Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!)


In case you are wondering:
I do not “channel” the Zero-Point, I do not just  talk in a kind of philosophical manner about our necessity to BE, because I have read it somewhere.

Rather what I describe here is based on my own experience and life-purpose. And I know that this eternal space is what we all share. That Is what I call the fundamental Oneness and Unity that I feel with you and everything else.

But most of us have forgotten it, entangled in a whirlpool of teachings of the “New Age”, in the belief that they are saving us, and lead to our liberation and to ascension.

Did you ever sense that with each of these teachings, if you apply them,  you enter a new ride in the carousel of illusion of what you think you are?

Especially the New Age teachings are based on the illusion, that we are the body (gross and subtle), that we are the mind. That we are separate beings, whereby also otherworldly and extraterrestrial friends are pictured as separate beings, bodies, only a bit different from us in appearance.

We are informed about what they do and how they look like, and perhaps about the frequency in which they vibrate. But their actual state of Consciousness is never questioned or brought into our awareness. Although it is  Formless Consciousness that makes us One. And it is this very Divine Consciousness that human beings can realize, even here while sitting in the matrix. So we just look at them as if they would be another version of ourselves, but which we consider to be merely a body-mind.

The idea of separation has been implemented in humanity many millenniums ago, and so we are deeply identified with it. But it all has really to do with the fall of our race, which is a fall of Divine Consciousness, and not just brain consciousness.

Even though the New Age  philosophy  is speaking about Oneness, it is not understood, it is not lived, because it is described as an object, whereby it has become a part of duality, imagined by mindful thinking. And so it remains a mere idea.

Unfortunately most people are so deeply entangled with their conceptual mind, that they lost their capability to know and understand, how to detach their very Essence from it. And therefore they tend to confuse their Essence with the vast domain of the mind.

And indeed, the mind is a tricky thing, it is the domain  of mercury that can shape any idea, can take on every form,  including posing as our true Essence. This is so, because mind has the ability to mimic any density, even the most subtle one, so that it becomes transparent to our Essence, but still separates us from It: we still “think” Essence, but we ARE not It.

Our true Essence is not of the realm of ideas, objectified visions, separate from our own Depth of Being. Our own Depth just IS, and always has been, and always will be. We cannot think it, and we cannot apply it. It emerges As Us,  when we  drop all ideas, all roles. When we let go all identifications with actions, goals, achievements and any limitations. When we stop to confine ourselves. When we dare to transcend the threshold of birth and death, and allow ourselves to experience that we are indeed unborn.

This is a  Knowingness, that  is ancient old, it is not new, and it is the unchanging truth of the universe and Us.  It is All, and it is nothing, but it is always  Fullness. It is  Void and  Emptiness, it is Zeropoint and it is all things.
You Are That. And this is what it means merely to BE.

So how do we  uncover our own  Truth? 
First of all we must have the desire to remember It. And we must be willing to die as a finite person, as a somebody, a somebody with importance or no importance. As a somebody with a specific quality, or even a number of qualities. Because  our Essence contains all qualities.

We have to give up the finite in order to relax into Infinite Being-ness. Thereby we are not becoming more, we are becoming the potential of  EVERYTHING. This is the inherent Nature of Humanity. This truth is simple, but not easy to discover, because we must give up, what we falsely believe, sustains us. And what we sustain, is the idea of a separate ego-I, that wants to perpetuate itself.

So the ego-I might go through a phase of depression, because it must give up its status.
Please consider: this status is heavily supported by the New Age teachings. And so we are led astray from arriving at our true Home, but adding countless rounds of useless experiences. Useless, because we don’t really need them. They are only there for our entertainment. But without knowing our true Essence, entertainment always becomes suffering in the end.

However, bewitched by the shine of some objects, - status, roles, appearance, goals, acquisition, possessions, accumulation of brain-knowledge, - seemingly out there, things we have projected outside of ourselves, by a separating and self-confining act:  we blindly fall for the presumed “easy”  and self-glorifying way of “becoming”. And so we neglect our already  Being-ness, our true Essence, to Which we add numberless things, spiritual or not, in the hope for ultimate fulfillment.

Dear friends, we ARE always already Full. All the artificial fill-ins belong to the realm of illusion, and they catapult us each time further away from where our deepest heart wants truly to BE. Because each time we go into the opposite direction of our inherent heart desire. And it is the heart desire of each one us us, beloveds, because it is the call of our Essence that beckons us always back to our Home from where we came.

It is our Essence as which we cannot be controlled, because it has no grip and handle to hold onto. The reality of the false light does not exist there. Therefore all problems vanish, all suffering turns into nothingness and Happiness, and opens up into the endless  possibilities of all that is Divinely arising. From then on it is our Divinity that  chooses. Until then only our suffering and separate ego-I chooses limitation.

As long as the mind thinks salvation, we are fooling ourselves, probably without knowing it. And so, with our best intentions and hopes, we fall into the trap again and again. It is our great teacher to learn discrimination. And so humanity can truly grow, when we start to recognize and understand  the nature of the trap, after lifetimes of (unnecessary) suffering, to surrender to What We Are. 

Now the Grace is here, to choose with wisdom.

May we all be Blessed!
In lak’ech,

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Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, May 11, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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VIDEO (recommended!)

Dearest friends!

We can observe a phenomenon in the New Age community that wants to draw us into a chasing for things, thoughts, energies, portals, a hunting for perfection and personal ‘greatness’. 

But is it just me, feeling that all of this is missing the mark?
 As if things could be added to what we ARE since Eternity.

Techniques here, and techniques there are offered to us all over the place. They are all additions to Something That Is already Full. If we Are in this Fullness, techniques are not required to live the life that reflects what we Are. 

Then why not feel into this Fullness first and let It Be the solid Ground to stand on from where all things unfold!

Just the opposite is the case: the more we deal with techniques, the more we lose our Being-ness, our Real Substance.
It means putting the cart before the horse!

That’s why the proverbial “mark” that we are missing here is the Being-ness, the “To-Be”, in the midst of all of it. Not a Being-ness as a phrase, an idea, but as the felt and lived Substance of our Being. The Primal Ground in which all the phenomena come and go.

There is an attempt  to seduce us into a hype, a hysteria, a rushing, a feverish hoping and looking for signs of an altered world. Is It?  Or is it not? And then all the frustrations.

To me it is exactly where the controllers want us to be. It is all mind, all being in the head, all separative and separating activities, offered in the New Age marketplace. After all: is the New Age movement not an invention by the controllers, to distract us from the Real?

What the Ancient have taught us, is still True and Real, this ancient and eternal wisdom of  Human Divinity. But the controllers have dropped the notion into our awareness that these teachings, these demonstrations of True Enlightenment and how to Realize It, are now not up to date anymore. We don’t need it anymore. 

Very clever manipulation. Because it holds us captive in our egoity.

Yet when we only look with all our senses open at these Ancient Ones, we are changed forever in an instant by the Recognition and Knowing the Truth they have lived and Which they are still emanating with a Heart-Power, that is far, far beyond and above ALL the New Age market tries to sell us. Should this not open our eyes?

Because what the controllers are doing is to control the mind of Millions of seekers with a pseudo-spiritual indoctrination, and the many who are newly awakening are falling for it, in their naivety and being cut off from eternal wisdom, because it is allegedly  “outdated”.

But what is Eternal, what Is Truth cannot be “outdated”, what is Substance of the world and our Being-ness, cannot change. Just the outer ingredients can change, be it new energies, expanding awareness, new technologies, dimensional shifts, our bodies, nature. All of that.

This whole business is about avoiding Eternal Truth. Essence is not all of a sudden “different”, because time is changing, taste and sympathy are changing.

But the controllers are trying to keep us in the mind, even if it is a so called esoteric mind. They themselves know a lot of esotericism and are masters in abusing and perverting truth.

It is important not to give permission to being fooled, but to be in our Heart for Real. To Be Aware Heart-Deep, instead of being captured by this noisiness, these tons of separate knowledge-units, packed into programs and techniques, the controllers would  love us to move forth and back in our brains, to keep us distracted.

It is another form of insanity. It is clever to feed our brains now with “New Age” phantasy, so that we remain there and do not access or Realize the Real Love-Power that we Are, but rather use esoteric content to fantasize about what we are. It is meant to keep us busy with an even greater activity of separation from our Wholeness, it even separates us more from our Essence.

There is NO technique, no mind-form, no program, no exercise whatsoever that can reveal our Divinity, that can trigger the Revelation of the Heart. One can ‘think’ or imagine love, one can ‘think’ or imagine unity, one can ‘think’ or imagine oneness, but it is not It. These thoughts keep us away from Real Love, from Real Unity, from Real Oneness! It is the most astute way to make sure, humanity does not return to Real Truth.

But words like “Truth” are only helpless attempts to describe what is beyond words and what can be only felt, or better, to what we only can surrender, because it is Greater than us. This is our True Greatness, this surrendered State. It is the Nameless, the Unfathomable, That, by Which our heart is touched to fall into Divine Infinity.

Who is observing the search on the New Age marketplace realizes that this is just a search with different parameters than the “ordinary” world is busy with. It is still the same search for things. But these things might be more attractive, because they promise more ‘importance’ for oneself, more glamour, more sparkle. 

I don’t’ know about you. But to me it is not about “more”. To me it feels like consumerism. What can be more is never IT: the Simplicity of Essence, of Truth, and the surrender to IT.

The Eternal Flower of the Heart opens only if we are willing to surrender our search for details, for success, for importance, for more, for being better, for greatness, for excitement and even for enlightenment.

This is the Other World. This Love Is the Other World, and It cannot be achieved or talked about. It can only Be Allowed. It dawns when all “content” of the matrix and all “techniques”, all “programs” are forgotten.

Look at the Lion Beings, they don’t know about esoteric “knowledge” or programs and techniques. They just Are. Surrendered. They Are Love. 

Everything else are toys. But to truly enjoy the toys the player must first know their Real Identity.

Be Awake!
I love you,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, April 27, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©201
 Improved Version
Watch on YouTube 

Dear friends,

It is for many difficult to accept the absence of mind boggling happenings  = being constantly fed by exciting information so that the mind can rotate and one does not have to truly do the work, the inner work, the work of conscious awakening.

Most  people want to be entertained: when will happen what. How will the world look like tomorrow, what are the promises, what can we expect. 

Unfortunately the (profound) change we are waiting for does not work like this, otherwise we would have already experienced it, and especially not with the ascension process. We have to come to know ourselves first before we can "ascend". 

Even though it is said that evolution is given to us for free, this does not mean that there will be a Big Bang, and everybody is enlightened all at once.

It is still each individual’s own process which involves an individual "time"-frame, and what our Galactic friends and other Sources are trying, is to inspire us and keep us moving, but the move itself truly does not happen outside, but within, to begin with.

The evolutionary process is being done by each single one of us and not by any force and consciousness off the planet. They can only offer guidance, inspiration and also help with rising our energy and light quotient by holding a space of light for us,  and by rising the frequency of our world. But it is always us who must do the work. Nobody will do it FOR us, although many are hoping so and mistakenly believing it. Water can be offered to us, but it is us who must drink it. Sometimes we are not yet able to drink because of certain obstacles. So we must first remove the obstacles to be able to drink. But eventually everybody of us will drink. However this is a question of "time"!

The process of evolution is therefore an individual process too, always has been, only that it is now easier than ever before because the global and solar and universal "trend" and light frequency is now going in unison into this direction. Therefore this time offers an incredible chance for evolution.

Not so before. It has been so far the heroic act of a very few who achieved degrees of enlightenment - against the odds of the very low frequencies and  consciousness of a dark environment. They are known to us as the spiritual masters of humanity.

Now we all have more support and can be in the flow WITH the energies when we evolve and are being all supported on that path. But this does not mean that we have not work to do. 

As enlightenment has always been a process in consciousness and rising the light quotient of the body, so evolution is. It is to a great deal a false “New Age” philosophy which looks at evolution merely from the point of view of the mind that changes perspective and understanding of our history, environment and limiting functioning since Millenniums. But the awakening of a broader conceptual mind is not sufficient. The lower mental level is only a part of our structure but does not match our true identity. Even so this level of mind is important,the use of it to its full extend is only the very beginning.

Certainly, to welcome our Galactic family into our lives and open up to the universe is a wonderful and very liberating step in our evolutionary process, but as long as we look at our galactic family as an extension of our 3dimensional consciousness, nothing really evolutionary is happening with us, as we are merely projecting our present situation and self-identification onto other realities. It is like the belief in a Father-God with a beard.

I consider our star brothers and sisters as beings who are far more evolved than humanity in general is, as most of them have been going already through the process we are now going through. The belief that we only need to drop this body and we are enlightened, is just not right. Because why then have there been the cycles of birth and rebirth since eons on this planet while we are still a very un-enlightened society? Because this very body-mind hasn’t been enlightened! And it is the enlightenment of the body-mind that sets our spirit free.

We cannot blame our "controllers" for that because there HAVE been a few who achieved a state of enlightenment, in spite of the dark times. And again only very few took the chance and were drawn to them for instructions.  And if more of us would have been waking up already, we would have  certainly made sure that the controllers would have left already the planet, but nothing like that did happen yet. 

We must face the reality and not fall for a superficial New Age propaganda which makes promises on false presumptions and which is therefore rather dangerous. A mere collecting of information is alarming as long as there is no intention to personally engage in an actual spiritual practice. Merely feeding the mind with information is just another avoiding of responsibility for ourselves. The mind is exactly the place where our controllers want us to have, because if we mainly exist on this level, we do not practice our full humanness. 

We all must come to the point, to find all we need in ourselves, we must all personally evolve our higher faculties, which is  discriminative intelligence (higher mind) and the heart, but which is only the first step in developing our true spirituality.  

As this is a planet of free will, only if we are willing to genuinely evolve, the life on this planet will truly change. To expect change outwardly first, is an illusion. And it is already commonplace to say that WE ourselves must BE the change we want to see. A would be reality  based on mental ideas is vane and never satisfactory, as the search for information goes on and on. 

Merely to be inspired is not enough, we must act on this inspiration. We must widen our understanding, we must go deeper, we must know ourselves, we must know our thoughts and our emotions, and actively go beyond them, we must transcend ourselves, to establish a platform for peace and true love. This will change our world.

With all that being said: it is important to understand that we do not need to be "perfect", meaning being a "saint" with no emotions and personal flaws, just sitting around in "holiness", motionless, without a sign of life. Such idealization is an illusion. We are still in a 3dimensional environment where such perfection is not programmed and not possible to achieve. This is still a realm of duality. But we need to truly know our deepest truth, our Divine Essence and let it govern fully our life. And we can only know It when we understand all our thoughts and emotions for what they are and not merely think about them or suppress them in our unconsious. Self-discovery cannot be avoided and the chatter of mind must be transcended to come in touch with our True Nature. Even the Nature of Love must be rightly understood.

Can we all do this? Sure we can, it is only a matter of will and agreement with ourselves. And with all that, there is a growing number of voices who see this process taking more than 200 years until finally our world will have been completely changed.

This is  quite possible because how many of us are ready to enter the path of real self-understanding. On the other hand, 200 years in the face of timelessness is nothing and a short moment only in the higher dimensions. 

There is also talk about the splitting of earth, even in 3 parts or timelines. One for those who ascend now, one for those who ascend later and one for those who prefer the situation as is and worse.

I personally do not see Gaia splitting in 3 parts! Would you yourself like to split like that? Gaia wants quickly to return fully to that Christed state where she is originally coming from. But there are many other planets to go to and who would exactly fit the vibration of those who would not choose to ascend in the very near future. On these other planets everybody has the opportunity to awaken at their own pace.

I just felt the urge to take that hype out of this sometimes insane New Age ideas. And there are some who sense that this misleading New Age philosophy has been planted into our consciousness by our controllers themselves, so that they could continue to manipulate us. Because as long as we are not grounded in ourselves, we are like dry leaves in the wind of mind and prone to deception. As long as we are not deeply rooted in Gaia we cannot be trees who reach the skies, conducting and merging the energy and light of heaven and earth in our body. The trees are by the way our ancestors.

The Pleiadians call our body a cosmic library. We need to become fully conscious of all its content. And by doing so we allow light to enter. This is the process of enlightenment. Literally. It is about this body, to allow the light to circulate through it. This process is the basis for realizing Divine Consciousness. Being preoccupied merely with the lower mind does prevent this process. And that is exactly what our controllers wanted to happen.

These few words touch only the tip of the iceberg. But they needed to be said, and I am aware that some might not like it. But a deep love for humanity is the motivation that drives me to speak up.

Many blessings,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension.

Dear Ones,

Having this voice amidst you who is able to deliver our messages filled with Divine Light to you, is extremely important to us and we thank you, earth humanity, you, who is receiving these messages with your open heart.
Because with every message you read and listen to, you have the opportunity to make a step forwards in your evolution and prepare for your ascension and that of Gaia, your loving Mother Earth.

Doing our work of seeding the Light of God into your planet requires those who are able to receive it, in order to bring about the desired success of setting humanity free.

For thousands of years you have been living in darkness, and darkness brings about all these ugly emotions which you have suffered, whether you wanted it or not. It was indeed not to avoid and none of you could ever expect a merely happy life. There has been not a single being free of suffering. In fact, in low and dense frequencies which do not allow for much light, but keep it always dim, lower emotions such as fear, sorrow and anger, are naturally “at home”. Very few human beings were able to transcend In these times such low emotions, and most of you have been constantly and always in pain, even unknowingly. Because levels of pain are relative if you do not know what real happiness is. And in all these Thousands of years very few individuals knew true Happiness. Most humans believed that playing a certain role in life or “having” specific things and circumstances at their disposal, that this was happiness.
However from our perspective all they called “happiness” was just a little dim spark in an otherwise dark dream.

Beloved Ones, that Divinity has decreed your liberation from that darkness, that now humanity is given the right back to participate directly in Divine Light again, is of highest satisfaction for us and gives us the opportunity to flow this light through those who accept it.

Have you ever wanted to give something to your loved ones full of joy because you knew it would make them happy – but they denied? Do you know this pain you feel when your gift is not accepted?
And the joy when it is?

As we are coming like opulent currents from the Divine Ocean of Infinite Light into your Sphere we wish that you welcome this Divine and ever-free flowing Gift into your life.
Do not withhold yourself from it. All what it does is washing away what you hold in your space and which is not of light. It is a glimpse only for you to notice what it is and perhaps a short moment of ache in the memory of your heart but soon gone as you allow it to be dissolved in the stream of Light.

You, earth humanity, are blessed beyond your imagination. The doors to unveiled, radiant Light are open for you, so that you may join again what you are truly made of. Light is your Home, and there is no difference to love, it is One Single Bliss and this is the Gift we are pouring now atop you, around you and into your Beloved Mother Earth.

This is the moment where the shadows of your past can vanish like fog in the dawn of the morning light.
Do you understand the unspeakable significance of this moment?
Will you know a happiness you never thought it would be possible?
Did you ever dream about a fulfillment which you thought it would not exist?

Beloved Ones, all of this will now be yours. We are the Voice and Deed of God Who is Conscious Light. We are the means by which the Masters work. We are no other but we enable you to wake up from a false dream, from the illusion of Godlessness.

The Divine Knows only Joy because It is Joy. It Is all what is Great and what you ever have wished for in the deepest depth of your heart.

Dearest Ones, we are that joy that also fills your heart with joy. Light is expansion, when you expand your are joy. And there is no love without joy.
We are here, and know that you can participate in all of this Divine Abundance in the blink of an eye, when you let go of your old and now unnecessary baggage. Observe how it all dissolves and becomes Light, becomes Joy.
Oh, and your heart is just overwhelmed with so much love.

Blessed is this moment — and you all with it.

Message received by Ute
©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space, please treat with respect. Sharing  of this message  is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube
Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

 Beloved Earth Humans,

We are here again  to shower your world with our Blessings with powerful waves of Light from our Galaxy.
Many of us took birth on your planet to anchor Light and Information from the Andromeda Galaxy on Earth to assist with the awakening of her humanity and the cleansing and shifting of her into higher dimensions.

We are giving you this information, dear earth humans, to assure you that you and your planet have never been – in reality – cut off from the rest of the universe. It was only  a gesture of you in the past history, which laid around and upon Earth, through your own lowering of your frequency, a dense and heavy veil which did not allow much communications of higher light and information to reach you and your planet from outer space.

This self-induced isolation is now coming to an end, also because many other souls from other enlightened star systems and galaxies are at this time incarnated among you, to draw down  the light and love of the stars into your reality to help you to evolve.

These beings from other star systems have taken birth in difficult situations in order to purify your dark earth history with their own awakening process, which required them to confront all the pain -- that you earth people are suffering -- in their own bodies, emotions and mental experiences.

For many, if not for most of them, this ordeal of purification of your dark history in their own system, this process has now come to an end and they are here now between you, anchoring our light and information and that of many other star systems on your earth.

They are now illuminated  antennas receiving and channeling  light from space through their consciousness and bodies into the core of Gaia  and radiating  this light and this love all over the earth. They are the ones who have done all the work directly on your planet, to support your own awakening, like one candle ignites the next one, so that also you can become like them a radiant luminary to illuminate further the path to ascension in your world.

What is required of you, Beloved Earth Humans, in your awakening process  in this short remaining moment, is to open up to unconditional love, a Divine Frequency now showered upon your earth! It is the Force which drives humanity forward to her unity and elevation. It is the Force which does not know separation, and it is the Force which has been always your rightful inheritance and True Sign since eternity.

"Humanity Is Love", - this will be your sign and “trade mark”  in your coming Galactic Participation, where earth will be embraced again in the midst of other star nations and illuminated planets and galaxies.

You are on your way to fully participate again in the unimpeded communication and union of the galactic network of light, which flows like liquid water through all the veins of the Divine Universe.

Once ascended you will be participating again in the currents of universal joy and love where we all rejoice In mutual friendship, love and respect.

There is only One Divinity and we are all Its Divine Expression.

Welcome, dearest earth humans, to this glorious moment in the very near future, but which is in truth already always Now.

Our Light and Our Love is in the midst of you all.
With eternal Blessings!

Message received by Ute
Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Comment: I received this message in the form of images and higher dimensional insights or "impressions", so that it was very difficult to translate the complexity of this communication into a language that everybody can understand!  I have done my best and hope that this message reaches your heart of understanding!

My dear Ones,
This St. Germain speaking to you.

There are many voices now claiming that with the 28th of October there will be the beginning of a new world. They say so as it is claimed that the Mayan Calendar is ending at that date.

Dear ones, please understand, a calendar is a calendar. It is a concept and a structure laid upon the living matrix of creation. And you live in that illusion, as if this could ever capture the flow of life and fix it down in a way that you, dear ones, who are living in 3D reality, could be using it as a tool to explain and control your reality.

Of  course, as you know, you can do this! It has been done many times. But also consider the results and if you really liked them in the course of your history.

As you “know” – which knowing is limited, because we, existing in more enlightened worlds told you so – time does not exist. And is even in your 3D world an illusion. Time is a construct to help the conceptual mind to navigate through the streams of life in a linear fashion.
But tell me, do you really think that a time line which is a 2dimensional narrow fraction  in the totality of existence and multiple simultaneous happenings could ever be true and “predict” events?

No. These events are always results of manipulation, which you also could call, creation. What IS indeed happening is that you, the people of earth, are creating with your collective mind events, driving along a certain line of vision, idea, desire, hope or — FEAR!

There are no events that have been “worked” out by a kind of Divine “Provision”! There is Divine Intention, emanating as seeds in Divine Consciousness, in the Heart of God, which surmount human mind and brain. But actual events so far have occurred by your manipulator’s intentional efforts.

Who are your manipulators?
There are 2 different categories:
One of them wants you to live in fear.
And the other one hopes for a better world.

Now what you hear in the context with the Mayan Calendar concerning the events in October: they are also being created by your manipulators. We are talking here only about the second category and giving them the benefit of the doubt, that they are hoping for the beginning of a better and more enlightened world and the end of the old system of the suppressing forces. However all those “creations” are not originating from the heart, the true space of Divine Creation.

Have you sensed the blatancy of recent voices proclaiming a new world suddenly appearing on October 28?
Now think only for a moment! As we said above, Divine Decrees are made in the Illuminated Heart of God Vibrating as Wisdom, as Light and Love.

If a manipulator  or creator of lesser illumination takes the Heart of God into his or her own desirous mind, the result of their creation is of lower truth and therefore of a quality that is limited in expansion of light. This limitation also coincides with a limitation in love, in happiness, in freedom.
Do you want to enter a new reality, limited in this way? Do you honestly want to join such a new world, being just another form of limitation of what has been lived for so long by your race on earth?

Be very careful which voices you are following, to not to help to confirm a world you ultimately would not really have chosen if you would have been more conscious about what you really want.

Your new world WILL emerge, but you need to be patient! God’s true Will is one with the Qualities of infinite expansion, of Gentleness, of Wisdom, of Heart-Qualities. This always comes along with the requirement of your Trust and your Faith, and it is not about quickly and suddenly rushing into a so called “new world”, just because you cannot wait for a truly Divine World to emerge and because you haven’t qualified yet for this truly New World as you haven’t not yet developed your own heart wisdom to create from.

Dear Ones, do not allow yourself to follow the creators of a new lower world. Understand, that it is all a Divine Process and requires – what you call – time, but which is in  Reality the Emerging of your own Divine Heart in your being. Has It already truly emerged, dear One, in your own heart?
Know, it will be YOUR time, when it has, and it will not be on a collective 28th of October, it will be in YOUR time. As your new world is the mirror of what lives in your heart.

There are several groups of incarnated beings, who are actually living this wisdom already now. They may each as individuals use windows or portals of ascension in their own time, as they arise for them  personally when their time has come. Actually, for some individuals this time is already here.
There is no collective portal. This would require a spiritually united collective group consciousness or unified group soul, which usually only exists in higher dimensions, such as the 6th and higher.

However for each individual on your earth there may arise a personal portal in their higher vision to enter the higher realms.
If you are one of them consider, whether you are actually part of a  group soul here on earth. And you will find out, that you are not! So it will be your own individual event of ascension, when you are ready.

When New Earth will arrive at Her true destination she will only have taken with her those who are ready for that unity consciousness, who are ready to unite as one body, as one Divine Soul. Souls who are now ready to ascend individually earn this qualification after ascension to unite as one body with others as Gaias humanity, who is Living as that Love, that Self-Transcendence that allows them to merge with other souls and exist as group soul.

Heaven requires from you, my dear ones, growth beyond the current idea of separation, that most of you are still living. The new powerful energies of light pouring down on your earth however allow you all to enter this process of required qualification in a very short time.
This is the true advantage of this time.
It does not circumvent your conscious spiritual growth, it only is speeding it up in an unprecedented manner in this so highly Divinely  blessed moment.

Each one of you will know for themselves when their time has come to ascend. There is no “mass” event! What a childish perception! The more of you are awaking, the more of you are able to ascend and there will be more and more “coincidences” of people ascending at the same time. But this is different from “mass” –ascension. I hope you understand the difference, dear ones!

I leave now, blessing each one of you, to facilitate the speeding up of your full awakening process, if you desire so. As you know there is always Great Divine help, and I am One Who’s heart is dedicated to the awakening – and ascension process of humanity.

Be at peace!
I AM Master St. Germain

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
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