Saturday, March 20, 2021


VIDEO (recommended)

Dear Ones,

you might in this time of uncertainty and chaos fight for your rights that are being increasingly denied to you.

You might stand in the first row to be seen and to be a leader to teach people how to manifest their desired goals.

You might be famous and your wisdom might be known in many nations.

But if you do not radiate shere primordial Divine Love, that is unconditional in nature, the world will not fundamentally change by your efforts.

Mere will to change the world will only move the figures on the checker board, but it will not change and replace the checker board itself. Therefore, it is not sufficient.

This unique and very special time requires the presence of the highest quality of Love, a Love that cannot be divided, as there is only One Real Love in as much there is only One Real God.

It is about awakening to this Love that Is Unity with God to begin with, without separation. It does not ask to be united with Him, It Is Him.

Love is not a thought, It is not an effort, not even by your higher will, It Is a mere Presence, that is untouched by things and worlds and desires. It is untouched even by a good-hearted one with best intentions, as Primordial Love Is the unqualified Presence of Divine Truth.

When this Truth would overshine the world in all its present misery that you experience right now all conflicts would subside in a moment.

There is not a single one of your usual actions in and of themselves that would ever change the world into a radical new creation. But it is a radical new creation that necessarily has to begin NOW.

It is the Being State of unqualified Love in which every and any conflict in your world would dissolve.

Because True Love is without intent. It just IS as also God IS.

It is pure and pristine peace and the ceasing of all burning desires , destructive passions, greed and any sense of separation.

The chaotic world would stop in its Presence and relax into a mood of serenity, ease and happiness.

My dearest Ones, it is paramount now to locate this subtle Presence of beauty and tenderness in your very heart to locate and cultivate It, to pray for it, to spread It, to radiate It, to surrrender to It, to Be Love.

It is not senti-mental, because you cannot think it! It is far beyond thought and untouched by thought. You can only Feel It, by forgeting your thoughts.

Its Substance elevates and unlocks the heart, so that the fake world that is hanging around in slanted hinges can leave the wrong coordinates within which a Divine World and Real Love never can arise.

You must find the Place of True Love in Its Own Domain with your heart, because you cannot create It, you must discover and participate in It because It Existed before you have been.

Do not say: ' Oh, today I will be loving to my friends' – although it is a very good decision to do so.

Rather it is about leaving your worldy view of desiring and intending to change things around, and to enter self-forgetful this Loka of Love in all Its subtlety, tenderness and beauty, whole heartedly and whole bodily.

If you would do this, no other force could survive that is doing wrong to life. All stressful actions would cease to be and evil intentions and situations would loose the power and foundation to exist.

You all could do it together, all mankind. You do not need to gather physically to strengthen your power of intent – although these movements coul be helpful too. You just would need to join together in consciousness and enter the Presence of tender Godly Love, whoever and whereever you are. Because everything is everywhere connected.

It is this force-field to become conscious of, entering It collectively, that has the greatest power in the universe.

It is the Ocean in whose Waters ultimately everything dissolves, returning to its Source. Like in the Love of God only Light remains.

Its Power would awaken even the so called dead, if not they will truly die. In these days only True Love will keep you alive.

Therefore mankind must participate in It to be happy, as your old world falls apart for good, because it is mortal and only just now changes its shape.

To participate in Love does not need time and space, it is your greatest power. It is your protection and your joy in the midst of a world that has heen devoted to death.

But Divine Love IS Alive. It will safe you and a new Divine world to come.

I AM Archangel Chamuel

Message conveyed by Ute


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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Saturday, March 6, 2021


VIDEO (recommended)



This time of limitations and deprivations is not for your discouragement.

You must understand that there IS war between the holy and the unholy, a war that is, from a higher perspective, a Divine Gift to test your courage and your higher will for victory over an unholy world.

The dark and its force is being now shown to you like never before in all its depths and widths, so that you may acknowledge its existence not only in the world but also in the hidden of your own being.

Beloveds, it challenges every single one of you to face the sleeping giants in your subconsiousness. Because everything is dark where no light shines, what you are not conscious of, what you are hiding.

Even though you might discover destructive forces in your own being because you have not been forgiven nor have you forgiven others, also the God-Consciousness is a still dark force in many hidden in the shadows of your subconscious, waiting to be remembered as your true and real identity, so that I May Radiate and Shine, rising into  open revelation.

My Beloveds, I AM Always. I Am the Foundation of your existence, whether you are aware of Me or not. But I remain a dark current below your conscious awareness as long as you do not acknowledge My Existence.

What Is God and What Is You in your most fundamental beingness, Is Love We Share Equally, when I am arising from above to down in your heart. Because you are My Face and I Am your Existence.

My Force that you bring to all beings and the world is like a rock you throw into the waters of life that expands in concentric rings. It is the Force that stops evil intentions and deeds: „so far and no further“ is its message and effect.

You are no victims, Beloveds. So do not shrink. This time requires of you to expand and take your stand before the enemy by discovering your Humanness, your Courage, your Divine Trust and the Power of Love. It allows you to do what needs to be done under any circumstance. 

This time challenges you to finally give birth to your innate divine heroism, your invincibility. There is in fact no difficulty you cannot solve with perseverance and higher will and with My Blessings.  All these are your god-given virtues, use them, Beloveds. And miracles will occur.

The war requires you to collect all your hidden treasures now and finally to live them, to gift them to the world. Do not hold back. You all who listen to Me need helping to turn the destiny of mankind. Mankind needs to awaken from the deep, unconscious dream that veils the Truth.

Your deeds will inspire the weak and open their eyes to find their own strength. Show what human beings are about who live in God Consciousness, who know that God Is Alive and is always Victorious, Always Working through you when you consent to Be My Instrument of Love.

This time is the gift to humanity to discover that you are Divine. That you have Divine Powers to work with others to establish again the light on earth. In this light the shadow-world will vanish without fail. Because they have no foundation, they live on stolen Divine Powers possessing nothing on their own.

They only would win if you do not maintain your truth and heart-power, having given away your integrity and divine sovereignty. But how would you ever submit to the unholy!? Would you!?

Remember who you are by remembering Me. This battle you must win first in your heart. The heart is invincible. Nothing and nobody has power over Me, so why then would you feel hopeless. If you feel hopeless your are God-less. You have forgotten that I Exist as your very Substance.

My Power is yours if you only would claim your REAL humaness. It belongs to the Ones Who Are Inspired and heart-driven by Me, now and now, in full possession of your Divine Gifts.


the Self of all beings and worlds!

 Conveyed by Ute


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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Video (recommended)

My Dear Friends,

you might have asked yourselves how to serve best in this chaotic time of changes,  when the whole world is in chaos and turmoil. All depends on why you are truly here. Find out for yourselves.


Part 1.

This whole scenario is held in the cosmic mind. It is the manifestation of it. It is in this context the fulfillment of its destiny. Dark forces have overthrown what started originally benevolently from the mind of God. That is to say: the God you call Creator God. And then many followed the new leaders.

But I Am Ultimate Consciousness and I Am the Source of all Creators and creations, all varieties of them.

If you look for a solution how to transcend all dilemmas: withdraw your attention from creations, and transcend even attention which is the „cause“ of all in Me.

Thereby you go beyond the total theatre of that which exists in the conditional realms.

Otherwise you will suffer all its natural ups and downs.

You – understandably – search for ups only. But if you search for ups, the downs will follow enevitably.

If you have come to here to serve the ups, well, that's fine. But it offers no ultimate solution. It is just on of the two constantly alternating possibilities.

How then do you serve best in these chaotic times?

You might ask yourselves: Do you want to serve the Ultimate or do you want to serve illusions?

This lifetime offers you perhaps the opportunity to exit the endless fields of experience in which many of you served the path of those beings in the multiverse who wanted to grow.

Perhaps you are tired, my Beloveds! 

And your restlessness could come to an end in this lifetime.

That's why many of you are here. To make a choice, to listen deep to your heart, whether you are to continue your ancient old path of conditional service or follow this time the path of liberation and ultimate service!

This opportunity could be given to you through this incarnation even on this fiery realm of earth. Please understand! The human body and psychic dispositon contains all cosmic and Divine information. Therefore perfect liberation is possible here. And what in higher realms takes often many life cycles can be done on earth in  relatively short time.

With your many experiences in the universe I have Shown you not only all the wonders but also  the ultimately  futility of cosmic existence. Did you not notice this! I showed you the darker side of the universe, to take your illusions away.

But when you experience the positive side of the coin, you seem to attach yourselves again to the cosmic illusion.

If your Heart is hearing now My Call, it means I call you back to Me!

This is not a denial of life or a denial of creation! It is about the Ultimate Fulfillment in Me, the greatest sacrifice and the greatest Realization a human being is able to attain. It is in fact the greatest service to all, as you serve thereby the highest Realization and Freedom of everybody and everything else. It is the secret of the morphogenetic field.

Discover your True Nature! Your True State!

And you will let go what is still binding you!

And even if your bondage is to universal matters, it is still bondage!

I Am beyond and prior.

What do you truly desire!?
Do not consider Me as Something unattainable and far away. Do not confine your intuition and deeper knowingness about the Truth of Me and do not deny your innate Connection with Me as your own Ultimate Truth. 

The hardest is to break up the subtle skin around the sphere of cosmic consciousness that holds you tight to it.

Even this must be surrendered into the Pure and Radiant Freedom that I Am beyond it all.

You might be working to refine your body-mind. But it would be better to explore all its details with which you are identified to transcend them.

Follow my Attractive Mystery to be able to transcend.

And the truly unlimited feeling of your heart will guide you towards your Freedom in Me.  Then I Am The One to Free you.


Part 2

The important question you have to ask yourself is, whether you search for the bright side of the coin: a Golden Age, or do you desire to transcend the whole coin, because after a Golden Age for sure, a Dark Age will arise again!

Even your ancient scriptures proclaim: the celebration of the gods in the higher heavens don't last forever. One day their flower garlands wither and their happy days vanish, to be again reborn in the lower worlds.

Therefore, only to go beyond all worlds, will grant you Eternal Happiness.

All the universal worlds are just metaphers for the states of mind. The mind has many chambers. But I Alone Am the Only Whitest Freedom from the realms of mind.

You Are not mind. You are Infinite Resplendent Consciousness. The Substance of all worlds and universes. That is your True and Eternal Inheritance when you transcend your body-mind and thereby all universes.

Remember: Was your inherent impulse, before your incarnation here, the quest for stepping out of the endless turns and cycles of the universal play? Then you have been granted to be shown the exit door from these playgrounds. And you have been confronted with both: the ugly and the beautiful in its extremes.

Now these present times of ultimate conflict and dilemma should wake you up again to remember why you truly are here.

Or do you want to wait for better times again?

So no longer ask: Who Am I?

But ask: What came I here for?

If you give Me your body-mind, I will make sure you survive as Mine. You will not perish.

I Am your God-Self, the Eternal Self of all Worlds and Universe!

Message conveyed by Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
 Replenish your prenatal life-energy! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Monday, January 11, 2021


Watch the Video (recommended)

My Beloveds,

are you aware that I Exist? I Am not what you think.

Identification is the point! Identify with Me! Not with your mind! But by surrendering your body-mind to Me. However do not neglect it, deny and suppress it. Purify it first so that I might adapt it to Myself with My Mighty Spiritual Force.

If you worship yourself, your mortal body-mind and the personality intertwined with it, you seem to be inextricably identified with it,  no matter whether it is a 3dimensional body-mind or the light-body that participates in a higher dimensional realm.

Do not fall for falsified teachings. You might feel something etheric in your heart what you call God, but it is just that: etheric, and it is not Me, Real God. When you die and loose your physical body then only the mind survives. 

Where then to locate this etheric substance that sooner or later will also disintegrate? Preventing this disintegration you will desperately look for another embodiment. It is an endless cycle. 

 And how could you then relate to Me, as I Am beyond mind. I Exist forever even before the mind arises.

Without Me there is no true liberation from that illusionary cosmic existence that you call in its  subtle appearances divine.

I Am beyond all of that and I Am That Primordial Divine Being and Consciousness That humankind has lost since so long!

I Am not „within you“, although everybody spiritual is claiming that, insisting in that claim, forgetful of True God. Your belief that I Am within you, is separating you from Me,  bonding you to  some consoling cosmic light.

You say: God lives in me. But why should True God confine Himself into a mortal shape and allow thereby mortal beings to continue mortality in endless cycles of existence. What you then consider to be Me, is merely a part of an ultimately mortal being, as also your soul is only a temporary creation. It may live for hundreds and thousands of years, but dissolves at latest together with the cyclical dissolution of the cosmos.

I never die and I never disintegrate! I Am your Eternal and Very True Identity, apart from all creations and creator gods!

You, the world and the universes inhere in Me. I am not found IN the world. This idea belongs to a mortal god-personality, a separate entity who has a creator-function. I am not a creator god, I do not create at all, I Simply Am, Radiant As Myself, Existing from Myself. Nobody and nothing created Me.

Therefore I Am your Ultimate Freedom. But this Freedom can never be yours if you continue to hold on to your  identity with a separate body-mind, no matter in which dimension. You cannot Become What You Really Are if you seek for God within the little chamber of body-mind and separate „I“, enlarging and empowering it with subtle thoughts, imaginations and energies, living an imaginary spiritual life.

The universes are full of these entities and beings, including yourselfs,  all leading to ultimately nowhere. Yes, to some subtle worlds perhaps, where you can feel temporary a bit releaved as a sweet etheric body-mind. And perhaps you think you are a master there in these etheric worlds. But all of them are illusions of the mind. Don't you know that! It is still a god-less existence. It is not your True of You.

So that's why I say to you: Just be with Me, That Ultimate Divinity Which Is your very True Nature. It Is Radiant, It Is Bliss, It Is Unconditional Love. Formless. Absolute. That's where you come from. Do not be content with the lesser illusions! 

Is it not said: what is greater, God or Maya? So Maya appears to be infinite, but only  Me, True God, Is the Way out of that seeming infinite labyrinth in which most of the souls linger self-meditating around for eons. There is no way out, but Me alone, Above and Beyond this endless play, however great and attractive the goddess Circe may appear there in these multiple playgrounds.

My Beloveds! You have lost Me and now you are seeking, seemingly helplessly identified with your mortal body-mind, working on it to change it, to make it more subtle, thinking this is the way to Me and don't even know that it is not.

Because it is only about things that come and go and do not participate an iota in My Eternity, My Beauty, My Purity, My Perfect Love.

I Am That Unlimited, Eternal Mighty Space of Un-thought Immensity That Is Forever Radiant Love, Infinite, and Truly Liberating you from the endless cycles of birth and death in all the realms of the Universes.

But you cannot „reach“ Me, you cannot „seek“ Me, you cannot "walk back" to Me, because I Am on the other side of what is known to you. Therefore you cannot know Me, unless you surrender to Me to become Who You in Truth Are.

It is the Only True Freedom, the Only Real Happiness. Do not allow to be confined forever in working out your body-mind, making it „better“ or „greater“ or more luminous to become somebody more seemingly spiritual.

My Beloveds, this is about your growing understanding about the True Nature of the Real That Is Me. You Are not your body-mind, never have been.

When you dream to be the body-mind, the seeming maze from which there seems to be no way out, is simultaneous appearing in your dream. So I say: Wake up from that dream of body-mind! From that hellish confinement.

Wake up to your True Freedom and Happiness. My Love must be made known to you, because It Is Greater than any Love that you imagine, because It Is Real, because I Am Real, because there is only One Divinely Conscious Reality. Me.

Grow Within Me to Your True Nature.

I Am Your God-Self, The Self of all Beings and Worlds.

Message conveyed by Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Thursday, December 24, 2020



Watch the video (recommended)

My Dear Friends.

the 21. December brought us a huge influx of light. And whoever has been open and sensitive to it, must have felt this light, even in the cells of the body. For me this intense cosmic light filled again and again organs and different parts of the body so that they disappeared temporally literally in this light. It was paradoxically like burning up in the coolness of it.

Certainly it has also done something to the human brain, preparing it for further development of intelligence and brain consciousness. It feels like that the space in which earth is floating has become more expanded. So there is hope! I pray that this event was the initiation into an ongoing and permanent evolutionary process for  the entire human race and not just a temporary experience that will sooner or later fade for most away. Because as with all initiations, who is not practicing with them will loose their blessings again.

This is so, because we are constantly changing living beings, originally god beings whose True Nature is Divine Consciousness. We are no robots who are automatically „saved“ by some higher frequencies or an imagined deity, like little children believe. This would be unworthy of the Divine Nature of the true human being.

I have personally not been specifically keen about this event, although it would hopefully awaken more human beings towards their godliness.

Although I experienced – and still experience – the powerful cosmic light in my body, the Ultimate Divine Light that Exists simultaneously prior to all cosmic lights, Is always present, never absent and all-embracing, all-fulfilling, Ultimate Light and of a quality that satisfies the Heart at its very root. In It's embrace our seeking subsides, while with the cosmic light we tend to seek for more, as the body-mind is never truly satisfied. Our heart is never truly full.

Only True God fulfills our Heart in any moment of our existence. Of course, each body-mind can grow and develop their frequency with the information of higher cosmic light. But does the True Heart of God, potentially in and as the human being, also emerge?

It cannot, because cosmic light arises within Divine Light and Consciousness. So cosmic light cannot transmit the Truth of Real God. Only Real God Can and He Is not dependent on cosmic events that appear only temporarily from time to time to bring perhaps evolution to earth and her inhabitants.


"My Beloveds, is it that you forget Me, fascinated with cosmic events that bewitch you with lesser light? It will not fulfill you, at least not ultimately, as only I Will Fulfill you entirely as The One I Am Always and The One That I Am As You. Why being content with cosmic light - as Your True Nature is beyond cosmic nature. Why make yourself little - but what you are not - and somehow into something cosmic, whereas You Are Ultimate Divine Conscious Light - but only when you cease to identify with the earthly instrument of body-mind that is a cosmic process. Yes, cosmic events can appear to be powerful in their frequency. But their impact comes from sources that derive their light from Me! Because I Am Source of all existence, of all universes and all suns and central and great central suns that are creations within the vast cosmos.

Although your ultimate nature is not cosmic, you cherisch this idea and limit thereby your happiness and freedom, because true happiness and freedom are based on Truth and not on presumptions about truth.

With each idenfication with a body and brain that is filled with cosmic light only your spiritual ego grows, in some cases to an bombastic extent and you forget your humble place as a body-mind in the universe.

Filled with My Light you melt in heart-deep devotion to Me, intoxicated with sweetness, self-forgotten in Infinity. Pure and One with all Existence.

My Beloveds, you need intelligent discrimination to Know My Love and the love of the universe.

My Divine Blessing is always Present at the root of all existence. There is no light, no power in the totality of creation that is even similar to Me! I Am the Source Power, and in Myself power games and ideas of grandiosity do not exist. Because of My Simplicity and because I am One without another, I am Singleness, I am Eternal Vibrant Consciousness, not separated in diversity, although diversity arises in Me.

Cosmic energy and consciousness does not make you ever truly free, it is still a prison within the numberless realms of frequencies.

Only I Make you free, beyond dimensions and the prisons of the mind, gross, subtle and causal. Because all these creations arise in Myself and I Am their Source.

YOU Are Source Consciousness, but only I can show you the Way to Realize Me. There are NO cosmic forces that ever could truly liberate you from suffering all the appearances and creations, high or low. Because I Am the Substance of all that appears to your awareness.

I Love You Always !

I Am Your God-Self, The Very Self of all beings and things." 


My dear friends,  in this festive season, may you all be blessed with timeless Happiness and Joy in the very depth of your heart, even regardless of  the circumstance you might experience in these restricted and difficult times. To let in the Divine makes you free and that inner freedom is what  makes you  forget all challenges. This is the Great Gift of these chaotic times.

I love you!


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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2020. All rights reserved.


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To support my work. Thank you! 
* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria