Friday, March 29, 2013


Dear friends,

please be patient, as I am not able to post at this point. I experience a major health challenge and have lots of pain. The healing and treatment cost me a fortune, and this bothers me too. 
Your healing prayers and donations are very welcome!

Thank you!

Enjoy the holidays!
Love and Blessings,


Mary V said...

Dear Ute--you are not alone---holding you within my heart. Much love.

Shan'A'Maa said...

Thank you Mary! ♥

CI said...

Dear Ute,

You're in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you a fast recovery.
Please take good care of yourself.

From Japan.

Shan'A'Maa said...

Thank you, CI! We all must stick together more than ever in the light! These are the most critical times ever! There is a lot being directed from "the other side" against light workers and humanity altogether. Much love to you and all! ♥

Mary Vaananen said...

Hi Ute,
I have seen you--a glowing light being wrapped in white robes--those robes awash in violet swirling light. Your face serene--your travails and hardships forming the structure of your being. You radiate because of them/in spite of them/you have transcended of all of these. I am thinking of you and am with you, dear one.

Much love,
Mary V

Shan'A'Maa said...

Dear Mary, thank you, amazing, what you see. It is true, that's how I feel, washed and immersed in white light in spite of the pains. It is Divine Grace. Many Blessings and all the love there is to you and all! ♥