Wednesday, February 4, 2015


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I AM speaking to you, because I AM one of your guardians who are protecting your awakening process and your light. And who is protecting the manifestation of your soul purpose against all odds.

Powerful events are going to unfold shortly. I ask you to be prepared and to allow yourself to receive good news with joyful expectancy.

Please raise your energies and light frequencies now in order to support what is going to happen with the intent of the Divine Light- Forces.
You are at a crucial turning point in your history -  and it is important to tune now into the frequencies and events that will change your world dramatically.

Although it seems nothing new is happening so far, as if those who occupy your world are taking it more and more over, this is an illusion. Because it seems to be only real when you look at some visible signs and untruthful information.

But what REALLY is being prepared, -  right now behind the scenes, powerfully orchestrated by the light forces, both, with physical and non-physical bodies – will come soon to the forefront as visible and tangible events,  to be experienced certainly by all humanity.

This will change the mind and heart of your still sleeping brothers and sisters, and they will wake up to a new reality they never would have dreamed of.

I ask you, who are awake, and especially those of you who are awake, but lowered your vibration with doubt and despair while suffering unacceptable life circumstances, because of the controlling negative powers, to wake up even more empowered, allowing new hope and the certainty that all your human needs and rightful desires will be met soon.

We need all of you, Beloveds, to support the incoming light and the helping  light forces to succeed and to bring about a shift that is happening in a most benign way, - at least as benign as possible.

At peak times, when you are at a crossroad, a shift can happen when there is powerful new energy and intent, to create it. You want a powerful shift that as soon as possible would lock into the new, desired pattern of a New Reality. 

These new patterns are about the victory of the light and therefore its rising mightiness in your world. It is about joy and new gained strength in every human being and all kingdoms of your Beloved Earth Mother. And yes, it is about Her own Shift into a new consciousness, because also the vibration of so called matter will rise significantly.

You are all One in this process, all of you. Whether “matter” or living beings on Earth, you all are Consciousness, as even a wall is conscious.
Much happiness is waiting for you, Beloveds.

I ask you to align to the powerful light that is now so undoubtedly present around you.  Allow it to fill your body-mind and to raise your consciousness to bring you to a new and higher vibration.

This will enable you to participate in the shifting energies on your planet, as humanity’s consciousness shifts and instigates  the necessary momentum.

Such empowered you are the chosen facilitators of the shift – as you unite in its Conscious Field. And such united, you ARE the field, Beloveds, to bring about anything your heart is dreaming of. To bring about the New World. To Be the grounds on which universal transformation can happen.

Be assured that My Light and Protection, My loving Impact on this great Shift  is supporting you who are involved in this wonderful process. You, who are dedicated to the light, must now stand together, unified, supportive to one another.

United by the Power of Unconditional Love, our Victory is Here - with so  much Splendor, as I and so many, many Divine Beings of Light and Divine Love are  participating with you!

I AM Mother Sekhmet!

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Friday, January 30, 2015


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We should be Happy, because this is our natural State of Being.
If we are not, it is because we buy into all that stuff that we are NOT.

It is time for humanity to free ourselves from all that rubbish we have being hanging on for millenniums. It is time to recognize that we lived from a wrong point of view, and now it is time to change the perspective! Radically, - or not?

What perspective? The idea that we are a body-mind-complex who lives in such and such a world. While it is true, that we have had enough of all these betrayals, false images, beliefs, strange experiences, shortcomings, frustrations, fears, angers, and so on, by experiencing this stupid limitations of a world that we allowed to be governed by a few absurd individuals who shrinked ridiculously away from the forever Unobstructed Radiance of Truth – we also  might come now to understand that this is not anymore about exchanging black suits with white suits.

Didn’t we do this exchange already for eons? Isn’t it time to go beyond this play of opposites, with which we confine ourselves to be  beings who are merely a form? Isn’t it time to accept our True and Native State in which we neither emphasize the black nor the white? Otherwise we are going on and on and on. Times, in which whiteness and blackness comes and goes. Because it must, when we hang on to one side at a time. Because of the law of balance.

Now we have the opportunity to look differently, with a new understanding at the world, we created. We have now come to the point where we have exhausted the black suits, and with detailed understanding we have enough of this one-sided game of pretending we are some really miserable subjects, victims of a world nobody understands,  without the power to create what our heart desires. To live a life of unlimited un-happiness.

Now do we really want to re-establish our more exalted  past where we have been wearing the white suits, but! pay attention! while  still limited, even as divine beings, identified with a form? 12 DNA strands or more, able to fly (as separate beings) through the cosmos, living in subtle dimensions of radiant manifestations. Yes, a wonderful divine creation. But is separation from our Native State enough?

How FREE have we actually been? Do we really want to again repeat, yes, even with a new delightful experience of an ascended semi-physical body to live in the “heavens”? Yes, wonderful play though!

But: is this ALL WE ARE?
Is the exhaustive experience of the opposites of the black and the white not an invitation to go beyond both of them? Are we willing to learn? Are we capable of understanding the game now, because we have profoundly experienced it? Yes, starseeds, so what? Evolution remains the evolution of the conditional. 

And will not – while we are held captive in the polarity of this game (because we have decided so) – darkness return, after we exploited the conditional light? Are not both sides of the coin vulnerable to each other?

There are notions that from this time of ascension on darkness will never return. How? To the one who decides for the conditional light of the rainbow, polarity is inherent in their experience. Only when we desire to transcend the conditionality of black and white, we can enter the Unconditional. 

But this does not happen in mindful imagination. In a week-end seminar or by a self-applied technique or manipulation, or while we add something to our body-mind. It is a real process in which we surrender the total body-mind to our Own Divine Truth.

In fact, as long as we hold on to the conditional, we do not claim our True Identity. We deliberately choose to be some confined being, vulnerable to inevitable changes within the play of polarity.

The incoming powerful energy, light and information that inspires us with the remembrance of our Divinity, also provides us with  Divine Intelligence and  the choice to explore the Unconditional, the Divine Reality beyond and prior to the conditional. The Divine Substance in which the  conditional arises. The Light which is above all lights. The Unconditional Light. The Infinite. The Eternal Love-Bliss. Our Source.

We cannot truly know intimately this world without knowing, or better: realizing its Source. Source is not an object. It cannot be known by the mind as an “other”. Body-mind must surrender to its Source, its  Eternal Love-Bliss. Source is our own Divine Subjectivity. Because it is our Inherent Divine Nature. 

But we speak of Source as if we would own it. As if we  could manipulate The Unspeakable, as if IT would be our servant. As if our egoic personality – the body-mind-system -  could have Source at its disposal. What a blasphemy!

In Reality, it is our body-mind-system (either of the white or the black suits) that is at the disposal of the Glorious Source, The ALL-LOVING, The ETERNAL, The UNMANIFESTED, The One That Does Not Create but IS All Beings and Things. IT is our own True Identity.

Why would we choose less? Why would we go with the tides of opposites instead of transcending them and enjoy the play for Real, because we are not bound.

Is it because we do not dare to know that we ARE Pure Divine Consciousness? As such we ARE formless and irrevocably FREE, surrendered to our Real State of Utter Delight and Beauty, Perfection and the Unchanging Truth of Existence.

The white and black suits are merely pale players within this Radiance!

With so much love,
In lak’ech!



Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015


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My Divine Presence is with you. I am shining my light upon you, to surround you, and as you absorb it, to fill your whole body-mind.

I will tell you more about my light, Beloveds, as light carries information.
My Light teaches you to soften your body in total surrender, because you trust the Presence of the Divine and you accept the principle of receiving, to be filled with my radiance of  beauty, joy and pleasure.

I am worshiped as being the Compassionate One. But what is compassion other than Heart-Fulfillment, feeling your own completion which is a state of deep inner relaxation, acceptance and love. In such a state you experience that everything is already yours, that you do not lack anything.   

When you feel your completion you do not judge. Judgement comes when you do not feel whole, when your Divine Essence is being suppressed. When you do not judge you love unconditionally and you love also those who suffer, because they imagine they are separate. This is compassion. 

My Gift to you is my Divine Fullness that so gently caresses you with infinite tenderness. It heals all your pains and all your stresses and disappointments. It is the balm that calms  your fears and sorrows and takes away all reason to be selfishly angry. That is the way I AM.

I AM that Female energy that unites  humanity at their heart and showers contentment and nurturing presence upon you. If you feel Me - as I am right beside you – your separating perspective of life changes instantly.

Suddenly you perceive life from a completely different point of view, a view that has been withheld from your planet for Millenniums and which could only flower sometimes in intimate circumstances where people felt safe and loved.

However now the time has come, as the Feminine Presence on your Beloved Earth has returned, that humanity as a whole needs to reconnect to this beautiful quality that I embody for the sake of your liberation.

There is still predominant the distorted male power between too many of you. The male power that does not know the sweetness of the human heart, or has forgotten it.

I am here to remind you that you can call Me at times when harshness of life is still disheartening you, when you feel the pain of separation, when love is not yet shining and when you can’t remember your female vibration, whether you are a woman or a man.

Both genders can luxuriate and bathe in my soft pink and golden and white showers of graceful harmony and balance, resurrecting your Divine Dignity and Self-Authority.

Every cell in your body smoothens delightfully in my Presence which is also a quality of yours. Because how could you feel Me if I AM not already a part of you. I AM no other, but I show you what you have forgotten, I remind you to re- integrate what was once yours.

This female part of yours must now be lived by humanity.  This is the deeper meaning of the return of the Goddess to Earth. The Goddess is not outside of you, Beloveds, She Lives Within, She Is You. The Gift is there. It is up to you to use it. And I AM a Personification of that Divine Gift to remind you of Yourself.

What is your identity and who do you think you are, while you are worshiping Me as an external entity?  

Enlightenment comes with the realization that everything is already Your Own, and there is nothing outside to realize. But what appears outside of you is just a mere reflection of what is already inside of you.

Do worship Me as your own Divine Goddess-Quality  that lives as you, when you allow it.

Call upon Me and these Qualities will flower in you, filling your being and healing the illusion that there is separation and non-love. Love and Unity are Divine Qualities that are the foundation of Existence. They are felt when the head does not lead, but the heart does, infinitely expanded in deepest tenderness. Both, men and women can live this way of life, because both  embody the soul.

In this state of Beauty and Harmony you forget your own separateness and pain, and you smoothen every conflict in your world, even more, you change your world. In fact, you can change it now. In this moment. You have the power, who, if not YOU?

It is your choice, what will you choose?

With all My Divine Blessings I am by your side as You!
I AM Quan Yin

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Friday, January 9, 2015


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We come to lift your spirit, to fill you with joy and the love that pervades the universe.

You are to rejoice and hold your heart high to see and feel new beginnings at the horizon of your world arising.

We are the bringers of good news and it is up to you to receive them and allow them to rise your vibration and expand your consciousness.
What has been decreed by the Lightforces through the will of the Divine Supreme is being launched into your world, although into the subtle foundation of it, not yet visible in your 3dimensional world.

It is important to make contact and to connect with the unseen realities in order to know and in order to draw in and to manifest in a tangible way what has been given already to you by the Divine Heart.

Now you have been given a new opportunity to use your God-given power of creation, to draw the new reality of the subtle realms into your world. 

This is a glorious co-creative enterprise, one of the most beautiful, astounding and heart-fulfilling Divine Wonders, which enables you to awaken to your own full Divinity by using your creative Divine powers. While you have faith in your Divine heritage, while you draw on it, you move step by step into New Realities that reveal the Divine.

Because in your realm and reality it is the wonderful manifestation of the Dreams of God, with which you restore what you have once lost.

Yes, you have the opportunity to start resuming your original Divine State by participating in the New Creation! While you act, inspired by Divine Visions, your DNA is being sparkled and your light is expanding and intensifies. It fortifies the transformation of your world and ignites the hearts of those who still sleep.

Beloved Humanity, we desire seeing you standing up, reaching with your gifted vision and with the desire of your heart of love into God’s Creation in the realms of light, color and sound,  to manifest it in your world. This is the call of your creator now.

Please, dare to step out of what is familiar to you and reach to the stars. All is already there and ready! There is no delay necessary! But you delay when you hesitate and doubt yourself and what is possible, as you prefer the old ways to continue.

What would you manifest? It is not a question of grandiose and big. It is a question of innocence and love alone. In it  the Divine Creator dwells.

Beloveds, your gift is written in the heart of each single one of you! It is living there only waiting to be acknowledged and to be acted upon! Listen to the voice of joy, follow the path of love and when you do not know it yet, it will reveal itself to you!  Because now is the time when these seeds are ready to bring fruit. All the blessings are with you! The heavens are full of expectations, to see you, humanity, rise and sow deep into the earth the gifts with which you came to here. And indeed they are the gifts you desired to enrich your world with.

The Great Starting sign has been given, the doors are open. Currents and choirs of Divine Songs are now flooding to earth, not only to earth, but to your whole universe.

Can you hear it? Bring to here what is being poured into creation, to magnify, to deify, to make It visible in your world by your service to the Divine.

We are waiting for you!
With Joy and Love,
We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Thursday, December 25, 2014



With Love & Blessings!

Activating DNA, Awakening and Higher Vision 
of Humanity!

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014


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We are here with you, to support and inspire your courageous and  dedicated work to the light! We are here with you and we encourage you to ask for our support. So we can win the battle together.  

Yes, there have been – what you call delays – but they were not meant to obscure your spirit. In your disappointment about the delays you allowed yourself to be dis-encouraged and to lower your vibration. Inevitably you then limited your vision to the everyday appearances and things in the matrix.  And so many of you added extra time to the delay.

We ask you to focus on your service to the light in all your endeavors, in all your actions – with all your heart! It is most important now to channel the Divine Powers of Light and to maintain them on your earth, to concentrate these Powers, to bring them forward in great clarity and intent.

This is a time not to be confused, and not to diffuse the light, but to concentrate it, to focus it, so that it can gain momentum, presence and invincibility in these end-times where the battle is on its peak. 

We have a great vision of you, the Divine Human: The light of your attention is like a sword and at the same time it is a benign blanket of great brilliance and softness, like the clear and shining surface of a calm lake in the morning sun.

You do not leave. You do not leave your path and determination now, with doubt or while perhaps squinting into possibilities of defeat. You recognize the Divine Light, now so powerfully present on your earth, as a Divine Mighty Presence, as an Eternal Presence, in which all that is not of It, dies, disappears, vanishes.

We are here to support this process, as it is the wish of the Supreme Divinity for change. There is great compassion for all of you, great love, great appreciation and gratefulness for your surrendered service. This encourages you to always proceed on this path, no matter how your world might look like, no matter what is transpiring.

You do not look at the world as is or might develop, you look at the light, you become It, you Are It, you Are the Divine Consciousness which the Light reveals to you. You are steady and you do not look at what is not light.You even see only Light.

You understand that this does not mean to ignore what is showing up in your world, or not to recognize the state your world is in, or to close your eyes when you see misery. But you rather do not identify with it, you do not allow yourself to lower your energy and your light, whatever happens. And you stand in inner silence in the midst of it all. You spread your love so that it covers your planet. You are at peace even when you see war. You do  not engage, you do not step down from the radiant platform of light.

And so you are able to maintain clarity, discrimination, compassion and trust, to be the carrier of these Divine qualities in these critical times. By following your intuition and listening to your heart, you will do what is right.

The unexpected might enter your life, but you never leave your seat of equanimity.

As you remember your Divine heritage, where you are coming from and what you are here for, you do not allow for a moment to be blinded by what your eyes see in this world of illusions. You maintain the clear view of a falcon, indifferent to the shadows, yet with a heart guided by love.

The battle is not about fighting with anything, but in intending to stay in your place of Divinity and to live it. You hold your heart high, you hold your spirit high. You are in joy. And you don’t allow yourself to be touched by anything that differs from your intention.

Soon your vision will manifest and your world will emerge in a new, never before experienced light and beauty. There are attempts to hold you in the matrix and forget the higher visions of ascended Gaia; to not to continue to dream a 5dimensional world. 

But you know: This world as it is now can never become Divine, because it is not a Divine creation to begin with. It cannot be merely improved by changing certain parameters and contents. It is not enough.

Therefore you dare to enter a completely new and ascended world and you enter it by creating it. You do not lose your Divine vision, while it seems that in the matrix there is a cry for a change of actors and a change of furniture on the theater scene.

While you use your higher intelligence, Beloved Ones, you recognize the game but you do not fall for it. You follow the way of Divinity, of an entirely new creation. A creation that truly satisfies your deepest heart desire. This heart desire is like a clear and radiant water that is expressing Itself through you, as it is an emanation of the Divine Heart, or God or Reality.

You tear down the veil of forgetfulness, and you work with the Unconditional Light. You have Awakened! You remember your awakened state in your year of 2012 and you have returned to it now! 

Some of you allowed yourself to be fooled for a while, but now, Beloved Ones, we see you standing up again. You enter the field of Light, you Become It, you Are It. Unwavering. This is what you  do now, because this is, what is required. This is why you are here.

And you dive deep now into the Presence of Divine Light, and recover and renew your higher vision of a New Divine World.

All the blessings of the Supreme Divinity are with you. And the Love of the Only One Who Is, embraces you!

We Are the Elohim of the Great Central Sun!

Message conveyed by Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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