Monday, November 5, 2012

This Message has been lost .....

Dear friends,
all of my today's work just disappeared from this site. Although I saved it, and also it does auto-save. In fact instead of one new post I have two new drafts but with nothing in it. I should have considered that there have lately been lots of problems with the software of this blog, and difficulties to edit and save content. And color, font, size have been changing all the time without my doing. Perhaps it has a virus, as it is doing so strange. Unfortunately I wrote this, as I did many times before, directly into this blog. So all is lost, and it is late now.
I don't know whether I can retrieve the content from my memory. 
This will be a lesson never again to type directly online.

I am going now for a walk, late as it is.

Blessings and Love to all!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear of the problems you had but enjoy your walk. :)

Alakh Niranjan said...

Sorry to hear that.
Consider about saving contents in an external hard-disc or just using some USB-stick.

With Love,
your Niranjan
(*Don' worry, Be Happy!*:))

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of work, and I hope you don't feel too badly about it! Any message that needs to be shared through you will shine through your heart (and fingertips) when you sit down to type again. You always share the clearest, most soul-touching messages I have found; this won't be any different. So often, there's at least one crystaline nugget that sparkles with a truth I haven't seen anyone else share, and for that I am grateful!

Much love and gratitude!

~ Nyn

(PS - I lost my first attempt to comment and had to retype! :D )

Anonymous said...

my love and compassion be unto you, friend


Krystal28 said...

Sorry to hear this, dear Ute, I had some strange things happening with my blog - I save some of my work in my gmail drafts. And today my access is denied to with no reason. I wonder if other people have the same issue. Today I published your beautiful experience with dolphin cloud translated to Polish on my blog 'Transformacja 2012'
With love -- Krystal

Mary Vaananen said...

Hi Ute--I will check to see if I printed it out--it looks like it was the first November message. If I find it I will scan it and send it to you.

Mary Vaananen said...

I am sorry--I misunderstood about the lost blog post as you may have guessed.

Shan'A'Maa said...

Thank you all, my dear friends, for your "condolence' and care! Much love!! ♥♥♥