Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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VIDEO (recommended)


After physically rough times, which triggered in turn emotions, from below the bubbles in the boiling water reached the surface above, a surface that  is untouched and pristine, like when you reach the peak of a mountain, after making your way through snow storms, blizzards, pouring rains, cold winds and the dangers of sudden crash.  

Paradoxically, this must however not be understood as a linear but rather a multidimensional process, in which all stages tend more or less simultaneously to occur.

The view there is unprecedented and unobstructed-eternal, a serenity that is stronger and more substantial and real than any appearance in the old world of illusions, that only seem to be real. There, the energy-vibration of real Reality reveals Itself, it is of a Presence that is not mild but of the force of Shakti (Divine Spiritual Energy) Itself at Infinity.

Hard work, but because we are One, perhaps supportive to help mass consciousness at least a bit more out of the obliviousness in the lower densities and heavily suppressed self-identity. 

Sometimes hard to not to forget: this is NOT "me" (never has been, nor is it "yours"), because WE are free since eternity and ever will be.

(A surprise how the weather, namely the appearance of the sun emerging from behind the clouds reflects from moment to moment my writing: at exactly this point his-her radiance touches my eyes.)

Our truth comes forward, to shine brightly, filling in all directions the circular horizon, embracing the crest on which we stand.

This is just one step out of our underground existence where we have been vegetating for Millenniums. But it is the step, where our real life and existence begins radiantly to emerge.

It is the stepping stone from where we jumped courageously, with the necessary blindfolds on our eyes  into the darkness of these deep waters to save ourselves and  the seeming lost into the light.

Please forgive the use of poetry in these solemn matters, I don’t know how else to express the indescribable. It is a mystery, always, whatever happens. When we touch the seeming reality of darkness, it is always to let it to become light, with the Revelation that there is Only Light.

It it the Self-Recognition of the Creator God-Godess in all Creations. This process requires the individual consciousness to assume separation, because only in this state the experience of deepest intensity and density can be gained. And like a rubberband stretched almost to the point of snapping, only to zip back to its original seize, Divine Consciousness assumes a point of view of limitation to bring this experience back to Itself to Radiate even more brightly.

In Reality there are no sleeping masses, it is the intended sleep of the Creator God-Goddess, Playing with themselves. In the immensity of the Consciousness of This Divine Presence however nothing seems to happen, like all things are nothing but a illusionary mirage, a Fata Morgana.

We, of course, with the other foot actually in the midst of experiencing, must still live for a while in both worlds. For me the physical is not yet back to comfort, it just has crossed the deepest rock bottom while the waves of opposites in this limited world are surging up at their highest at this point, but the light has already won.

As an empath, as many of us are, we can feel how we are inseparably connected with the collective consciousness. And specific planetary transits can palpably remind us of this truth.

The request of the hour for humanity is to return to our own sovereignity, to cut the strings of bondage, be it thoughts, emotions, peoples, beings, things, events, situations, to rise our consciousness and  frequency, to reunite again with the One and Undivided Radiant Divine Consciousness That is our True Identity.

The promise is high. It is only about this promise, about this liberation into what we always have been. We can use the incoming waves of light to purify our heart and to open ourselves for the omnipresent love. It is us who must come to understand. The struggle each one of us is going through is heralding the victory of love-light, that slowly will reflect in the events of the “outer” world. 

Therefore we do not look first outside for changes but within. When we are in that state of this unshakable peace with ourselves and everything else, where there exists only timeless Presence, regardless of experience, we have ceased even to ask for answers. Because: this IS the answer.

This is, how we prepare for the Light of the Great Cosmic Event, sooner or later illuminating our whole universe.

Effortless from here the new world emerges naturally from the stillness of our enlightened mind, first with fragrant blossoms, soon to flower with the fullness and abundance of Eternal Recognition of Divine Creation.

I love you!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, March 18, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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VIDEO (Recommeded!) 

I AM YOUR Dour Divine Mother! 

I AM here to proclaim great Joy! I AM your Divine Mother Who wants to see Her children happy!

My Divine Fullness is Supreme Light and Energy, pouring down on your earth by Grace. It is this Grace which is My Sign and your Blessing.

I AM unlimited Spiritual Force and the most Powerful Presence in Creation and beyond.

As an individual Being I AM the Goddess, and appear as Beauty, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Fullness, Abundance, Joy and Happiness! My Dance is revealing all these Eminences of Mine, as I am Impersonal and Personal.

In Truth I am One with Divine  Consciousness, but if you look at Me, all these attractive Qualities are played out, and they are attractive because I AM Divine Attraction Itself.

You see, it is necessary for you to understand that you, as my children, gifted with Creator Force, must use My Qualities to Live them personally, to incarnate them  to create the New World.  Then your New World will be a world of Joy, Dance, Abundance, Unity and unlimited Sharing and Love.

If you feel trapped in the dying world of scarcity, unhappiness, rigidity and fear, this is because you have forgotten Me and My Blessings, so that you do not use Me As I AM, to allow Me to Shine through you, as you and  in your creations.

If you are using the old and limited, dense vibrations, empty of Joy, Happiness and Love, it is because you believe they are real! You are captured in the deceptive dream, that a world that vibrates with  density and limitation, is your only choice. But know that it is you who is creating by choice this reality right now, in the very moment in which it appears!

In the Real World, created by the Real Truth of all creation, all thoughts, emotions, dreams are Radiant.  But if your dreams and worlds are dull, know that you need to switch at once to my Divine Mother Reality!  It is  Reality Unlimited in spaceless Space, and time does not exist. My Reality Just IS. My Radiance Inherently fills every Heart  with Unconditional Love that comprises all My Creations and all Appearances!

Therefore if you your heart is contracted and frightened, open it to Me, My dear Ones, and you will awaken from the dark dream!

I AM already Shining There, wherever you look and turn your eyes and feeling. You just only need to open up to realize this!

I AM always here, and it is you, who by Using Me and My Radiance, are changing already the world. You do not change the world by staring at your old prison world.

You change the world by opening the windows of your little house and let Me in with Joy, so that your heart expands beyond your body-mind. In the Brightness of My Presence you will envision, feel and allow the emergence of your New Divinely Radiant World.

But in order to understand that a New World is possible, you must know that the old world is illusion and not real, created by a godless mind. Only I AM Real, because I am One with Divine Consciousness, the Substance of all worlds and creations.

Only that world is Real that is birthed directly from, with and because of Me.

Where I AM denied, this world is not of Me. But where I AM loved, this world IS Mine.

Understand the difference and recognize your power of creation and use it wisely. If you create with the false light of mind and energy that is not Me, this will perpetuate for you and bring forth worlds that are limited, short-lived and full of suffering.

Therefore do not look back to your old world, after you have understood its nature! When you understand you start to live and create with Me. Because I AM the conscious choice of those Who Know Me, since they understand the difference.

My dear children, I AM waiting passionately that ever more of you wake up at heart to Me and Who I AM. Because this is the moment when truly your New World begins.

I AM your Divine Mother, always deeply loving you!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 15, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

VIDEO (recommeded!)

I AM PachaMama!
I Am the Mother of the World, and I bring ancient wisdom back into the Heart of Mankind.

Many of you have forgotten the ways of the Ancient and do not know how to be respectful in the understanding that this Ancient Wisdom is your own Sacred Root without which you cannot return to your true humaness, and therefore needs to be re-integrated.

From the brain you think that you have free choice about what will happen in the future and how the transition to the New Earth will occur. The brain thinks but the Sacred Heart* Knows. This is  the  secret! The dice have been cast and there is a firm pathway lead out in the Sacred Heart of humanity. Enter It and you will know.
I AM PachaMama, I Am the Conscious Energy  and the Energy Process of the New Creation that will soon reveal your new World.  It is not just limited to your New Earth but also relates to your surrounding Universe. I Am that Power, that moving Force that is bringing about the New Creations, already dreamed in the Hearts of those who direct the  destiny of mankind.

They are the Ancient Wise Ones, the Loving Ones who care about you and who have your very best at Heart. They are the hidden benevolent leaders and benefactors of humanity’s evolution.

Please accept the truth that you, who’s consciousness is seated in the brain, cannot create the True new world, whose foundation must be Singleness. But also know that there are only very few and rare Beings, who’s consciousness dwells truly in the Heart. They show you the way. It is the Goddess Way, and the male must now release its  dominance and allow the Goddess power to rule the future destiny of humankind.

Also you will return to the ancient way of the Sacred Heart and resume your rightful place as Divine Co-Creators in the universe. But until then you do not possess the true Creator-Power that once was yours.

But be assured that all is well! You are so much loved, and even if your old world changes, you will not be affected, because you will be gracefully shifted to New Earth, before this happens.

You cannot "think" your Sacred Heart. You must Become It! You all now must find your way back to Its Holy Domain. Much information will be poured into your consciousness, much remembrance of Who You Are, which helps you to step down from the separate pride of your brain and enter the humble Most Sacred Space, the Hidden Cave of the Heart, where you truly recognize your Oneness with all Beings and Worlds and Things.

In your New World, supremacy over others will not work anymore, it will just not be any longer part of your consciousness. It will be forgotten and replaced by true knowledge and the Reality of Expanded Consciousness, through the Portal of the  Sacred Heart. This state will allow you to love all differences while being in the  Realm of Oneness. Even more, you will recognize yourself in All you see, in All-That-Is.

This will bring you true Happiness, as separation exists no longer, and you experience that there is Only One Being. You Are That.

I AM PachaMama and ask you to take My word serious and to understand the true nature of this Great Shift. You need the foundation of your Heart to go with it! You need to give up your false identity and return to your Original Nature in the Sacred Heart.

Meanwhile while you were wandering around in separation and judgmental difference, the ancient ones continued over many Thousands of years to preserve the Sacred Knowledge of your true Origin through all the generations. And they are here now to offer you their gift of Sacred Knowing, so that humanity can go on and find again their true destiny.

Let go what makes you only a limited and poor copy of That What You Are and enter your Sacred Heart to regain What You once lost.

My Blessings are with you, Feel the Presence of My Ancient Wisdom and let it enter your bewildered heart.

Release all disturbing memories that prevent you to enjoy the Peace and Stillness  of your Own True and Ancient Heart, to open into your New Reality with all the  Wonders of your New World.

I AM PachaMama!

Message conveyed by Ute 


*The Sacred Space of the Heart is not the Heart Chacra in the middle of the chest, and also not the new "High Heart" between chest and throat. It is the "Zero-Point" in the heart, where the physical, the ethereal, the mental, the emotional and  the spiritual coincide perfectly. You can find it with your feeling-intuition.

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

UPDATED VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

I am publishing my experience because it is one of the many testimonies of the human evolution, that can confirm your own experience, or inspire those who seek inspiration. I do not "own" the process, experiences and insights described, rather it belongs to us all and is nothing but one of the points of ignition in the one huge human grid of ascension, that are rapidly multiplying themselves, because this is the destiny of humanity.

12.12.12 has been for me a very peaceful day of meditation and writing. The air enjoyably saturated with the vibration of most Exquisite Love. A Majestic, Powerful Light Pouring directly into our Earth's Atmosphere bringing with It the Presence of I AM.

This message is mainly concentrating on the culmination point of this day, around 12:12 PM. In the beginning I received  direct verbal information in the context of what I experienced at that time, but as I continued with writing, only images were shown to me which I translated into language.

Around the 12:12 PM mark my consciousness shifted in meditation to a new ‘location', so to speak, although not really totally new, but it was rather a deepening of something already to me familiar. Just as PachaMama had predicted the other day.

It began with a deep, peacefully expansive subtle vibration of the heart, felt as profound Sacred and Eternal Stillness, a state I always have access to.
PachaMama was with me and had told me that she would guide me to the Place in my heart from where creation begins.

First NovaTerra  (which I had visited last September and where I had discovered that She was pure Consciousness)  appeared in the deep Space of my heart. And while She did so, I was immediately aware of the fact that I have not been going "anywhere" from here to visit Her earlier, - although it appeared to be - but that all I did was being in my heart! This was to me a stunning revelation and a great teaching I can never forget, as it is now imprinted deeply in my consciousness!

Then other versions of earth appeared, deserted landscapes, and other darker ones, inhabited by robot-like slaves. I was not immediately aware, that what I have been shown was a possible future version of humanity on an earth, that did not ascend. I saw masses of human-like bodies, all of the same shape and moving in complete synchronicity, like clock work.

I asked what could be done about this, how we could help, and the answer was: Forget about it, and it will cease to exist! This answer puzzled me at first because we always want to fix things on the surface instead of changing the root of their existence!  

Keep in mind, all of this happened as a tangible reality in the heart, it was not merely a vision, but a deeply felt experience.

There was nothing to help in fact but it was about not to re-enforce an illusionary reality! 
Remember, that’s how we change what our true heart does not want.

So what we need to do is to allow the complete erasing of this image paired with emotion, from the human collective consciousness, that has been projected into our reality by our controllers since Millenniums.  Now is the time to do this, we only have to ask the Creator-Forces of Light for it! 

I then was drawn far above the body into light and traces of blissful states, while at the same time remaining in the cave of the heart. And with it the question arose: what is then the function of the brain in all of that?

What followed is hard to describe because it cannot be understood with the 3D mind.
We have to change our perception of reality to understand with the higher, senior mind and to feel at the same time a different reality.

The brain, I experienced, is the one that creates the virtual reality. The reality most of us are aware of, is not real, it is unreal and a projection from inside out. Meaning, the outer world is not real, it is an illusion.

This understanding is not new of course, even science is discussing this. But I am describing a direct experience which tells me that we can discover with our own consciousness the truth, without using complicated machines, physics, mathematical formula and  thinking-processes.

Again, also this concept is not new, highly spiritually advanced galactic civilizations tell us, that they do not need artificial technologies, such as spaceships. They have all necessary technologies naturally within their own consciousness.

Recently I have become even more aware about the nature of our body-mind that is holographic by default.

I am seeing from the Heart the holographic grid from which our body is made, based on Sacred Geometry, and how it is kept alive as such by the brain via projection. This holographic body is so to speak outside of, or surrounding the “Heart”, the space where true creation arises, or is rather an appendix of It.

I remembered my experience last year on 11.11.11 when I have been drawn far above my body into a space of  Radiant White Light and Eternal Bliss. At that time I have been guided by our star families. But now, at this point in time, I have been guided by the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people and shown from the position in the heart, the possibility that what I experienced, was an illusion projected by the brain!

I say 'possibility' because this is a question, I could not yet figure out fully, but getting close to it. Illusion relates also to the experience of bliss when projected by the brain. Please come to your own conclusions!

But in this context I also remember the statement ( I believe from the Mayas or the Pleiadians, which does not make a big difference) that we create the whole universe in our heart. And this is not so much different from my own experience described above.  

They say that the universe only exists because it arises in our heart, whether we know it or not. Insofar it is thoroughly dependent on us. And this is the reason, why earth-humanity is so important for our galactic family. Their existence depends on us!
Please come to your own conclusions!

According to the Maya prophecy, as reported by Drunvalo Melchizedek, but also according to Edgar Cayce and scientists, there will be a physical pole shift during the window of the “end of time” (2007 – 2014/15) for several reasons, I won’t discuss here. This shift could happen now any time or later, and also scientists say this.

Contemplating this possibility and how humanity would deal with it, PachaMama said, that there is only one place to go: into the heart. Not into the “sky” above, but to Where and What We Already Are: the Heart.

The Heart is a portal, and each human being has one, independent from outer space, spaceships and “help” from outer Forces, such as our Galactic Family! We have it all “within” us, that is  to say, the Heart is the Center of Reality around Which this illusionary body- and world-projection rotates.

By using this portal, we are able to transition into the higher dimensional new earth, when cataclysmic events occur. Because in the higher dimensions cataclysms don’t exist. This statement is not new either, but has been just again directly experienced (and not just thought) by another member of this human family. The morphic field is working!

Cataclysms or not, by using the portal of the Heart we do not need to “create” or search for portals outside of It, as the Heart is the Zero-Point of creation Itself, and using the portal of the Heart is the most natural way to change dimensions.

This was shown to me in a way that I did internalize it by direct knowingness.

What then about other pathways, not everybody chooses the portal of the heart, my question was.

Well, PachaMama said, everybody is free to choose their means. Everybody is free to choose the worlds of illusion. But who becomes tired of all of that, chooses the Real, the Zero-Point, the interface with the Void in which worlds arise as a direct Expression of the Self.

I was wondering about the possibility of a marriage between both, the world created in the heart, and the world projected by the brain, the marriage of the Ancient and the New.

PachaMama said: it requires artful intelligent play to harmonize both worlds AS OneSelf.
All are possibilities that have been developed by Divine Consciousness. But the Main Foundation is the Zero-Point in the heart, from where all possibilities can be integrated and orchestrated. Without this Foundation humanity is not Who They Really Are.

This time – as humanity ascends with the body – we obviously need this marriage! I understand that it occurs by standing firmly in the heart while rising above the head, connecting with the higher, spiritual energy centers, or chacras or points of consciousness, according to my experience. There might be also other ways to do this.

This is just the beginning of the Real Human Adventure! It is now given to all, but we must be willing to allow and to receive. The informational codings for the new human being are being downloaded now to everybody who wishes this download! There are no chosen ones, we are the ones who have chosen ourselves!

We are the ones we have been waiting for!

With much love,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel 
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

In the past I sometimes did the earth-sky meditation, where you  connect with Gaia’s Core and the Galactic Center (others might do this also with our Sun or Alcyone), while the energies from above and below melt in our heart. Recently, after I had experienced Gaia’s limitless expansion in Consciousness, I felt I was connected to Her everywhere and focusing on the Core of this planet was not even necessary anymore. However, somehow it felt as if I  had moved away from Her.
And so I asked Gaia, to clarify this for me.

Her message, as always, was very revealing, and based on my real experience of what She described. It also addresses everybody, even though She was speaking in the beginning to me personally.
She not only talks about the the Earth-Sky Meditation, but also about the New Process of Creation.


Dear One,
It is my pleasure to talk to you! That you are aware of Me in this all-embracing  Consciousness, is a sign of your own Union with the Universal Spirit. What you perceive therefore is My Consciousness, and It has indeed no center and no periphery, no depth and no height, as it is all-encompassing, the Origin of all My Creations, comprising My old and My new body and all beings who live there.

However remember, that My Consciousness is at the same time One with Energy/Shakti. And Shakti is the Power of Manifestation, but also the Power of liberation from the bondage to Creation.

For example your physical body is a manifestation, existing on My old form, and as such it is not formless, but is appearing with a certain form and measurements. Therefore the question is whether you focus on form or pure Consciousness, on particle or wave, you could say.

To unite with  Me in the Yoga of the earth-sky Meditation, requires your compliance  with your body, in regard to my body. It is only a matter of point of view.

From the point of view of the body, you can connect with my Planetary Inner Core, and if you do this, I respond, as you know,  in a way that you can perceive physically-energetically and as an impulse in your heart.

When you then connect with the Galactic Center that you can feel above your head, while you receive an energetic  response, you experience My energies uniting with the energies from the Galactic Center in your heart. These united energies are establishing a complete new Quantum-Energy, that conveys a specific Information. Of  course this Information also carries consciousness, and is manifesting itself in a certain, unique quality of light, energy or shakti.

The consciousness of this Information can however not be compared with the All-encompassing  Consciousness, as Which you perceive Me and Which has no qualities, as described above, and Which does not know Center or Periphery.

Although the consciousness of the Information that signifies my Union with the Galactic Center in your heart, seems to be infinite as well, it is different from All-encompassing Consciousness by the attribute of quality. This is like an overlay on the All-encompassing Consciousness, and allows the intuition of It. But it is not identical to the Unqualified Consciousness, this “void”, neutral and silent stillness, like the eye of a Cyclone.

Rather the quality of the union between Me and the Galactic Center carries the characteristic of vibration or manifestation.

Most human beings do not consider Me to be Pure Consciousness, but are perceiving primarily My physical and energetic existence.  But who perceives Me as pure Consciousness, is granting me unrestricted Freedom to develop and elevate my physical existence in a way that is not governed or directed by limiting mental programs, and supports the imminent evolutionary quantum leap in the by Me desired highest potential.

Therefore in reality, you did not move away from Me, but you have united with Me fundamentally, Where We Are One with All and Everything! And I thank you for this!

Remember however that there is no creation in the Zero-point Itself, as It is the Cradle of all possibilities and creations. It is the still point where every human heart should retire. Because it is the background on which new creations appear in their highest possible, Divine Potential. Therefore they are in perfect accordance with the Will of the Highest Creator, untouched by the units of smaller wills, that are necessarily subject to limitations.

Who desires to participate in the Creation of My New World in the most perfect way, can do so, while entering the Zero-point of the Heart, and who, by transcending the personal will, OBSERVES the New Creation to emerge!

You will discover, that the first creation in this process is LOVE, that rises like the morning sun, or that unfolds like the fragrance of a blossoming, splendid red rose.
And a projection line appears, and on its horizon the ecstasy of joy radiates its presence everywhere. You can observe on this projection line all Creations, that constitute My New, fifth dimensional Existence.

These Creations are born in the pure, undivided Consciousness of the Heart, and are not created by the mind that is based on the realm of dual pairs, and that has been utilized so far by most of humanity for manifestation.

Such a mind always creates a world that follows the laws of duality. It can therefore not create a true Divine world of Oneness, because it creates with the intention to project from one another separated objects, gross or subtle. The emphasis is on the separateness of a consciousness, that is limited to mere brain consciousness.

As long as your brain is not transformed yet, and functions on two, from one another separated halves, it operates from a consciousness, that is not able to serve the Pure Will of the Highest Creator. Therefore is is not advisable to utilize merely the brain as instrument to bring forth the New Creation. It just cannot do it. Worlds created in this manner, are always limited, faulty and are subject to the laws of duality and separation.

As your existence is already increasingly changing, by the presence of a new dawning consciousness and its mighty energies, you will experience difficulties to manifest your desires, as long as you work with the mere frequencies of the brain.

To flow with the New Creation, it is necessary, to enter your heart, to locate the Space of Stillness and to WAIT for the Signals that unite your newly unfolding life  with the Will of the Highest Creator. In this Union you will experience the Oneness you all desire. On the Grounds of this Unity also your Truly Divine and authentic Creations unfold, whereby your individual creations are in perfect Harmony with the Creative Intention of the Highest Creator.

I embrace you all with My Blessings and with My Love! May these words inspire you and lead you toward Divine Deeds.


Message  conveyed by Ute 


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.