It is claimed by various sources that we are on the verge of a positive change, but this is nice, wishful thinking. We will have to wait a bit longer for its true fulfillment. Everything depends on those who would still awaken to the true situation in this realm.

 In other words, it depends on how many will continue supporting the old prison matrix.  But the awakening on a grand scale seems to be rather unlikely, because the supporters of this ailing world are justifying it by all means. They seem to lack - what I call - the "truth-gene". It is easy to observe that a majority of people prefers to be lied to and to be deceived, rather than claiming their own sovereignty and independence from outer authorities.

The quality of Unconditional Love will touch only those who are ready for it. Love does not simply overcome those who have resisted it until now. It requires an inner developmental process and human growth.  The diamond does not appear in a few days. Therefore, the time of collective Love has not yet come. Unless those who resist it would leave earth. Love is something that everyone must choose for themselves. The Power of Love does not just suddenly manifest without those who can receive it.
One must understand the law of cosmic and also of karmic processes.

At present there are many spiritual trends, and all of them appear as true from their personal point of view, because they create and attract into their lives phenomena that correspond to their ideas. Everyone lives in their personal universe that seems to prove its truth by itself. But beyond that, there is a collective reality in which everyone on this planet participates. 

The wishful ideas that are approved at most, will determine perhaps the energy of the day or of a certain sequence of time. Therefore, the personal experience can be far different from the determination of earth. 

But this does not mean that it prevents inevitable collective karma, which is nothing else but the present state of consciousness and belief-patterns of the majority that have become manifest and are the results of mankind's dark activities in the last centuries and milleniums that repeat themselves in these times.

All of this belongs to the old timeline. Who is on the new timeline, which is free of deceit and darkness, is being carried by it and must see to it to hold on to it with heart and mind in the midst of the increasing madness and chaos of the old world. They are the ones who are manifesting islands of light, love and truth. It is not possible to enter these islands with mere wishful thinking. It must be truly earned by renouncing the old world in the way of living in it, but not being of it. 

Some esoterics say that karma  is only an invention of the dark forces. However, these esoterics have become victims of the suggestions of these powers for their part. There is no arbitrary cosmos. Without Divine order nothing can grow and prosper. Mind creates matter. And we grow the more we understand this.

Decisive learning steps are possible for the vast majority only by overcoming obstacles and the realization that comes with it. That is the nature of life in this earth-realm.

Many follow those who offer convenient and comforting prophecies that create a false hope of not having to be responsible for one's own actions. Humanity has become lax and has lost its power and straightness. Remember the tests in ancient civilizations a young person had to pass to become an adult. We don't have these tests anymore. Children and young people are left to arbitrariness. Or parents overload their children by treating them as adults.

In this godless time, everyone is riding on the track of their own separate, personal, and thus limited, imagination, with no need for Dharma, for Divine Alignment and Divine Law. Even those people who call themselves spiritual. But Divine Law or Dharma is always supra-personal and requires the surrender of the limited personal will to the Divine Will and Law, i.e. the Divine Impulse in the Higher Heart of man, which lives the Unity of all life. And what is Dharma? The Dharma of fire is to burn. The Dharma of air is to blow. It speaks of the inherent rightness of all Divine Creation.

This realm serves the growth of consciousness and is a touchstone to see if man wants to turn to the Divine, to develop and fulfill his/her Divine potential. And this will not change. The die is cast so far, in regard to a person's choice: For Love, Evolution, Joy, Living Life and the Divine, – or the opposite.

However for this dark place applies: Whoever decides for the Divine, must expect great obstacles. That is, only strong people are capable of moving towards and living in a New World. Only they are able to integrate the higher frequencies that are flowing into this realm. Higher frequency always comes with higher consciousness. And thus, once again, it becomes clear that this challenging time is for the development of human consciousness.

Therefore, everything will not suddenly become "good", as some esoterics proclaim. This is wishful thinking and is based on illusion, since the cosmic processes, which serve the development of consciousness, are disregarded. Moreover, this would deprive many of the opportunity for true growth.

Will the dark Ones now be allowed to rage on to fully eliminate the yet immature part of humanity? Will it be allowed that human souls will be destroyed against their will, perhaps e.g. by forced genetic vaccinations?

It will not happen that way. The destruction will happen through purifying earth cataclysms. These are to be considered as mercy. They did already slowly begun. There are more and more reports about waters disappearing in some places and appearing somewhere else.

Not by human or superhuman efforts, but only by the power of earth changes the evil forces can be removed from this earth completely, as they are so profoundly ingrained in this realm's existence. Death through these earth changes will people allow to keep their souls and continue a blessed evolutionary process on other planets. See also the message „My Conversation with Gaia on 21.12.2011“

In this respect, all is well when we consider the Great Divine Cycles and their Wisdom.

But there is also still a greater intuitive vision to which we can connect in every moment: The Absolute Divine Consciousness, which Remains Always The Same, and in which all beings and all worlds and all evolutionary and involutionary processes arise and pass away. It Is our True primordial Divine Nature of Love-Bliss and Exists always as our True and strongest Force of Life.

May you choose wisely!

With love and blessings,




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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Saturday, March 20, 2021


VIDEO (recommended)

Dear Ones,

you might in this time of uncertainty and chaos fight for your rights that are being increasingly denied to you.

You might stand in the first row to be seen and to be a leader to teach people how to manifest their desired goals.

You might be famous and your wisdom might be known in many nations.

But if you do not radiate shere primordial Divine Love, that is unconditional in nature, the world will not fundamentally change by your efforts.

Mere will to change the world will only move the figures on the checker board, but it will not change and replace the checker board itself. Therefore, it is not sufficient.

This unique and very special time requires the presence of the highest quality of Love, a Love that cannot be divided, as there is only One Real Love in as much there is only One Real God.

It is about awakening to this Love that Is Unity with God to begin with, without separation. It does not ask to be united with Him, It Is Him.

Love is not a thought, It is not an effort, not even by your higher will, It Is a mere Presence, that is untouched by things and worlds and desires. It is untouched even by a good-hearted one with best intentions, as Primordial Love Is the unqualified Presence of Divine Truth.

When this Truth would overshine the world in all its present misery that you experience right now all conflicts would subside in a moment.

There is not a single one of your usual actions in and of themselves that would ever change the world into a radical new creation. But it is a radical new creation that necessarily has to begin NOW.

It is the Being State of unqualified Love in which every and any conflict in your world would dissolve.

Because True Love is without intent. It just IS as also God IS.

It is pure and pristine peace and the ceasing of all burning desires , destructive passions, greed and any sense of separation.

The chaotic world would stop in its Presence and relax into a mood of serenity, ease and happiness.

My dearest Ones, it is paramount now to locate this subtle Presence of beauty and tenderness in your very heart to locate and cultivate It, to pray for it, to spread It, to radiate It, to surrrender to It, to Be Love.

It is not senti-mental, because you cannot think it! It is far beyond thought and untouched by thought. You can only Feel It, by forgeting your thoughts.

Its Substance elevates and unlocks the heart, so that the fake world that is hanging around in slanted hinges can leave the wrong coordinates within which a Divine World and Real Love never can arise.

You must find the Place of True Love in Its Own Domain with your heart, because you cannot create It, you must discover and participate in It because It Existed before you have been.

Do not say: ' Oh, today I will be loving to my friends' – although it is a very good decision to do so.

Rather it is about leaving your worldy view of desiring and intending to change things around, and to enter self-forgetful this Loka of Love in all Its subtlety, tenderness and beauty, whole heartedly and whole bodily.

If you would do this, no other force could survive that is doing wrong to life. All stressful actions would cease to be and evil intentions and situations would loose the power and foundation to exist.

You all could do it together, all mankind. You do not need to gather physically to strengthen your power of intent – although these movements coul be helpful too. You just would need to join together in consciousness and enter the Presence of tender Godly Love, whoever and whereever you are. Because everything is everywhere connected.

It is this force-field to become conscious of, entering It collectively, that has the greatest power in the universe.

It is the Ocean in whose Waters ultimately everything dissolves, returning to its Source. Like in the Love of God only Light remains.

Its Power would awaken even the so called dead, if not they will truly die. In these days only True Love will keep you alive.

Therefore mankind must participate in It to be happy, as your old world falls apart for good, because it is mortal and only just now changes its shape.

To participate in Love does not need time and space, it is your greatest power. It is your protection and your joy in the midst of a world that has heen devoted to death.

But Divine Love IS Alive. It will safe you and a new Divine world to come.

I AM Archangel Chamuel

Message conveyed by Ute




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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Saturday, March 6, 2021


VIDEO (recommended)



This time of limitations and deprivations is not for your discouragement.

You must understand that there IS war between the holy and the unholy, a war that is, from a higher perspective, a Divine Gift to test your courage and your higher will for victory over an unholy world.

The dark and its force is being now shown to you like never before in all its depths and widths, so that you may acknowledge its existence not only in the world but also in the hidden of your own being.

Beloveds, it challenges every single one of you to face the sleeping giants in your subconsiousness. Because everything is dark where no light shines, what you are not conscious of, what you are hiding.

Even though you might discover destructive forces in your own being because you have not been forgiven nor have you forgiven others, also the God-Consciousness is a still dark force in many hidden in the shadows of your subconscious, waiting to be remembered as your true and real identity, so that I May Radiate and Shine, rising into  open revelation.

My Beloveds, I AM Always. I Am the Foundation of your existence, whether you are aware of Me or not. But I remain a dark current below your conscious awareness as long as you do not acknowledge My Existence.

What Is God and What Is You in your most fundamental beingness, Is Love We Share Equally, when I am arising from above to down in your heart. Because you are My Face and I Am your Existence.

My Force that you bring to all beings and the world is like a rock you throw into the waters of life that expands in concentric rings. It is the Force that stops evil intentions and deeds: „so far and no further“ is its message and effect.

You are no victims, Beloveds. So do not shrink. This time requires of you to expand and take your stand before the enemy by discovering your Humanness, your Courage, your Divine Trust and the Power of Love. It allows you to do what needs to be done under any circumstance. 

This time challenges you to finally give birth to your innate divine heroism, your invincibility. There is in fact no difficulty you cannot solve with perseverance and higher will and with My Blessings.  All these are your god-given virtues, use them, Beloveds. And miracles will occur.

The war requires you to collect all your hidden treasures now and finally to live them, to gift them to the world. Do not hold back. You all who listen to Me need helping to turn the destiny of mankind. Mankind needs to awaken from the deep, unconscious dream that veils the Truth.

Your deeds will inspire the weak and open their eyes to find their own strength. Show what human beings are about who live in God Consciousness, who know that God Is Alive and is always Victorious, Always Working through you when you consent to Be My Instrument of Love.

This time is the gift to humanity to discover that you are Divine. That you have Divine Powers to work with others to establish again the light on earth. In this light the shadow-world will vanish without fail. Because they have no foundation, they live on stolen Divine Powers possessing nothing on their own.

They only would win if you do not maintain your truth and heart-power, having given away your integrity and divine sovereignty. But how would you ever submit to the unholy!? Would you!?

Remember who you are by remembering Me. This battle you must win first in your heart. The heart is invincible. Nothing and nobody has power over Me, so why then would you feel hopeless. If you feel hopeless your are God-less. You have forgotten that I Exist as your very Substance.

My Power is yours if you only would claim your REAL humaness. It belongs to the Ones Who Are Inspired and heart-driven by Me, now and now, in full possession of your Divine Gifts.


the Self of all beings and worlds!

 Conveyed by Ute



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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2021. All rights reserved.


Please donate and subscribe on a monthly basis 
To support my work. Thank you! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Video (recommended)

My Dear Friends,

you might have asked yourselves how to serve best in this chaotic time of changes,  when the whole world is in chaos and turmoil. All depends on why you are truly here. Find out for yourselves.


Part 1.

This whole scenario is held in the cosmic mind. It is the manifestation of it. It is in this context the fulfillment of its destiny. Dark forces have overthrown what started originally benevolently from the mind of God. That is to say: the God you call Creator God. And then many followed the new leaders.

But I Am Ultimate Consciousness and I Am the Source of all Creators and creations, all varieties of them.

If you look for a solution how to transcend all dilemmas: withdraw your attention from creations, and transcend even attention which is the „cause“ of all in Me.

Thereby you go beyond the total theatre of that which exists in the conditional realms.

Otherwise you will suffer all its natural ups and downs.

You – understandably – search for ups only. But if you search for ups, the downs will follow enevitably.

If you have come to here to serve the ups, well, that's fine. But it offers no ultimate solution. It is just on of the two constantly alternating possibilities.

How then do you serve best in these chaotic times?

You might ask yourselves: Do you want to serve the Ultimate or do you want to serve illusions?

This lifetime offers you perhaps the opportunity to exit the endless fields of experience in which many of you served the path of those beings in the multiverse who wanted to grow.

Perhaps you are tired, my Beloveds! 

And your restlessness could come to an end in this lifetime.

That's why many of you are here. To make a choice, to listen deep to your heart, whether you are to continue your ancient old path of conditional service or follow this time the path of liberation and ultimate service!

This opportunity could be given to you through this incarnation even on this fiery realm of earth. Please understand! The human body and psychic dispositon contains all cosmic and Divine information. Therefore perfect liberation is possible here. And what in higher realms takes often many life cycles can be done on earth in  relatively short time.

With your many experiences in the universe I have Shown you not only all the wonders but also  the ultimately  futility of cosmic existence. Did you not notice this! I showed you the darker side of the universe, to take your illusions away.

But when you experience the positive side of the coin, you seem to attach yourselves again to the cosmic illusion.

If your Heart is hearing now My Call, it means I call you back to Me!

This is not a denial of life or a denial of creation! It is about the Ultimate Fulfillment in Me, the greatest sacrifice and the greatest Realization a human being is able to attain. It is in fact the greatest service to all, as you serve thereby the highest Realization and Freedom of everybody and everything else. It is the secret of the morphogenetic field.

Discover your True Nature! Your True State!

And you will let go what is still binding you!

And even if your bondage is to universal matters, it is still bondage!

I Am beyond and prior.

What do you truly desire!?
Do not consider Me as Something unattainable and far away. Do not confine your intuition and deeper knowingness about the Truth of Me and do not deny your innate Connection with Me as your own Ultimate Truth. 

The hardest is to break up the subtle skin around the sphere of cosmic consciousness that holds you tight to it.

Even this must be surrendered into the Pure and Radiant Freedom that I Am beyond it all.

You might be working to refine your body-mind. But it would be better to explore all its details with which you are identified to transcend them.

Follow my Attractive Mystery to be able to transcend.

And the truly unlimited feeling of your heart will guide you towards your Freedom in Me.  Then I Am The One to Free you.


Part 2

The important question you have to ask yourself is, whether you search for the bright side of the coin: a Golden Age, or do you desire to transcend the whole coin, because after a Golden Age for sure, a Dark Age will arise again!

Even your ancient scriptures proclaim: the celebration of the gods in the higher heavens don't last forever. One day their flower garlands wither and their happy days vanish, to be again reborn in the lower worlds.

Therefore, only to go beyond all worlds, will grant you Eternal Happiness.

All the universal worlds are just metaphers for the states of mind. The mind has many chambers. But I Alone Am the Only Whitest Freedom from the realms of mind.

You Are not mind. You are Infinite Resplendent Consciousness. The Substance of all worlds and universes. That is your True and Eternal Inheritance when you transcend your body-mind and thereby all universes.

Remember: Was your inherent impulse, before your incarnation here, the quest for stepping out of the endless turns and cycles of the universal play? Then you have been granted to be shown the exit door from these playgrounds. And you have been confronted with both: the ugly and the beautiful in its extremes.

Now these present times of ultimate conflict and dilemma should wake you up again to remember why you truly are here.

Or do you want to wait for better times again?

So no longer ask: Who Am I?

But ask: What came I here for?

If you give Me your body-mind, I will make sure you survive as Mine. You will not perish.

I Am your God-Self, the Eternal Self of all Worlds and Universe!

Message conveyed by Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
© 2021. All rights reserved.


Please donate and subscribe on a monthly basis 
To support my work. Thank you! 
 Replenish your prenatal life-energy! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
❇❇❇  ❇❇❇  ❇❇❇   ❇❇❇  ❇❇❇   

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria