Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2016


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Where are we now? What is the reality of planet earth? And where are you standing?

Almost 4 years have passed after the great events in December 2012!

When I remember the time of increasing excitement, leading to the December 2012 climax, the difference I notice is this:

While we enjoyed the crescendo of the time BEFORE the 2012 event, the fire of expectation and inspiration, the initiation and aspiration to a steep ascension process  into new heights of experience, has settled. And many thought, nothing has happened in spite of all of this. Because the world seemed to continue without drastic changes, and the global affairs in the following years have become even more difficult and dramatic for the vast majority of us.

As life in 3D became altogether more complicated, everything NOT in agreement with the vision of a new humanity and earth, became more obvious. The dark and decadent ground  of the old world came to the forefront so that it seems the times got worse.

But what really happened: as the hidden started to play out in the visible for everyone, everybody could finally see it, who were true to themselves.

What became now conscious through the appearances in the visible world, suddenly started to become the new reality and offered thereby the conscious choice for change and evolution. First inside oneself and then in the world around us.

The thing with manifesting the outer world is a bit more difficult, as 3D density needs time for change, if the level of conscious energy is not fluent and highly vibrating enough.

But what we did: we have changed inside! For many the external and ever worse appearing world lost the impact it once had on our spirit, and inner freedom from involvement with outer events is now expanding. 3D world in its old fashion dribbles along for us, but in many cases really without us! We have become more and  more detached, inside and outside the free space of peace and bliss.

The blessed new light and energies we felt up to 2012 evolved within us, while the outer world is now showing everybody its nasty head, which gives us the opportunity to recognize this reality to go beyond with love. 

The bubble of the illusion of a world that seemed liveable, burst, and people needed to realize that this world is not what they thought it is. And so they started to ask questions, in order  to last not least enter the great path of changing within, understanding how each one of us is responsible for the world from inside out.

The ingenious plan of evolution is a most perfect happening. It makes sure we first change from inside, to then allow the world to change. Confirming such the power of our Divine Creatorship. And this power is Unconditional Love. 

We are now still in a phase where we need to fully integrate our growing consciousness with the constantly increasing frequency on our Beloved Earth Mother, and our own expanding light and a deeper felt love. 

It can happen as we are Divine Beings, Whose True Nature Is Inherently Timeless, Happy and Radiant. The old world cannot persist, if we live the innocence of That. It must take the shape that reflects What We Are.

Ceasing to identify with the old world is necessarily the disintegration of it, as we no longer wish to own it.

This is the graceful process we have inherited from the Infinite Source and Eternal Existence That We Are as Consciousness.

But it is us, who must change first fundamentally, breaking away from the deadly stupidity of the dark matrix.

Let us allow Eternity to Radiate from inside out, let us merely BE without concern about global problems, guided by that BE-ingness to right actions. Such expanded, structures that do not comply, must crumble away.

We do not need to  fight with them. Fighting confirms their existence. We just need to put our attention somewhere else,  where our True Happiness Is. Where our Truth is. We do not need to surrender any longer to an artificial world that has nothing to do with us. Because it is us, our Divine Consciousness, our Love, that makes the "rules". 

Love and Blessings to us all! 

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, September 5, 2015


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While the arrival of great cosmic Wave is occupying the lightworker and –warrior worlds, change is not new. There has been always change and transformation and growth. It is only that never that many people have been uniting their mind, especially since 2012 to create a new and ascended world.

Friends, what is remarkable in this time, is this ever more growing uniting force, creating with new inspiration, aspiration and certainty what has not been there before: the feeling-awareness of a much higher frequency and light, establishing here on Gaia (and in the universe) now really permanently.

This is different to what we experienced in the years leading up to 2012. At that time it was like spring time, like the first days of a romance engaging with enchanted delight with a new liberating consciousness and energy, allowing the Divinely inspired visions to attract what our hearts were yearning for: a fresh, new and happy world, free of domination and control, allowing us to resurrect to our true divine nature and creative power,  freely discovering our heart-based liking and native Happiness.

When we look back at the few years since then we noticed a kind of stand still or even regression of that first period where we have been so much in love  with what has been a new and deeply inspired opening to the new era of human evolution.

Now, as we are newly and more deeply united, we realize, that this has become possible because we learned more profoundly to turn to the deep horizons of the dawning Divine LoveLight, as we, the human family, had the opportunity to more consciously choose what we wanted, by clearly turning away from what we did not want. This happened on a level as never before, while we identified with great clarity the schemes that do not allow freedom of choice and happiness; be it the choice to Be or to Become who we are, or the choices in a more material world that we wanted to freely see manifested.

But in fact, it does not matter, whether we started inside or outside, because both are the two sides of one single phenomenon. Although the split mind experiences it as two separate realities. 

Now, after the pioneers have been doing the work of clarification, cleaning up what might have been shadows of unconscious content in their own unconsciousness or the collective unconscious mind, we stand together, not necessarily as individuals, but as a united mind and as One Heart in new realms of light and spiritual power, which allows the new wave to come in, because we are prepared.

This New incoming Wave is just the mirror of our newly won and now steady spiritual presence and clarity, helping or supporting us to do the next pioneering step. 

And it is being an evolutionary force for those who are just awakening to their spiritual presence or soon will. It will help them to awaken further and in shorter time than the pioneers were able to, because they entered and dealt with a new territory.

As the pioneers are now backed up by a new tangible radiant reality, which is the manifested demonstration of their aspiration and inspiration, and their divinely guided knowing-ness and presence, they will now in much shorter "time" open up to the vision and reality of a still deeper and even more powerful Divine LoveLight, drawing it to here, manifesting it here, to be present as a New Reality, a Reality in which the individual is feeling ever more the always existing Unity of Divine Consciousness, that is beyond or prior to the brain consciousness and an Undivided Power of Radiance in Which we and everything else is arising.

There is no accident, it is just that the Divine Eternal Heart has Opened Itself, infusing  creation, merging with it, to finally Recognize Itself in all things.

It is the eternal journey, beyond time and space, happening as synchronicity while separation from and merging with The-All-That-Is, is merely a dream and played out in the mind of creator gods in the multiverses and omniverses and beyond our imagination, where Source and Creation are One and The Same.

The Great Mystery is always Now and always Present. A Now That cannot be spoken or described or even mentioned. It Is not an object. It is the beyond of the beyond of our mere (and even evolved but still limited) human or even superhuman perception and ideas. We cannot reach it, even with our greatest efforts.

It needs to be Given as a Divine Gift, when we are ready. And we can be ready by just being an ordinary simple human being.

The beginning and the end are One. In It there is no movement, no evolution. And still the Mystery Exists, Always.

With love!
Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel, 21.1.13, AEST
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends,

About 3 weeks into the year 2013, and we slowly discover its new quality!

The pressure of 2012, full of great expectations, the run to the final events, is over. But many people felt disappointment, expecting great things to happen in the outer world. They did not look inside to experience the change in themselves.

But who worked with the conscious process, these blessed souls, they did prepare by dealing with the levels of energy and light by releasing densities. 

Because the glorious final chord of 2012 was a vibrational shift and thereby a shift in consciousness.

If people did not attune to the vibrational shift, they tended to project their expectations merely into the outer world.

Now, after the great opening at the end of a 26.000 years cycle, 2013’s quality is entirely different and new! What we felt in 2012 as a constant and increasing squeezing of time and events, which happened one after the other ever more rapidly and powerfully, experience now develops into a quite different direction and quality.

The usual perception of time seems to subside and to make room for a majestic Opening into a new dimension of Timeless Holiness and Sanctity. And all we can do is to allow ourselves to open up to It and to  feel and breathe It and to start to vibrate and resonate with this new Revelation, Which is right around us.

What appeared during 2012 to be an increasingly compressed battle in the fields of duality, made room for a new dawning of something Awesome and Sublime.

This Single Sublimity is calling us to allow ourselves to grow into It, to vibrate with our heart with It, in order to discover our true heritage, to allow the Eternal Presence of our Being-ness to take over this doubtful and contracted illusionary presumption that we "think" we are.

As if a lid has been taken away from us to open us up to Infinity from above, as if the fetters around our hearts have burst, as if the ground gives way, to touch with our feet the heart of our planet in a higher dimension. And so the walls give way into all directions, allowing us to breathe beyond our skin into infinite space.

There is a Radiant, Unmovable new Reality around us, a Reality That has been always there, but we have not been aware of it. A new Freedom has been given to us, to naturally unfold into our original and inherent Greatness.

This is the incoming of expanded Consciousness, the Presence of the Sublimity of the Human Soul, that is taking Seat in the Heart of Mankind.

We are growing now beyond this planet into Space, not anymore prisoners her and bound to this little place, but sovereigns who are the caretakers of this beautiful Earth, our true home in The Cosmic Infinite Heart and our Inspiration in the Deep of the Galaxy, our Feet in the Womb of the Universal Mother.

To me a new Unity is arriving, a Singleness and Union with Creation and Freedom in Unlimited Consciousness. A new Satisfaction in Simplicity, that is One without an “other”.

The Great Future of humanity has already begun. What we Are becomes obvious: Galactic Beings breathing Eternity in our Hearts.
The Opening into a new Reality is Bright and Sacred. It is the Return of Humanity’s dignity!

And even if there are not many yet of the Billions who are aware of It, - the fact of this Glorious Opening is tangibly obvious. It Is Here!

Great transformations and shifts always started slowly and gained momentum after a time. Soon there will be a magnificent river taking with it Millions and then all the Billions!

For now, while I write, I allow this Powerful Eternal Presence here, to Acquire my heart and whole body-mind.

And if you wish, let this be our invocation, my dearest friends:
Let this New Radiant Reality Speak and Act now and Breathe me! May It Act now through me! Now is the time where I hand over to this Presence my little personality and let the Great One Rule.

I can now sit back, my little self has done its duties. Now, the Greater  Self and Reality may take over, finally, to reign in Divine Perfection through me and as me.

With very much love,


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
