Monday, April 14, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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In case you are wondering:
I do not “channel” the Zero-Point, I do not just  talk in a kind of philosophical manner about our necessity to BE, because I have read it somewhere.

Rather what I describe here is based on my own experience and life-purpose. And I know that this eternal space is what we all share. That Is what I call the fundamental Oneness and Unity that I feel with you and everything else.

But most of us have forgotten it, entangled in a whirlpool of teachings of the “New Age”, in the belief that they are saving us, and lead to our liberation and to ascension.

Did you ever sense that with each of these teachings, if you apply them,  you enter a new ride in the carousel of illusion of what you think you are?

Especially the New Age teachings are based on the illusion, that we are the body (gross and subtle), that we are the mind. That we are separate beings, whereby also otherworldly and extraterrestrial friends are pictured as separate beings, bodies, only a bit different from us in appearance.

We are informed about what they do and how they look like, and perhaps about the frequency in which they vibrate. But their actual state of Consciousness is never questioned or brought into our awareness. Although it is  Formless Consciousness that makes us One. And it is this very Divine Consciousness that human beings can realize, even here while sitting in the matrix. So we just look at them as if they would be another version of ourselves, but which we consider to be merely a body-mind.

The idea of separation has been implemented in humanity many millenniums ago, and so we are deeply identified with it. But it all has really to do with the fall of our race, which is a fall of Divine Consciousness, and not just brain consciousness.

Even though the New Age  philosophy  is speaking about Oneness, it is not understood, it is not lived, because it is described as an object, whereby it has become a part of duality, imagined by mindful thinking. And so it remains a mere idea.

Unfortunately most people are so deeply entangled with their conceptual mind, that they lost their capability to know and understand, how to detach their very Essence from it. And therefore they tend to confuse their Essence with the vast domain of the mind.

And indeed, the mind is a tricky thing, it is the domain  of mercury that can shape any idea, can take on every form,  including posing as our true Essence. This is so, because mind has the ability to mimic any density, even the most subtle one, so that it becomes transparent to our Essence, but still separates us from It: we still “think” Essence, but we ARE not It.

Our true Essence is not of the realm of ideas, objectified visions, separate from our own Depth of Being. Our own Depth just IS, and always has been, and always will be. We cannot think it, and we cannot apply it. It emerges As Us,  when we  drop all ideas, all roles. When we let go all identifications with actions, goals, achievements and any limitations. When we stop to confine ourselves. When we dare to transcend the threshold of birth and death, and allow ourselves to experience that we are indeed unborn.

This is a  Knowingness, that  is ancient old, it is not new, and it is the unchanging truth of the universe and Us.  It is All, and it is nothing, but it is always  Fullness. It is  Void and  Emptiness, it is Zeropoint and it is all things.
You Are That. And this is what it means merely to BE.

So how do we  uncover our own  Truth? 
First of all we must have the desire to remember It. And we must be willing to die as a finite person, as a somebody, a somebody with importance or no importance. As a somebody with a specific quality, or even a number of qualities. Because  our Essence contains all qualities.

We have to give up the finite in order to relax into Infinite Being-ness. Thereby we are not becoming more, we are becoming the potential of  EVERYTHING. This is the inherent Nature of Humanity. This truth is simple, but not easy to discover, because we must give up, what we falsely believe, sustains us. And what we sustain, is the idea of a separate ego-I, that wants to perpetuate itself.

So the ego-I might go through a phase of depression, because it must give up its status.
Please consider: this status is heavily supported by the New Age teachings. And so we are led astray from arriving at our true Home, but adding countless rounds of useless experiences. Useless, because we don’t really need them. They are only there for our entertainment. But without knowing our true Essence, entertainment always becomes suffering in the end.

However, bewitched by the shine of some objects, - status, roles, appearance, goals, acquisition, possessions, accumulation of brain-knowledge, - seemingly out there, things we have projected outside of ourselves, by a separating and self-confining act:  we blindly fall for the presumed “easy”  and self-glorifying way of “becoming”. And so we neglect our already  Being-ness, our true Essence, to Which we add numberless things, spiritual or not, in the hope for ultimate fulfillment.

Dear friends, we ARE always already Full. All the artificial fill-ins belong to the realm of illusion, and they catapult us each time further away from where our deepest heart wants truly to BE. Because each time we go into the opposite direction of our inherent heart desire. And it is the heart desire of each one us us, beloveds, because it is the call of our Essence that beckons us always back to our Home from where we came.

It is our Essence as which we cannot be controlled, because it has no grip and handle to hold onto. The reality of the false light does not exist there. Therefore all problems vanish, all suffering turns into nothingness and Happiness, and opens up into the endless  possibilities of all that is Divinely arising. From then on it is our Divinity that  chooses. Until then only our suffering and separate ego-I chooses limitation.

As long as the mind thinks salvation, we are fooling ourselves, probably without knowing it. And so, with our best intentions and hopes, we fall into the trap again and again. It is our great teacher to learn discrimination. And so humanity can truly grow, when we start to recognize and understand  the nature of the trap, after lifetimes of (unnecessary) suffering, to surrender to What We Are. 

Now the Grace is here, to choose with wisdom.

May we all be Blessed!
In lak’ech,

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