Showing posts with label Solar Flares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar Flares. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

the latest powerful Solar-Flare brought indeed a further activation of our DNA with it and added new strands to it! I literally could see this as it was shown to me. 

Also I was guided to an insight and so called experience and “overview” of the “future”, which I received in meditation already  in February this year, and I feel this is the moment to publish it, to remind everybody in this times of great uncertainty in our world of our radiant future but which is already tangibly underway now!

This message is also for those,  who are confused about our ascension process, especially those brothers and sisters who are just now starting with their process of awakening. 

This confusion is probably to the most part based on the many delays and promises from our galactic friends and families, which could not be kept so far, "because" the liberation of Gaia is so very much multi-leveled and a living process with many sudden and unexpected “surprises” involved.

However my vision makes it very clear to me, that the great change, we are waiting for, occurs from “above to below”: the incoming light is to be received by us and all kingdoms on Gaia, and this triggers the falling apart of old paradigms. They cannot truly fall apart while we engage still in practices to change our reality, which are based on a 3D density.

As we grow in consciousness, as we awaken in Divine Love, it will be mirrored in our world. As inside so outside. As above so below. And each one of us whose heart desires it,  can be an instrument to ignite the white fire of transformation for all of us. 

As we, who came here to serve the process of planetary awakening, are preparing for a major impact of light frequencies on our planet, we will be able to conduct this event in our consciousness and in our bodies. This, with many other invisible helpers, will trigger the paradigm shift we have been waiting for, for so long.

Here is what has been shown to me on 22.2.12

Everything breaks open in humanity, everything comes to the forefront, what has to be purified and what cannot be taken into the next higher dimension.

It is like the washing away of lower frequencies; long standing sufferings; stories, stored and encapsulated in the subconscious of humanity since Millenniums, stories of suffering, alienation, stories of the illusion of the separation from the light, from joy and bliss, this all is being washed away by the currents of light, which are pouring now down onto our planet. As if heavily dirty laundry is being rinsed in a basin with always again and again new and fresh water added, which washes away the brew, saturated with dirt, until the water is completely clear!

And so the energy body of humanity is being washed, to become pure and transparent for the New Light, that carries the information of evolution, physically and spiritually. Spirit will no longer be separated from emotion, it will become one single Consciousness of Light.

With the reunification of Gaia with her original Christ-Consciousness on 11.11.11, Grace has been poured out over our planet and all its inhabitants. We are in a state of Grace, and major catastrophes will not happen. Humanity is given the time, to experience the process of great relieve and becoming Light, without having to be shattered by major shocks.   
Our whole solar system is in the state of Grace, and this means that also our sun is protected from major catastrophes.  Our whole solar system will be rather uplifted to higher dimensions, to higher frequencies, out of the density of the 3. dimension.

Also the purification and liberation of  humanity serves this universal process of sublimation. 

Old systems, which do not serve the Divine, crumble away, they cannot sustain themselves in the currents of incoming light.

These old systems are just now experiencing their last attempt to survive - as all must come to the surface! But they soon will do their last breath. With the increasing liberation of the human soul, the light will become ever more radiant on our planet. And so the transition into the next higher dimension will happen.

I am feeling the infinite blessings which have been granted to all of us! 

Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Transmission Of The Mighty Angels, Touching Earth: 

We are part of a bigger process. The information of this solar flare we are now delivering, together with it’s innate  powerful energy aspect, is about the clear and undeniable process of implementation and magnification of the new era to be established on your world. What you experience now with our arrival is not unique to Earth though, you are participating in a greater process that includes your whole universe.

The heralding of your new era is in the first place a change of your vibrational level and fundamental increase of light on earth. What then ultimately can survive and continue to live and exist on your planet must naturally vibrate on that same level of the incoming new vibrations, as soon as they have settled down.

This is still a phase of adjustments and change, as these  vibrations and light-forces are new and have not been fully established in your realm. That is why the major changes you are expecting did not yet happen. For this to occur they must be wholly vibrationally integrated on earth as a coherent field.

As soon as this takes place, which requires even more stronger and more powerful forces to enter your life space, the time for tangible and radical changes has  arrived.

Until then be ready to tolerate and accept a time of instability and generally minor changes, and we recommend that you cultivate patience and agree with the present circumstances. Thereby it is important that you always bear in heart and mind the bigger picture, which transcends your present experience and embraces already the newly to arrive galactic world with divine laws, to change your world into beauty, happiness, abundance, as an expression of love.

Therefore do not see in the constantly crumbling and unsatisfactory details of your present world stability or  even a fix value! Raise above the weight and density of your old world and allow your heart to flow freely already in the new world. Do not miss to take advantage of the presently incoming forces of light and allow them to inform you with the vision of your new world.  Create spaces of beauty to invite the new energies and to allow them to settle in. That way you are creating already anchor points for the new world.

Join together to create by now seed groups of possible future forms of a new human society while you practice love and forgiveness.

Feel together as One Heart our mighty Presence of Light that wishes to enter your heart and bodies. Feel how precious this Light is, how full and how powerful and at the same time how gentle and sweet. And it is you who allows this power to express itself as love. It is the Healing of your past which arrives now, it allows you to make peace in your heart with everything you ever suffered!

It is this peace which is the establishing factor of your new world. Let it spread throughout all the cells of your bodies and thereby setting alight all other bodies, which build together the one body of humanity.

We come with unspeakable joy to bring you this message!

Conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Thank you, my dear friends

for your all your good advices how to deal with the new energies sweeping the earth, from which everybody can benefit! I liked especially the Hematite.

I find this a very interesting discussion, because we are dealing with something we haven’t experienced so far. It is completely new what is happening now, and we are entering a new territory with no references to anything we know.

The era we, humanity, are entering at present, is different from what we know from the past, even if only the last 2 months! This is about the creation of a new body and this is of an utterly new quality, as it is about a physical transformation, a mutation, and not “just” a spiritual development.

So, naturally we will have different physical experiences, as we all have different bodies, and I believe the more refined our bodies are, the more we are open to these energies and  the more we feel them, while the body changes fundamentally. 

This is no little task. Also what is coming from the universe now is much, much more powerful than it has been before. This is not depending on the class of the solar flare even, I feel. There is a new quality of the flares and the information they carry. This information has a physical component, and not only a spiritual one.

In my own case, I did a serious and comprehensive spiritual practice which required constant self-transcendence, dealing with the purification of karmas and contents. For many years I had intensive experiences with tangible spiritual energy of the highest degree in my body, and I always “knew” how to deal with it.  Even burning sensations (e.g. like “white fire” which at times consumed my body), was still a blissful experience and very benevolent. This spiritual energy is conscious and is not visualized by our mind and therefore “ethereal” or experienced merely in visions, etc. No, it is experienced very physically. It is simply that what is called in Sanskrit “Shakti”. I emphasize this because many of us are more familiar with the energy created by the mind. If this makes sense.

My usual state is balanced with a deep peace and equanimity from the heart. I am not disturbed by the chatter of the mind. That I feel such an impact of the flares shows me that I receive their full power.

Therefore according to my experience and guess, first the spiritual level is changing, and then, after that, the even more complicated one, the physical level. This is always associated with pain, because the nervous system is involved. I guess it is also a question of whether one’s pain threshold is low or high. The lower the more pain.

If I talk with my neighbors who still live a “normal” life, they don’t even know about solar flares, not to mention that they feel them. But many appear to become happier and more radiant. This is great and a wonderful sign how the Divine Intelligence works.  So it seems the cosmic energies are working from outside to inside, - kind of. They are working first on the layers of the subtle bodies and finally on the physical body.

So I am interested in what you all think and feel about this. As we are exploring something absolutely new we can only come to conclusions by exchanging our experiences. This will help all of us, to understand and to prepare.

In addition, it will also help others who enter the play later, to benefit from the experiences from those who were the forerunners.

The cosmic fire we are now speaking of, has been already mentioned in “The last Prophecy of the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov” (1864-1944)
Since 1944, when the prophecy has been made, things may have changed in regards to earth changes. Prophecies are always correct at the time they are made.

Here is an excerpt from this prophecy which relates to our discussion:

“A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by "Ascension".
Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral.  This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.  Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos. “

Please observe your response to the next
X1.1. Solar Flare + CME effecting earth on March 7 or 8.

Thank you for continuing this discussion for the sake of all involved.

Much love and blessings,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Update 16.2.12 - Australia time

After several more M-class flares in the last few days, and a  quiet geomagnetic field, we have again strong geomagnetic storms and probably more to come: a Dark-Side Cosmic Burst and another CME is on its way.

Update 13.3.12 - Australia time)

A spectacular Filament Eruption (Prominence) ripped off the lower southeast quadrant of the Sun today and large Coronal Mass Ejection followed but is not heading for the earth.

Dear friends,

Today (9.3.12 - Australia time), the sun flares are at the moment from 2 major X class flares down to M class flares. There are 3 levels of flares: C (minor), M (moderate) and X (large). From the 2 X class flares a huge plasma cloud is heading directly towards earth and should arrive here any moment.

The proton flux is still very high too. When this happens together with solar flares, the electromagnetic field of earth is cracked open. 
So we also have a significantly strong geomagnetic storm.

The opening of the geomagnetic field allows the solar flares to  imprint the information of change into our system. Our DNA awaken. Emotions and thoughts which are not vibrating in higher frequencies are are becoming conscious to be released.

So the evolutionary process is full on!

Much love!