Friday, October 14, 2016


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Dearest Friends!

Merely waiting for a major collective change and transition is wasted energy and time of hope with blinders on our eyes. 

If we look back at the hundreds of thousands of years of our vast history, or even longer, we realize that none of the presumed enlightened cultures persisted. None! Not even Lemuria and not Atlantis. Why? Because they existed in a reality that only changes. And so  we do.

Now we could stop, to change our disposition and ask for the teaching! We could now just step back to look at the big picture, the whole scenario, and not merely at this moment of a few hundred years, or just the last 20 years, to truly understand our present situation.

And we will find out, that there have been always long periods of war – here and in the skies - after relative short periods of peace. And in case there was not an actual war, it was at least latent for a time! But what are a few hundred or even a thousand years compared to the long history of the cosmos. War has always been an issue, even in peaceful times, because the other side of peace is war.  

As long as our consciousness is busy within the duality of light and dark, there is necessarily struggle between the two of them! Peace tries to prevent war, and war tries to prevent peace.

Visiting the future, Almine, (called the greatest Mystic and  Seer of our time), saw "The Coming Dark Ages and the Destructuring of Humanity" and a "flawed Golden Age". 

If we take the truth of change serious,  we notice the never ending  positive (plus) and negative (minus) movement of a sinus wave, one after the other. The positive curve naturally transiting into the negative and the negative transiting into the positive. Same with the Yin and Yang principle. There was never ever a "time" of constant "positivity", never, and even the predicted Golden Age is supposed to last  a limited time of only 1000 years, not to mention what Almine said about it. 

What? Only thousand years, my heart cries out! Is there anybody crying with me?

What I get is that most people seem to think that the Golden Age will last forever or they seem to be "content" with these few years of some relieve, alternative technologies, no wars, some love, yes, some happiness, but all soon to disappear again, because it is still duality-land.

Dear friends, did you ever ponder about this! How many times would you reincarnate in these short thousand years? Perhaps 10 times? And thereafter???

Ah, yes, we are going "back" to the planets we came from! We are going to higher and more subtle realms and dimensions! Besides that this must be earned and that there is a reason why we are here, even the subtle realms are in constant movement. In the great wisdom teachings of Ancient India about the Gods it is said, that their joy and celebrations in the heavens, after the time of a few hundred or thousands of years, according to their karma, crumbles away, their flowers die, and overwhelmed by grief, depression and loneliness they are to take a body again in the lower realms.

This all is born from the deep rooted notion of duality. And duality exists, as long as we identify with a separate body-mind. Duality is not transcended by desiring and then living on a higher plane of existence with floating cities, colors, music and some ethereal love and light. 

Yes, there is evolution, but it must be evolution that transcends the separate, brain-based consciousness  into the One Field of Divine Source-Consciousness. Evolution of merely the body-mind is but another limitation and is part of duality or separation! 

As we are now "waiting" for another positive, but short-timed sinus wave, it will never appear because others come to save us, but ultimately because of the law of constant change, which is mostly brought about by cosmic and planetary forces or cataclysms, as history has revealed.

There is nothing that will "save" us, while we are beings, deeply ingrained and identified with the idea of duality. Because mortality is inherent in duality. Therefore we must decide to go through a process of transcending duality!

We become what we are focused on. If we are deluded in the belief to be eternally deathless beings of truth, while helplessly bound, attached to and identified with the movements of seemingly eternal change, we are not allowed to survive as such separate entities.

But because we are in Truth Eternal Beings beyond or prior to change and duality, there is the Grace of Divine Intervention in this endless waiting time. We got this imperfect condition, to make sure we don't forget to return to What We Are, because ultimately we desire  nothing less than our True Divine Nature, which is beyond change, suffering and limited identification with a body-mind, gross or subtle.

Each pain, each disappointment is pointing to the distortion and seeming loss of our Inherent Divinity that needs to be healed! 

We came into this Universe as Beings of Radiant Consciousness, Participating in or Being One with the Source Condition! Then we stepped down to experience in seeming separation all the possibilities of creations of the One Light, that has many aspects, including the dark, that is still an expression of light, just on a very dense vibrational level, and on the lowest level, with almost the extinction of light.

To return to What We Are, the Pure and Unstained frequency of Unconditional Love has been created. It is the Graceful Means that allows to reunite with Perfect Divine Light and Absolute Consciousness, our Native State.

But as long as we hold on to the small picture of ourselves, a grave limitation to disguise Divine Reality and Unconditional Love, we will not find the perfection our heart is yearning for.

Bound to duality and opposition is to be deprived of our true happiness and thereby true Divine Nature.

As above, so below. As long as we put up merely with warm and cold, big and small, good and bad, light and dark, peace and war, we support the wars here and in the skies between the light forces and the dark forces. This will go on forever, as this is simply the nature of the reality in which a part of our multidimensional nature seeks for experiences.

Captured by the visions of duality, we are deeply impressed by the seeming grandiosity of our creations. Until we become really tired of them. Even tired of again and again temporary arising hopes and temporary regained vigour and self-enforced enthusiasm to seek in the realms of change for perfect peace ...

And until we come to the conclusion that there is no real way out of this seemingly eternal dilemma - after so many trials to ride again and again the light of the positive sinus wave, with exaggeratedly hopeful joy, a compensation for the fear it might end soon again.

Who arrived at this point, is facing deep depression and hopelessness. But it is actually a good thing. Because it tells us: Beloved, you are stuck, because you are on your wrong path! It is NOT here where you really want to go! Remember? Your heart desires to go HOME, your True Home, that is not of any dimension or planet. It Is Your Native State of Radiant Divine Consciousness, Eternal Love and Bliss!

It is neither found in this nor in other dimensions. It is not found somewhere else. Like the proverbial woman who seeks desperately her pearl necklace in every corner of her house, while she forgot she had it always around her neck.

We do not need anything but to do the happy, although hard work, and develop a relationship with our own Deepest Core-Condition, by acknowledging and letting go of everything that is in between: false believes that persist as stuck energies in our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, blocking the down-pouring of the Blessed and Powerful Divine Current of What We Always have been, when we entered this Universe.

In this way we transcend all our experiences and knowledge that we have accumulated during our journey, to be Awake again as the One that does not Know separation, but is in Love with all Creations, including the apparition of duality, recognizing All as Part of the Divine Light and Consciousness That We Are.

This is the only  breaking free from all limitations, dead-ends, hopeless depressions. It is the Gift of our frustrating endless waiting time for betterment and change, if we are being willing to recognize the teaching.

According to the great sages, everything that changes is untrue. Only That Which does not change is Truth.

So we need to realize that our long waiting time for change is just a "normal" occurrence that is inherent in the realms of duality. How could it be otherwise. And so, no complaint and no desperation about it is based on reality, but rather on illusion! We are merely dealing with cosmic laws we have chosen to experience.

We must give up useless and unrealistic hopes and become real and true to ourselves in our choices:
To accept the experiences within duality as they are -- or to transcend this situation by entering the ecstatic ultimate path of self-transcendence to return to our Divine Origin.

The choice is entirely up to each one of us, if we use our self- authority and higher free will. None of  this is "easy". But let happiness be your guide!

Many Blessings on the path of your choice!

With Love,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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Friday, October 7, 2016


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If enlightenment is what you desire, it is important to understand the difference!

Your definition depends on the understanding that is based on your point of view and the capacity for spiritual discrimination.

There are as many definitions of enlightenment as there are paradigms. So it seems, enlightenment is relative.

However I AM not Speaking about relative enlightenment. I AM Speaking of True or Radical Enlightenment, which is the most Profound Enlightenment a human being is able to realize.

The levels below to know and to define is your own task, as you proceed through your evolution in consciousness where you experience many forms of relative awakenings as your awareness expands. Each step then requires from you to be fully conscious on your level of present understanding, in every detail of the human faculties and how they project their content onto the universe or are being mirrored by it.

You will understand that levels are fluid and are merging into one another.  On whatever level  of awareness you stand, you will probably think that this is the whole truth. 

But the more wise you become, the more you know that the whole truth can never be realized as long as you are identified with a finite person, an individual soul, a being who is living mainly from the mind, even the subtle mind and furthermore  from the heart-mind, which is based on your deeper personality or higher self.

Radical Enlightenment is not about point of view, levels and dimensions, any kind of inclusion or exclusion. It embraces all, even that which you cannot accept in this and other worlds, and everything that is dark, cruel, unjust, twisted, hypocritical, unreliable, deceitful and more. Everything you deny, never dealt with, although it stared you right into your face.

To be Truly Free requires your embrace and transcendence of all of this, - without re-action, re-sistance, contraction away from it, - your body-mind expanded and fully awake in My Divine Radiance that Is Your Natural Own State of Consciousness. Your body-mind literally fully En-lightened and Pervaded, from top to toe by the Divine Source-Light That Is Your True Nature, and even your En-lightened body-mind transcended in That Consciousness That is Pure Love and Radiance, without limitation, separation, and the otherness of light and dark.

While you embrace the totality of darkness and its appearances,  you admit that you are ALL that Exists without exception, without fear, without repulsion which is ultimately a contraction upon yourself, away from my Radiant Infinitely Expanded State that is also Yours.

This embrace is a shock for your system, it does not come with a "nice" sensation, a sweet God-idea, because it is the Power of Reality Itself That is Communicating to You the Totality of Existence.

Therefore know that you are to prepare your body-mind for this Revelation through an intense purification process which includes frequency and light - and Grace! It requires physical, emotional and spiritual strength and is not just a superficial journey in a visionary illusion-land.

It is the bitter and challenging medicine to be swallowed to heal at the very core of your being and to become whole again as the Radiance of Love and Conscious Light!

Life is teaching and inviting you constantly to integrate all your experiences in a way that you fully live them to go beyond, whatever it is, even your, what you call "good" experiences, because they are just that: experiences via the means of your body-mind. Your body-mind is but a tool to navigate through the dimensions, including through the higher dimensions with a subtle body.

But You Are in Reality Pure Consciousness and Radiant Energy and Love That does not "need" a body, not even a mind to Exist, and That does not "need" the play of dimensions.

I AM – You ARE - prior and beyond it.

To realize this, is True Enlightenment because it is always Your Most Native Divine State.

I AM Your God-Self!

 Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016


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One day your body will die.

Your body will dissolve back into its elements. It provided you with an experience in this realm of intense density, with the illusion of separation and duality and therefore of the lower mind and lower emotions.

During these times you forgot your Pure Immortal Essence, which is not just a spark but a concentration of My Existence itself.

I speak of concentration not in the sense of concentration in space or time, but in the sense of concentration of Being-ness, of intense Spiritual Energy, unconfined and Expanded Consciousness, but not expanded in space.

It seems to be a paradox but it is not, because it does not exist in your familiar dimension, rather it is dimension-less and therefore so to speak above your usual awareness, but not above in space!

It is like an Immortal Elixir that exists beyond your senses of the body-mind and how you measure and classify your experiences.

To access your Immortal Essence requires the use of  a new "organ" of "other-worldly" sensation to be aware of a preciousness, an ultra-pristine purity, a crystal-like transparent radiance and power of ecstasy that is neither in the body nor outside the body. Because it is neither of space nor of time. It just Is. It is the Immortal Essence that is Me.

It is of extreme transcendental clarity and beauty, free of objects and otherness, it is spotless and without any attributes. It is free of creation but it is the foundation of creation. From there creation draws its much weaker power. And from there creation is a playful but un-necessary illusion because of its relative frailty compared to My Original Power of Existence.

Divine Immortality is yours, insofar as you dare to release the fear of letting go what you created, release the fear of letting go your identity with your creations, desiring with all your heart  to know again What and Who You Are in Truth.

In this clarity, in this peace, in this unstained and changeless, otherworldly transcendental Divine Reality you Know intrinsically that you have never been born and that you will never die because you recognize your True Essence. And when you drop your body, you merely let behind a tool of experiencing certain dimensions, in this case the dimension that you call the third, or perhaps subtler dimensions. 

It is not really then a major event. It is just letting go some lower vibrations and their ramifications, the creations within this realm, but which had not really anything to do with the One That You Truly Are, because you have mastered detachment.

But detachment is never an activity of your ego, a wilful, unhappy and ascetic act of renunciation of yours. It is the Power of My Reality that un-chains you from bondage, because you know Me and you Love Me. 

By Knowing Me you do not need to travel through the many dimensions of the universe to find Me in the end! Because this deviation is not necessary!

Now a time has come where you are to directly assume Your Immortal Self that Is Me, as soon as you comprehend the universe as an extension of Me, because I have dissolved your bondage in Me.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016




There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically - that can ever "create" Me!

People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express What I Am. It is an artificial addition merely to What You Are. I AM your light-body!

I am the Fundamental Nature of Your True Being that is not "made" from any construct, universally, cosmically or personally. I AM My Very Own Power of Energy and Primordial Force of Light and Consciousness, Which Is yours naturally when you find Me in Your Heart, that is no chacra.

I have nothing to do with chacras! Your true Heart is the essence and abode of mere Being, Infinite Being! I Am miraculously found there and beyond As All.

I AM. I AM not made, although many believe they are becoming spiritually mature by constructing any type of light body by their will, intention and with mental strategies. You do not need  to "create" energy or light! Only take part in My Transcendental Force of Light and Consciousness That Is Your Own Origin! And flow with It.
This is My Simplicity!

There is no strategy whatsoever that creates the path to Me, because I Simply Am and strategy is an effort unknown to Me. It does not function in Your foundation that Is My Essence. The Eternal Divine Heart in Which and As Which I express Myself is free of strategy. It Is Your Own Very Divine Transcendental Heart.

I merely AM Who I AM. 

Furthermore: There is no path towards Me, because I am not found in space and I Am not found in time. All these things have been created by those who wish to confine you. It is the confined one who thinks about ascending to a "higher" realm. But this is an alienation from Me.

In reality you start to understand who you truly Are, timeless, spaceless and dimensionless. In reality you expand in My unconditional Consciousness. And it is not about your confined ego that seems to become a bit more subtle. Watch this closely!

You are naturally unconfined in Me, the One Who Lives You, the One Hue-man Being that has been split – seemingly – into many, although there is Only One Single Divine Consciousness. Many different bodies there are, yes, but they all dance in My Reality as Me as One.

It is time to wake up from the dream, that you once chose to dream: the painful dream of separation from Me, when you were made to believe that I can be manipulated by your mind's creations

Now the grand circle is closing as you, after many experiences, under the illusion of being away from Me, find Me naturally in the midst of your daily enterprises, in the midst of  programs of overwhelming deception!

To find Me in the underlying Current of your synthetic world again, at the point of greatest density as the Eternal One, the Beautiful One, The Radiant One, The Eternal Love, un-compromised by appearances, the long journey comes to an end. Because I have Proven to Be Present always and ever.

Now as You Arise in Me, while I Express through your infinite Heart, the shadows vanish. Know, they cannot exist if your Heart expands to infinity and deepest stillness, through the door to my Radiant True Divine Consciousness. Find that door in the Deep Space of the Heart on the Right Side.

There the duality of light and dark is a phantom only, because My Single Light consumes it all.

Do not seek the un-natural light that opposes the dark, to create a new world. Because it is mind-made and both are a construct. You only need to participate with Me, The true Oneness and Singleness in the depth of mere Being-ness, that natural Bliss, that precious flavour of Primordial Existence. It has  always been Yours. And it is Now.

My Embodiment As You, not the separate, confined one, but as the Creative Universal Heart-One, is now waiting to be Birthed by Me. This brings forth a Truly New World. An Authentic World, a Divine World emerging from My Pure Divine Heart.

Do You Understand? Are You Ready?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, August 14, 2016


Re sleeping masses, see also:

VIDEO (recommended)

If we do not withdraw our attention from the mere appearances and demands of the outer world and turn to the powerful luminous current of our Inner and Outer Self, this world continues on the downward spiral, that destructive forces have created for us – because we are giving to these forces our energy away.

We are giving them energy by considering the alleged reality they present to our collective consciousness as irrevocable, and thereby manifesting it: by our fear, by our wrath, but also by our good faith and naïve acceptance of their flimsy lies, pretending a sane surface world, while they are threatening with terrible scenes of wars, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness and fainting weakness.

Those who do not reflect on themselves, do not have the power to step back from the constant manipulation of our consciousness, helplessly being the victim and at the mercy of those who arrogate power for themselves only, by the indoctrination of our subconscious mind.

They do everything, so that you are unable to find yourself, so that you are busy, breathless and confused. Fearing that self-reflection and thereby self-determination will make you an unpopular crank.

The fear to break loose from the faithful herd-consciousness is deeply programmed into you. With intent, because only a submissive herd is willing to be lead to their own scaffold, so that the powers who manipulate you towards your own precipice can celebrate their victory over you,- without you even noticing it.

They defeat you because you have given them your own powers, with your own free will. In good faith in the wolf hiding behind the skin of a sheep. Now they possess your might, your central life-force, the force of your own radiant Self, your own elemental Divine force, your integrity, your self-authority. All these treasures you have given away, to equip your torturers with them. And you don't even notice it.

In case you doubt that you are tortured: watch the poisoned food you eat, the contaminated water you drink, the toxic air you breathe, all the deadly frequencies you suffer.

Nevertheless, you go on to consider yourself to be voiceless, weak and meaningless, incapable of standing up for yourself and to say "NO". You prefer to swim along to not to stand out, and rather to drown in your self-chosen faintness.

But now you are being given a glorious chance! You may wake up from your false dream, in which you committed the biggest sin you ever can commit: the high treason to yourself. Therefore you are the only one, who can reverse this treason. 

Now, by getting up and confessing the radical power within you that is indeed Divine. God or Divine Reality is not in the churches who enslave you. God or Divine Reality is in you and as you. Every and each preaching, telling you that you are a poor sinner before God is part of the outrageous manipulation of the human spirit, to destroy its soul and power.

The sin is your believe in this blasphemy which transfers to your life's and society's hangmen all the powers of this earth, because you have given them away to them, renouncing them with your own free will.

Why do you fear your own power so much? Are you afraid to abuse it? Are you afraid to look your shadow worlds directly into their pure eyes, to set them free in yourself? Does perhaps the whole hypocritical show serve the hiding of your own destructive forces within? Do you need therefore to see your torturers in slimy light and in power, so that this mirage "saves" you from going through your own magnificent alchemical process, that transforms your unconscious darkness into light, transmuting lead into the proverbial gold? Birthing the god-man, men and women, out of the slave? 

The lie is twofold and a paradox. Therefore it seems so difficult to unveil it,  - if this is your conviction, or is it rather fear?
- You are living the slave - men and women, but under the delusion that you are free.
- You don't acknowledge the dual nature of this existence in low frequency, where both sides, light and dark must be integrated to be whole,  but to which you have surrendered with body and soul to the degree, that you forgot your true purpose and your Divine nature which is in fact always free.
So you confuse fundamental things! Confusion is the best method, to be mastered by others. Therefore you must first start with discrimination: this is the first step, to end the big lie.

Yes, you ARE free! But not as a citizen of a muddled system and decadent society, but as a being with Divine Consciousness, that acknowledges, integrates Itself and lives as Such. Who acknowledges such their natural Force of Being, cannot be manipulated, lied to, instigated to hatred and wars and to cultivate the concept of the enemy.

When you stand in your own native power, you recognize the lies in the voice of your political ¨leaders" and in the media, you recognize the false images pretending truth, to keep you in dependency  and to prevent your self-responsibility.

Then your eyes open and you start to see: the picture puzzle of a fake world, and all of a sudden you are able to  understand what the real world is, that is truly good and divine, - because You began to accept your own Divinity.

When this happens, the house of cards of the wannabe-torturers collapses inevitably. They only have power over those, who give it away to them. Then things can happen you have never thought they were possible:

The terrible nightmare collapses suddenly, a new radiating light dawns, danger disperses, humankind is save. Because you have saved yourself first. Mankind will not be rescued, while you wait for others to do it. Remember: this attitude is the attitude of the slave who gives away his powers to others. 

Your Power is the Power of your Heart and your all-encompassing Consciousness.

The slavery also has its advantages: it emphasizes what you don't want by any means, insofar as you allow yourself to take your pink glasses away to see what there IN FACT IS: the construct of lies about your personal helplessness and the authoritarian power that you project on your slave-masters.

Without your agreement this game cannot happen. There are always two, at least two who keep such a game alive.

What do YOU decide for? For the lie, your faintness, your  false identity, meaning a decision against Love, against your Divine Consciousness, your radiant soul, against your Divine Truth, in favor of war, hatred, hostility, separation, darkness, destruction??
Or do you rather KNOW it is time now, to resume your own divine power, to experience happiness, peace, love, joy and ecstasy?  Natural prosperity and a life in harmony, that all humans on earth equally enjoy?

However, to regain your own divine power you must pay a price: the integration of your shadow worlds. They are your own shares of power, that you once sent into the underground. This entire force field wants to be liberated now!  As soon as you acknowledge your shadow worlds with love and without judgement and self-condemnation, radiant light and unlimited energy is being set free.

Yes, this happens! Did you not know WHO you are? No, nobody has taught you this. Your teachers were ignorant or full of self-serving interests. Because when you are free, you cannot be manipulated any longer.

Because you believed that power is dangerous, you invited your hangmen to play this dangerous role for you!

Are you now finally tired of this game? Now the cosmos is blessing you and is showering upon you every support you need to end this game. Mankind must  choose now. YOU are mankind.

Why not ride these graceful waves. Now the time has come for you, to stand up and to take what is yours.

When you wake up from the false dream, the world is standing again downside up on her true feet, because You are standing there, where you belong. Because you have been victorious on the battlefield with yourself. In reality the battle ALWAYS happens within, never without.

This is the Greatness of mankind.

Thus you accept the heritage of your Divine creative powers. Thus you create a Divine World, in which each word and each thought is a reflection of a reality that serves Happiness and Love. And the freedom of all beings.

Then mankind is awake and free. Without you, it would not have been possible! While you are liberating yourself, you are liberating the world.

This is the Mystery of your all-encompassing Consciousness.

With Love and Blessings, we are One Humanity!

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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