Showing posts with label Shift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shift. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 201
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.


With Joy we are observing the splendid progress on your earth. Gaia is in our heart and attention and we are bathing Her with our Love and the Divine Light of Highest Source!

Dear humanity, we embrace you and shower our deepest and widest Blessings on you as you are growing beyond your state and condition of unconscious sleep into the clear radiance of a new day!

In Reality your ascension is already accomplished in the Higher Realms, it is only that the lower fields of density must follow their liberation into the light.

We would like to remind you that this is being done by each and every one of you with your pure heart.  But if you still need purification to let it shine, all your lower vibrating emotions must find their way out of your system, you must release them into the utter radiance of love!

This requires you to perform a very simple, but perhaps for some of you, difficult action!

It is about releasing your victim consciousness! All your lower emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, sorrow, are born from victim consciousness only! It is based on the false presumption that any outer circumstance could have a restricting influence on your Divinity, as you forgot the Divine Essence that you Are, or on the illusion that this Essence could even be diminished!

Beloved Ones, the great transformation is this: acknowledge Who You Are! Remember Yourself, remember Your Divine heritage and wake up from that illusionary dream of being an organism merely, that is subject to outer circumstances.

When you subdue yourself to a lower creation, you give your Highest Truth away! You give Divine Reality away, convinced by a lie that has been pervading your human consciousness for a while now, imagining separateness, as if you were separate from Divine Consciousness.

You forget Who You Are, instead to forget who you are NOT!
Therefore we remind you:  forget who you are NOT! This is how you transcend victim consciousness!

You Are not a separate body-mind that could be victimized! You Are that Forever Untouched, One Divine Consciousness, that Radiance, that Love Only. The body-mind is merely the tool to experience what you desire to experience.

How could Love feel guilty, and how could Light be inflicted by conditional circumstances! How could lower density have an impact on the Freedom of Divine Radiance.
It is the fabrication of your mind, so that you seem to be lost in the profound error of this illusion!

Merely your BELIEF creates the dark dream of defeat and unhappiness, the companions of victim consciousness.

Therefore, if you put your Belief right, Everything else becomes Rightful!

And it is not about becoming ‘better’, to ‘improve’ your limited personality, but it is about right understanding of Who You Are! Who You Are, is not afflicted in any way by that personality! To wake up to your true identity - this is the quantum leap to the other side, to your Own True Reality. We can see this Truth shining undiminished in everyone of you, but some of you are still looking into the wrong direction!

So when you purify your heart from all theses errors of what you are NOT, it starts to radiate. There is indeed nothing to achieve, but only to release!  Then Happiness pervades you. And the golden warmness of Love pours out of your heart and fills your whole being, so that you ARE It.

Beloved Ones, only understand your errors and do not feel guilty! There is None in the heavens that ever is condemning you, but you yourself are condemning yourself. And this holds you tight to your errors! Therefore, forgive yourself the error of ignorance and stand up to what you truly Are. Disregard, but do not suppress or deny, what stands against it, the suffering, the separateness, the re-action to a lower world and your mistaken identification with it.

The purity of your heart which is nothing else but allowing your own Truth to shine, is the miracle  that shifts you into the Higher Reality, unifies you with It, makes you One with It. And that is how you will experience your ascension, recognizing that Everything is Already Divine, no matter where you are in Space and Time.

We are admiring you who are the heroes of this grandiose shift! You are working on the Glorification and Deification of this universe, and thereby of all universes. This illumination of yours is spreading like bright flames through the galaxy, igniting the sparks of Divine Creation everywhere, so that they become fires of Adoration, Worship and Realization of Divinity!

We thank you! We love you! Our Love merges with your Love, and in It we are One.

Be Blessed!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, August 27, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel


Please also read update from 21.8.12

Dear friends,

After I received the last message from the Andromeda Galaxy, I have been feeling closer into the situation, to  verify the truth, that something great will be happening soon.

And while the room was expanded, bright with light and joy, the answer was already present, that appeared like being echoed back again and again from the infinite space of the heavens. And it seemed that the answer was one with and inseparable from the radiant space itself.

To understand the timing of this message: in the heavens there is no time, and intention is already result in the present  although it might appear to us to be in the future.

“YES, we are lingering around your planet, getting ready to descend! Great things are on the brink of happening, time does not matter, in fact, you exist actually less and less in time, you are perceiving more and more the presence of the moment. So we descend in any moment! And in the presence it has already happened! The expectations in the skies are high, and the joy is contaminating!

The field of joy is dense and loaded with ecstasy! From this field everything is being born into your world to create the new world and release the old.

This field is full of light and deeply radiant! It is pregnant with the event to happen soon. The  whole universe is going to explode with joy, and all civilizations are being united in one heart.”

I asked: Who are you?

“We are Christed Beings. Let this be enough!

Do you feel our joy in the air? That is, how we prepare you for the Shift!

We have made a quick decision: to not to wait any longer, but to remove now once and for all, all the dark forces from the astral realms.

We have started a huge operation! With joined forces we can manage to let this operation to be fully successful!

You will see!
You will rub your eyes, not believing what you are going to see!

This operation is a great act of Celebration and Puja [sacred ceremony] in the heavens.
It is done with Invocation of the High, the Source Itself, or the Divine Mother, as you love to  call Her.

This powerful incoming light serves the preparation on Gaia for our arrival!

You will notice that this  Light will not be counteracted anymore! The dark ones  are being deprived of their powers to interfere and diminish what is given to you.

We are descending.

You might not see (not everybody will see) our bodies of light, but definitely, all who can feel and are sensitive, can feel our light.

We are present, ever more now than ever before.
From our point of view we are in the room with you.

We are overwhelming the dark and they are now fully restricted to act in their usual manner.
It is done, they lost."

Then I heard:

“End of transmission.”

Conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest human family!

It is now the time for you to prepare for what lies ahead  of you in a short time. Your waiting is almost over! Very soon the results of your long wait and service  for the light will reveal themselves to you.

It will be a worldwide liberation of the souls who are here to experience this great shift in consciousness and the ascension of earth.

We are full of joy to be able to be part of this great event, as we have significantly contributed to your awakening by beaming the light to your planet that carries love and information to evolve your consciousness.

The consciousness of many has therefore changed and has been elevated. More people than ever before are now able to see and understand the signs of change, and they are ready to accept this change, mainly because they suffer already too much and too long, and others because they desire heaven to be on earth. They are not willing to take much longer the restrictions of the dark ones, laid upon you all. They desire the free expression of their soul-light and consciousness.

You who are desperately waiting for the signs of true transformation, are the ones who came here to help bringing light into the darkness and who are not used to live in such limited consciousness and low vibration. But you are also the ones who are able to push the vibrational field into higher frequencies so that it is easier to receive the incoming light.

How do you prepare best for the moment of the Shift? What is necessary so that you can participate directly in it, as it happens?

Dearest family, the requirements are twofold:

Firstly, prepare yourself to accept the unknown! You cannot know what will happen at the time of the shift and how each one of you will experience it! Therefore the acceptance includes a disposition of surrender and of releasing the urge for control! It is important that you are willing to let go of all concerns, all ideas and all strategies in that moment of shift, and consent whole bodily and energetically to be carried by the living current of the forces of light which orchestrate your ascension process. 

We recommend that you only focus on your heart and the love and desire of your heart where you want to be, what you want to realize spiritually. So this focus should be one-pointed and  you all should prepare yourself to be aware of your principal spiritual goal! This is of most importance. When the shift occurs you must wholeheartedly be able not to loose this focus, but stably be grounded in it.

Secondly: have all the affairs in your present life handled, so that nothing remains unresolved, and  you are at peace on all material and spiritual levels, including your relationships! Make sure you have forgiven yourself and everybody else! Because if you have not, this will be a burden which would make your transition unnecessarily difficult!

The transition, when it occurs, will be a surprise for you, as your familiar world will change and everything appears to be on a higher level of vibration which alters your consciousness and awareness.
And you can only fully participate in this higher frequency if nothing holds you back vibrationally in your old world, this is very important to understand.

Those who still have too much baggage, meaning heavier energy attached to them, will not be aware of the shift. For them it appears as if it had not happened. Or they may get a glimpse and partially or shortly participate in it, but then be drawn back to their familiar experience and level of vibration.

But if it is right for you, you are given the great opportunity to be part of the shift, and so you bear personal responsibility to make sure to participate at the given moment, with your heart wide open!

But do not worry, if the change in consciousness does not occur for you yet! Everybody is still  granted time to prepare, because you can catch up when you are ready later!

As from then on New Earth exists and is vibrating on a higher level, you are free to join, when you are prepared! This is great news! As long as Earth was bound to darkness it was very difficult to leave this dark realm, and penetrate the veil of forgetfulness, even after death. Therefore many souls were captured in lower astral worlds, to return to a new birth to basically the same limited situation and suffering they knew already from other lifetimes.

But after the shift these souls have every support and possibility to ascend too, even by using the portal of physical death later. The powerful impact of the  shift itself will open them up and change the DNA of those who have not been yet aware of the influx of light and the higher vibrations, which have been established already on earth before the shift. And this will move them to discover their own spirituality!

Nobody is left behind who desires to grow spiritually. And you all are given your individual time to evolve. Thereby the place or planet is not important where this growth occurs! It is your inner spiritual process that counts, and whatever realm or dimension serves you best, will be the place for your evolution.

We are aware  that many of you wish to take direct and immediate advantage of the shift when it occurs but doubt whether they are truly ready for it.

To those we say: do not look outwardly or do not compare yourself with  others! All your major decisions and moves are always guided by your own Divine spirit! Also your spiritual growth in lower density is directed by it! So in case you are not able to go with the shift immediately, know it was not the decision of your own spirit! There are no coincidences!

This might teach you a greater surrender to your own soul and to trust your own path and agree with it, rather then trying to push for certain accomplishments with the power of the ego. And when you truly listen, you know already your path.

Be assured that whatever happens, happens because of the working of the Divine Will, which is active in each single one of you. This Divine Will is not an other, it is your own highest Truth that decides, what it wants to experience. And what it experiences always serves your own journey on all levels in this vast universe!

We are here to accompany you in all your endeavors, and with joy we embrace you with the Light and Love from the Creator!

We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute 


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.